Tii. CpsiasCbamplon, W.d., Nta. 3, IU~ # sinmoioto implement recommendations up te rAolOFF 1 eb. "- SpeciaIPurohaiel Wh&" Sheet ineeMble MsdIUoas~a m4con p lorln. nolctotis 1*I ud atei laSpdff811» 1 it ln ea. No rlf* taFnia ptacm ary f romn0Me. l10 store $ 25. s18 $ta~ 30.. Twi ast CocktIl Table 48" n 18" x 15112" H. Hexagonal Commode 25" a 25" c 19" H. Heast &steln-uiaent wealutffinih. 20-P"a. Poceala Dlnnacuemm I97,=nnwa ".Inteatlv Cac" .Suave" Sluaenp Lotion Oc CondlUonar Aub We ul. 1M . U% 2q7 -.49t a' peet WL-ltar uagLampe Mo $5 uRad. Neauvel 0 $5 bChaioa aioo23327@ 6-Cap Ta« ot W d~' ® PlOteoraFrmueua "Pain AàEasy" O1~tu ~ a «MOI 2-«. . Am.a SIniu 12,?7Ueoîa- f097 1; a177na"- - 1M#ILM NMAl lu ONTARIO It sEU Suna- fiecoangestioafponlenfa tabicif nwplagtle ther - sec". aho oftemunicipal nroertv M eco&, HUanad theald postoffice, la enaiker pclbrtty acdte report betg "ectlveiy pur- oued" by tihe Tamn. Mayor Gond Krantz, mita rbatredfthemeeting Wedmisday, saiatdouorl waa ta remen updatofte atueof theredeveloisnnt prpo'élia aitthe neat cot neaeting. Tetamn plansateaeU or leaaefteaearty tmaacre proper'tr ta order ta gevrate bouda ta, farilitateaa soen9 manicipal ocsam runll chembera ta the oldcortbumeand ja Icamptex. fTe nid batld- hWg se Bruwn.t. wmut requfre mseine rebfuild- ttfg-saontauolretin eolsof 02 igllion. Anoftr«au, ofgreat impoace canedtinlbe Clnlc Commiltee repart maa a recaomeandatian ta chfange te ownu aigibylan "Tite bytases are being renlem bye a iga commit- teemblrkbohabeen apgtainted" the meyarseld. The. Lyse and Turner repart aoggested enlallng afpn bytases tend "Ita reatricltalnlvdaallly and ta dtarfatrage alpnage empluaizlng the tree's histreccbaracter." The maintenance aofaimm anad parking aras damutamn ta deacnlbed ta lb. reportase "simpf y inadequata." Stp bane aready bae taken taetac- provoetheesitation. lThe DBIA blred easteaner allaient tout year ta, tiaintein planter boie..sed res iifplants forte semuenent Yser. To maire tifejobai tuetaining tce afreet esserea "bitty goat" arosidematknvacutuntbas te parckaaad by te towm. Malelturat Correrlloal Centra tomatebanc recely boueta abonet Mata li.SIalmein a t.e downawn cre--olierta. tomarea whirbmerchantlaare responbe for. Town staff lea lsoladdressing t.eprobiaei fa teck oaire. rea bouetgagenober deittenry .01.0 inte CtntaRepart. Commitwe changes fjamttlaechiai»me ta Balant edureton structure wmUt nom ,bo eleeted by tir paea, truista.. derldad tast Acting se e reram- uateun raseMiltan trusttue InAmstrong, byinm miif aotwed tae am"ifaca wom-b chimn ofte opl Unts m tin Mr Annau m adalwn as on FurnIture Throws ip bom bom. mma**.»,wm. aie 1" 1.1 1.1 1201. l7« 97 ,j, 21 en. "Blg SIg Uuay" Yara 4atitta*MOO 'uceor na~u5a - a .1.1, ta an effort ta oblat.a e btter mtc of reteu t oroes se Main St, Tawn staff ban. bee prouoting tce ids of perfilty abolis damom, a mane wbtif boa airedy met selt serreg. Directar aifptanntgBob Zaedeyi tald tone aeiU theeting, "IWregalta haneta pursuetisnea coetning bsi. One recommandation Utc Towa ta nol arlinety porsotog aethiUtlime la te itosuiion ai denctoo' mentr.n i arrtonrtuiraafSto, wmiiri mud letaiita ronsederetion te viouai impact ai nom denetapanent and betp mentathe Uctom.. alorir quailly. Mito Cifember af Comece wutleuavana bond ta $oneaite piajerfa aogleta Uinte repart and Utc groop ban areedy begun ta prececd. lhc rifember la alreedytlookiog aitnew and more attrar- tveosrviceclubesignataî tam elancea. Mc. Zuedettyi sidliuiddb anecaordinale te ci- forts ofteCombor and Mita,,s HortirulloraI Soc- iety, wl tcf bos affermi le arrange deroratn. plant- ings aiteentrace points Ife CH onerpa. on Hgbwey 25 basnt tbecn pamlted inre 1913and, altugb tebridge mer- reota a paint job, Mc. Zeedenyl taid CN ta net pre- pered ta cuvertecos-emouetig taboutS$17,000. Hc satd CN ib prepered ta do t c rIent mrk, bow- Anatlter Chabebr ai Commerce respanubüily ta te Fermera' Market, mificif, accordiag ta, recommandations, ùuboule on ved traitolispre- sent tocaton bebiod te Id cort botsean ed te am p len toutce Main St. shopping ares. lb. lIA mttt be mork _g UUtCbmber luafry ta maete market tuMain Si. Ittpravng ratait mercabndising techniquseta te dom.tow am. baWafdy bogue inte iarm or semnacrs pouorcd b y botte Cifamber and DBIA. "Yen rend te rerammendaton amd ia b ard ta oay tere ta anyting mrog wmtUtil," taid DlIA cifairma areey Hendersen, "but ia b ard ta gel tc rienae." He saidtloagantoalion maudcntnue taprenenl semnaoacu taif p improe.mechrandising denpilc te diticullyoof solciling partiipation. An annuelat eemment ni rammselly attitudes ta- mord te tam. ta general mdd isa business commue- ily la rerommendcd in Utc repart. Milto atuJyras hane l"meibUtsaproject anderteur ing wmth tce fri l ommseity attitude sarcyracmptcted tata lest year. Mayor Kcatzba etabliobed a cammitlcc mificif omIt ba mektog plantacrte tamna 1251h auniner- uery celcbratioen mnd inajerfs, as oaggenled in Utc repart. A prajecl rltediaorimpomentallue Uis yenc ta te impranement aifte Mil Pend amd Uingatarà Park. A.ste repoart saaIs, Utis la an accu "cammanity attenltaonahofdlebaiied upan." Anottuer rcrmmendelion, batag rnidcred by Mltolitorical Socity asean annvecsary project, la tetablishmaet ofam iatorie maIlta bgilift interenllng andisitorie buildingaslante own'a cre. sbrxtogeýt dtaidled mapaiftce route amd buligslelZýte laques. Teenagerêtahurt A 15'yeac-atd Milton yaulb la rcercing itaMMlono DistrtIHIospital attac batag atrcr byea car Mue- day nigil. Randy terRinnoseose malking serthbododn Mactin St.oer SteeleseAnc. et appcaaimalcly .30 p.m. menb.e aatcurk bya c. Drver David Parkinaio Elmwomd Ccc,. Miltton Raid lbe dd tsete tcteenger an te rend entil lbe bi bim. McKirone ceinedrculs md toutss.. Heltlo Rega-te Policbave laid no chargs. M i m.~... a..t~ua.~e.a..u.,aen.~.~.2o2'Q4L'n'2' --'n---~-" - - .~ . - ~'~' o~a~a.0r %~a-ff ACiedtUmioe *W-;oere - eamen Savings Plan... .for Your Kind of RRSR A a lfesRetiremnfSenîngs Plan et yoor cradit union la thes doal wIf t0 plan r fnnclOysoeurs futurs And, of course, any mioney you llepoalf ln yaar RRSPaend fhe InfereefIf Men, na nefl oed ntil wthdrawn frontthe plan. Yor credlf 'unon ocourae you te plan for your retîremnent by openng an *.s.Drap ln today for a Offat WaOn glafi ttletp. 44 asu Seit, Ea 17 W5aO uD MU-e-u.Osumalo Monea. Oauta n7Sim 874MU m KM ebff ma Ea M* m273 C .a.as Odw111%ORIIIIIIIII, emauwum i, m ^bw Ot V74M Rami [2 .- .87*1e . Lowr1 1 i