-Ma ConaisS<IChIampio, WU., Mer. 11,.1081 1 Soketssplit C'pmition- in sports âalyzed by dire ctors lave i lhe sport Idmtty wllh wor lhy raie modela (coaches, pros, e r o,, mes haruter theoetlgame or ~~ (b> Smoifafadare. Lack Of lavalysont. 'eaac-warmlang". RinNgla ,ave avei, purb. etc. DaUbke aof ccr.Lack ai ce- C * bMORGAN spot for opposealsanad officials. Intimidation by caach. Sacr clcls la Onara are boas- Anwa%lb lflibil'Y la lag tlsea 4iys wllls dmo onsoa acceit deuil Rabber-smped lab and> yplog Adde" W Wcaldo ou lhlnk' W"thec i h hy Bob arpark Tcai, abave la mor likoly ai rsaift fram tcorO. jSccer Amca the sytns your child playa duer ai d l ~ ereadoers lssy have hear i001t gomeadegibut Wansd 1 wuld Appare5501y part af the coeursa Db. tOumara e g u h y-si anod by thedroposotrate baltveos os disÇ* ~ sjc.iayons wosdd lse ges ansd 15yes. 1hum s cs of tis spet piperIsel ibs sin e corn inl ockey snd h toprosdesase. ' bas"Dbal lprobably aIea appis la tials bas doses lai ai resoarch se ail sSlW 5J00 an -rcrelisa thesusbjedoraiesspettive sprt 0al5101ta5 romeb in-la swing yousg players ssd i D~diat. m bikds quit sports lha- oanot arg wllhssy oa i = casse ai por caschlag, osoql laa eos I dorse most aiof pctsty, over-eophai nlasewla- lhe Wal.oehave ta put out- lnOam -y£aeerothlazg. caluls lala o onorganse y-th sWble Ibla May hie ruelansme socror y tier sprtfoctases~0, t1t la au85OVr- mtrta <tali hastreainsla plfiatio. sMYsprose aulregmew plyrs taila os o nlrt onoe The e~ad r i maieby the spaI, or maybe is actlvty mch as OSA laudis if bo te n sal, art or campn, as Oey set Onaro rnotion a auai as. ader. Hast Ideset lvlvod la leVelS 2yoars. 1 do ot t" n msy aclditteurlg her forma- hlceon5 evon laie tdoinq any tlve yurs. 1 belleve il ilas mlacos- 5Un pm.ticiptlse ai dis soeur, hockey o soi.surva ioo.rTadevop baeiblllorgnisationse laNhakthey a ndli 1h . - os eela osg plao haveafsllod If aO is eysusg plsyers zeeo ýlysIdilaporno. Ross-do e atcontilaue laplay dier sprt as in otp tllo ta h hlghst levai adla. la, l Cosyplinoattacking dis pro- AmlonSoiioy queios;is hhBob blem lan dis arese ohre hy are uiieIe hc iistl h fespe osl yfr the injoso pro- cus of dis matter, The firal one blem ores, bsdi la n llty and ba laC0O51ctaIOh quallly, accra aI ie e-leagos sprt disse indvdus]& m5ont m iff- lave. ledi and aoalvaed ta funtise ie la die position papr. DeBoiplas bintetr" c i i e player and die ot tht up theiegeaof1the esi- game aitlar I ', and die second phass ahoolihase leacbla.g skills. &Inh, '110w casun- cope idi diose Aftrdiatagsedtheployerlinresdvia la dhp positiosa whado at onetand osoncptualbl=aaoosbla fslflltde objectivos ai our relted lto oark. He mabs dihe scc-909r-s?". pott oaosoy carhes coach ta o*n If -welstdiqrl5ht Palelanvolved, ai the copesse of leschlag tevd ie Ihalf w 0y la slvng dis bookcs. tuiy tdos iamore goeat h probilemi. fisewe have lao dacale bosse lease level os ohal la ging the prents. Ufortunately, diala1, ole haachèvesi hy el alslsgsr net OeIIy sctaevedanid saccer lanot leaso crnolion? Ao ierfrt dia aly sprt la Hdlos whch hou qsstod là taprovfsassanai d rolatrctdigh t people. five lV as mach lima prslang aste diyolya ai sya a he MHIllasbrsscb aihe Ootario rap teinta el wc smach I mSar-Socr RefoeoolAssacation hss lbsu"essne e'Mnhosse flaallzed die dtes for die basic (s) A ai se ; ii . VP9ei, Mi iYssa laaroalnlaaklag In lvemosl Acivty Shauid « -idioarm shald contact Own porl ýAUMlraund sbllY.bonsFaulbsoretl7V&3156 Ctinuaitedfross Pg. 9ot scrs eosaoed bacs and fordi drough h. game olithAmaos'bakd y solld goalkeelgoie Racktos setsslader KIrk Katchanaais wasseeab by upari-s. Airas' started Mark Flsber la gol and ce- ced hmwt eev- seond perlod. Fsher sas a staosdout la dis finI pridbt allasealtwon goals in five lihos thrassgb die ices so mo- uta ai die second perlio. Ho appeared tla bava di- ficsty batliog dis Rock- lan players oho ras a consant slream of lter- ferestre tbrougb is crasalainte second perlio. Fisher topped 24 drivesin lahdiafisperlio and mode several mira- rainas ilavas. Fisher dld ont rears blsdly la being pulled sand ad aeveral lod sordes widi Hall ho- actnrepliai, iras- icaly, widieir tlird thorOlanded goal of the serins. Mark Domasil drove ithome. The second period bloged la Nistico. The formrTornto Tors of dis World Hockey Asr- Bowling oraM;. lia-55 htrias., C-y uiSePail, Oms 0151, ledit, Jm is oS 0etsoM; »« lep d.0. erBlai. auno o. Hele, voao 1, s OTm sie..ass 15 M. Jsohn il550 , onBill~ 050500.M, eYOrkMlsi iltos almost slaglehasdedly ralliai bla team and even dia score as a-3a star 500 periods. Hlalico oas dis mala of- fenssive sparb for die teamw scorlng teire. Hia aggreoalve play alinl- spired histeamsoatas. Thetdilrd perlidbegan alowly asdti snlalively as nelier team laok chas- ras. Floally, Amaos' Batt seem ta change dia direc- lion of dis garas ohos ho atldatdispark at td inlo lase and rared in alose on Katchansi. He pas a perfect deke on die gosSie dien shot dis park oir die set. Bol the play semred 10 open up die cama. Joat a minuta laser, 1 HasSp made a creat pluy frsm dia Rocts coner and oorbaidishepark ras la la frant of the goal. After a briai cramble Hsllp bnocbed bomeaa Isase park for a 4-3 Aeras lead. Twosminutas Iter, Rorton buessnrabck for die eqoaloner iramn Barry Harlinelli whlrh sens dia gamelantcovertime. Aaras got die bigest breakbaidie serias ohasaa lameman mssaed an off- ide hy at leasat a foot. Rtobertsanspirbai sp a pas fram Brasizewsaki on thse offside play and acsred o a misplayed shstoepastAeras art la- toth dielasdater jos38 seconds. Nistico marched doses die ire fram ia face-off and olit a greaSpersonal effort stsocb die pacb lala die goal fordiheequalizer. Witb Roctos domlaatlog much ai dir play, Aeros misageil to worh the pucb doos die ica. Schosnfeld raced dows die ire, stopped jas inside die blue line and lob a stap abt along dia ire. Katcbanoski made s poor attempt utthde abt aod watcbed it boosce off las skate loto die goal. A-ra maoaged te play itsy-bar-die-doareffect- ively for dia rust of die came to send die aerias la dia sixdi game. Aeros oece osoot by a 54-35 margin. HORNBY MINOR à SOFTBALL ", REGISTRATIONle 1 to 4 Pm. Homby Cammunity Centre Steelea Ave.. luat weat cf Trafagar Rd. BOYS E& GIRLS 6 ta 18 yrs WELCOME FEE: $10.00 joclodes: free sweater. clour teamn pictr corn rosat. Play for Hornby Blue - Register eARL Y £ BS in tournamwent Playgsgalast mo h eaisbot teams w inte lasraey, Miltonovice Sackel oems hanked "-6 y Weland aod elimiatod framn a touroasseol la Preston over the weeoild ,, cI oenr fi 4) aga nsite oc, I-Pcton land squadinlhe second game. Against Preslan, Hilton wss led by Adran Hellos laur goala and autait goalleeplag fram Richard Saliba and Ryao Tiammos. Dan Beamisb aod Hast Newby added slagles ohile Fai Carins and Newby chapped lan wi to o assisa apiece. David Wiwcuaryb aod Met> added one assist Sorbets played one of dieir boss gamas of die year ugainst Welland.. Fine goaltasdlag andsperb two- way play kept Weland off dia acoreboard for die fis period and aai halbforedihey flaaly brakedihrosgh. The dasire othde Hilton boys laspresed die Wel- land coachsg sait, said Sorbets manager Jacb Champo-a Os die inst came o Tri-County playofl action, Sackets and Fîsoshoro played la a 3-3 ir. TIse teams met aga on the oeebeod in a pair of gamas is Flam- Heli. Newby and Cres scored for Hilton oidi asistafgon olianld Caries. NZ/oR Touth£ rbecep club ÎT IVII7T0YALL FEES: Y $Meach (FamiI âx. *05.00) Ladies *35.00 each IlNOTE: Registration after tose deys veut require a $10.00 L*0e 1 1 Regitrtison Pas ohe addeal. J STOCK REDUJCTION SL THELAT ORD N WALL COVEING Durable, ii-proot Z-Brick. FinishinO toucb ndoors or ont. SAVE ON AU. PATTERN8 ANTIQUE INCA PATTERN Rai or Oid Chicagoa $ Reg. $9.75 653 COUNTRY RUSTIC PATTERN IBuft, Strabo, Harbaur Uroy Reg. $1096 79 CureCaoS, tok na M I CHECK THESE VALUES ATTRACTIVE WOODGRAIN PANELLINQ Hiarthsid Pnsa Coda,'4 Pinev'aw Soamisi eStrake Houoe Western Red Codar To Vu4slt A storm window that instalis inside REDUCES HEAT LSS THROUGH WINDOWS BY 50% SAVE 20%/ AVAILABLE REG. ROis 24 a 36. $4.29 *3.40 38 x56, 91.59 *8.45 44x64 $13.98 '11.15 RANGE HOODS 25% OFF SEL EC TED S TYL ES AND COLOURS MEDICINE CABINETS S20% Off toght msdadmsto choase t om. Buy n0w and sase Ca aentoonlny. ~IlIlb ND 700 Main St E STORE HOURS cisIIPiFLMLTON. ONT .-MsThumSe.Os, p CHAS_8__ PLANU&LVLD 811 CHARGE ITI Looae>ouck. Aeros' Tom Butt (left) and Jim Robert- wins to even their semi-final series at tbree Mames sons (right) chase after a rebound off Rockton goalie apiece. The seventh game was played last ught in Rick Ktchanos' pad in Rockton Thursday. Aeros Rockton, although resuits weren t available until af- surprised many observera in taking back-to-back ter prias time. Aeros on reboundt A Legion fine hot Boos sd CrisIO~-lsn tnk ,> Tie hst-af-five s ail deaongaHdaLasemjrDund ai a sdotaont lam uapsrddiso of gm a aexhibiion action dierlCosàtplysfswob 4 laLagon scored onhabf over Dosds Snday afleronai t lg St. Hchaetsà 7-. Hamorial Adosas 1-14, Ltegh.s laakà HcCadlu stucbfor oiss galachances la dis gamoe UcCanleu sruck or th aI H"et morlal Arma wide Harrison sdded four assiste la HoCindiffa lad t pwrLe oté dil. Gaalle Steveo hs dru aixa o1ile siq W'crybOap 25 sabta lacladlng so Jason Bmma sl dish.third parlai hs Hasteamlarisse miss along olit dis sin. wolditw1,asislaeaapbe Brown rippesd ila aid a goal wide HIons gslkeeptc Phsilp Lerh and rsd Jones added Min HrraY and Wl, erIes reursmin l lo tdetem ;ed ilfits shots la blast- 3 diAltogh outshot the offosu mwidi gIns oint la Joha a, Jonesiand Hr- a rases clappad la àg oas sharai hy rcuaryb. 1 ir m f 1