Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 1981, p. 28

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m W C 0W W »MIMid,. mUV. 11, us ru!ned by sti oneaiditheMotmciig playit hockyisala li Mlin a ama ime asu lrnihoed Frlday vkm a major bravIeutol ed itralagia dia olnd igama aio se laea l =Btno semnl-ll uessorashtvss iltoan AeroSndRock- tan Rail McCay. Upl0di tpaedavatly inopiavod Aro, aho .flniaha dird edi regidir asea, b.d givon fimIt-pdare (Z-4) tckla t ai of i diir lives. Aeioi b.d haanoed bock idi an overirne vin Tibamday ini acktan betorc tylng dia seaiezsail3-3 Friday la rantoaithe lai-gesI cravd la vitch etha- a juiolr or ltermxaiae kckey gamein l lavatoremalma. Havever, ail hall haoka boaie ds1348 mark. Gown hy tour gailsend gerslly boston in mogt aialaai diathegamne, Rcklaaatfrustr-ation gi-cv Wkm Ral McCoys'player4coih LxiNttco look a svlpeiet Jabay Hall bakid Aaros' beach. Rock- lensa ench cmptlad and il leak 35 minutas bciore dhing wee staigeeaday Theaincdat va gy. Tie flgkla alaved smv- erii pliye o elabvedihei-psrshial iggrvationa i grpo idlalyaifitairtlgklting. Il gels pretty ridliculoan abai Rocbtonua mot aggrauive ployer daioacasnan Rma Boslb, la aeabeasing teiap doutaiflittle Jim Robetaonu. Il gala eve mmr rdiculouéa abmi tva Racuto pliyers kald Marty Seeds ahibea dird give Monia llkeral dose of kncklesandwiches. Tua mUtra raca via fartice. Ex-Ara Kei htcEnnnaho van vatcblng dia gama dam diah far- standa attempted taclhb lic gluad gel ai nama playara abovwere atlackimg Seeds wabUeaev- ral Mitoan tlasmates aatchcd dia flghla an dia Tirea mmnihra ai Aeroi meecutive, Carl Ny- mera, Rima LUne and Bob BartlealI, mcmi oci la dia Milaon hcnch ahre mot oaIhedifgholag van galagaon, and alleanped laget lait-faca. Fanf(rom hoth tetasmagot caighl apl ia hemss. Ouilde ol lie faI dtesituaion set ahbodania- pa for ymutg nbra ttandaacc, lia bravi nant neccoiary aoc ihold il bave erea em allavcd la esrillte fim a single incident. Niico sangig upid bra wl himstickil Hll, ilaamjorhrawl. ltowever, ia mant bard ila oaa aoanthiag oaildi magaisle aui eavabie,. Mach alcknvock by bhMu tana owugtdh iase abaiMmgae- penalnmd. Thoraexiale abkt ofrtbidfeinlg bemte stwoaclubs. Raockian F4gaidaMea inte yoar dia tanam sld via tha pvical titbe and dwy arent asacdly averwaolmnait Idhdiapai etArSoaab "ud bavbasvrtuel llnagam adwbvai Os the odior binaAwao bad daravaleallir a team la dia lat moadi ai thea esoanIisa aad itoais't vou remble dia Moln Aeroi ai lait Navmbr absadirevia .1111 dasht abadier dia leam wuom 09batdie Yser. Rociai re"leMtan. Tae's lle dauba. Aisitant coach Barrie Elit at nd tlacnh iterosainiedieyear afler ciiaag tdiaeslanat Yser Aosoam araaard ai Rckblas aiggreaalvoaaaa ami bad tomporsanamihave heen noicaily hadgorlag dia playrs. la parliclar, Busalle kma drawn mach attention for hi celebrated oprea idi dihellettefollavlng dia iraI gare. ia nua- lag hangaver prerma»d Mm t ram playleg la dia sý gme.Robetso, eswevas aodier Aeroi. obvoudy ade sureBooselle van avare Mona knevailelalla Uaiartuaalely. ach ofithdiaMaam ta aiW o Elitto maddo, ailofaitIl niirly. MOU atIk hoan aylhiag tbt a proponeot is ild oaihoc- key. lis tlaminte apaut roleccl dit and amy- body aho walcdElliott ohodder an dia beach dur thg ditghla bnava dît. Eliattl laked alana andoemharranad hylthe cous ofniavata he vald bave pevmtadit ho bod morc coal-ol on dia team. Thria lion the jolcm. Ram>blna coch Lu Nlelira leI hy eximple le laaigaing dia melea. In' a verysam italtion ahna aotaner pro- fesilaal. aoie akli bave raidly dimnlabed conideraiy, mot vent htanrtr-ation ain ch a mamnc. NuIra ahod bava amplayod mre cliii, oaiaiy soutnesllke EDlI, ftilhe iacon- tetand preparedlfordte sevmdihgome. ith hedia cana abih*fla oRctia MMia tg Tuesay) toc dia dacidlng gaina, hlicallons acre tor il la boa liaeallair. Tue OHA va uid- iag oit reirea Bil Gavoraki (or someana Hâte hlm) vho kms an enramely tlght graap an dia gamts. In a gond tding. Ilactonatinaon'at exitliy kmva btroaghout dia longue la ho dia mot re- erved. 1I dinh dila vhy diey hut die Afrlcan Uaon Safari itai-blaon. Tue siuaion le laiciliva ai thliaecond-laa and hoh-ligoe alinoiphara dia biague km ac- quired Upgrade dia leigoa. andalait Ubenet. Goig for a pi: Milton Atom Slecta Dan Wood (rigb) hop& over a fafllasg forward ohila Mlton toammate Ken Bradley goes for a laie puck. 76 gymnstS cmope Springers hold rec meet Tac recreaitaulpi-- irain of dia Millan Spr. ingera Gymnautics Cluh boi ila second annat mccl Frday ai E.C. lirai-y Si-hal. Of 250 membera, a lott of 7 gymniasla compted la die optionat mccl. Thle tollo iniia lio AiV.wds1 ie %animi2i FM: 1 a iue i Juala2.0dm 3- 1ny N...t2i at-ai i mi SsIi. 3i i-mai t i3 ammyWitOci«Taa Ssci i. T- d M 2o. & ciW ao-a 1978MMCW 4 cybwW, 4- ç . rodo. A red gu dm MR #am Lic. NF04M mam" b IMM yN- 3a-ie tcaiiin 0.0dm ctBM OrsM t s- I nuis anima- iTtiy Soiii 9-.1 I 4 N-nata io. HI Tn.c."aM. Nois ,a.8diimta-on"i. ibm t1 AMMida aie,,i oy Sm. t Mssooiii Oic.2 iN- a3,tin-ieGÙt-.,WKy tmsvsth. i.iiuiivni tiAlon» -oa i. Sy- 3i iaia Soym ROYAL CANADIA LEION siumh 138 .m e Pinnommion fo M, bmE m1riesovm ionim aifte Mpegd ta Vsaiaa lWIM ms D.damOV Aiaaaias aidW a mof Vain-sa ad ISpandaniChiemos Aiaaiaai 0van ahita M aOW Sauim OIlaMpislia ft H.spk. Br. 12, sache O!WlsmnIr roidataa l-OMM S en a i5kIl' >i"sA»kmaia-aie hoMaM kV Several iaaawt i itnFgr ktn Club's Camival show thair plesure if- ter finisbing ththi-d mdfinaZ peractishe clubs aurceanfulcarniva.Tis he w etrforance played beforo packed boumaise attihe Milon Sports Contra Friday and Sît- Lead Stree ville 2-i Medics one game shy A botlit ataganm liaI veeb lat Milaon DMi and Ganta mm àtilma anc gaine nhof ai kng dci- Tri-Ciiunty pliyait erlan alithStreetavill. Mledtieslad tdia taI-aI- Eve pliydawaa 2-I aller a pair of aoc-goal gainas liaI aack. Milon teck dia aecaad gameaifdiaeici-loi hy a 3-2 leirgin Wedaca- day la Streetavfle. TIbm Siarday. Streelavîlle avalded ellimnatian y odgl e" tai 4-3 ai Memorlel Ainoa. Tuie leaini aigo hockt aI il Wdsaady alght le StreeabnUe Mark French scred wilh jusl avar tva minuletaintle ugama la reak a 2-2 daadlack and gin. Mdic tIhe in Wadaeaday. Millan had apanaldiahe coing la dia Juves advance Jim Newminn card la ovrlima la illw Mtas Wdan'a Acloam javendaes a 7-5 vltary Wadauaday la Flambora and give Mtan a dhrea- gaina svoep ai diir Tri- Cony playati sarlai idi Flmhara. mlatnDmaaits Gandain t e laat i-ound af dia serin. Wdaons tlatahadaho ai hd Flaihoroanmd Ganduin l :dWp ragli-ai aomeindiag ffbt sdad g gotiboo fmIrsprolad mbhth liama altecnated acorig thereofaidiagama. Rohhy Mtolad scarod direa intets lotodia gaun a n tili Madics ahaid I-0. Sreetivile hoonced hock iteuothdi soreai am naaploca idi tha lmnasecad-eria llty. Shava ealey raslared dia ana-oal tond br Millan scorin aI dia .23 mark of the inal frime idi a goalaised hy Kyla Hasaleldl. Streelavlle avasad dia ncre once agiledirea minutla litai aot dia tage toc raiclin gamae- alaner. Heileyinalalted. Il was a ditterent aloi-y Salai-day ai Streelavilte juaipad oaitelai dirc-goat laid la dia second perIo oaly la neS Milon mai-ch bock ami ie dia sci-e It took four games for a, 3-gamre sweep N=sdagtvagass a dy"a, ItM 88W aaaet he Wia. aly baut Dada 5-1 tswoptelr butl- aciltital.trIpradtha ai-fOve Tr-Caunty s claIion aa goal ram JiefVadarvoral. seclitiVe gamea. TomHototn padded lhe lead te, tva lie borna mt TbOi-day IIin dii gela and Raady Pruacello nmil 3-0 aadr-eavd diir o-Ie fightlag abIcl i midiseonad-perodles.Um Gfocema hid perneated thdqi = alg a Doih oug Rldlag aalaled an badi coaalera. meiea. Aller aaemiea stik ral oaa, a major tlghl erupt.d an tdeilc, lInhe Ihird perimi. Goadascared Detas ae sktch asoffiiai fr m ica haare Hmmston ami Paruacella Dohalida ire keut icu tiredtdir e onad goalaaodi athe I lat hadibin wee reoctat a dicos aal avay dia vclary ami glve Milon the eis we itdo t mr Tac fght, vblch ccurred drea mia- dikrs hRoawe an d bdi mai alsoi tathle aecomnprdisa ve ~ r amdDog avaaiRdlg laia dia asta. laverI itia japed pickiig ap maisaia ia dia perimi. an diaelc amnd ddo bo restranl Am iaPoullan waa btveean diapipes by tie aillcîatiag crav. for Milaon. Drrck Noeands vbo 1010 Ilua gome na stpped et dial point ddigoal la lb. iretand amiIrd gommaio idi plana la rescbodula il for a liter dia erea waa servlag a an-gaina sus- lime. Tva playen ra tran ch leam peniofrom thefliamiay traca. Paul voraaoipandd aa routaif diaf-acaBenloa waa dahaothr Millan ployer sus- ami die agme waa replayed Sanday la panded. Ditadas. Milln naaawaila Clilagoacuy la Thla ima dia Icaina alack la hockey, dia second rominai lf.thi-Cmnnly idi Milaon camiag mt aheid. Canaad playaffa. Gatei for the giinaa hava nol Lao Tira rallad opa ae-goal load ami yt bain dtrtalasd. 4 BATS LEFT To $AVE NUNDREIS I 7a Flnanon a masNl amaber 12-%o MN»ac e s naauor moela xplme Sa sStirdMI, March 141h. Compar.d wlth the typical bank rate of 18.5% I4 Finamnlnappllaa 1Ioi11 1981 Modela (xoapI lacoci> "A mu mwr bis TsLars...-Am* .*dFw O&WxNOS, TRAFALGAR ,tpMOTORS SALES, LEASING AND RENT-A-CAR CALLOIRUSLES OTrUNE 4MS MeUn M.t, Slo-7UU with Ibrea lhlrdplad tali Streeavle won dia gaine wth a goal PUatou secodslelt tilaregidlian Urne. Mltasud scored twlce tor Mil ile sFrnch adi- ed a oingte ami two analela. *TROPHIES o AWARDS * RIB BONS~ *eBUTTON ioMEDALS ENGRAVING ON AIL PURCHASES CATALOGUE AVAILABLE ON REGUEST. TEAM DISCOUNTS AVAILABLÇ 878-4950 Springers Gymnastlc Club Recreational Registration KINDERGYM GIRLS &r BOYS RECREATION WOMEN'S FITNESS MOMS AND TOTS DATES: Tonight - Wsdnssdsy, Msrçh 110~1, 1081,P.,n Tfhuradsy, IM*WrIM.19>1 an~, d 6-8 p.m.- IN PERSON ONLY AT: Milton Springers Gym 275 Main Street (ld Pi-ablît Fuufheri ia-mûton: CatI: Pat Sipkes 878-5787 Vichi DGbon -878-3451 Distinguished 1'rices. itallan Ciassic SHIRTS reg. $55.00 2forl1 0SWEATERS'I ' AT hy Shlcby I bg Marzollo i-cg. $32.00 reg. $12500 ,Now$ 16 .ow* exclusive italtan Deaigna for discrimlnating men and women by Zegna and Mrztto. See us for fine dresa shirts, 81k ties, complete tailorlng, alterations and tuxedo rentala. Geracemi Custom Tailodng ... excltcslue tailor for men an-d w6men 1 piton mail 878;1987 ç L - ý. ý, ý àigàd

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