I Ic0sd eQnaoon WW.. Mu. 1, lUm &ndNew Think of the Bay and save 20% during baby week 4al9our. 5. 29 (A-401) Stock up early and save on soft coton set Comaes with wash cloff. Whitelyellow. 3mMour re.419 Sm od aud (C-401) Two polyesterlcotton vesta per package. White. 3,6 12 months A great buy! AI 1Our eg.O1ur eg. 3mM urreg4.ig @9 0urre 6 9W-0 8000 57 W 7200 3.350w rteThnkfth ey f 9 ou r e y stre h WM ..... ayo *iaaing table yesetmmd' pimyp (D-401) Poyester/coon. Pack (J-401) Thnk of the Bay for super savings toc, on so many baby 0-408) Has bath, 2" toam top (R-408) Futly padded top rails contalns two. Whte 12, 18, 24 needs! Load up on sot sîsepers in your choice of yellow, whte. and safety strap, built-up sdes and legs. 26" s 40". Govem- months. Stock up n0w1 aqua or pnk S. M L. Hurry tor your favounite colour' and deep shelves. ment approved. Jumbo tony vînyl bib (J-401) Our reg. 259. 2.07. 11%Jn99 Our reg "'- _____________ I C namroery l geStoelcemftwob (K-408) Shop the Bay now and sans on sturdy crib, n standard sze. Has double drop ides. Whte, wth unle dsca on foot panel. Non toxic finish.1 5p-if ycreidbumpor p- m@« (M-408) Foanr t led set wth easy clean vnyl cover. Features eoclusve 'Bay-B-Bears' prlnt. Head in now foryourn and snee Our reg. 11.980..U 4.55 our reg 5 69 4cMl6:r;reg.598 ftic@Wlvl n k*tadad lo lanket (E-401) Made rem sofi cotton (F-401) Made rom easy care flannelette with pretty nursery acrylrc and nylon. Choone print. 2 par package' whte or yellow and save. u womOur reg qj U1049 Pieu 0112 Bey~mtdupea (T-401) Cotton ftannete. C~otIstalnleg pwnta (U-401) 12, 18. 24 nffths. 1.ৠw E 9@»0 ur reg, 11 50 5ua 8 ur reg.698 3-le-I comfortr Fttmd ~$il (G-401) Connvertn lu a sleeping (H-401) Cottonpolyester bag. Bears and number prnl Permanent press. Baby shop, Zip front. Sept. 401, al stores. &R Q Our reg. 2.79 Polyuaurviy top quot pad (X-401) 21's 2r, Nylon plisI ponta White. S.ML.XL. .00 the tau Z e51 1.aoAd Voet Open 10AM U7 P.Mon, Tum., Iwed. #T=.sAnd F6. UnN 0 P.M . 0W r9.30 AU. Ud930P.M Mon b F. 9SMiTo 6PM à Cord"Sq,2264 a àtv Pi 0d" 1 0&IamCmOs 5711211 e0ae#M*~wTOMs C» 296-2M ýmë- - - -