Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Apr 1982, p. 4

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tiI FEERO JOHN CHAUJMO5 MtIK HALL "1Mfi.mssCastma«t isab m m ofliwm MaactPili 5.Psàm Ld. wu* of WMsnoh ladudos fia ActasFM mPla, Nmlk5vPbiOMse A*,~ibr.s-aaOaco/MN&srm m '.Aummas aocsurmast maMmbma M me, lcm 50105 IsmMMssa. .mmsm iuacim. fia 5maimegmaPusTha ceBO*M sWakmmiPM-,Th@ Scm JIU MadsoaM mm. Tia m Wbasmm NmesW»ab M, on. TIm NMmcVa Misa, unies asas rtov umso. mesT o CmsThblWmd, altcissost IIu/in*a Lmdi.l'ho soaboaesgh 53cm. Tha smufmesto5sTissaa a41% lm WM,*tm viomm sataaov Flnily, ater years of political warnlng anid manouvering, tho Canadian constitution has bon brooght haime amiflt songs et praise and pomp and cir- oumstance. Thie parties are avernnOw. The banid ha. gome home and the ring- ing airainsofM the national anthomn have floated awsy on the wind. ItlaW a particularly chili wind that blowa acroos thia land today. A wind ot doupair, oM wmnt and of shatterod draamm. Nov tht Pierre Trudeanu ha. mtccooded igvlng thia nation an inoeded constitution, vo are go- lng to 50, a. vas aald of Eva Peron, lha ha. done nothlng for years. What have we really galned frein lin. flowery document wvus ias entrenchai bill Mfighla and feesdon-wth ihWmore noable for those ighita il daeas ot guar- asloe Canadiensthon for those il dos protect. More dias une million PM are usnmloyed. The v"In, dustriea that make Canada a pro- aperous nation have boom diven 10 their isuesby the mindlese and inoessant demande of unions 10 lake out more an more andput i lman lm. Foregn cetnpetitons flood our markestawth weil made, Ions expeneivo products addlng fuel to die ires thal threaten 10 destnoy the coreMoflhis once great nation. WiD Uthe Trudeau bil provide jolbs for those who have becs dis- placet by tie shallow andi- effective oconomlc policie. Mf hi. "morally hankrupîic govern- ment WIII il do) anylhilng to restoe fanty 10 dia bankIng sytom tisat Ws Mling dis dreuinCM homo ownrshlp that iW the soure of oa much hope and .trengti fr the nation? Canada wa. once a nation widi a brigit future-dia promise Mf proeperlty and hope bound tegetisar die many people wha saa in Canada a place miera diey couldIxbulithir lives, fr-es ofdih troubles tdat plaguaidieun hin oberlands. 1bat -mieha. now beon les. Il ha. boas crishai and idhit ha. gune the vtallty md dia drive diat woeeits source. We do, howovr, hava a nev constitution. A document diat can ha amendai bors, vidieuit dis assistancef British Parlamnit. Inthe future, children wlllab*d thia document i h irsachoola. They will read ils flowery phrases and learu the rigiâsa dat hava boasguarantesi ta digin by a Perisa adi,'vii ven ha giveli copieMdie constitution aulable for framing and hanin on dhir walla 10 rominidiain alvays oM dis tremendous pride diey should fel at boing boas in Canada. Unfortunatoly, diey vill ot ha able t, bang up tht framei pro- mme for die future, bocaue everyono knows diat you ct af- fix anything prmanently 10 dis vala Mf rnstetiaccommodation and no-oaa con buy diir own home today. Chey do, howver, have a truly Caaînconstitution. Job exp erience vital Exponbemce ieacbes slowly smd starveti aklloti trades segment oM at the ceai Mtminiakes. Canada's vorispiace. -James Anthesmy Fronie While idltly lhasboons ev- Nelhiog even becomes reai titi t erely citical Mf dia educationsys- la exprenea-even a promerbla i.tom's mentallty about akllle me proveris ie yos ti your III.ha. trades trainhig, idlety tl a illoairatoc ILf. also partly to blame. -John Keasa iduti7, paitlilarin h di. How oMien have you hesrd dis econooIic timea, Wa unvillng 1 phrase, "Experience la the hat invest dia time and muney 10 teanhior?" ploply trahiymligvokor. Probobly ton MIten, For anme, More Mb.. dihan not, akilloti partlcularly the arcliteols Mof01nt- wrkel!s araeidïter stolen fren an»s s ducational aystem, the other campanlea or broi*ts ovr roptition vas roquirsi bocauue it from Europe TiR., diose young hmn't sunk inuntil recently. Canadiens vho vant 10 lean Thre's n poit i mbariisp aren't given dia opportuity 10 ho. on a tirade at dhii ime on the sys- cause lndutry b.n't vhfllng 10 tom. Il pratty much speaka for it- make the lnvestmemit.. smu. MDHS teachier Noal Rampley However, advancements are encountened anme Mf Ibis being made at the local level, resistence mhen ho canva.sed particularly at Milon District local industries for support for hi. Higb Sohool, which indicate the prgpam' systemis W eadod in the igit dir- Fortunately, Censumer's Glaaa, action. Milton Weldlng, Solex andi Techncal work ae ience pro- Ireliert had dia foresigilt 10 ac- gramn, much noodeti f Canada eept ailidansai an effort te ma"s and Candien. hope to compte the Proam lwork. vllji ode.-"ind n atie.,, ho- For di., im local f&Ma gas emnler di. eeak belvean uolld b hadinisedtMe.aid »MHstudente andifourlocal li- Canada noeaimore frwaridinW& tnubien. lngeorporatcidla emedm. «**eb = -a pretreal ne véi Ss. ie *a s..vIbm ahin* W. are ggwi M .t Grapplirig with wrmsEUAMLI)the budget If eoryhlnigo.accrdbc teglas daemoi bnln opmand.netqitbs ecllasbsvgiotlao* l tbiooselm irats tei s4t a d met iinte o n ai 'Wgunct itbaebna "C'im b"vobanbmadam beasmb ' ORa ="- e ~ Pli5UarMiuIbut bIudode th Ilasnase m mas mna n m i aromtesiNb» ftsmcllls My t @ id nani u usntn~icn se & =ecsd t onvida# Il WmaIes mrng* bave , butlgai S M = d m = Q u W s m l tr loÜ o v r s m a it hte E UCÈbate n sd n a -i tbsraiteierintsUlcie mniio"pl p M iusllag he T bo s n bdiin aimi Wlin Ila rem*othibs tbona mn a sysiemc ommitlse mwnakfte tbom ma==1=o1 lbtW ur~Ilo bcaasi smdp ~ ~ e.ii~ tetd tlia Omis- »m br«t da mdot. mcmi tslimth es mPriii lcW anr fes unta oel edK Italio e oi, ansetm up i wu - let f« rerfig" ttisa imn. aeni W 'balein prlscl o eo- dfective Wcicnt=maor Radaer danmouvin teoect t ess amre m"indar "oira te da tectee invaiipl mrmt tca W W ffysrowblsdmiislombtnl da Usfoeetelyý, Win101100, d d50 em btpae tdaataibo tteite malt usmp r swsrd ioItes apuat bus rmdAdinaàaysm"of gpoice mrvine t sl= b t W inbsrdy aistpate te tddmnis 'fia tlt.e og rebuildin&W, sudrpir- lP-"5d.boibgmais on I. ing dae ere ma&aW ain litial co E vntaaly, coum itsdwoidd Luat l W -h-bmow n strties buo bsn a enviaion e s dathebming Mabe s hnaa- 'O .ba, b s m a spaiW da UbrmWb latedstpuet&@ng a amui dolein cmsaa pOibtn u k Msmb s leom moe mastics.o in morstpoops toma daaceliaby&m"tbde- woBI1o!Bouîip bWiei'sPvea Thema outaios baa't ob¶omucic ovoeduynrla* Ifacldsfbttel hffle" f- omic hfie'sa eau aroatal Nstr Serqvic. aekgtek.&Wfagis. PSRtA l lsl « Mebnrd gidrecin brntm4 Go a u"a relit ram& Sb aM op te 0" vYd te- OUM un udy mm bas ta te estaicl a bsmschm in mortbHaltes by tae m-ner. Unc. UMrli li a t broncb wmM oralabal hubestedoyifPaent tRima servies tesg"¶iiteiRU.a Oon mfaw icegias-Seits d vile UsltodWay. Ilar iiaein helundov*mmset oga Northlic atemi UMiteWay lmitbcMWi fond the Dow brmsob. Tbw sreDW an aetuaof pocp1ein tda arma, ccrdicg te Na atn abu Isuni b gieaa lotle te Norb Haltes ne ouof e âfl td apucg soemihsuolaI g vdmtapbe As*a b4 b"oc. A calterafiricounceaudi b. mll an ameing vie am Wmii idar hocs; am irSly e avstestaoir's lina or bavai vimirro b dMUa. In adUlestebbg oodaiIasaies, vefumitmeor asroter pImsote br aussoiesof rpieis an.Pu,"aan siarsi,&"MW &W dmdoimes sovei. Parental Stros Service. cas b. moid by -ybalp. it ma tiffngNformer cama, ParoniaAmasymama. mvua tes magive aMiv ttvadai#m " 0*êliPer-f ep« diz JOi Irk.~luMah î. 20O1Yom Ago 0=e1i1=da desa e0mait - uw fl n -a"nid .rlv am tis . Ics jig mcarlmg ta asear balai frte amumur, MA in< «k tetn bounraioft 0 Willim DIck, mho diiomisy svaogo re neuSktbL lna b= =abifyaraillmS, Nfle D rami4 es lwinma orm mfrnd 4 buboismallemes alU nai t3oi t a pçwcuesa n L. ,1 te I:part g litibrMCs nomi&u mmeses01 the TOn ~ ~ ~ ~ l theto e asi reoiln" 50 Yom Ago nsnsa renlid ain om m wroneibutdavc - Clrung raewlrghnshe srintr Mm dail aa" for» maegd g daw aintmuthe smu&tOl W cesid y radm nmm a e e acslg teodi dmverNUinai * Som a ima met lanai ies in delI item eninltb Wllfma u raadbytbefoaies m.iey.Mde bs rotue e oait temMdonc da m u s t e o ù "rn la . i l s re lre e a llea are furlbotoea.cri. laU inocodalrisms districts f " Ico tend I bis docSls e bandamfmgnin riabai R insoepeciai-mniM ai1 s fo s tig hed comafe a odopa. da tieb0aomscla ted fai- hhdoavyteaid =. 9t 75 Vears ago Froada eA.e115a.IsTions Dr. K. D. Puanes mlhva Mille teisy fer St. JohnIN3., and soatlim on Rabray on tda CMIstammar Labo Tua triol cf unr. matilaPericin at ia Cayg assaie n n athargetg psnte er inaiani esi ona tadyevemilng aid nller g a me Strydcnine u mm uinWtun isai mas bot. laveroprocmtmoiarI epets tealifflahidaisinig dt Perdes bai dli lion ltydalso poissabte, but Oudafr trd*d0encr tessone of isatb mu umeatammin, tda rdoi f BrlUb's igl hecrmbiPtb i e hmtfrfou br&4,esU ine a verdict gf est fullty. E, P&, lIter of glson, wu in tewti yentardy. lun o90lbu a tbndagaover daes a Mmop fadtVma

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