Pee waer ikly 'WO 'tflow to Halton for five year~Mlse BBAD REAUME The Ch Jmpion I cin\Watci wil likely fllow to Halton, but no new bouses wtll resuil until early in the next century. Pe bas given preliminary approval tb open negotiations with Halton for the sale of water and wastewater ser- vices. They expect f0 save almost $35 million by sharing costs with Halton. "At first glance it is a good deal," sajd Halion's chief administrative offi- cor Barry Malmsten, who promised an analysis in June. "If we infegrafe the systems there will detecîmune sshi wc are "'oinc Iu pay for services which are already in fthe ground." Mr. Malmsfen said Peel will benefit from the money Halton will pay fo access their system. However Hallon officiais have to study the costa of the projecf and compare if with other options to decide which is the best plan. "We hope to bring back several options for counicil to consider by September," said Mr. Malmsten. Ir( :m i ut tradeol s inscîx ced, but ilic goal is Io gel services providied. I'm flot married fo any one solution." Mr. Malmsten added that if the Zenon water filtration experiment in Milton is successful, the additional wastewater capacity if provides could bridge the five-year gap until Peel wafer is onstream. Zenon water will not be available for about a year, if the experiment sueeeeds. Five years are required for the Peel projecf fo get ail necessary agreements plclc [lic engineerinug plans. and butIld. according fo Mr. Malmsten. "lIlI wait before I start dancing in the streefs," said Milton Mayor Gord Krantz. "If can't happen quick enough." Mr. Kranfz said the growf h freeze in Milton must corne f0 an end. The Peel proposaI will cover only about 18 per cent of Halton's total waler needs. Inifially there would be enough wafer to service 5,000 houses and about 200 hectares of industrial !jt Mi ~ \lrt' 'tid~ Il1f u total i cquxuentieff loi 55,11cr arîsci Il Halton Urban Structure Plan is pegged at 100,000 units. Most of that is for new developmenf in Milton and north Oakville. Milton Councillor Colin Best sug- gested a multiple option solution, a position Mr. Malmsten said was being explored. Mr. Maîrusten said the financial negoliafions are fairly straightforward. _APPLE Weekend SAutoGlass MN WINDSHIELD REPAIR AUTO UPHOLSTERY QjLfptOlVN 781 MAIN ST, #1 &2 MILTONd 876-47à5 J A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 13 No. 7 Friday, May 16, 1997 36 Pages 750 (GST included) Sea of colour Trhe Victoria Day we.Ioend la tradltlorally a big one for gardertlng as hobbyists prepare f0 actually plant. Atbove, Maria Smorong la surroundcid by sprlng colour as she looka over a tray that formait part of a dlsplay outslde Zolem at Million Mai. 327 Oronte St. S. Milton LST4M4 New Dr. Jo-Ann McKinnon 875-1322 Man robbed atter taking ride Police are using a recent rob- for a drin, police said. bery as an example in warning cit- He accompanied the trio, but izens flot f0 take rides f rom was instead taken f0 a rural Milton strangers. area near Lower Base Line West A 28-year-old Brampton man and robbed of his waIlet. was driven f0 Milton and robbed The suspects are described as by fhree men he met in a white males in their late feens or Bramalea bar Sunday at 2 a.m., early fwenfies. Anyone wifh infor- Hahton Regional Police said. mation is asked f0 contact detec- The man was approached by fives at 825-4747, ext. 2415,' or lhree men, who invited him to go Crime Stoppera at 825-8477. Hospital point man says team is ready to face commission' Halls will stress efficieney, By KAREN SMITH I The Champion Hospital administrator Allan Halls says he's readýu to, face the controversial Health Services Restructuring Commission. The Milton District Hospital administrator said late Wednesday he planned to point out the facility's effectiveness and value in the community during his 45-minute meeting with the commission, scheduled for yesterday morning. "I'm going 10 reinforce Ihal every - fhing we do we do well and we're an "Fi'n goiiig to efficient hospilal in how we spend our reinforce that money." At press lime Mr. Halls, along wil h everything we hospital board chair Norm Fleming- te do we do well ton, chief of staff Dr. Don Robertson and we're an and town Councillor Brian Penman efficient were 10 make a presenlat ion 10 the commission at the Ramada Inn in hospital in Oakville at 10 arn. Iow we spend An aflemnoon press conference 10 our mioney."9 brief the media on the commission's .......... mandate and approach 10 restrucluringAlNIU. was to follow. Mr. Halls said he planned 10 make would prefer 10 oversee. five key points in their presentafion. The four-member hospilal tag team His arguments will include projec- was 10 have 15 minutes at the slart of fions for Milton's population growtb, the meeting to make their presenta- including the expansion of Maplehursî lion, Mr. Halls said. The nexl 30 min- Correclional Centre, and the relaîed utes were 10 allow for questions from requiremenîs for care, he said. commission members. He will also point out the public He added that he didn't know what transportation barriers thal exist kind of feedback regarding the hospi- beîween Halfon hospitals as well as tal's future the commission would the need for a combined iong-ferm healîh sysîem plan, which the region's hospilals and healîh care agencies provide. -We're nol sure if we're going to esea HALLS on page 3 L -r £"R ME O * Eurapean down draft spray boath. Black Hawk systama for unibody à . 7 year "RU" written paint warranty frame afraightaning systsm. * Our down draft baath la squippad * I-CAR, factary trainsd tachnicians ta rapraduca à bals paint the saenu * Ucsad mater vahicle Inspection as tha original factary finish! attOn. " ieiew ra t . olso ear ýT11_5_F.1 k-ylclTIe, T'f E D