Nemi Eista8to THE CANADIAN CHAMPION. 11, eA li Il Main Sifeet od .H ide HouseA 51188108 ga 6 sesi Cour» on L.5841101515 CTON -ORA58KM to Osais ToiayJuly J27 M8 îo Asosos31, 1IUsIIeU8 I s oosein FRE tu thom Illm-puchalgIaooid m i 84«v M00.,151185 «M Ls4m i8 afedy have 1Onk11 8000 U<aflP.. Pr. 4g815148us.5 511- 41 by Lais o cma1c* Aes*bnieO* on l lcSl5 A FARMER'S MARKET On July 24 outdoars St. and Sun. M.00 a day pari$pot Food etuffe oniy. Oirgct Inqures tu: J. Frand 40 Ealern Ave. I4OiIEOLDITM Malco gGbsoo il- trser l,70. % bed, sorses&bbol speng Dresser 10111 rixedop Frigdr. wassie 1& Hooer dyr.8810 M~IW 2422a11ac 1s4 fIJIM ? NonExtenlsions Co by Cathy Nel llookIlsa flelO Mr&l. B.CIMON 2 03163 871-44*7 MM.5 M. MowaRAY FIREWOOD 7839 Suy Nsa 0«, bal, 1.1 IW04 8 Mlo.d baiedasdwod. *4. FM.".4,1110 0s) .l prface cordl4»X OZORIS Food 8528.75* Services Ic. D V ' oiac JOCKEY for prlaes. 10ddhg eSVICE & prordoo Book Now Oo4liIVofl rties8 878,M piADTOVOUR LOST tioi maIe 048 1 SALE r484Park arrire.8M LaI itens frlue0. ciel. Pckage diii. Fuoracir Inonnaion ce Moust wlFLeesi 878-RD 8815U 0lo. 87i8-M. SPAîNG E? i MZCHICKS NOWI Msran ad egaîoy MILTON aille reulochecks. al-ticle le8gond84fl- UAMPTON di1105 for GaraieSol fCHICO MATCHERY te6be hld J4l7. Fr ci 3 Estern Ave. .1.i E 9 0 '0 l Bramrpton ChéI-Cile 80d. Cal 481-3801 #Ma-012. &Fui) 1,10 o lseds sand WAN WA-NTE- seolse. 8 r70-1432 avalabe. WANTED-to loie or &d fSel-m car pool front Mon Ioe *Inteir ...Q sEL. doweowe Tronooor Milton GO tonile. 878-1 j9824 9919 uneffe1rap.m.- w Fasis 1 spaclai NOW Fi2lcs2 10. 160 088165in flot., 1101)4lsî r fl UNILOCK atoii plsebo 2 x12 x10 e PAVERS .860 prcfiniri oom., 2:x CMPARE8*ois5s. fi. e Xol0O814e par bossë VM0WLK CLAaM 0Nom8 70*ti.i. SII8it.A6.111 SrEai s îaes TAXIS Omo heaop8 Mîoîqîyoumelf ill cloduolo. KIOS WORI.O RECYCLED 181 MainSO. FACTORY OUTLET PABCAST CONCAITE LTD. RU FIREWOOD tr trtr OrderNowfl oscmg Mixed proodd 77CL Xe* X12) 64 7 WOOOC*4UCK ENTEAPC85EB tir* ti 818-2m2 1.12D UILMirîe I4 MatérilsB o e f* 450*,. fr112012 UrAl, MI têeu, ial85 878-234 10l 2 AIRC odlfomersN 23.000 BT.U., *ectrlo fl-ga & rasge;. ooer wehsc. Range top. ov10 Crnd dryer alemes. Gorge bmt411.24 MaryS. ANTIQUE paso. A l. 851-23M. 17 AWNI1NG, pilf ioidpais,olyuf08*4 on@ yer. AsohIse t150.C 853-M07. . f CALCU LAT ORsS,9 lypeul-llE-S. for sleis M6. Milris Sears. 40 Pt. apslly,S a mos l 014.0ne*s j Sm2, 0*11 fol- SM0.S fil-m. 80315. f DOLLS iarbe) aIl4 iccessories inOiUdedi S100.00. 83525 or 878. d 2017.1 DO VOS NEED I cal-pet? Freea 8,f 1maI88. Ca)) .8e,à 8784280. FîCEPLACE Inser, le sas, Iss dsors,7 bruessog, Wood bol-sa 111e ase long, 818620000. bil-OI and mapie. SpitIend dlicsred, ldls. POAMUS 12 string 0)8005amplfi*er. W0011i fous~is. 177.8410or boit fffr. Caîl 51e 6 s1v., freeaer, and 3 Cycle 5548er. wbulBw unit air coOdIflnear. 6584 Item 150. 578, IANO mada e- IIOiN-f*s11104 504n ranss.î dinise mo 0146 badrosuitSe, 18)11 1. foW SM2. Or uall unit, mdlum 011 1,10. 878-9706. ONE l-rgefreairer fo sle. 0E-y g550 conditilon. 51-57-4257 ON4E TRS 804K 1.0 i in )cr-.001pute 0275.00, one For, 0270. . Ph..s 8M 0603. ONE Yirila 840119110 55)1er. S010 wilS la tpes. SM0.89 3268. OEC R0048 corps! 0.93 sboire val instelle4. Cai)JOe. 87f C 68 CIGE A TOI Frieidaire full sur whit1e, $250. Air cor dIt)0881. Viking 10,X bTU$2i5. 878-7052. COOMSair cooditiooel 0.000B.T. Sfor $Sd Exc51101 wOl-kil condition. 0225. 87 SEARS Wa8oo SofSso 3 loo48ss old. $45 humidd0151 3 cmon1 oid, 875;:Ke0000 ashcispilcer. 10 I lent onditionr. 878-04 0610)1NO Machin«efi Sle, )l-conIditio100 50 par centloff. A Machise$ 505rantee J. b C. S.40î8 Se vice, 878-47. SIS-PIECE o dîsetfe suit@, 6)10 réeesoiable. 378-1810 rel)rsad fiae.,8w 0104, se d481)0 ToIImBIlI Gardk Contes, Mwy. No.1 il/, grilles South AcIoI. 8M2.2480. rs8ilored peintfi plisIe.bleckd 0404 Coal) ser 8c.a. (1 TEN eouge cuive-Il 120" 0x231, S to 20', 60" o 10'. Ci aller 6.30.416-1154431 TON Bpea0 l108 sait. 0$0.00 or bl sole-. Caîli 052-51 TRAOE2MAN ishire.88)11 aork0 oS eIsso.) for *60r 1PFreplaces.O ris docks, etc. 878-474S 1-639-1004. URINE Ol-aB--l trm ca 00 fr010 0a f Of 2 . Fr"e broofro BWdA elI Irsmi trou. *4e. Ilrw Si fr*ome. Compit IM YAMM 18800 G s ha"e M M ~Fort F oi es8 0 rs 101 THE LI9cWOOWEY INC.s assouriesahoainnualilla ofseoid pinst 8ok showroom furnitere = 1Z.sbeilS fsuposter bedi. dmre blebboo. AsoiraTrisole. e, send PedemIl Tables.onmer oO8bCsd.buffet it NuIsis. drc sinkbi. 5855cainse sades chaise Theur. & Fridey S@sm. - 9 p.m. Sat. a Sun. 10 arn. - 8 p.m. North On ifWY. 26, Welt os HaItos Rd. No. 16, sortisai onis Une ipprox. "M Speclals"' Expansion Celeiraton Sall NoweScs.O84sls. I. oplooorer. 66 n* fiused upights grde 8 partc.ool sii. AI ondrrdsone roo, 0500), Sherioob- Manicg Et Le pano pu.e"tsy sole priosa orstllravanrt. Slaid by piano echniciens. Van GeesU Housof Pianos Mhmy bjst stosf W5osds 484884=3 Daly tu CIoead Soondavi OWIMMINO NEED pal-Il or lir POOLSALE vice or maies ili Pol leufCallllsc la OSaîorda? Cal) 1150,15a5)a"5)m allnmM.A..C.M. 87-9M. abc"s gmood pool 7i5 Maie. homrosIloc morplsls 010 lk-oNEW .1982 bal-es) lod ilp.15i ueere Guide ooir srod dokcndlfoe. 199 Otario Fiolory Csooîiario $2,495.00. 001181 te bave Novo fisor 61345 Flos: brane whie sopiy taits, FrDin- e. Bol-e 00 ancocro siable. Ca)) Arrows We5tlol0, e481 ooi)sol 151922-100' e Ssd 4.50 plus50 Alo relaemntlier S. 18141ha lin e A6o.~ ~ ~ ~~~4 rBoxrmlicoo800 U,902173, ai airoimale Costa. __Cembrdie, 2C 2V8. VIKING porI8blO noble. 8782456 afile-5 Garage Baies PICK YOR OWIN on ag 6 STRAWBERRIES ofRoEaill 14% discount section iRoundedUQ. equess1¶% s s. Wpar fit, equaes401 perIn.) 30ACE o sadigANDREWS hec. Tiersîlloase i ýtela51 2P sertand Ludie Andrews BALCO h57 and srs MiltonOntario for ato. Quantlîies o 200 or mreI 878180 Oeiirured. su21673. nrho oinoi w.2,4idst 00BALES O ssa Divse eO'5 Musse60 264elss ..ty uy . pic Rsd i.iv es etsensPondl10 18.4 ales es n la. basase &d3,d1&=Ueson Rodi10 FACM rés i 11180 isds WloeC F09711 ,or laie iBrecoe -ileymun PURE Aila ha RED RASPBERRIES dehloal-d le Bmlal andtrin uy15h2 largesquantifies, pilsotn uy'fl2t flrot0.40 par bale. N 82-0W.. LaIe- Clops:Gen elIv 5ow Sas wel:COco O PICK SrowbsrrlisPus esoO4bs105 es if Uisl el LAM Ferma. C1ghi y N. 7.G d edtart pie RASPBERRIES bhUisaUne stO Souths of 150hSideroad MIGUE FARMS or Pick Vour Own CrmitTABERE a*1. HUTCHINSON FAAM ~,c~ed6MO2WALKERS UNE CIfchdptd il -lie South of OenyRo 'seaq ~thefrezer ALSO CAUUFLOWER Et CABSAGE ol¶dsr o.M.#.LyO pHnyridg&M là ___ ®r oh _aoes NEW oiiacd No. 270 SIX rogisIeled lm 878sa 8 holees d ,7.l78-502 i I.e00)4 y earledng a k o rOwn Touch Et Go85 leolas PickYour5 Sideroad, CampisiTMb I)ý Strawbemes Jn aslmn rp 4 e Summoe Day Cmp front Joir 2-3 and e Ut Aue. 16-20 * 5481g Lssos e5roelbogiment ohms 10 le PNe Ares FRum Wall p044e andtaillb otill Plroen os am 40 p roui sas posoes es 4h Lia, it emlIIIIIIII proitante 676-2016 87-569 i-- --- r, à-OLACKSMITM O Stev Ide D~eForestNorml anCd IlSc 8 os.. l' Ecelet plokine 077-617. r COUNTRY..Momes until Ju y 20_h. Wu K elli, 42 ollJlO h.s SPERCRY-New First Lice, Miton. - I in p liqsororeee- oiiad hsbirr 468, ordigdoscols & net ! ue8 e j -masrees Phose s orcail 1980cvdel. 1i sroorings elal-lsO. W; il fo Isrclbllity. 46-270 a461 878-M6.or 78324. Mh ffý)_4d40 FCEEIOO01C filefl ~ . leseSheplrrd. 2 D' AeCU tours 0)4. NMs s 1001 ILb CTCU Uy paysd. Excelentl ails 86 SIX 1eek old Germenr PICK YOUR OWN Pck-up&O dot savaitale ShePhsr4 8488180 ed TAOT CS0okI 1 ..loof soick nd tan, e. CHERRIES vWMISPERCCOFT- 23;. 904010 7244 si ScosaLinoa ossbre n l' 0 oe 4~ 4CIL, $2 6 qt. $3 an litin, s Odf7G )1 Ciifo ircins89-86 riding Irails. CsIlia 6100110 014 pup. Coli Dod Calirfo direction,087.28M0a 878-71 o 878-203. *M. -mIMW- fmj;zz, ofEST. 1960 NTIEsolos RooEcsls k.OcvsHs-. 9 ib0e Introducine nae Osas 50000. 4osOOnl 5=1505.158 *5il1 and MOBILE FEED ROLLER =s5sO 0 so4.505,05, ,on, FOR TEXTUREOPFEEDS sr1P5..4s50d5550 liq FOR 0008 5PECIFICATION5 ON TIE FA5M- fo, iSupae-Bmee es BE AWINNR Il Join The Champion Team iI RAS BERISOf Carriers ToDay fur Pick Your Oseel good pay, COntests, prizes Mt1 aItand much more. 'I Chas. rale Pres od4 Bb &MabeliDsvoliisncohrp rî- 150h Sldsead. 1 MIia Wes f il. Tralar Rd .- 2d drlcsessy The Cacadiac Charmpon mi, Westalof Rn tris bt. is cow sccepolcg applicatiosfor 5 r877-7484 SUMMER VACATION Strn uy16 ROUTES Cali Now! font Circulatiîo Oe. 876-2341 aef Lieo bils saeffn a«* blee. os Wite: Tise Canadien Champion, loi* l-Y MW. Ee. ssebay ilouss..191 Mais Si.. 8r8eme 5Rd.411slot tspelMues Ot "0 asO8-f as. i.»& a m itoOt lm Ails: Circulation or 17624941. h b S