Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 1981, p. 27

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ÏuICAN»MtU4~AXPION, WEDNESDAY. MARCH il, bl SECOND SECT.ION Fracas mars comeback series ied at three apiece »Yem"hel ye Aaiag i ea t sIrS- Abns-lgericg brainl lu Oie en-ea uanhston bewtiedie Met P gMeeftse e el-inal oce »a" I m aierty Os. betwm MR" Amm ald ReebuIan»fiAmen deoisin iffeed PeM co u bnteawa 0am ue in Bsacte I.macu wblcb awe glititram AMrW well-essvd bedla* w e u ai eW«set lla! aine &Pmécealr .s~tuPm 1Aerne MIs ]Racbesbaitalus n 3-1 lami., o&=bUi ari KVntly mae iuu< maeth .esaoum ade"Uleu oa he ua-t- sen. sms ut-I . lunctmu lu "u we*'a ppës. atlas14tt iss~ u Obuc &MWa aia l sae ien WMo bé s e d t e los& u Oie tO ilr sla in yvepou, Mn. ouAt PaffOie bat sudrme».d onlad44-3Rinonth NaCu% tek tin thens. 10 us- cod m ap rad Hiton ta"eet dbsh kqoiebif Oe rai ni Oi fi. tai endsd 4. elue pet bkC»tktomen t S lui&pt sd badm dectl A* back OM*" Mmar i of lu su nultasailsOey siqbe s tS9" ! ca' tv ru 11 ffl iafii lunrPa eIlY n Aerou beneb, aboiemat figting wu oing o. Io tria aImai mmur- tee urosijuwy bde avacat- leusdre debeie liii seieree ceuomSan 0muies t.ual dommn. Ise paie resuaed andine relut- lvely quiet Oie raegfthOeay. Flvec>Rpler m emcli eai iere ejoecteali majns min- scindacta, a'aInan, Reakian wun muesed taonimsfor lulaj Oie firni tutai te loave Oie bencli dzeteaki onte Roclkton'a Reg Lehay into, tic goal aihilo net- atteutiou to the action behlndhlm. An-ce oveuod thic anian vawl put.a bitter tate into the mouths of both teama. 010w Osnc(aewnkl sud Dong Ssliaenteld for Aeras inoile Ray Evans, CailMlan, BanBoin- elte, lion Mann and Nullo gpt Oic pga l orRashion. Durlug Oie regua e usnn, majorailacanucte autoaially ma aonue-geisniupenslun. Oui for playiflu, Oie ORA'ailais a teaInlaboy bacb" Oie playera sud aH'i nllsui for Oie nveOit lam. I leleI, Oieheaai pays a "Weaieretrun&taed, explalued RoMatn suintant mack Balie ieu " 'lOdibthOefirtmiod inan aur inarsi et Oie yaar. BtiegSot 0 ilu Oie second parlod and 1 k ad lainen Oie play ainny tramn Milton. «Tben'e got ioestwa penalties and Oiey burt ai onueUtie. Milton smrad sud it eened te tabe nou efthOe eai ouItf os playeru. I'lis bard taexpenpete uing Oike Rai iR(theena). Sonaetiaie, sanme playere tae il apon Oieni- elven te inake up Oie tuai aud I guena Oits inlul bappenad bars. ONa thalu uot »entin fer il, AaronLUne laidOihe ltnie ttaily an Rockton. HRaver, Oire inara many reportati f Milton playera ludgesiag Oie Rockton playara Oimouglinui Oic gaine. Aeres dominated Oie offensive nttiit Oroogb the paise sud etaltebed Oeisnapérbalty early. fie Smebeck, ilu miulg twn games alihRahis bacba tote a n, markseonue onItRamunt lipreesive camebacks ilutRa sqtada lnstry wibsbb lien u ilbaraily sprinkled ali a teudsancyIluecubanlUnOu lula Oie paie, Arus bounced bacli itiO a goal four min"o.neransd ibreamura befora Rae pasind nau nul. Aerue' goulusinara nsad by Dong Helilp sud Lomne Lla" wlOi lioenc acnd sunagles te Bill Mdlliiloaay, Fsy and Robertson. The gnaln by Lcaak aud McGOl- loinay ierespesiaily gsaltynte, l Rail ina Rat neier bad bai part- iclarlyseffefilvel inte asen osp te Oint poit. fie ffltOigane of tOic nres Tburuday lu Racltea, lutter lyp- iflatI Oie style cf tRa nains. fis lCaatlnuadl naPg. nil Colorful carnival entertains crowds in three performances fisetargeaudtienuces reseived mare Rhau Oeir moneyn wotOi ialcilufipas- Inrmancen nIfRhe ilton Eftura Skating "lus 'teivo Dot Obytlieu caramel. at Mi[M inSparts ete oves"ut. ecd. Playlug bes packed bonsese for as perfarmiauc,Oie careleal insu wasmly recoived and tlled iila pectaclar diaplnyn et vinuai affecta. Clnrtul cotumes aud rliytbaiic routines eatcrtainad yonansd ld alike as the Akatera, epecy tRa youag kalars, cliarmed tRa apectatoco iiOi dels afforts. Rigbligbtilg tRa iretwo prforances Friday aight sud Selurday er n ere feanured anînint Ravin Parkas, Camp- bailviilas ssukiag natioallsuiorsukate sud Rthesu palms comba nI William PrennuFigre aigCu Puarm ai committed te lia mwn clubs comnivai Saturday iglil sud replacad by Tbampona. Aihogli the croind insu ntartained by Oie fealased uAtes, il mai apparent tOit henrtsabltnged totahles yongtern inlu ikated for a majnrity cf Oie lime in the ftrnt baif nf Oie psngram. Weitou suy gudance oa Oie ice. Oie kida ,ibkd ttn-ughti lair mel-refiearued ronelnnwith noms banst errara bat mare entestaing. A large part tiftRa clabas membs a prticipaled la Oie coaivai. Balmean Oie 13 group ronesîam ess tevaral sols by mambera ofthOe club as mal asteRfa ttred nktes. SittofraintRa clu era Caleen Tbaralaa, Leaun Diron, Gary Coulter, Palge Specli, Suana kure, i Patchesna, Tnay Zita. Tracy Eaglîie and Raidi Brooks. The rnutines fotinina w eriety cf Ibemai anadmure complete inii ta rfut cstumet. Durlug Oie irst tien performances, amarda mre aded eut ta teverol aisabarn nI tbe cilb at interssiona The coreival required the time oI maay of the club'a diractem su long perind of time ia tecuriaf costumies, rmutinai. akari, etc. Tbey soubaid .cnmmeaded Infor ir efforts ia producîng o fist-rate program. U pstart Hogs dump Fencers in playoffs Underdogs up against Firefighters, Racer's I B yJilon alutn Hce Leue no e npenalties. Mim clubs sbared "- mis lie wnaun " elped ont ly McGinus If ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ qal th1itnIdsrilHce0eo minor cells as referas Juin snd Adamsa. had a comeback-team-of-tie-yenu ainard, Halwyabard peessed teakup co" Milton Clirysler-Dodge liad Jacki , il wnald mut aranypc aluils oie. Durante reetlng lu tie pety bax wbau jiuas .imiea 1 reth-in Ic gi RpcnluiycesdOe Peter Rate intecpe a niray panl game, Ro afarely aiatcbee gnie pol r =bl udi =ru ted front efthOe Nadla= e and lu dirOe uea years ~ ~ ~ ra ottbylte iliaaa. Stebt Une by dumping the polu na ppl niluneJe iot lecoad the O at-pal, quarter fll bsee. peaZaoub ne ail nl*tbu.gIir eld a UnelsiglLcncldane ta Wl ganc inutsud 2à secondsu lft in l RciRaaabtedOccat ai tien Oie seemi-final rond.Oi t eS lb Une coacb Rick ane miutes later flrlug bome a Rata liven If Oie lesaguens lu-place flieru ODonuell padted Jub i lu of a nts entra offcrng. don't wi0 aniber paine te Oic playaffu, attacber. Haisevar, lu inu ns l ot Wltti jant 36 aciud renaiiing la Uic Oicy maet lu very piea"o wi tbelr par- bi. becl fera .lncn I= intev anRZ content, and playlug finir men te Nadallun forancs apait Slralgbt Line. drioe Oie pcb ne mure lain Oic tbrcc, Dadge flred Ohi paine inner as Ia thenOc rer -fua l mlc-u Onu ~0e and. JIi Eary ucoed ona uet-ap froai Pierre day NdLu n lut OiWat -Ibt lni At Ducan, Steve Aaisa, Ray Pilais sud Mark Granie. mon di taa-pan Lwar by= r a I-im nt Delegards sud Bian Farrell bl paoo & phet Tbeseai-flualaget uderway alan aduc l i aci-lemod etforts stoppaid by Jabb wbile John Valpe ady 1 .ai. et Milton Slports Ceatre. Rap ii muet Raceras Upg aibie several tîmen. Cback Mcnck. Bruse Bowin Flreflgbtems tabe n Nad"ll lu Oie early Nadall ine.é bead-la-bcad wi liraula aud Bert Bertali'bad Oie best chiances for ane befnse Oie Cluderella Rapg baille Fuel Flrefigbtem In Oic baat-nf-tbree sci- rlalb Lina flcrslge lu Oie second gaine. fiale. Botlbserlua gel underway Sunday ai Sradni cntlnned lae sen ingnt fe ci-fluala are longps pain. The Milton Sports Centre. Oie second paine cti esnerlen inuienait of teams wIll play par"ad et 15, 15 sud 20 * Straigit Lias aud lingye d te a =lln thb u ir banclisa. AthOugli mintea la durallan. The painen are step ncoreleaa drain Suday li tret paen Cbylr-ld ctually wn Oie gaice 3-2, time iil breaks bateen Oie secnnd sud the aibi. Ha'tien-goI margln alaad ap Nadalluinws ielIlu inn ail Oie ay by hifrd perlada. * aad euableiepolice tcain te capture Oie virtueoftOieir4-0Olead in Oh ifrai gamne sud Ca Oie Hop continue Ohir fairy tale? acrien. Hags aî .tabea Oie npeaes 3-1. contedt te tie overall in. Cen Radalluin wh endad second laat, bnep Bnot poallea, Raps Gi Ais nnsd Rap Parmott, Nadalt fine-tendes, id op Ohi pond fortun? Tine lu ai Oie Straiglil Lien Cralg Jabli played wil te uot have nearly an macb ienrk te de an id Sparte Ceutre and ses nent Suuday. en Oie abalanta. But Il wua clous 1rm Brad Evans lu Oie Dndge ut. But 'The nemi-final aiatcb-aps, an papes at thes antaet Raps inlcded te play a defen- Parrottus tesaimates inara a iti mure lanat, favnr baOt irleflghtarn sud The aivegamne in the match wbicb kept Oie nbat be4l pfulOis wars Evanans. LIge bat wba tanien. totaleh le. cose ou a rd-earking Jm Coe .aIOi a Racer aut . e19-2 gals difterence eniti Hapinwere fuit inarksfo te ie rail ain. kaca preonearly in Oie gains id not su- Haplibut nly nos (12-ni inan a ruaay by Cn-cnach Roy SmiOi altribated Oie victery banco Dadgs's chances oif secoupina Raeis Ramea. Inaaimplete efforntndin c ats te evening Oic scare, sud ne aven Menwiele, Flreflglilars nutacared plyw oaOrubmi dhi besi et- Oiinigb Oie bluesblrta woen Oie paine, Oiey Nadelin 22-12 la laking Oire nI finir mut- farte tif Oie yaar 10 Oic gain. cauil uot pi;e ea goan te nvercaaie iags betinees Oie clube. Il carialaly woa a disappoiting finish lait ineebdk ct Aiter tebortag lu Oic doldrmof aihOe for Oie Strait Unea cre. Tbey lait Oic Nadallu conied a puinr-piypeoalnt Oie lainer lea et ifMUOL aineth )Oi aned Oie> lague for mout nI Oie seena bat tnlled aIf 4.40 mark efthOe npenlng lrame. Rlcb lanue, Raoa bave a uew-fouudin oetf badlylaofinishblu Oisd spat lu Oie averall Bridgman pulledOie tslggar on an offrte prepesily. standings. Theane ued byds fmGe clilaedegnssdb i sod i e coachesailat lOngscId ont bave bae Oir defeucean Gord Adams winble Pierre Oieba e W oiutn fer recreetien, ar for It.esescuPilote inatcbed tram Oie nId Mm. reelly Moraned foe a ilale tasai. Nain, et ph aine Jiol festurad endtaend A muie andO n4 ns*cm&lut. the aildis ln.Oe Ilt est4aa nl îushmB re sl a-tcu ueus.b4 an Dehe: Q»iai'e &teM Wleae pute a MmeOVM Nodb»l 9Vfl 7-7

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