Look boulaiyo«: Banvil cenftreman Tint Polleni (dawn ans the ioe) looks ino the net ta ode a goal h acoreodwhlcb tompararily tied their OMHA ne- cond garne wth Stoney Creek et 2-2. Croek raflied wlth a goal li he filial mnute and m1tapltued the aaries with e 3-2 overtime win Monday Jusi two Mlton i-sp teams romain in the s eimîination of Banvil mnor bantams Monday nigit in ovrtime to Stoney Cresk.e In another inartrsklng Ion, Stoney Cresk ffred the winmtng goal a minute loto ovrtime b ali"I a 3-2 nlctory. Ths e in allowed Creek inte the tn best-of-sertes dmn sganie teosu. Beevil carrtod a 2-1 lead loto the lest minueftetinmetot Soesy Crsek flred th. tyinjg goal wttli2 escooda etitnd Milton playlng two mon sabort. Aller taking tihe iiutgemns 4-2, Soey Creek weon tse second conteet 3-2 Wednendy at Mernorl Arena. Banvit taved off elminationn otb an exclting 4-3 in Sundey et Meoirat Aiena before tin sacene abfted bock in Stoney Creek for tise fourth gaims Mondey. Backed by tUeim sparbi geekeeping of Shtiwn Crnegie, Banit tned carefutty cnrrled e ose-goal tead tirooglieut mach of th ie. However, Mitoo n ninle sonlaibdtck in tins dylng minutes and was asesesed two minors. First, Mtons Tlm Pollen, wbo liedt beex hacked end ciecked pbysinelly au ossin 10 Uic dopes bo seffers e badl bock, wao givco e miner for rongldng otien meny fat oth players sotd habon gene bon. Thep, e Milles defenceman cross- checksd e Stoney Creek forward le front of th goal for asotiier pesalty. WIithto Milton ployesn tec bon and Stoney Creek golsg olth ix .a ttackers, Uic hases aide ftnoty bonged borne thc tying goal to seosd ths garne tto oesrtbos. Os Uic goal, enother Miton ployer w«a aosased e taso-minotoe unportamanlte penalty forcing Banito1 play Imo men short again for the rosi of reguaiotinmschances fnr an ail-ont assatitt a the iend. aller tnhe gami- and solai- 000 n' on a antd a,ï,minteoom-nton Sone ry tntn 'Rlwas uie n iceiblga-ne, sa t oidh>ak o o Ici o r od ih n ol nnored jnnl as the fimnt Mlot penalt Banvil cnach Murray Van Wart 'lTe uis wn,1,dhv o.Ad1iikw a elapned le extra tirne. played super. Carnegie mon onltanding. t. Addtog isuIttule ijry, Bannit oas giron lise Stoney Cresb coach caee p ta me Bannil ptatucd wiUieat Pool Raman il souier penalty wlit joait a minute and a belfllot in1 overtime inrting tesUic brk hsiotithsong amn of Two onogoa wins Wheelers grab 2-1 Iead Robooad nl finestyle, Milton FMft sent it bomne. four breakaways. Knoflecins bot go Wineet mojor bantarna moe n th lil a Fort Erie booaced bock from ehiind aUi kesplsg ba beencitcd an a main resen gfe of taklng Uhir OMItA qoarter-finat nigit tyisg Uic ncore wlihjont over ton Weltetrs' sucrea. sermon ogainit Fort Eris olUi e pair of ose- minutes remalning le Uic geme. It mas a different game lest Tuonday goal victorien toit mesi. Hankett opencd Uic acoring se seconds Memoriat Arena. Milton onced lis A 5-4 onertiaxe nlctory Sonay le Fort i)theUi contest fromn Ellwond bfore Fort tbroogliontthUicgem. le pull off Uic vict Eris followsd a &5i in ai Mernorlal Preoa Erie eenesd Uic mark in in minutesn ter. Fort Eris jumped abead 3-0 six minu Tucdayto insWbstsr att sris tod Mtto jpZdattend wihtwo goatsn linte cgaine and Welers oere formad le tins best-of-fine playdomnn. lThe fieutth o riddtc frerngiving Whuctsrs a 3-tIad play cati-b-up iockey ail niglit. MD gae. aa pinymi lait nigit crucaday) i e inlg inle Uic final perind. Jeftienford closci t 0o ilei a goal et 3-2 by th en MernorltAi-sou. Unfortuatety, renollo cored iglit secnds leto Uic second peri thtin finI period. ocrent enaltebte by press deadlnes. oli an onassited goal bfors Jeff Harris Tne testms tradeit goals in Uic mid pst Wbelers op by two wlith28 seconds toit period. In Uic Uirit pcriod, Mitonn scorec Excellent goaUieepixg by Norrn Enotiecli in Uic period. Haskett aoinled on Uic goal. tic tins guis. Fort Eri e onniedl back suppnrtsdl gond pay by nenecol of In Uic Uird period, Fort Eris boonced tae.tUic ted agein onos minute tater ri gWeetm ers sas ligita le Pst Milton oP e bock lti ic score mlith mo goals by thc 8.21 mark before two lte goals, 20 seco grasite le ieIs.mlday pont of thc perloit. Hoener, Cirin spart, gane Milton thc in. te Fort Eris Sunday, Tsrry Ellood Cormier retored a one-goal Milton tond] Elimonit emred at Uic 4.0t9 marko connrt.d a Urse-on-two break wli joat 52 Uire minutes lter wlihe goal from MUse breabaway af toc bing set up by Cinudli seconds toit le onertirne le gins Wbeers ennebsisy and Grog Morey. ins tend Haukett scored Uic oinnleg goal on Uic mai-gin of nlctory. Defencornn ie s ted for tmo minutea bforre Fort Eris perfect deke aino on a brsakemey. Cinudligin cnrricd Uic park up Uihe s eened Uic score for Uic Uird tins in Uic Linemates Haskett and Ellwood sco bofore paaaleg le Mark Hasbett. Tbe gerne. twlce encin for Milton mbie singesnosn contreman mooled liUtiein l ayleg a Kxoflacin was outtending lne UcCtsudleigli and Hennsborry. Knool perfect pana onto the stick of Ellwond obo Wbeslero' goal toppleg 43 abrite inctoding torned le a troag geme le geai for Mil i ad Wo fthes goat- tn for &y et batm id to dilton !d of Üddle rd to at tins conds ioreit ent le T-Birds in a big OMHA hole ----------------------- BE A FRAN FAN VOTE FRAN balotb Theo Canadian Champion, Wed., Mer. 11, 1981 Creek sends Banvil packing Hard luck, late goals difference in OMHA series 1