Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 1981, p. 18

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ttornby 0ooitêýhubtwU consldr cafalfun Triple bonus. Wheoo bunting foes tt exercise and corpnim-1 ioooolop, bagging gaore la consid a bonus, not a necessity. Edi Robertson let), is oldet son Jacko (rtgbt) and son Ron of Hon by cach shot o brusb wolf near their borne over the span of one week. Hunting bo a tradition in <is farniy. Kinettes ho.tpat. Laugter atod Joy were wotdufl d"Y. a we.h M, go for a att atmd ai t te The cmite ar. isw, tduwal, talhor playoagame Halto Cettetnl aotor hep <n avilable lt. ail wt ho r.idente cato Fcb. 14. at fotget tto0 An hair maketoch a differooce. Tloc Miltn aid Dstrilct Kioette Clsh hoi<ed a second annue aet neSlides of Japan p.m. The CampbilvillloWo'hy Mn .S Crîmp, ai the Thse Flannagon Stho ait 'mmInstituts Mat-t- Japon pottionaof airbt afIiltts Datocibg oponed meetbog opetoid wl<b des trandthe world tt-ip. 1 te show wltcocllont sert ad cmli. tes du he sit. dvisod tdut aU tee Mappittg malt- aid home ai Mns. 0. Von cte dant-rsagon O M4. it-U. pî-svr o n Nctt Crlene Daly'aid WitMms. Vato Sit-hie r.mreo acomoas Monica Hconcy sang tM presidi. m mutes a <bai e rc tlessatoad aid wit the 105 t--os report ver. comfortolc otd stffs roident. read hy Mns. G. Blach.coreos To claie ho show the aid chor r.port hy Mn. MAI). Kinometo pt oto o L. Crawford. A sevon-day bai-t-ad fontoy faihion show atd A nombr of memhers doant-e. eoqttesed ateros nt- t air AU cnjoycd a coppa tendlng oatardat- pl *I. aid cooies atd dnuse monaryresssc itatlon wi<b o percontege aoft-ot corse hclng plassned a'fra dotated hy te Conadien following a taht0<tou s ek iI Style Donuts hop atod o Fehruaaty meetbog hy A ssow t-ub, bowto s gft. Widhus th<e itod Mns. Margaret Bunsdy tce North Halon Toust- baighseatd h.lp from supervimot- of theoRe master.. is otahtihltg te Lodion' AuxOllla0<Ct-MBHomemohrserM- <iltseinMilton. Tisecloh Hatîbas Coent"o vite for Halito. s aaiociated wttce Mator. aove mntioscd PIano were mode for a wl-htsswn Toastmuter atd due Ot-gon Yai<b S. Parlt-'s Eut-ht-coaInter.atisnal orgonlza- service cluh, spet-lal Mrt-h 12, 8 p.m. et due lot, a world-wlde set- prtion lihe dis caild ait Maienit Hal. work of tloba. ho sorceifuily W er-en utooter- iliSegoal oatis lob l< atratgd. tMsed hy a must inter-t-' *in o nfcidenlmce Thn-yai ou for a eutlnto<*k.w4h ll, :.nh5800 s <e mmbers Excuses fc ky Jaet Set-et-lth Tist wesb's article te dedcoted te, ho.., ai yai whe Mtl avent showto yor parente yair prog- report ecaoae of cotfllct-tg abeces Here at-v 300.0 excust-- 700 con MBe te t-' 'oont for yar ahsecs. Somc r. mor. popular thon otlor. llhc: " Wel so.'. thems marhod ah- semt-o on tht- saiw day wc bad and ome ddt. 2. He se dosnt like mc. 3. t caec in att- a couple of timon ond he mat-e mc absent. 4.1-'m o quiet in class <at sometimon <ey dont notice 'm heme and mot-h me abent. 5. t a te drive Jus low te worh. 6. The car stllcd on0<he3007 te sh",l 7. Bai at of gai <vo. mils. fromn a gau station. . Wsn't feelng to wcl one doy no t dida't go te camo ltstsind I r.louid in tho cafeteria. o. Had o go te a voocyhatl bauket- haII game. 10. Mut0 ai due morsoiog t wct la, te doctte denttt t stdyed home h, t-ot of due day 50030MB I, was't feeling weil. Il. Pt-t sotry for tho dogm o I came home tote il t-< for a wath. 12. Dida't have my ooks so t dida't go ta tls. 13. Oda't .tody for <bt test ai I stoyed in the taf te stody for il 14. Had <o go downtown te pich up a gift for my grlfricod oyfriend. If duey MnoO yoo have one) 15. We wmnt on o fit-d trip <to tht- malt pool hall at of town. te. Bon<-and Cyde brohcup so irail 1 bad M. heep her conpotsy for a iittle whhlc. 17. Laft My mahe'sP at home ai t coolda'tgo tM flst ctaai atil t hort-owid some M fliasop my face. 1. Fot-got Mo mahe my hed mol wm<t homne o fis t op sia dut I woddt'lgai ylld at whon t got homo. 19. My pontse plit somcwhrc. an 1 wont homc Mechange atod .ew <bono op. 20. My pt rot-h dled and 1 attended te faieml. I mai 0 gtif-.trlcheto over is deot thdut1liait caut ia mûr t bat-h M due sthool. (wett dwntewts intead). Weilt <bts i. YVaine got 20 here in choe from. If yai alrcody showid yait par.tso.sove <is for yair mid' temi r.potcard whieh cmmes out April DANCE Fitolty, t. 5r.' The long owoted Vlcoteen Dontc. Bt to oaSt. Patt-îck's Doy Dont-e. 1< wltt eh t-d ons Tuesday, Mrt-h 17. Tickets are oooty $1.50.lise dnt-e <s from 2 <l 5 p.. M oncy raiut-d wl ho mcd for tht- bashethol tertamont the setoior go on o few doys attr. TRACK AND FIELD> Tht- trot-h aidfiet-IM.' ilI ho tarting ptattIcs as10060as0 «s wO-m etooogh te r.n s.dsldc. Prot-tit-es wll ho Meld dorntho two lunches. By Joue MenIer 1 Ed oeetMon <sat-on- tinuieg a tamîtly tradition i casd down tcv his. tother and lus rather's fater. Ed le a homtet- il ar. isl 10 Jac-kaid Bm whlcte a otbtteg aurkt.. but due fatt dut oit-h ai <tem bagged o hr.ih Wolf wltbMn one wiek la sllghty ait of due ordtn' :We jotntdoitfor sport. "Foudue boys its bit- tert- hoxot thon tM oit arousinMoa a. "W, doit avec, mmnd If we dotot amcasythhog. 'if we get o wstf or a f.o it's a binai," Mr. Boherteon said. Th0e ht-aiSwolves or coyotes vot-cd <os welgbt form hetweeo 30 tM 40 pounds and Ed estimates duerhides tM 50 wothU rabost 8SU ooch. He sld hicsons qtotted tt-M ainte oswi.' 380 notU of Hot-nhy wbere <bey livo as idl <o generitions of Bohcrt- mao efor. tom. Mn du shown posswao vory ressoable and efficient, coverlng on00 oins of terma-, tion horeaai were very IEr excellett ides sbiwed the astiful and uiquetoceooery. builditogs ansd struttres, and colot-fol textiles oid neuive caitumes. asters iembers in teares of puhlic- spoahloto. white et<tdu samttoime provldlng ant entertehoing slgbt ait. A protgt-m has homo devc<toped S Toaut- muster. <teriationa whi-bogsides membins from <boit- finst public eSpeech oo trough evariais tyt«of ad.a s vned won, midi as Maisment aid speechs Tosesday tdghte. Begniar Dinner meetings et a local r.staurattar. aiso oct-uteosally isedudod. Ilie t-lob hn open tM onyhody whohua a desire <o improve tduir cono- fidetoce and ahllty et poblic-kinohg. For ftier Mdlel about the North Halte. Toustmuter Club phome BoaKtsechtel at 8785M0 or Pou! Mctntai 087 Sm spaSot-eaiiv dayB on 1 thte. differenot extu-.t ions the family hunting trio hart bagged mr bt-ualwolves han <ey usualy get ail wbtcc.- Lot-aù fa-me. fi.en cati Mr. Iteerteo whemo coyte areslghted os <bele pr.perty. afford tulaie nbiep tuh wolvea", sud Mr. Robertso.. "We realy reapet f r- mer' proierty. W. 0er. rougt op in look ithero gante. 1 wzralool <at way.1 ,l'm @>yeari-old when 0100syong we wtold et wht we humted. "Ilose were bard «ime., hoc sid. Each yeir 5, Bonanid Jach wait for th. grosoil Mo (remehefore <bey veto- ture aitt.'llh theit- rifles. ley on17 hait lu the wltter aiter the irait bu th. escihla0.soit. Mr. Roberton s ald fat-mers h.ow if h. or ic monohave em on their pr;oprty heoaooe the baersnskow mogh Mu cinS fetot-s athe5 loootltoted of rotd 50 damoaged. atel farmer. have givon te Robert- oai the dito ai their land for Sotltg purpeles aid a Ed my.. 10e atod h 3000 respect tbis privil- egle and soMy 0010 from ilvestckanod buildngs. Tiere ia toohuntitog sesson for coyotes, c- cordltog to Miooltry o Ntait Resorcos Wld- Ifle Mngemenot Office Bu-ce Borhlatod. Nto restrctioai ave beau plot-id on the ho.titog of thsm. animai Mte, 1001 frmer. the opporttitiY ta proieth<bit- liveiMeSk osytime il la ntoesary. Ed collis Sbrwolves hy but caninsg 8animal»0 aveu,- barder tM ue- coaiidy trot-h a oa80 tbato their usaiWe broterte lo, airot dat-h coate provlde natoral camouflage te tIteir mvirotmott. Bras wolves heavily on teir eai, ai ameU 0 7011 the sesod hunier. Ed mut stay deo wted of hie quary If h. 010M t atace athUt prie. 1 Ho clalonsi tl lanry a eaiy tM dstltogodob a . hbsuh wolf from a des. t Bro.h wolnes bld teI- heada 5gb and tit whit- 's two <ird the lgtaio a degos loy. a The ttee thly 3 frt-id ptte mat 50 -stempel Sp ltse Mlnis<rY of Natrol Besources 1e- Moant aseed B yga Gaote net ment Cetiicate locoVctosia and Gey lbst so likcplant- sS y bfituce. invmtme.ntý, aUno av-< do is watc t-b «w. guonotendi - Our- GICs t-n ho puebased lort tmsofo 1<t 0 <O eatsTerm aid tt--tpyoo tan 5 alttd<31 yos. net-ds - bavest in a GIC ronosVttoia mo Ct-t- today And - b aUf AND cREY MLTOU Mito MII 878-4173 Tor. LaS21-2181 10*w0C e"' 00o18CWUS fer. Me <be etan h blpo to th. Hoodain Boy Com- patoy for autt10 The stamping progrom ho. honoin existence for only a poir. Mr. Sut-k- tedlatl taBmpinS ball» te mliabt-y koep tt-at- ai te numbho a aoalo huited ad il ahoedthe ihba-k mat-otfor fot- wlhi hbu engrowinig te r.cotot yoit- Anter porpome ai te pormlteenuh Coy dep, a hybred of large, dernestitOrugBai coyotes con h. mletakt by te atrioilV k tei Mpore-d cuis To detet-t a put-e hrid coyote on individuel hie hs etoamined.. A coyote'i ait- te ht-ohemise, tree celer armaiwhilsa loin- divtdual bain bave w. different color sectonss Coy dogs are known to have four color art-Os per individosal bale. Bd Robtertso hmb eg o.p bis griodfabri Sue fer another BmmSfDo8w. He i ap nt odt tradition itebs M mlY and tbre la a kt et pro- paratiots lovolve tep" Pareil u ot for lbe ony wbteh keepo In and hic sons0 boaoy tbrouogboot tbe som- HumtinsIn Mthlu obet- snaniy nIOBIOlfrlh air. coDpiflteipMatO chancre f or a fatber and hi. wuoto M M oguter. Tboy ejoy the sport, spoot 100507 mor hal wolvs and fose <ai they bag but mmelmoi tahe tte bonus. This <Ime the bou arncin M 010c.. The Corporation of The Town of Miton PROCLAMATION We hereby proclaim the week of March l6th, 1981 to March 2lst, 1981 as "Easter Seals Week'0 in the Town of Mlton. QCANADA A W40T~H CH S.BI*V, m cd lisi/8 Suindpo Match 15/81 fDmi--S.-.MB dn' s rd-B 0 7-00 .. .A. 00. anTo IlmM 0.00. - owClou.' Toodey *lm .i wl n 0m m ST. JOHN'S CHURCHIS c à---- B, eOtB0.00<Li. MP.*.. Le"A. Ydde0 kM &.a.- molyCOsost Non030 o" SoaNdy, MareS 16181 ~58ba.' BOSTON ST. GEORGE'S __ 3000kwml08000M Laa, (Guelph0Lieu.'r- f30 I..'.- C0hu" oyiRd.) wwww MB.vrdtbadodn0 OMAGU am. « 000w.0 HGHWAYGOS8PEL SAPTSTCHURCH CHUACII miCM'.*,s Bf taodsb. Dr M Sundmy, M$Mh 1181 lm &mL - aSoo01v 800.. s00. Wo.00 MB.'.by 001 e00p..' Ce"I.' A08.'P 11M B.0B41 C on s m éWidM 5. 1 0*mB aTbM Fddsy Ce". MW00010 t CB8MB 730e.oo.MBieOR* 0 uoim.o8Uoo8-0idw- ctOsB.8.tu.'Y.OoooPugB o. 7-14y UBI8 ST. PAIJL'S M8 a*50 OFPTHE UNITED W*kdflBdy CHURCH OFCANADA 7M lave.0*08000 Sundev. MuttMO/I OVIII, R" hUa' FmiW.do0 SPIST CNURCH 10400..-L.0o0.s.t po.i..0i.0Pl MiM $Mon: 00<. Mffl10 Suday, Mme-Jo15/S1 Wed. Mu 11/SI .douroco.e0o 7 -730p.m.L 'L .BiBBOAOOO0I5OBuOBd whporn 11.080.OiotMfiM Mlc. 08080080, 7».. 880.3* ~SPlL MIF HALL imobtoSo ëM- Lood JeauaCOO0.' Sundsy, March 15/81 7:00 P .-GoBe.'Sv,- ýw- M u. - NOMIoalBam PRSYTSAIAN CHURC I N CANADA KNOX, MILTON Mo. ada0 1wo SundBy. MI-Bh 1M/I Lent Il . frai B.000 -a ,h hi 1t00Bam. -hO kOtBO CHURCH OF CHRIST eMoIt aii ote 1Ma..-M» om o lia .M. MLa 'iSta. Th-. ÉPANY LUTIIEAN CHUACM P.MB tmPMdWu el08 .8BB.0 10'Mte uS *00o.. -tOC. 118 9k qomI toquite

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