Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jul 1982, p. 13

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Benlngf or fi rst team iotis Sargenti Farmis openirig some space tIRi- DHAULIEIJ iciodefeat. iThe Chartes bit op a 20- al- Points. Milton Fat Football Jim Monahas e-an the bg Ibieat tîme lead and jus -ct n eemýed Te final game of the eeek was a race down be wire. Bth Maa adding sigles.iiDon flîi( piiadIie Chrles scord iin a-ma nd Mitswe eaOty added apair of concerts. proved tobcethe final blow talong the Sargent arois prevaied in the end To compliaeld Mattffo For the Tribune, Randy gamegoiogae-ay. defeatiog Canadian Tire 28-14. srtmH es m o tu a ost be Slgtholm and Le Fairbonksobid coclng for The Charles were Scnring for Sargent sere btlke round Star battngata mjr lt Tony schalfer gond for Danois Gluckeit three toucinlos Keodricb eith te-n toochdoseos and tettagrMnera = WsCooat and Pete Mrray eith te-n TDo. twoconers while John Mstvihlads e-t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i taheitsewek i tamiddle gsme nifdiae weak, Danois Gland addedaofiîeld goal and tisii-doe-O ond fbrea singles. Mo diaMutoarbseme Gary Lessieki retsrned an inter- fve convarts Silcorb alooliad a fouchdnsen. %lsodtbabiltofae-lae cetonoyards for a touchdorno bt Completing the scoriog for For Caoadien Tire, Brad Fineors g Uai t aapont. i al -at for sasgist os Galioger Galingar were Bob Itenderson and baid a toucbdn- and te-o concerta Igbunes offecoild Motors e-e to e uaChoa Jr talano iibtobdwnan ile Larry Beard addad dia final ... --.A fdk. . f-lRndv i,,ina,,iu ng treesingle major of eeeb9, -sports THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY f4, 1982 FOURTH SECTION on the run U F5mP.iial Logesnaton odm astitta.dines OgI SasaLWmw S argent remalas on top P Rtngem,,,rs give Mohawks another close battUe S pUttdooldilaslt lita lmer 0- p Us e-a ibtti ta rterGa Ions nisand jttàtneotwispNn Mavb~a ~ a tta esr di Boa e n oe-tird la tosa In 1yei AssdiseylisetdhtllSstaStev Omt Rlb tahail a.dbitter ade thanamf theCamole s*ltop mmNonne-ha' tt-ti ouattarka-1-ote-oeacb. wfobe-itinte MM eitnare le- bibine-amir saet e-ai. aieb#W- BebEvas drave itaRte Mtchae-lit a singla e cill naalva n arnatthoallI p luiq a m secndsa tllate @core anddimenCurrle hta te- esml ont nSct Gaddd os route tasa 5--e C eatauat s adtaptboaeatt a oill a DataWenshsay iseOakvtll, uMd hais- Z tha ltrltaui ared Bsrbsgtn iatheUsagrounde-Iitha 14- vttrY Daug iasdrove home Eich Riigt e-bn Bmday tCamspbeUille bailpark. tipled ite-U a stagleinte diiat for a 3-1 lesd. ~gCambrdge,Rtager pisir Mark Rt- MohawshacappoilthUseaffort e-it te- n n tedi d=biMohawk abositmtalla nUCsmpha- niate-it mit and Paul Ridley comnig bone on vla broba dirssgb e-it dres rns tinateiterrors. insislg tge buct It aie. Mohawkso brabe ap a pitchtag duel agansf lias Rabata drova homesto -mist u td nbgon e-litealgbtrses t diftinnteg fos - e-Bisa sigle before Tisobera, sebhadinbla rbhlaà laanloaedohayet. ta te A, follae-de-irasM-aaC ilRlba lhtldoCa"phaIvlle-ilitfour ita andtree " ebMit ied the âmUe iote Uaelgbih. Ba lad REa -btaCurl a ilad idedtdres esch. off e-lita double mile-as mafamifft toiM. Atona Despite Ue tagb rno tal, Mhawksbocnooectad for stridieut anda at, Mitchell-w~da do"ttlbe&!aljot1f i tt. Smith and Ridley added trea RIs parietiy e-it MUllDm estasoreBttl nia teaplere. - Muir sc Musc seant ouI and mvtis botset Wylô Widi o coopta ni es-Royalntae ia omptan lBoa- up, Miltan Rayale koaelisay'd ha infor s tougb ga against dia Braves Satarday at Brian Beot Park. Hoseever, diay dida't ttask ite-oultt beas tnugb an it e-as. Brampton isla ilst place and sportsa s2-lt record e-te Royais are ffrmty ta Usird ptace in dia Italtnenoer BasebaB Laagsee-lihan 11-5record. Iltoo tnte-Mbiltan pitchees, Roger Clament and Dace Torner ta comble for diae-winteg rnin dia bottais odith oUs isnisglfor a 14-13 ictory. Clwent, e-bn came on in reliaf in Use aistb nf atarter Wayne Marchand, started e-it a stegle off Braispton relaever Bicb Bisait, an es-Royal. He mn-nd arond dia baomsand scored wemDaye Turnar bt aasinglee-lUsle-n o t ta prnduca dia victacy. It e-as a pltcbar'snoigbtioare. Royais lad 8-l aite te-o inningo. But Brampton cblpped ae-ay and tlad tbe score in td i tdi easte-oconoacutica te-n-ost singles scored te-orune. Royaies bbd osf 21 bitatenteir attack Ied by WaoBk, Usaesau îOur bittera ta dia baa-sp, seidi diraeacb. Dace Turner ao badl dires bitae-taile Jack CantelonndiRoger Clemt addad t-neach. Binseal led Brampton e-idi dires tata teclnding te-nobomers andasxRata. George Moore pltcbed a completa taise cictory and Arisstrnng cOnsected for fOce atraigbt )itat lift Rayais tea 7-5e-minerDOakcilhe Data Bonday 0f BrisnBest Park. Gary Nayler prncidnd tise dectaiveo ie-e-it te--in double is the bottais nithedialgbt ioiino break a 5-5 fie and procida Milton e-it lis fisird e-e- ioaow led tise ROt men e-idi a total ofnivic in tiser - gaisae-tale Wade Bakar, e-lUs a firot-inatet boiser, '~ provided Rnyale-ith tleir te-ndiar roux batted i. Armstrong tat i ie successive singles and seored £ tisrae roie. Naytar adileidires tatase-tale Moirach Glan Turner and Baer bodone bt acb. ores a hole-in-one tt f iniand Country Club lust eab taon's Walter Wybie-od racdadilsta tird Id aced fise ais et dia yaar wemMitir boteil Geouplng araand the bail are secerol players fortE ,dee-ond Golf oit on dia 19 yard hnle. feasue aci-Sa ont Thursday at R.C. Drsry Sebail 1Oayley club. Fn-rmore sorcer renaits, tors ta page Of twefUm Wheelers back on track and win - Dcksifefr kg malely p Use Milan tyba diSait- 4e-la WehouifityntReiaoyPi~i, Jute-han i loked libae Fit Wheel eas ialng me-n for dia tast ise, dia teais re- graupai and e-on te-ncid irea taises e- ldtmutaflLeagse action lutl eek. Wbelmr bace eesoiitered ail srta ni prablema dis year and bad drnpped eight etlita put ataa gaies batora gettiot bock 3nse di elatrack by advaocuiigta dia chaisploesip ofaslaise-pitab toucament inftrnby tbe.pcacbm eesbed. The auccast ia hetaunment nbinasly padnl sIheelaraboat MDuffe anlist0- d Losecle 54. In teir liasaifdiaeesk, whaeleco startad short- top Ray Dlegarde os dia moud. Dlagarila ptebod ailecticaly for sxeila malea bt ascosterd troubleintea tird allasitilIce-ne Beatty ta score ail fnuc russtua -2 gamte. tnater gaisia,'Thoraborrose ilera e-ou teire. Odlers edged Tlroeay 4-2 and laaked MoDufe 40. Mdltosene continues te ha tha legues hotest club e-it te-n maorce-is isakteg it eigt ictoris te diir put aise-taises. Misweebt L 3.2alia -ilasdPltWbaol. l Ia he dn-e gansacid Ushe-aa. Thnie-ay andai Lovleil&ltaird kmnifthe eebeita 10- Mui Wbaaf oercaise a 3-i dis- adataata otAfllae-it te-anladi IbliadU»i e-a Use pgaeit a dsroo- Imr r:= ru temftedfrom Mc- on a h it by Whaae'»Baker In tei theabaseaadgave FiitWisete - te Trry Morgan, Ravin mitand Baker pacad Whelac' olght-it attache-itle-n htt apiaca. Mita Cohien wetesdi distance Pater MoDuBa oand Pie Les paced Mc- Dua e-it te-o ita ad twue-nnmbottrdin each. JaSe Doocteg. Hugh Willimss and Dong Melaaghil anectapped laneitb te-n its achnt. Ridi MeKtasan sufpelthe Paul McCann drave boise Jeu Haggie e-it td i selastat i thUe fit ting breain a 3-I doadlnck ond badiag Wheles theclctery over Laesvie. Whaeebms coed tise-oruia thde dird. Morgan drove home te-a e-it a single ha- fore a Hofiescacd on Motanmia sacrifice f y. Bh Gray and Dlegarde blted ouI te-o tta ac e-ila Mrgan and bicCano each knockeditte-rune.- Heggle wet the ditance on dhe- iosnd n is Btraitartletagmetand pabOd upth di en e-bda Res Bardsaaid tab Usa loin. Dan Camway paisd Losecile e-it te-n bis. Don Martin rinail Whalera' attîaisp fr atreae-lo ees e-ita te-rn-natripl ta cappa fnur-run tird intag in propaillte Miltawente e4-2 ctatory. Trony Co"ton tated dia itird e-it a single. Atrsae-lb ta Wayne Rleoa, bot wera melilcoW opasbae. Aody Troncs dose.him* Ca=ane-it a singte bol Rohot e-magaassad dasen athdi plata on a Dace Martin noncbnd in te second Miltoneecen eitb asingle before Don Mactincoomplrted dia othncsl eiib is te--in triple. Bague accounnid for bot Wbern conskbon-bingin Kecin BSith e-it a sacrifice fly in thefirs and dricing inLen Deforeste-ita single. Ceelen Paced Miltonens sacenbîl attache-ath te-obits.Bmith bad te-o bita for Wbelern Dan Martin went dia distance for Milîneneefot dwia-me-tisDelegarda aiso ent socen innîogn in a rare star tint assîgninent as Wbmelern try ta gice Nomr Tnppg a rist. Diloco apped Ibeir record 10 14-I-t and diir laad to Ibm t aises eitbvictorien ocar Thrue-OY and McDsiffe. Don Haros, LLaia Faggian. Wayne Ellis and Gisff Orien bod mois droca in a inn for ilrs eith Trocor Houston lading Dilers il it parade e-it dime. fearos, Faggion and ODains ad le-o bttaeacb e-it Tony Brouard picingth fiseoi- tory. jus Macdonald, Paul Inisan and Wanesisabec led hrue-ay e-it te-nbita eacb. Oauis Clioaery and Wssnaker drova in obe rna«oCh e-it KmnMaltby auilortagtloas. ts poe chuat me-n McDuf on JoUI te-n bIthtagiva Oiletar --aaod e-it dise e-ak. oam ererd i* rMInisi tataIbr amandrdi bera capplotbtsaetab S a te--nasecandhi no. Sbam Bann miltoenes Dace Martin baftad a double n tbe sececlb coning ta drice boise te Geraiseit tbeining rnin theirsiu 3-2 e-j ovoer Ise-cifla. Lowvillete 10 advantage of biftane starter AI Frotoneildnasnin td i rsf inning toscore le-ira for a qui-b 2-0 lead. Lorne Gae-by startote-it a single. Ater Ricb ing led ot. Bill Palkn e-albed and Ernie ing e-as bit by a pitcb t0 iod theboass Len Caulson delicared boti-ans eitb a single. Milîonee oton- con bacis in dia ort webe Tony Celen scorail an interterenca. Milcb Lajeanenno it a pin-hit triple in tbe fîft diin iheiasecond con heinre Dace Martin drocehe istdaeinning con in theseventb. yecniser Dace eisi paced Mifise-ne eitb te-n bitae-ile Fiston wetestdadis- tance fac the e-m. Bill Paibo connected for te-o ita for Loe-ille e-it Ron Hardsand takint theos Danois Gland went fnac for-tour at dia Plate and dce in four ruas ta Pais Tbre-ay 1th 10-" e-m acer Losecile. Troe-ay arupfed for fice-san second te- ningandcoaotedtotheJiOtorY. Brean Peacny and Wannamaber pitchad sn e-it te-o itsaopiace for Ttsieay li Kmn Malty gng dia lirat ice-ininga for die-is. tia Caceay and Rsndy Rean-d pacail Lne-clllaa nina-ht nOaca selfs diceahttaploa. Dosyoxtaakbhdliat. -ayley MeLean aad Tisa Hortas Dosil monqalta bouse .1. Tim Ho« onthe game easlly ocerte isbon-dSd geC6.

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