-I ThCanadin Champion, W.d., Mail. 1,1961 M FUL *CE COKÇIANIN NEWusdUSED Aaqkeào MW aiait 1edana.t, ULTECOT U KIGT E R A ' BOLER. TRILLIUM end TENDER ,-lm.E- ATA 8YSTEMS ANNOUNCES H A S HOLIDAYS in stock, e" admdo tttt*oa 3 us OPauta- tdttl aaotci J,~VIIh ~MINI COURSES I.I..hm 1 1..t..I oat l86ptl. Murray E. Stapha, Gue.h aiait u-SeSe.tay WIIIIIIAITRESS FULL TIME $0 SLASHEO TUITION ,DGE Lph the anae Nation 09810e Conservation Authorihy, StarlnghItttaaaterjb l 9,78. This Cmanpy of-tExpaemen.aaeuy. h RICE OFF With Ths Ad Hlton His Recteationat Vehcie Centre Steak o,.ccttcac30 maintSursaut, feaa eclet mlya m u akge uthaetmpb .holkidy.. Book covv. Mitont, Ontacio. ta.a.oaenîttptyaheattpakaa uttacteteeaceeTaka AdatageO0f Our Looc Cost 877-456 LOT 1 Pu The taCanada orTruck Training Prograrm WALTON TRAILER W eoo-opr.'i pr MryyMah ple,,c cplcone oit c appyo Ti t a aond, dfoi:rPiedi P FpIynotih.( 30 MýSi MloW, or srm a John or Yvonne 827-0987 CaIll -251-2275 of tci Hoto7 Eb 11991 hiyI_ IS99GýV VVTuck mret;o rite ta TaagrRoad. 1i-1981 FurWhl Die WG.VW.Truck CONSUMERS GLASS Lab Tchniclan 366 Evans Ave. Roce. 235 0620I0 98 altotit0.V.W. Truck 10 Cisol.DrveCcae oaoeeli Ctati.ryortcc ~ct, Toronto. Ont. MS2 1WS WETH SECIAL-*Seat15t,000. i lUt 6P. taard ruck tet Tt cc COMPANY LIMITED Am., PcettfoodctMenofacturer. retoheraoeUniersity or Ofmoaeeplamach3o, 1981--tu- 1 - 18t81tO 560H0P.V.W. taccaFou,chlDieTrTac iIIIION. Onoarlo EPCrce In ceCoty coctoltestittg cf toodcis S ioda 46lOZED oteouts , toi. oich Md MoctOc"Movec: Lgr 31111 Aplidentse ct o PrOpeed to cthr tht.. sht, 960 Foldinot s 2 - 191 r-ttoSesetron hinSoi Ot esmm eufl tgtSh.oa cie..cyceetcrecîh ala.etad cc By f ha eal Fbcglae4gn., DetaiIaed apeciitiaoc on thoe eattare aaiaébl eo o mprlttaeny eofer atbeCmetlta w th Pople ai t.o trainc 1977 fGTe ett e S ONevr.cKnoingly Lnde, Sld icoîccot 000000 bon the Authcity Office, 310 IMai Straet, Mito. TRUCK CENTRE Snd iesurote in confidclet c e1:ad TV poeatteForcocyttedat -pesd. a, Cocome ned sas oui,tfi"Dilectione 011981 kikac72ml recodadittManage mcci cetdontltt e r . ace04- fotenfcaoalet pee-se npice L oncdet O2tt MANAGER . OHUIo Uho., tc epply dual dam dellogtee. cee THE RACERS EDGE - 32 BRONTE ST. MILTON oMrcotolcidat. tonsa 92-40Ntoa ihdn.LLMU. 8AUCTIarisN SALE, AMitto Troch Citeor TucknitltMaaeai u rcnef udgsitr Instite, cf eccdcsi. tal. Mcioaneose Mtle frckCnfeofUitd ooaiv f.n Officceti CLEMENTS MOTOBS At uaity checked reconditioned bites CREDIT RIVER ACINSL 98ttaOtct aîtn Caaa -*eOfotett 972 HordeCBt75 ........ .$519 BOAT CO. For Mra. Bit-dia Neelands Reotn oteSw rlcsedFetMnieRltnPudua CnaaInc.151 a telt, 175HccdaCB5t0loded $1 du. Tuck Cete Maccagar la eccountabthe @Mi, 9- TV Cimmrciads MiSe.ondCR0. . 29. NORVAL Fri., March l3th Et 6P.M. e.ttr risatoirffcckaihing, aatvchn,. calccd- 2500 lRoyal W hidur., Ai tpe wtlio0mal XT5oYoymha ........... e19. 8"-9662 Location: Ini Miton, at the Figrounds.i cleetM anatinaoaaUCtct trcksen-- -s e tai typaues caie"'o fegat 1979 Honoa LtO8S ..... t... U.109-8gmnrt2 he Agrnouitural Hait orRobot-t St. tumdbdtu rlaf dvii utalO tracdatte.et-Misusmauge ofTrai, omcal o 1971 BUCK LSabre, Fctnitcce: Fr. Poco pecec dong ,cccste,ceai. oaaihnc . ta '81t tdt hoeho e e- iT ormcasT iplate., certittai. TOE RACEeS E20E - 32 BRONTE ST. MILTON El Boale..topccctotl a beiopeno0, 02 amc chai,.2 aide chart. bffet doca. _rlsit___cat94393_,W 879M wt laados t3daves x cniin OUED ttaaae rathmtai" A t1>4aost m194333sces.y9.878-4212 ANYONE con. cala, hutchot3lcdcs8dccs c ciîoi ApeoacottobiNaa ClSAMahaloicaca >1 paicaO.etae.y= Vtcndotg 0875 xCCCV lortaonditon,0617 Ocam,,odoOrles at P ,c c. ohcrieh,;4 c Il hm .e.lted «lPatenc etc ohgiceInadoes- .yatttOOendd elt i ness.atta 4r, e rti ieint w ltocre.,, in pre fiie,.ait oestable; cSk cabint ncod ihend tabl; ot end me tomespeviin.e.uaac e ~ e . t MlaPaent stateog& broC .AMetOutilsliiài filature.0. their homes. Dtait. oe tahle; t drayver oalctaend tae; onct Vi. tair Satory raige.ftathe. peositnla 18,051 - $8,.8%6d- utttg ott T, ratat*.-ag i .=this proit makicg a lSai occk amcchair; Boliclo uWsch d o tocil; pellktg on qaiicaioseed e.Penenad tuit Pjdva epiti.Sad i E98 ABUSSO anda arai? Ssicitar. en-toto. 977 CARDTOP tam 9ar0ac I 1RhE i rE praantitlfont, aTed Vc. charrysresca ions;. calcici DcncanPhyta beeeftpachapoincdoda. =,mtVi c8 e tFrhotp Ceali Ss, a -to CCBaV.acta 14 fiBRlINEircramtrou iveae Th .Uat 90 m e, 2 pot. saano 6, rmtOP bct, go HP, Merccry Milton, etsu idtba niaco3hi ortba nro *hiRWS T2i CM te Cho rcriai.tlino for dorast,. ar-cols. coitdlioin.8532463. Otceiadtraita,, Eccept Soadayl Malcolma, Norfi, ie.Wedgacoccd desin c droco APOp to Manae, pio,_19_MaiSt,_______Men Re uh w E evelorsei NeedImehtey Mitn aot a oesPèeî;; 92 CCCV. itepata 4- lite. 15 t-T. LESTRA, Teck, SpeadmOtet, 5 FIGURE Inootes suilt.; cileds cdth aings tre atcc chavirdera ~e,~m.s~SD.opmaat MtteOe. aem $f loer dea, tWcpatio. New rad LOrS catept, spint; water pressucrensacallabia. Adlte 0019. desec te1rcdavirer night tabie, good suite; 3 piecc Uat*"Coopertlv.eof Ontario Cn:ORCOARO Cl e.tret y ShOtat at PO. Box 6U7 Station A 8445486 #natre prsae. a Is avatt1a frict danti ~ 4d îmle aêti$1900. e.tîl tata, ce uniks, trip., .8.00 For appcîitmnt. mocght iccc kitchat, suite; cocd tibete d tlding __________ OtchacdI. 1-69-3653 nmene. na th r e tO-i. iaa cc.I or or Sbotar. a ra.a. Phoe 878-a77U8. chare; eartse act ithrics cheît& peint. 4 stocis; 3 M Oanssta 01. LA 3M. af~S. - Ctttdan ln alicet, 100CCEVY Mnza Vi, botIlcier. a7-444 $fe, FFRSALE-t hp. 0 F"miickec baskets; 40"cnlcccc; 44" trmai li paintong 0ti2tcct a Eçedencst PART-TIME ai-- asis.,Ail calte are aoailclent tiOfl- 5udei^^for...-...-.,....... Ecl4rT.VMater ho all ~ia tla te. dtc.A/Mr .SaloMOBILE Homa12X 60, Ecc eti aieATTENTION otortae ocict4..il.ecic;hoicp;ea TII!I4ALON RGION Woitoosirosa tcealate UATACO -oSn 7,;i kbock 2 hodroo, rodceCaricdionc onpliy 0 14e,, t cchegaic5ycctoq.ftiA- cnditiScr . 1Y. fi. 'MEMaaeait te FrMayFront NÉMOtaS t=i t e n , Cati speakCers. e7-2 $. 15,500, Cmpbhollyii. Oe d 1. a f ilet or 5second mo- paeablocrg &e ocdacpod; scocel acerlacgeote CONSERVATION AUTI4ORITY FnsS.080.07 a t 3» p... Idpr Raeanoco Daie. OU CHRYLER 15-031. Aklac838.8.Ciii85. aganwolIkefudrp a iil paldos o eSo t O'erC - r. 6te4 o usi.e.ak, Ld.. Brmpone (s1.1 iiuc, ocetut cccttr4los... o aanocl1h.t odcp. p. 2 xcelet ash In con ourInle- Appltc.acaForc ort Etc.: Eictcchocna 23" clouc dm PaieemeantuS0no431661 or Actef 8&W- Mettt/ IftuilOr. Poca, rndat aM,. veerittet wFe ara e. V noincaint htcOcc cc Amy In tepocuaBoe 3987n - ,1 aeiom aas/toerg. As la, Tenti Infoatid o Cal r nwlu aie;Fle uinvcu l RECEPIONIT- 850 ortaitinic-mat/e cai G. . cacpac swepa,. ika nvv; E. 2 rush floc Mohwl In cRote.tIet tap. n. aB-5W. Rdy,6325 5505. polishac; iight fyocil amp e, n chia ha bae; calct STENOGRAPHER u.lpt Unea? 4mOl 10a72eil3uCOMET. V-e. tioccieamp; p. lage table mpe with bus eau et sdk Attçlconte mcml Naa ectninmmf Grade 12 42>04WE HAVE MANY atomtic, $30or but REflUEST FOR ROOSIS SaladoaO sae; c achdoclme oal piac. ad a pissaaaaaenut tnle.ahcemntrser EGacannua UAUTY PRE-OWOED cta,la-eS. HOEkitchn uenad; bleck Psan am cu: itae 18;P. ocd cat tonlco*. .ao.Ietc aiie t rtdna rcc 1976 0000E 8100 Van, . ee. cs ~ 2 BEDROOM, »MeI ined re apes fo 0 won; hand donsChines in-coceigtouplflons Cab, dMdkc4io ot mail and Tex rreDarers INCOMlhA TAV s-1'1 bctil2 Partali uOtmaica, R" ONL MdetecLTY hai t5.egrenoosit, B s, place macsu, vrte apkîn; l oca r*qW" soke ugi AMFM rquied.88-438. SIcer. , a.Chitne. Ec, Id4Iie.Comonicy pat Steing Satoty: 6 8B0 tqlr SERVICE .cusuca seOmcsA-- F HALTON reia. - Danih attperan adcecierea &choct; Ccmmoni tc e cExp d 134W5f c ertt.. n rpoasae nlt -te E FccRoml cavin0 aai; 2pt slcer sit EtePopner. ilysc Appicatons, ctt euractea HIbcolh ..ie.d Op ted9.Pooas r n o h Cde 827146 Confidentiel 1973 D0000E 3à ton ,devlpc 5 8eatocotnu E0000M coectIckat mac, sadon pet; 74 piaca Uic. chine Mer-h 2DtUt061, eutonOIIBOnmc f Servicoe coledo ca", B0eo s eV op e prtin otn- Towntyose. 11à tatti,. dinnair set; 30pace Cccmn Li04 dinuar set; 24 Orien- ____________ fcoiniBal. Eccomilcai 6 ing management and administra- centr-lioiccendilonlea, tai iadice. ntcey oid; pc. Limgeas coe place.; Ccp.- Morna E. Sephencylln e uomatlc cagaa, $411t, ecellae a ind Spcde teEng. chnaCe kaplae.; Erg. chicna Gan" ea «4naaaerm okk e ancraeuitoorm orSt u rerpwerotîdisco. tion of Up to 50 new nursing home trl 1.aî878.4. Scoch Thchccc ceematefe; Limge.candirdsh; Teisonaetons g50Ce.ensadonAutctledy Ptas.t ACTON 851-20460 ,aaia e Nie.M Oniy 56,000 ies. bedtthe pe rdlocation bi C OUSE foi cent, cope, lousctre eptc te aapitcher; Ccnnnccacr ffl *M.for4 mnth miRealta c arCeeTL fe or ila"blaS ecllntGorgcetllo .st ec u nld ae lus,, hres ol i 310Man8eO otaahc Mhn 1-215 Co,,o U cealdyco. Very the Town of Georgetown or the ereon. O Pcaînidaccclsct fhrht. ckitt MUea, OntroT o aanc.ho 78215 $8MluB Ih ici oy ocoWttwmer-crcar, ".ca3nera i3 ish dihe;SpacsofiCccnngcmie; 6o8tiers; La U Sad ornOat oe Tax si catifiea. $2,250 or if Town olActon. .- Iccot/i, getci re.lei;comcd,;cctcpaee __________IncoOuodnY@t rerTion CLEMIENTS MOTOOB newon odas tcsy, In this competition, emphasîsîis garaae..April lst de; bonnsehndl. cericg etc; lacs tiklachith. 3 lion B88 IWlnYot reaaio 0 RONTE ST.,ifaty & nueoint o bcc lae o:PO.BatIoc. Cali Tien tiblacletha te rapkinc; irceirpioeafeghan tee large opPORTU)ITYMACHINIS;TS As0IapIair¶crotum MILTON -.yccc choce $50. opm engpaedo.Mitchell, 451-232-- îoedi;vcalcrviroseplants. for o35 ny Ispectoe. 30 -~ hohitîth rpsrst E ocecaddtieny of adrgactpepeoccM.. Aeyu bon act in dîyu pissin e or a yein la 11650flt5I St. deis, 50-50 corcety. 1)teailt fth rcs()t EWnîy p3eme.lecomatai n:P. fSeln mt&ppes ilMO flofia.Ne a UOqeOAppcntment eety. e. 844 oelcae d.acjad siuaiton? It " la the casa ulcon o e- 5 ~ ~ "" ______ ot ces rc ensure eariy occupancy Cof ccc t oft01cff25 it«3 Sterlng pon; Sringacfrt;10ktOcups toae manetop îaq ~-Mîton. LOT axe 8533m23 WANTD tre.teeîe bd.scenlc lend, partiy tepre.ccon glass; 2 o. tont Jenimna t& Unct Mccc Appconte hobihave.cminum33 tien efplw.s87825l Voue 014 Car 1976 DUSTER, 6 2) the number o beda committed cocdc, clt h creek. sait Bt etppaca; 10 c, 15 paecio BM pccacy; - 4m1 setTata. c clnder, nocd, o n IcsL04st 3 Neak. plte; Nippo plate; eioctcic biandac. in lte o aling wtok. MACHINIST - 0_____Io____istEr___ dcarifiai. askide UM by the proposer for residents bathrcmonitlaoc HEAT TREATMENY *qa5uuwxd -ay3 CARPENTRY hihWatNM -P'"dto fiietsu citr.103 requiring heavy" nursing care olIh tr e"" aate Oet ae evAcoietaoso epcaba e h rwaak. Beceteiln- cr e.gardosou c rii ce cipincsloo len-raaticocsocecr.hc Ths aon pot98t fre epWedhatt«uditod conto, asking od on an on-going basis. kMiche,sote.a&p-tectioeats Nota; A chS aity eriOiicc - Mm. tou tesccci etei.ceacn. clcdlna dental. Ft- Recevtlen, Isbasa- lconodeitiio , Ot e tf.c 8a-n0 . h omtmn aeb r- c cocer tuIn- NTERns; CAs ieoResCEOe tTam oe.0 MOL STUIMINTNACE Rely id vro.Miltoe evenins.. th mtstwed at sas MhOLD vSe et 3musPiMAINTEANCE ntn- 884M r s874M oes. ONdeesit Ato rkue. 176 FOcD F250, 44, poser0(s,) to accept residents Piuseu ii asse, Lnchcoeaiiable. 5Nd hcathat yac tiaa epuacec ic 35e7ounise lon. 86e9m Cato. 0004 ceniioe reterred by hsitl.afer 5 foc moen.lcPREVIEW 4:30SALE DAV. jectoc mcldltcgand Gade 12, lctal co clélina c 42iutgaAtacoMoins Cii519833-0062 lErne. hsptfs ormation or t&P- Auctioneer: Wilard Brownrîdge. aticalet. APPLE pls, Cai Dane Fd3 -48 1975 FORD LTD, 1,000 Copies of a detaited "Roquent -penimntoclon. TSc aapaoane Ioitc. fcc eccia eatei-*coI"t.n Fed33.5n8 mis, 07. PS, frPooasdouet iie iSTOREor ran oMain Phone: 87"-730 Thou re pemanen pompnC mpta- gattrativeTri-878-d63 ado nw ýin. aVarabio an"docuen 24 be St.,Mltond cllabta séaeclote Coctpehnioanpaeiadbettanlts. essr. ______=____4__MM2 P 060,2Eclletcndition. MitetaeIly. CrIlui e$,000. fil-m. aalb nandaler Apri 4, raîaonabie. Appi vn araSTR IMTDJ rF 741. 1981 f rom Mr. A. Bat-ker, Purchas- Moi., BoolsO. 233 ARMSTRONG AVENUE workng 1 boure Waaon, V-8 at, P$, tb. 176 FORD LTO ing Department, Ontario Ministiy THREE-5EOROOM MOD-ASER LMTE ERNeAM/mtey FM a10 llUIE e«aBrogha,ir v1 el hd om, SATURDAY, MARCK 141h - 12:30 GEORGETOWNc ONTARIO phac. F.7eatears- raiae,11000oiginal tep. AM/ t-t radie, a' 0f Health, 3rd Floor, 7 OVerlea cpcraded carpet. Cil n E EE OH LGX5INOUSTRIAL 0end 608 Mita, Very g8004 mch. excellent cor bathrce. dla a FRoR.esO.rBEH 416-4123 r Cmecalay *,788,708 ontion, 1,275. Phonee tiîc. are-7352 Bouleard, Toronto, Ontario garet ws traîc. FR 41641= r Cmpn ousBi (e1) 8M.341t. . LnieOsM4H 1A8. Teephone No. SoioOd crOtLocto on 111th Conc. Ecst Flamboie, 1/a M. East 5eStt C ntettact8 y44ual 1978 CAPRI, biacis & 176 FOcD pickup.IVc (416) 96 -1No. potabe, rMa ne . SM ofCntre Rd., 2/2 M. East et Frootîtin uN.6 877-0185tsctgld. AM/ M t-Mea,cteencincap. 6 cyllîndar. Hwys- - AcaliciMi.cNethaof i. $605n 0Sgacitîf Mr.Ctifte I- ALTERATION & treptor ae cotccct.. axellant standard, rosi Prospective proposers are plos tîltila,. catienas.lApnnetey8M.N-Io CafsS a li 0ff B. lads ileswus,. condition. 8-565. proiectai, 6 Mitceine. te66M.__ _____ Contons. E houe Ot-/Dder Rsaccoable.emau98. 878-93..afforded teopportunity Ito obtain TOCE Ocen 8ETapie.orS.P. Cmbne.. t-cmMcénry aty o PARITS CLERK sPpa0ctc acMATE te dohe tuotr or s 197 t..VISTA information and final clarification tochocia cite garage,. OMConandcMSuesiiposiblyson. touokilo Eoarrtced PARTS CLERK rsquired le.- Intalé ietlutiohiat8U.tPi le aO Oc respecting the abov tcuen ptacscce c tems aîc. IEY:Wit 20 rctr(iesi e $615 Paait. Mtuti Mae 501 d 10cert-iii, MW 0or ht v o u e t piiahtces, ca1r ts 00ticrs.. .S.UIMeRn o eltSato hnue 215ea»teS msndictsty. Gaod staning rtet. 00% tisai ciaitaito ltoOi Oa = W0-11B.1 WI BABYSITTER MaI, i cier. 88r3loS on May 8, 1981, et 9a.m. by - ThrccHOcc.E, 4 P. a ne 2res. 303arrP.tiC=snit0hOt gai benafite eld inctudîng dental. Profit ihar- hen- cltc INCOME Te. Rehure.Iteett home. fron 3 -1971 MONTE CARsO- atedna meeting to be heldîin TO40UE pusnr1FlisnSpCnactetn.tn ing ettei pYear. teophco 4e.Wo . praparsi Viaca e - t. 5,r3 deltakt, gucci codtioc, 2 secce. - ig abedrocis. et nd u.t, lait aede2Sc CeaMWlest 1Stan CteppOc. Cab Enie. 140 taO e..t. tso. -iMacDonad fo 3gils. Tlmetala, tiras,, ncertîtîci, the Severn Room, North sude, atse, gra e n rbt"teinllsaiegoot clapai, ic. Cc 47 Salt. 5 Sac fil APL O .td s. , of i'Mîttain. Ontarto.orge. 878-6774. asine $50. Calil O-8n«. orMcdnadback ttucco, coîlw cet Oit Hak. 3 PH. OS."y 100 galln 1 on ScentNtes APPLYTaculciar a mm. 7-3110. EXPERIEOCO dý2dFoMcoadBlock, ic5. oes c, e piaarlandOtkd e Cortu01 aal7Naen.04Nn.S OANADIA TltRE:01 .itaiffl JUNK Ramenai & eae cBii9leet 9treMONZA, 4 cyîîn- Queen's Park. Toronto. - Caoe p.tdlapeensonin fll&cSccnt o lhlnaouns, sOetofamms. 236 Guelph St. av e Is Jbs Iipick p Ne*,ii Oo' don. etomtetc, 38.20WO NB ctos clibiMiCckstuntic simulera3aî.TFH. Wto ae , s garbr cl Onai S.N. me ecetent condition.e -- n fr ro e . îei scS. Avaaper M.tay. PH.srpauter sW, 3-Pl. rifOizeeîspieaier. 28Oit.bahs and &rtantai01cmAv@.ai&ricO SIS-mi878-M1115 rp.e. 011, provision 0f up to5o u rsng 75,2. geaointrver,3 PTKrotary humer 6 .3PF9,0 shilke Georgetown, Ont. ndasuaRcma eauoot-.ggicisiMuncipal minurA1crue ouci rlln ruilai,_______end1nursinl 042eeenttt ary eapcpain.ue.i,', ae5bares. aM.-EXPERIENCEO de-. 4 LOS e a. home ed-re ok 2a.obart wi wi 4ctri aocentn otac Cofdéi t teYcrNU cros it. i 6*000S . 8ereMSoff"ier ty of Haltoni, onil be reoeived on or InTLac dstiii typa stece Htenl. 5 30 i.nout ted n Ncrias. MAPLEHURSI COMPLEX Gterai Ce Macagarrt oasho te. lOtMrcr at'n 99In.pcu Rqaiee.à eaeottu.td.OOMaeh. R.kCcooi ara.Cali OAiTsias untîl 1200 hours, June 5 1981 aI: Mentcnrai îîtoaisiones in.to.thet ___________ TCERwBoudI tuate LtVE-tN sittar watai"pncs uyce Minstry of Health clllePnlo aleeoot& .crsSeinutsonccm lrth otoadom _______________ Phncee 878-209Oak or AtoitsOy. No pts .a0sle aMdaler.1 Haephcattedotlerppntnaty VOLUNTEER CO-ORINATOR LOOKNfr sont.t(o tbystIit er Net osfry eii6t0 Mierl. eCte entral Purchasinig 8530852 or 85 0012. 1000 btiMsciloo 60 es ottleapoiffl0y4 Satory $10.2par toce pion 0% sttut"cihofid"ancd tfhicreafoh aob crty tar Roer Badint. YOUJNGmocteer of 2, USCO cire & trucks toni i Room 426 3BDROpiecr.c onontiii ci. mn ai os vacaionPair. le thee c ocete 88133. e nracad I nle sale. Cali Gary Cllait,. 1!!dpe riu oslyotehm h Ies N oifota123 titrisa? Local Aetuay RELIABLE tabyelt@tlte ua.17n wIl Caro ton 45l"cS.1ar 0.915Overlea Boulevard aGergeon -G-- PoiltmtociieeohiieetS Hocta 24 Ne. pae.ak (somae .cnlda hocco). Disributar ulI sW-e eInyuhomen. *gA o ut0r5 lintIke hm.-ttrain. S320.00 ircnîly.FamitSoi Ocers.icie.liglctf Sote.toto a aLthc Oticc oie otcoe h- ecto0 te gait attend eiUp. Pon. ra- 107PaVOLArastationu- Toronto, Ontario Ais 2 eroo aporit. IS iOa hqeaopcprtmtcts O select,.tcin aid c-oiditate clusr, add ontaoc paoabe pr-Iteo 912 147. g oc, 4 sPcci. over- nan esur liha olo Oocs. Ocnror 0600 5e, coiisepenits fte cr.elof ytir se a".drce, 64,000 mita,, non M4H 1 N4 mant Iocshr i clS ticiec gopend ceedictouofthe institution. Foraad batesO picce toh4cam. accidentic Eeednciniocccleaec$aanpccicscc CE.E L$e. W ee1r0. ttC îertif. '00 Ail Acis and Regulatuons per- red nsitcOOcals Epsote d Ocpticelunecireonmiadp atuouaex-l r-uc- iî are 1676 - taînîng 10 the operation o00arronthly, ne appliances, V 69-8778 - Watrdawn poue oacorctoa evrumn dsm-e iiyJonstiaty e.-- ___ nursingied corant pays lh.and tcctccd.pakotaciclisales heîp. s . nansing home must be atîfid otro. cr7-7î77cîier towicand appfctie. uats hci oshrla enenaif. KOtit P and the party(tes) selected teilI be 6.00 .te Write aplcaios thraimpoilade ubited Ecellet D.ycar Centre- - 01FUsLT tofrnldo ____________ Satu te: actMphhet ac1.M = IptePonooctPo (4Ote.Lui.)SMyailico.esponsîblefoal stasci aprmn rle. AUCTION CALENDAR SuelinatT2Mohuret .1.61 x terMito.paicoe, Baru - 2inMChomripralSta. Miton 0raoyo ated wth the deveiopment and Lange kichan, LO 1005510 -01 omton aboa ul usrysh0 POrM.41,2-.Mmcir. îîrocrrfor Match EtaApril 78c5319 HoCo dinnt lus 2 uroitios .recks.Napoperation of the nursing home(s) votciî..rceo 5 Chri chouton. Auctoner ENERGYCONSERATION MILTON Di Ciaileaspc Np RYA Iy including land acquisition, build- ~ ~ Mi2.i.rAcîtriHl.Mlo coant ONSRVTIO =r1 arIfe ed argeccatt ppdplygrecrt. open al eut. ,ing construction and facility MILTON Court mer, 27.f;30p.rr. Pncfccir. OekoiloArera TECHNICIAN asporiance oaenstraua Mo-ri. 6-c, S615 CYCLE oéain.Apardirapi. oc, & roc Aprîl 1, 6:30 p..AgriculuocciHeu, Mlton W recuir nacEccrConservation Tchnicie tta or appli ai&Mito Dry Cii.-0 EpYced ,ite tOOcopoiicrc e~ AMAHAsî opt-atoUI not bei he proings. tro. t87te- Ap,ion a ., . giclSare, Heu. MLiorr Harda Or" ppcoeoh.DOutIiouplcanthdmaintan- CiatorS. ldpeted. Focnch preret. Foc tcther inîctormati..-...- Mif shryo l e snoted th gat e Pa44,47 hîdr5o:0 enegiululHll ilo oeind instrumentioln plusinstallationcandccrvc- TRUCKC Tireo spa oeil 2nd Annuel MnstoHatintbiae OEsict pr eii1..lpr ercrcrlHl.Mlo irgot of n a0 oenditng anag imilt.air.Applicat orsn wantai. OMI. -5876 Tukod to accept a proposai as a result of tellft le ccuniry houre. teprl17, CoiFiday) il1 a...,Agrctuîii Hall. houid btait lest o third ca ciionacy nine, o 0 43coc Utitities.e o M Paking, Mlo iiccnidiicaoetedtada. u---. AE this COmptto. h oest or LIbroIIsadita. Nns tpîl l ,11c n - 10 Mcary St.,Ucxxccaccor crpaacchoetpeepadteEccamplc: any tender 0011 1100 necessanly be i tes-, oces var lasse. Arl2,I ..FmSlFeto Weofe n trt-"strin iage ont.Te ionJuiork,1981 XS40 #169»- accepted. a$53 .1119 --le-Faesca.t-eto scedy dysift. Day Caro, Nursry Sahool 1981 X5650 *2.64" Information received in ment, 42 Brocto S.,. orfo aiothn cattgn8-37 Pleae aply norîîno a. bChIdrens Cetre1981 X 51108 response 10 thus Request for 09 Cisl.aa <ii Sse octor rtraicalO Plas apy n riig o:Cilre'aCnte* 419" Proposais" may becomne part of ONE ai twoc bron 74dp Employef Relations Itoriment, N W O E Oe r100 N.oMotoros tegvenet fl n elh artents, acallîbte. Beadmore, aimteW MX Aid Srcet.iBkni To1 ser-vices information for the Caliperriede For Camplett adRenig Divisbon ai Canada Pckeîs Ic, Wite sk Parire t hoinPoHalton Reguon oithout obligation D3oecîntParî@mants Auction Service ceatotcta 327 Bronfe St. No. 9 Oe- amoi Fr; . > het.ît .Face- Lîvcock Elgn Sree, cth goVerment. Chria A. Schauten Mltoat. Ontario 9e8t,,4p.mSic THE MAYFAIR, M1 ACTON, Ontrio. Loootd cr0 y.7 nriuel ap>'I sone AUCTIONEER Furniture Sales LJ 2M5 878-711 Oocphs AutocMail, o & ebdrcoen spot.- SOI« ofAilTypes iofo8863 - FUR De Pa Oy Crs* ReeillaPartaleta 82Cote montte, mnsabreOca Saeodoctot Pon 7863 CLAtC A machiMa.lo. chol We Wont Knoen- Ontario eaeacat.ataooge CL ir a eff10 orto pay ba se tc 000MiiStry o01 ODemis 8.Tiolireli hobbe kt prte. Tel. 878-25176grietti oc resote tFor aitttettCoti Oeaagy Chas Cm by e.alaeefoe thot bmsbhaut aianeolat e forue ingty ae,_______ = rsviaaio WaneDait., 772361. 13 8m e undersold Heclh Mîini- - .. 3. Méoac, Ont. Ile0U. 72ParkLincoln Mrcri, cd3rrni Utent,2 _____ iCooOiai mPO.si#) - anwlp.-. 1 G»routo". i Il