The cuinary ar of pr %a0 no ysî:i ci tea.F, your hand aI i and dû caser low simple i rem Dy l. Once you do youl ie iookod. Maklssg tie crepas on aI a ime la the lengthie advance and store cnsered in the rdge.1 in an energetic mno moite more titan yo noed. f renne themn t b ready for the et 000i niai eiminatiog morts( tise ime spen1 in ih isicien tise second tn around. Cropes 3 eggs 10 Tbop al-purpose fonu 01 cp pus 2Tbsp) 1a tp sat t'2 cap mis Fiting Two 7-on cons smts shirmp I reserve 14 CU isine> One 4-on cao atmon t Tbsp btter t Tbsp ciopped onon top. crry posder top Worcotersi mmp crepes lia Tbsp btter 5 Tbsp or '4 tpSalt t cap mdlk '. capitrine draineit lcom shrimp (abose> Methoit Crepes Van need a amatt f 7- tin pan 5a/g' diameter at bttent. To mike Crepes, combine egge, Itosr. sait and mils and beat antit perfectty omooli. Let stand 30 minates. Melt 4- top btter in bottota of tryiog pn to coat. tUse 4a cup measore and tip a scant amant lto pan oer medium heat. ip pan 10 coat bottom. Tamn ehes top in dry. Cooks other aide mntit pate gotd. TIransfer to arge botding plate. Contnue anlilt btter is cmised, about i4 crepes. FOlîg Drain srimp reerve 'cap brine and combine sfimp in mediam pot is ties almon, btter, onion, crry powder. Worcestersir sauce Saune Blend and but btter, flion, sait U ur sinl mik ad sbrlmp isine anti sony liici. Adi 1 csp nf sace ta birbp mixture and blini. R- serve rematiùsg V4 cap ni sauce. Cli llng ta ronmtempratnre. Woriig diroclly inlo a largeosialtow baking duth on miicis you are gonug to boise and serve lise crolton, place one cropa ai one end asd spnon about 3 Tbspfilllng anîn conter. Fotd flapa nvr ta etictose. Careflly tare oser an opening t on bol- tom. Nealnoan la import- ant. Line ap tlise huit crepes lochisng. Yoa mut bhase two prattet rown of 7 eaci. Spread oser alla mixture nfth li'acap roserseit tance, '4 cap genine mayonaise and 2 Tisp mitis Baise ai 400 dogrons F about 15 minates or untltbobbly and golden. Serves sin. iy DonuByers On a mild, oserccal day lte in Jan- sary, Anie lie bamis prcimd pre- caiauily apnn a brancis Ibal bonI aider his&aweigt. Frens is saitago point, ltan ia isnidred let ram the window rans whiicis 1 obirveithie proad bird sr- soyed is iingdom wis imperil tpose. Tise fields blow, blaiiseted ilhs nnw, iny anrellled and ahI. To my eyai tere wuaonil a ingle ngn onIlle on lise grsstad. Amnie coninaed scainin, an- cnnceraod ils teIbokoisni iny ciir- pris al boit nttled. nervoanty te tare utthlie king, rom tie branchs ofota neacbisIa. I reacisid for tise binacatars, lis e lI- tec t, athoisin, aid te admire his ieatital plumage. lThe piion ol isn percis prasudeit a spacloan backsground tlal strolcised ta lIhe horion. For seserol minates, the cone e- miinid sMallc. Tison, aaddenly Aree ma on lie wtng, amanptag down apon lise sidoisti, and dappeaactg in a paf o pawdered sttow. Airborn, almanl immediately, mils bia prey ecaroly clntcised la paeril taos, be dis- re ed in tie direction ofi isanesting- :eTie gallery o leatisred bird wtoisern tois oIlin a conlaing, siril- ing, ciallrcload. Silnesa selled in &gain. Te brie, iolent drame as A drama nI qile a dffren type an- tolded in a Torono pais.I1iad aidered in toc a qaîck is p lalate on a drizzly aflernoon, lat flI. Attise lac end othlie lacres a granp aI ctier boiteroan cbaps, miso la- leeas o iagis ley lad been lisre simo faoon. Aa I idiy molcisod Ier anl- ies, wilb anme amusement, tletagi- ter aireply stoppoit. Tie ide sife disappoorod as lie once-jolly-isays stared oser my isesd towirda lie donc. Folioing lieir gane, I saw a Yonng oman, nmatiy drissed, standtng amid ltho ccowded tables. ec flaushing eyns, lrromod irow anid psed Spas told a story ail lieir own. For a tew tenno ecnnds, site isat- itolei, an il deiding aisfter itlave or to stay. Ibn, with tom of arerid, tise Yonmg oman stroite detisirateiy te tise end othlie lac. Tiere, raile S irented amly, allait aecvssaY, iY one ai tie mon. Heo oniered br o be, tlan ased, nil sqalely: Van iring tise money?' Sitelooki te bitta ram isr hindball and tlist thelon h ostrtcited bond. He counned nil an aoana and laid il on te ba. Att theise t, tie oman iad ieen tliing quaetiy bal lorcoldy. Ilise JCS- nIrsa amaid ber lad retucned lathala mnaie consersations, prtandding ta ig- nore orlal eas reaily going on. Tise clima came anpactonty. Site suddoily gcaiboed hlacMmniY tise arm, and looaisig straighta olead, mac- che itotis towarda tis exil. On tise may tote idonc, anme tisaagitieso mle stis mode o nide emacit. Il didal coate recognition, and gaI nn. t(Gond lac lac!) Aiter a bicel pause, lie boys ttise end nIflie lac returnedit e sir funtaond game-an if mtiing lad lappaied. Tise ct o huitmlatitoy lad juaI wllnoned iad pparently iea ltin a booy og. I can only imaginetlisenad oI tise drama tlal was ployed antolde an lise parking lot. ltainre samiitndy gt an TiaIs il for tiis ime. Two itocles toc theo price af one. And yen ero liere. I. ~~te~rocec.-7~s's-oc ~ -~ '~: Ar~-~ U~'~* .~55pl5it~ i st. clair me Officera of S. Cair Masonic Lodge for 1981 were installed recently. In the front row froca Ieft are Junior Deacon Don Winkwortb, Dfrector oif Cere- monies Ed Joyce, Senior Warden Peter Anderson, Worshipfaal Master John Hoekzema, Junior Warden Ed Ramsbottom, Pot Master Jim Hunter and Treas-. tonic'Locge trer Harry Overend. Second row, Tyler Wilf Grif- fitha, tnner (huard PhlIlp Howe, Secretary Ted Stover, Senior Deacon Sert Simposo, Assitant Seeiw- tory John Goulding, and Junior Steward Rank Ford. Absent was organist Eric van der Hoit. Omagh Womon plan May dinnor iy Mc. Cecil Pteroni ise roglar encisce party hld ai Boyne Centre on Foi. 24 lad olght tablesainplay. The mus iigis scares- Mc. a.lra Prico, Mms. Beolice flown, Mc. Salis Fard, Mc. Mocg Caig, J.C. Marsbal, Gecald Teniyicise. iso Mrcis menting o Omagis WA and WMS as isldinthesocisrci bal, Tbuadoy atereon ils il membere pro- sent. Mc. J. Hition pro- idait. mliomei tise lad- ion and pcoided. Mc. Colin Marlall ted in lise criplnre cading and prayer. A tler aIflianla toc flioers wen in ispitol as rond rons Mc. Raby Rautherford. ise imn- cual report as gison by Ieaincer Mc. Mlligon otan on lise Haltan Salely Council dinier. A ltIer as rond advling taIlise anisai tee foc Sve tise Ciildren mou increaiing by $Ha ap ta $192 par yer-fthsiwou le01 aovr. Il taon docided Ilal lise momiesem wald cter ta a bot dinner la May. l mre srry ta bear tisaI Mr. and Mr. Lorne Lang were mosing mon 10 lieir bonne op nocli. A laromelt gif I wos ta la prccisad and pro- sented 10o ally. Tise WMS meeing mon chiored by lise prsdent Mms. C. Palfereon, opantag wilb the Mary Stewart prayer toltomod a eadng on Lite by Mc. Gladyon McLillon. Tise lreaarera report sisowed tisat money iad been tant ta lise bead ofico. il mou dicided thtia $M4.00 would la raiaod an oranlloton ta, WMS for tant. A qustaionaire was compleled, M&. Humso ai prngcarnsconsoner and prrnteit severat readingi aid ontento. Tise menttag clnod ils prayer. Ater miicis a ine sale ai vgtbtes J.M. Denyes News ibe grade ane cloaIai lancitimo, toc lia J M Deayia coisanitaseole saoll planning a isow lac parents ad rendes0 Tbaurndiy, Marcci 12 ai7 ceieacaataare botaglald Wideoudoy aid Tiusm- day. ladoor soccer ad flanc hociey caninue every lunchs las,, rganinsd bytb M. Sinner. Several closses are pirllclpaling inth ie Canada Flînesa Pro- gcam. And seseral en- tries iave isien snt ta, tie Haton pool ry con- lest. On Pancaiso Taeaday, Mc. Skinner ad M. Cowltag mode pancais Sea thre worldl Th ne anadian Forces s scarcnsng toc scamen. and vcocIftynu've never set toot on a shlp pou coalit qualfty. Tise Forces wilît pap pou 10 carn anp 0ne ot nîneteen teccicatfy siilleit sca tradcs. AndI pou'if sce more otf ile tison yoa ever dreamed ln isc bargain. Il soan eaclting bcinnlng In a sot it career. ltor more Information on sca rades. vssltishe Canada Empinyment Centre, 3 10 Main St., Milton on tise tast Taesclay oi cacis montis (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.) or retare tise coupon. ý AS .U THE CANADIAN AB3OUT YOU4 ARMED FORCES s - ----------- CasaOas Forces Rcruiisq Centre i id..o.:.. . :îe . W-- d- Hi Pl--d,-C i PH f __ Cty P-o Petai Cod. Tlphosu.. was ield. Luncis mes nrvoit by Mca. Halls Brewn and Mc. H. Pas- cncis and onjoyed isy ail. Many ladies tram Omnagis Preasytli a cisarcis otiended lise Wald Day oif rayer ser- siceoand tanS part na ill11- cronl on Taesday Marcis 6. Sincere iympafisy b exlended ls ooe iso maunotlie panai nio William Ferry o Mittan. Mr. Psrry. a lite tang ceident olilisaraea and a former anti l hertlrid, la sarvlsod sy hieta tall Caca, a alter, Mcm. Borthao Trence and brolisers, Georgeo, Dvid and Johsn. Funeri tsec- vice was hld on Salon- day Morcis 7. Srry ta cepot lisaf Poul Roman bidlihe mia fortune ta, brouk is irigisl arm aisoselie wrt mhise playlag iockey Wednosdy nigit e il- ton arma agiait lise Soney CreS ibem.Fail ploya in thseMilton Banvil Mc. end Mrs. RIci Rowan rtarned Sandoy nogt fMarois8a Inssa o Grnd Caymn Iland in lise Britht Wsltdloa. Iboy lad a ine ime otain dlving and ionia dl vina. bringlas lacis tafa of beaaii siells. Asamechanic,youknowthe nuts and boh *ood fbrm. He figs outie Ul RecSnlofFmyoymSt a Awon m p t m I nmsc osb * md-tonnseaisatoni. Ad ntm hatotbofa ce-nqHe kois d fe dom'sS« i itthesetnt tiahbcinsyb= oLoa isîn oAtoo toshe tien o ge the basini "Hetu CoresehRecord o Emptoynet" trmncha nmby CooodeEmpI rtetCnr. L»ing l gond fans. TlleR-dof Employnou ue, vy r utesurmeo "!anble Emings".Insubl earioueoc euiolytsa espuymll . mings.Ocaasc AI istthe RO550 SoEoîey, mployscdo'm thecot b.ý t ohfolfchnsge.Ad ihe d . Et'. juat gadisn.onsois.aIniod fnrs At Uneployment IIace m p abot 4,000,000RMeosfEpoytc scery yeu.Lostsyeas.emploe miotitcs infilllng ot the focr ta Oatls s $25,00,000 i paymnssPlthe t of cnifst symsid pnaizin or VkS t to wsosodoosh $125,000,000 And ce goisg o do il, topethbî Llt E.m mL R AM"od fss j) AMPUM- «WIcn, oymr ofory!rl un fl pp voue fono.s. oy lr &2 0 mUM NW WIN McDONALD'S Kiddes*C ner-GIFT CERTIFICATES AND WATCHES. GET VOUA CRAYONS AND FELT MARK ERS GOING, TO WIN McDONALD'S CIFT CERtIFICATES. ENTRIES WILL BS JUDCED ON ORIGINAUTY. SEND VOUA ENTRY TO: THE CANAN CHAMPION, 191 MAINBIUT AST, MILTON. ONTARIO. ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE. Name:____________ Address:____________ Tlephone: Age: LUTWElIS WEM SUPPORT VOUR KIM HAMILTON DAffODLCANCR KELLY SCHUYI.ER IMA M LINDSAY HENRY FUNO DEE ANN HUNTER Nobody noncdu Il 1k McOonagd 8 on, A# og u i t pkaise p oie0U5fr0555t TieCwdbCSn oSo ~, E Corne fly with me .5 i. .- -- ir, I&