Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 1981, p. 17

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--__ _ _ _- Raftîs asks Premier Davis for dump study funds P Ifile tôt pam d grbg np. Tumaine assi>d BUImI Don T, coagmiE Mti a»0 Rita Fîaria r- wtb mir dasb by middIle oi lte gaine, bil si i on iae of ie'od rover lte extra mlan"la Cirmaom ctlmi :î vlame Aigu w ii moi as'itbdctdii titi roia SPA te lteEAA. ",Mr. Pranter, lte. "Mr. Premier, 1 r c a ai a aSi o ei. Nd ~he vit setit lte Eoviroomental ian clearly 0e -n lamaotnt Board biting gon tosar = a oetui d fait ondir pro- Inisolatter, datsd Feb. rotes of titi m re were imformed ity my staff on algtt ioa king Mir. Davis ta "at A-aoment Art." tons disappololmeot tnvotvlng te creation 'of prepared ondir tbe rtdes viston of lte Environ- 20, Mr. Raftis set out lte chaoged for Itatton, ot that Hatton is unique in tion retroactive to teast corne titrougit and Mr. Raftis said tite ccer the new raes whih a new garitsgrdovp onocf tite Enviroomeotat mental Axsoocroet Act six year o prepa'atccn attt t cgncv,îofthe ttc- provie nc- since exempt Site F'- Mr assist the reio fitci-r ftoancrattîlpoctdte fflllx,',ttsv',tto tUd 4 areso tlandtv ar Fttion Act (PAý ýAAtvnuhtothe tovf earng , ite gan '-ven tIle. ,o,,t, -) t <utî d ýs Plispoctivo THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1l, 1981 THIRD SECTION By JMon Robinaon Aaor change in directiona atn leinside diapoalprgrmayriut caksaounaanted wat b =fcdingrae dump ntedoprid onforer' maaeetwihSmo ným tThere la aven a conideration af InineraIt ta wate in a $24,000 repoan ludge mangemntsehchSima]e~ td. aeen warking an ince tha study wao reconomendad by tae Regl 'ce Worka Committea Aup. 15,19lm. "atotn has hnd a policy of trylng ta canvince farmero n tae ragln ta uae seV/age sldefor frtilvear beautemedium t nift-oH a ton Ioosofotannw e Butdurng he ast15 onts, armrslad by te atan Agricultural Adlvaary Coon- mitte HAC) hva ee bitterly complainlng tae audga nt only containa hlgis lavelo t l o o k s f r a se ai nitrogen, bt aignificant lavel ai taxic chamnicala and haavy mtais. Zinc, anaeaiftae mtais contalned in sludga can araae a field fron production for up ta a century. 1 a Tite farors group fongitt for and gaI Hallte 'n Bortlogtoa L=dmle eoe rmte tilization boy as atossir analytizr toe ck production o ai . . . md ot 0 i bidn t atrs in s to ra g e a n d 'c a k e s ý stC e, atlryia t çonslnghe froin tin iudses loglon iealtth be th ia *0er m ory Halt egionDon longer con rel onte srlingtS plunt tedo a cotet- fecive job af sîadge priparaton. accordlng te tise Seroe report. The HAAC wsa bis in Nvimksr, te, forciitaIon la spend lmt t$0,0WtOen te neatemir spctro- miter afin il trexisnid te have &Il memitem refuse teirriept aladgi frenHalten. ite HAACsaid! tise on- ty way te mikie rmems' appy wontd bksfor titoroogit aid on-going amalysis of slodge te emre con- taminantsec-mddnot paloisffod crois. Theitterkmati workid and firmers are sWil orrept- ing Haltens idg, atksil retactatolly. At te sme ime resperted Hlton farming rommuolty spokesmes lite Harold Mddlbrook, Ed Segawort, and Norm Biggar have ail aid pubilry tieir sted concerto oboulttie vanisling omoont ni farmta esinteresidentiat and commrientdevilop- menîthcit teve ksen ailt bolignorid. As an asidi te the plia te retein good farming land, tarmem bhave aid titri mmudd min 0e more stodge avaitabte tian land 10 place il on. Tisa amunt af sladgi pridscid wc-mddase bc incneasing r- timtiratly mit every ne home and sewer lin feedtng the sesagapplnots. n*itir tiare bave more temnbain barnout in*the Slcosludgeslndy. Ibi yira3irO t9O ,tinUlfl~oitMia idbtn a a g'it progfm: syq tWitr "mzt nmd ain liihefaoontqabo .e ingame- i - "c- lit e 1par Mg t ia bn te 'OBy tons1tisela inuffient optimm tend ava]' abe firaît Hattnsplants. -Inaddition, iftie Reglon of Pe1u ig olgarntinue te00e utiid on Hates agrtedltural tend, al op- timm land wndd 0 e otiloidiy tise pragris iy appeoxinaity Ia," the report COiCludex. As stted earlier, the sin Hal=a secagi Plante mont attir ati for fertiliser c-It teir ckrnicat and tiavy mitai ration bles toseliteidin0the Ont- rts Gideines for Stsdge Utilisation on Agrirullorot tend. 0f te six stadg-seai plantsein Halten mdp titi Dakille Suthi-Fast plants stotgex romply c-itite goldelnesraio riqairemiote. lite reprt goemen te note te "mot serina devia- lion from tieaceptable mtai ratioseon fond teOc- cr in sladge f rom te liaringona Skywiy plant weri cadmtium, ropper, and zic ration min fmmud te te teoingi. "iti cadmiumicocentrations ramtse egriatiat roacrm sinre an 86 parranI ridurtion for Iis mtai wouldks nesary taseatisfy the gidelin." 1n additon ta satîsfpîng tit iodaîbse. Il mmld aise bc nicessary teotisfy te fermer bol tins c-asnt nintionid. .A qolrk lis te Drlinglon and titi decreaing amanot ni opimumitend saggetid la tiaIte utlllatlon prograin, titi' aewoutd te gsffiient op- timon ad foraitrimaiuaù*WtIonasttges andtiti tegon of Peelsoldges." Bifore giteing on te wbt wouid iappen wit Brlngto lsdgi, i hClsm t norald wiatseontd itap- pin seiththetitisîdgi ram titifive otieroseage plants in Haltes. Simeaie Engineering poposes taI itge stodge strage tanks mode ni roacrete 0e iolt te itome sludge for periods op teon0deys wsetesproading con- voI laite place. Te 2,270 robitirmter tanks xtutd rot aitout 1lt5,700 ehtote ontiutetnd te *strategiralty plar- id trootnthlie agricltarat arias." If dten ides 10 adopted, titan wontd 0e tNo tante bouit tiis yesr, eigittity tlm, nineity t99t, and 13 ty 2001. Hfined a, bt sot specfiratty addresoed, is a con- crre iy fartoars tat te crrent metitods of spcaad- ing sts'lge omtimes cause more probtema titan benefits. Tanker tractaseit standard sidtit seeeto cies up titifose and rumtling dosen a field soreimes ramse titi statigie t e spread anevcnly. The welgittof titi truckita cn aIse compact nec-tp iar- roed gcound. To tioend, the Simroe stsdgaainudy propmsed pres- sri discitarge tanbs e umid on veterles witit --nlosacuaa-oype lina' bt il stops on thepoiint wsetitrli r acte wbwotd 0e rigiooalty -awndat a"oeid eemeetd by pr"oatePir. V/hile tie' report aslialOa* ntitent cnt " ad gea te tisa pogrofn spreaisg big co- dutcld ity faten, it siniesa'oltier prosnamd roni catract opiralloosee conidied and asa reault, a romination ni regionil snersitp-peration appair prefiraitte. - Titieutlonia rionat slodgi spreading sytei neo- inggsabrage a tntes wtd 0e $130 million iis ear; $1.8 milionin liM; $.9 millon in t99t; and a drop te $1.amillion in02001. V/bt te do o.tit egit contamintant Orlloglon sladgi led te an investigation af tendfilting witit ttadge. To options wricamlsdered. Te first cai te dewair liariono stadge and put it in dampu ite tom af studge cakes sitit otodge f rom the oter plants ei k slo d for firtilizer. ltbe second option cas teing att otadgi te oarlingto, desatiring and raking il, and tite taking it ail tedamps. Tiere are titracenrfuges in te arlintono plant and tey "have ot appariotiy performnid ap te exper-tatioo." Bul ifa a rtcetritogi c-sin 1- stettid, il1latogitt att Haten sladg OI rmdde desatered 1"priduclog a ludge cake oniB18per cent solids mincit mmlddalelait 0e sitable for a trencilg disponal opicallon and may 0e sutable for co- disposai c-It monicipal refuse." ofrcmr-seter is omein10prodctingidgeraki- i tkre la nonpace te puttem. Sircon sttes for evaitonoprpese" il caa ronaldead te bHW te M.M. Dilon repart on landfii silex prodacid for Hal- ttw o ers ago wcsitSistron saYs sio t e0 clonesl site c-icb c-tuttiappian tati esuitatie ta ce- cive tesaterid stotige cokes c-os Site F inte sout- sestonres ofteTvonoilton."- Happiy for Miltes, bt unboppiiy fan 1981 stutiga rate productios, titi SieîF lands ove cerly une yesî amap tram oppreval asti prtepo iilt e op ta ine peaire iefore tesite lisever openid. Editorialining a bit, il 20e stutige cakes ove pro dared iv Bartînglon, il may prove leso rvol effective ta bout stutige cakt te 10he Site A dumin lurling- ton sheîi may came tu froition tefore Site F anti vurety mouiti mean munit eesgaoeine anti diesel luit niidid tte l stutige cokes te Hilton. il stouiti te otd Ikst rtimalid production et stutige cotes moulti te on initial ,253 tInsofadry stotids t2010yemv eading up lv 11,034 lavensi 2001 ssemîng ait sxvstutige production plants sent their riotabte sixtige ta Blringlon. Cml of digestion anti nier factors meulti te about $146 per tan tis year $12 perltoin 191, and$132 peton in2001. Thiri c-ere tîer alternatives suggestd. tut te- tare lurnisg tatem. Sîtncoe tas saggesled Brtîng- tas stutige 0e ctid anti dunipet i cth the rest f Hl-t Ion semoge plante conlîoaîng le supptp stutige fer- titîzer le aimr n orpoaing lbe cocrele storage One nI thosie tter alternatives mas inccuaoging te sentfstutige fr compoing toi use aI nurseries, quorriex. reforestation ste, cerneteites. golcouses anti prta; AiseolIsId fci corpstng wnuatti e esîdential tac-vo anti tome tardeve. Needieso tIooay te tigit eatey metltcontent rutet ot usage, parlîcutarty c-bm il cornes te home ga0v Another suggestionc-os te pet ides nf forner Hl- Ian Regiovel Public Wovtv Director RoI lanche. Titalidiascas tarning etatige iv ivineraters sucb s the Labeviese incineratur in Fiel. TitiLokeniec-in- cinîrolor cornes vInt operalîo in 1002 anti il v ohstm- olnd il moulti cont 1011ev obout $210per tev. prototty marc, ta buro our casti. An inctoîralor rit Buitinglun Skyc-ay c-au aise cen- sierd bol il mautti caf t16100000 Iv bitti ove geeti envegtelv bntte stutige andth2e rosI loerm osît te btleen $2Sand $»J0per Ion. t.astlly. outige cokes mtved mtcombustiblec-asIe lite wmmd ondipaper ton mse i inte tsouance Deriveti Fuît iROF) piant c-ao coviterid Ivespace-oge tor incuto san00opionat ts tme. Au priviousty sttîd, the conclusion ufth2e conuett ing fîrm c-ontelame Sartinglon te supply iudge cotes te oatiemp; se the0e riaing stutige toc etnlizer, comet tup te 13 sorage tanks for te statge. ondi have regioocnid or conroliid veictes c-tb tota- lionotires teospreotistaige c-it spressure hbar In addition taail tecoseet tacorte opralion. il il lu ever accepteti by covrit, la major apgradisg ut stutigi digestion rapabitities in the four exitino plantesc-iere goidelivo imita are nt teing Smit. Titese colt la eve: e - Hilton, $M,0000 for addtioniao ertbirdigestion rapabiltly. * Aclon, 1147,Mi for a nec- digenler "os sons as possible."- *-tGergetown, $17000 for repaire and aerotar expansion. *Otoîtte MdHatton. 1t.260Ott1cr avacrotor disgestion capabttîty. in addittiov, Hton tes trio totd i aoy Fiel stadge s uset inv tevise prcgram. Fiel xtoutd te preparid tc pay ittc vcper store nf studge scrage. tautage, spreadivg.mcvitortng,adpoicivtcr ie eutcofttrtr titis regio Titiecît " -pcttctg" cas csd in thc e st paragrapti and thats just c-bat Hatto s toigto havee odoef t itetimanage tS ts sldge anti teep fta- miro happy. Haitoeil bave lx. evet titttts pictiato snt adoptiet. tati cvii comptr;i vtro of att pecit avd ftutoe lcdgi pregramc, Areas of ooicerno'Oandtvtthe ire shcatdtb cottact otiiattovs. tic-ev tytac- otorcimeot. stcdgc sampiot and tîstinvo tc-attog optmman od, commtacdvtpitad theitiiYtmportianta cf Hlton-tai tiatsoc. If Halto s prepavet int tati the step te manage itt 5sl tge, ad t as te osometttvgt05sed othetarm' avaitatttity tciiiastt. t sboctd ait on a oumber o frotesucas: -*Ccndcct eeart tu dîtrrmtov tte most icavomicat etatige storagi system ta mtvtmioe otroeo lusrs and te attac- statgi ttîvdiog. . Devctcp tiet tîs f or ftutre contracte te permit rontracîcat opeatîo et of iutistatige tactage voad veictes andototife cake tautagi vetictes - Arange for ttc desgn, approvat anti sutoiqaînt tnstattation cf addtttonat digesiov otte and otadge torage'ttendint tanks - Arrange for titi pavibase efstate floatation- c-beetid statige opîvatitot equtyment aod otudge tenter traiero. - Cotne w-ttdeaterngtiastfortthettcrîng- ton digestid otcdge to detevmtnv opttmam potymer type anti dosage and optimum stutige cake sonitis con- centration. * ocate a tandtttt site octabte te titi deaterid stadge catit heom the Blirtoton tkyc-ay pant and arrangefor any necessary site approvat cerîttîcates . Estaittisit procidares for dewatertot aod tantfiit tvg statiges outabte for use 0o avms. - Estabtis thtit recommiodeti stutge maoagement, monitocring anti petîcin peogra. . Intate discosuwtttiti Mtnstiy ofthtie Envirosmint te inctude FPetlotatigeSin te nec- regionat tvoditg poram. Thte aove i0 te short int ot seeds. No one knoom toc- long tic-ti take tu tmptemînt thte ptan, even sappts'mgiglsuatireug thlie greatesi nied for budget ntastittg iv Hlton liegiovet bstory. liegionat staff have tien tld te repaît bock an the conteonof titeSininoi report by titeend of Apit. If Haitola sîrtom atot trying In f id saine moy tut from 0eneatit a graseing moonitais ni ludge, tat anseer tram staff. aid te ansmer for os ail is osdY a fedays seay. Abs,

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