TheoCanetion choicopon. Wed., June 23. 1M - Fôundatioi (o-ar Isto-: End of the turos Socdati Snâ 1iyntaWltuisaie Dlx*WdiI ilmmIbtiiisoqayd nconvlse, sick gad bod po . Trolu i ep, For dis po 0 nt aes analdo hr liedetêa u"hed eAWeiewo andoowaesfared Onc thester aIl lase teueim>ang , Uosvred PlcicaUCracford Lte valeey. At lis endi laa brickti, iolot.prlvy. l=dnsed la tics WC Mdway, Ilas maller ahaildialcltsh" rdes footsâ ~ tic5,ll asciaams.oquetae. = = ,'u l'veasOupe oita tsny sMd ha-e-Iesliy a ciset o5a iat 84ghtebOQp*9 "osai oitiip Iared wcaseiafrenge Vi7ltdaiic iatq- shaacctpntceaitciheoaeagclt'seon Do sdsrrumi 1usd cioskyla od dayligt. a isremtor l c5h iteau ntctye thema t-oemopbmfoe mesditoo. Ibe problsmfctchisc Frans thalcoal fiGe, lintdsflrcasesceadavolantSt-Odfod rison fra bdendilbye& pauisuced oodm ifelig, c hOon ltas hmasehao la ha rousis atop, torns to hrder die ope, scod -l e-an-i d Cr- Evory ndibhns*us cie xenas t dthe p ai ticsou knw heo at an himport aereasud Plme isnoIexcutionis. W notiée, go uttigngeaturea ce an arep c4ht hat - idm ta ci".eail. " m o aw Wh "otl. 4 o aMi halcay ai 00 the rst day 09 - arh Atftl 1ctiaaso wbis.Wle&& " 4hs eirnopg, marei a lociLoéVt *« o eosmmdoftshe ot Torang kg twe o st is large, lit bedcm. r 4=wWego u ai duet feel oui &can t he 18W te s M saehtwhgam vsa ". îiDoac i chus tachadose os on - brai, gnonaes m sad isand aet icer hassuni 1k tbl a rdi ced. liva apienmy siglitu the ble bcd, fehoened g aitdia c anad; cmyed haiera tesmirr en *di sS-or bMng yz l is emoet eardrobe. l'va est is ht chair asan Wntc ofi dshe indacea on ton sommer allacicamies aiI cassppoaad la ha havlng n epiisacy cep. Ws'dboni h atsing 1 bghooanane es imy day dnums. We have cresasiltde haliand aencee standing la di a« eatf oom illa very large ami negaliy fumlihui Our oyes are quickiy draen la dis maasive, pslislcd malicgasy cbesalng table eitc the gneen marbie top. lirucaes, rambesand brie- hac cli irUmie, hsvtng sol mesu laose for miny yefsn. 1Tics machlng dacibie-bod ila de uf. Asilwes f. ces on rellvng a ime ot elegance ami grece-haif ATH eîpctlng foncer occupansftche rnom tlaappear inthe doorway. WA H N t'mticonslabicfracb laedistmiihail epeantil eather ?Mac. rifer. Nlvtests agter of Re ai are. litidoor rfght dihere ltosiucp s M. and M.Racei corvtng ataircise tlathesuaite. Gliote me. Lt'am esMmNasgoi. HBonby, eha lsliMeup thora. Oct.. otaiei ber Athe topofchiaMare e enter one of thei args, 5acesf r ef Lawi atflassn omaIbo hstyflela ofisc de..piss Dopresrami Ongasis placus. ohufwedbiàm ftaa âgt. ailiLaw Scheel, on dis càfin.diEOdlfgé tUcygrtuaiee fai Mtl Noason toassce hm. Dhatrfet culso &hea On thD= ai la is acb stie, ce pau noe mone chars ch. cas ce os- bodreani arespecttlieclod dor. larts icholar. Ifeadier liack in dis otchéscami ousgade, acrosh. atfeiioi Se ncbtiver. vrmdai,and ntthtat atses afy iusi. a Carbas As wes«Mavotocards the front c of hoe m e me rsah..asoi ber 'ohlefhefriagraceo-f rcasand8ietW illam leeArtsAcfaGge Noe os andamion tDo nfdeemal aita, ceCtaes elh dilstinction. one lm"iaRoSevlle. Mondier ha acceptai sa Like agracefo, old dacager, Dh onnestand&istat pieusWU tDolac, ami prenid agafoateDociud-tiltodd sk, dis agtcg irai et Laml, joastos synboof days tiècaeoeve ratura. la Toronto. Salvation Army says thanks Dm rEditr announce a isai figof c *3,7.0 Piue a aseme te ta"e thci g for Do Oskiee lan casctatgic. porluity la l-th buli lert) 84,»o.00 ci iclcb cimne fminiflies. Crowterdoeiyos ami y cir staff fr Our ebisetivwuees effl.omo pet nsupport ami excellent coverage Onceagia. i ,ware gratefull ami ci Our cm liadtliuleld Appui. thask yen. (lad bsai yon. If i lapossile for a ishort ceoa li-aeey, itemi, ce iboulil lkelt ay a *tank John Norton yon" tote Dogneral public ami aino Capala Chief says his peace DearEditor; fise Dot Doe lime for qaotslion animiom on Doe vehicie for Doe chie 01 police mis stopsoil, 1 fmi res toconmoentuponDoamalier. Tics sapply of jq vehicie for Doe per- s"nusme ofDo chfo ci police la a contractoel agreemient iceiceen ni> cilice ami Doh oardlof ccmmitsonsrs of cpolice amii1do ot itemindbat Doe costetlof thDo orkisg agneemont ithDo maille. Il li true la say "mt previos senior adinlsatr cone scpplied widi veiciclas amdit lis ni> recollectios ta diese vehiclen. aclikie Doe rematader ofi Do police fissi, were f lad widi railicos ami carpst. lisse ueo yoans *go, Doe hoact of rommissfoners ci police agresil la impreve Doe qality ami standard ai Doe velcicle provtded for tmemseof Doe chief of police. The qt d figs n o prcod cent oi DovociciferD cbif cpoliceisa alanchig>. incorrect. An emiselien of can pragrani budget cliilustrais Doefact Doat $10,000PhuD the ciofa tOIM vefoli estimatad ai $1,00 for a total t $11,M ma bescc budgeted for tics parchase ci a veicitafor Dhe of polira. Ai oily's prices, te hartily represenla a iaanry porcicase. In order la dtay celifsi hadgeced casts and inen attenipt toobtalDheotions requsad, se have reqted quotas os Ise nilleage, cedi cim. lilotuid dime qaotas he in excesa of $10,000, t am obltgated la take Doe propaseoi porcase la Doe bMr of commis- sionesof police for tiotr descfn. Inasyso~, Doeprcpaoed purchass "Moi cpi eedc Doe bocdgoed Tb. sscspper article ami oditor- tig a enies, son. Doe puiblic midi Doe impression Dot Doe boardl et cfmmissoaiamo olice have casb.d tr bade ei dis flaani contie Cd )n saysj to oma-tg 0' icf r a to mte a voit la uie Ase ttaty hi=.Con Oi franc voit c rtfl asni obo _ _ _ f mAMo BJ*kwayon n amit Hala6n Regional Police report $Min c ach tîhank<s o-as tken ater hi c..s f rcd opena dla n o (Cr(aolord Lake I.. sec lo- nlveb atmihy have heu read- sbuforDoeprsvafan mh ha neaipope c of emnaftiy, 1 on os Doradio or aitg mcEBAE "fimto. Ibecemmontcipsola MdestheiDgoneroffa manag have hatpei la provids. W chairm of tethd:t 1 t a ecil1 ckanx.w frton teIn: la Do $salta WldisthDo supportiecitDo radio, haite0or om teenhsio. asdnocapporalatDo ialiacros ereatcere oid bu.oeay toeafor reosecoln- tDo peopl e ci ibotton shout Cravwd cefordi eLse-a living lime capotils ci en- -lt evey- vinommental kssege ch i li riant andinla- nake ail an tives ricrinrtahDoyesr ce ilis. bnoom. aronai, ce sinae"e yonth Do - tasieieb Caemm f-cm natsng Mltaentogfcooonervaian Fsa- Ift people idation SOOapIox derby, Iawn bowling. fammly races encd games, avents et Rotary Park ail elternoon. chicken b-b-q end much, much moreli The day wiII be topped off by a Fireworko Dieplay ovor the Mill Pondiet Dusk. It took Mia"rlt ta buid Starlitea onany standard this much tcxury and features addu p to a tot of versatility mnto a camper tuxury in a ittte campe~cr. towabto by tadayo It'a t he moet tuxurcous amafler cnrs. compact Starcrsf tnmaltes. Because of its unique i -nrd maybe the mont bunk arrangement, the utûous compact Starlite XI50 oan be aavaclabte today. four, five ar nox-sleeper. Tha-se different campera. Sec the att new Startite at: Ail in one lightweight easy-to-tow package. __ARCRAFTIWf NO. 5HWY. AT CLAPPISONS CORNERS WATEROOWN AUTMOIV &SPRT LD. 689-894 HOURS; Mon. to FrI. 9 a.m.- p.m. Sat., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 6666666 666 ~666Ibo*660*66 MILTON MALL KITE CARNI tdii force. Ifsasse cficer or If corne = buhasadvfsed yo of tat, you t> N E C O Y F R Vbeugrcssiy mlat.d. Tb. board cf contissloners cf police oserrisaSI A H O Y O lis mianiai emntrol mer dhe ad- ministratlincifdi. police forc = ft= l cntrl byaw OME ADEBOUGHT KITES ci police as a whota and enforced diliently by their authorlty throgh *aIOp ATTRACTIVE a BEST CONTROLLED niy cffice as thce cédiiof police.*aadvossca IHS~" brafbmodfsium cits aby-law,0 VCTUUULaHGE FYN Z-LbO be ard of commis- * LAAGEST simien cof police reaisndue finasclal aFU* IS costrol of the administration c of 4IIiSTFL To tis end, 1 would advise ymz Ihat receodtl he lton Reglosal Polce Force bad lis notise ausit condsctod bY officers cf the Ontario Police Cmission ami i emulil quote a sH D L relevant passage fron diat report hich refen lao our acounting pro- ecens. '"lice budget preparalion amindN a5i i 51li A ,11V' talaccoun sg yntec of lte Malton E. UN FIDA5 U Y AY UL 1alosPolice force li n good order. e aio police forces shcsJd OIipky cf1K JoiItgOf kwesp Kite Flying Competitton mi scoaagoed te emuate the pre- tiM41hmfi tl p.m. in Mili m Caralios ci theïr casapnogrsmn Thstarciy uppoto is aim tbst narcatis=Y cth mi tco eain5lisecioMeditorial is The Oakville Beavor nemepopor refern la lihe fact chat 1 bave oMtreturned tlie- phase crainisreapse tlaquestions BIGV U IET H ALW D U E3 cnoogtcsprase ci a veicle BIGY U IET H A LW D U E3 tordiectof police.AT7PM AN RGSER LI la addition la the comment maga-iAT7l- AN RGST FOR THE C VIrEIIu N isE theaconalstapis cel apenme by dia quatation systeon, 1 couli Ml FRFtuE IFRMTO .'0e'ýPLEASE CALL CLARE HENDERSON enDo~nsocdlannmau878-300 -i 21 9 1 IL - . 1