Msi~1s l~g ia iTs 10 pufte 111i = b U atatsd h oeo l l e m s dh , N D P W . al10 d an" wfd g Ic2 n taon et th adlcafan boudet plicy cbhu*-. M5linlandfa Sectf shoddlehathe aubjet of a aiediately as Mr. Cller solution Mn.Clter Wiat raalY mtoni grat 'TtIlapragilai, i Mr.Wright Inhi *1g a open stock pieces ut roun a ru ai euy a c h- tah eo uidt a li onuti icat the poperty esaence provid a tsfait, indpendant latpiry Me. Cuteraitefirni campaigo thsatoo ii a ul d ell i ra u ilte n mbthe ilote of Halton thlag a Naw Daaocattc heasecond rnag of the grant fundtngn ta the ii uaed for,"ha aald low incarne earners RegonallaaiN S AR prooia gverunmit atach oud lhea agromlls f the provincial Ant example, ha al4 wbli cab nideho it e M. COtir ms a il wn hunla EieF lu wldde wnuld bhia "uytla e mw1c1rveuewuie a par-la=aiala re e iaprapaty ,p"adolg da Ci*0Chsu iiU = Cia sêsaIha hlua hut tad eiaNDP leader vd ha ampl afor hWlaformla bmw tit falid al higUi bt li @M taI W15lava. Whdee i iebll Casady, have gradui l ahate~ y as litfl m mmxamna yaar wi tamlei il e!e et aa ediatathiabox hardea bon h&adlatprvicia i eal aervlcu andd lspclatur aaa ipstty wil atg-ahla tha hav ele n s h ea t blservices frein dia haine 1501have diir twnptyt atia l n.uap, edrnf *a8i a ~~ham c*W igbth aap Sanhg cenats, "creatlag .t.isr haeo I , Tptyt r . eut ha In real y ov'naaa pert a lama raidmi an lacraaalg lai iladan NDP progean la hla- oa, oryMU"ey i dueha i1çt ih i« at Molra.Mn 0*er ald ndia heprpu y taI" troiche eilattMr. Cuier make val-e aaaaamaattaen fr <dm u-ar IaIttampit asîcea- thediasupport lavI haa Mtaslplflu esareabalan ferma ecanamie vae la ladlag la tdgher toutes alag op thi10,01111 mladM@idt Reed confident. aa g I% 4CaalhiaafranPg. ) fulenghoe iaealalolean h a ncmn nee e fulaediOtalanad a'dua h ntÊla efficient hamesaccr- fuebi wthna a icada. A e rrsdZ laid tha ng t h i ueneatx Continu campagn PC cndidat hPrmtwgelo eaasaatidlachahgyfan l'ch engl Mr eedfeaysgovr-nlres BicG&« xwWht cotihamanedi la hsaralght farnard. et al euaga Baines won a court action last week after a l ita n lîît6oercutaFa hddveapinant ainea judge threw out a suit over the Bainen ai <suai rahue u-JO carssaisi la Brantrut on itilyma i" <ad nmnto.Tepetitioner, Oriena Currie, mIdnathrn igs nolagatar aya she îa content with the rsling. iaouleds g "Bla ldifr a dpah ear utm "ilit aeenmtn Rafflwhllhapmtpaav i Iemai îal," lays the havea amtessage tai i W etag V atimulate diahe aaely.esaegyrelUe if, that out la Hallaon vir Illbidaof tfarieras lHe aaggstn a Iram nt aatlafid veli Ca faa <a eiBau adbai Producton leence." bly whlcb raaid ap- ganhaga snyllin laHal- bust plan ofils kin d ia diatheid cennly ysteai litetrouble lanleuIag fa, ih toha. Hathn la reaaiy forOUldlSlPhlt waldSB ieln ntad ia e valsot Socied ough t fioameauwle ipradoJiun, lîaiata e a recovery ad PC hait pravtdad acept- hadle a hrgeaalag lHai- errnttllqanr Lasse ebicit nalEenrcn Au I ad ha thdi e al r- aI leglatian for ser- ton and c"ud lot do an la- cantavisa diaproducton of glanda naI ,building get. Tha terhaolongnyf la »t ion. She sad tire are day if dia ayslam ne- alcahl an a beverge. indsanaeobtaclen la elinmplce. 35000 seniors ' lames an vertad. Ms. Rains l- M. end Wfeni i pro- Onario tdai andthlie dicatad la dia audience vilce cotld ha meetilag The Mazda 82000 Gîvea You naurinhans of dinne aven 65sitha hrts regianal viria efade sra i vr- aaM A O wil double in teset 20 governmntîand ta a ha- ment hitocoiver a rat- More Miles Par Gallon AndADM SIN yeaarlMs. Baines said lieve indihenylteai. il awy la reul thedi More Truck For Vour Dollar Asila Pnk i Bitte «Foui Basket Ascot Bmme thePCo ésare staittethe Johian Reai, 45, diaelaw.leulda fyy- neada f seniors and are incombant, counterad = H,%Nutldad apti ready ta contnue ienviag Ms. atn by saying i place la datler iais diir inlenets. titat 37 yeasaofPC. rate, haiay tare adatage Mes, Baisoe,,47, t ite mnaers of peuple ai dia licncead pro- Dr Blinid ltasit fan and PC gvaninent joita dame, acahalla p-cilg "douai and itd orsiehioa pint wbara bevaagen. glanain" and oit he iagovrnaient ad lie- Medianl la lt sit- reminding vot erOntatmu camte "affective la a rond.t able fan buanl enmanti had lipped ta lanti Plac e anaage" ien but n a furfter lam, o .k <amr o 1. in pradocivity accoding Ha aid tdia$1.5 million deerutta anl amaislait Vaoeuaniuommasaelu tasinineasources. of aoi cudh BILD rograt 20e snid Ontarioashua aSL rgan a-aii ilceaits recard ut cantifaing sauncadboirM. Davisala a atoal os-uanltlea. ihaina, anUs $M,00,000f ~ Infemia grantit aiichilstablrd to f pragnain ahamiy on ~ gut uvc Candanyshre aise in the books and tdia st hit eiilemh Cfas aidacamae frait dia fderai sd ot maiaacl a n 373~Qaa5reAtHurry. Supplies are limîted. i thai e daPC haand municipal gavera- 1 347-U GuisaSStreetAction8u3-02 taienodlwhy had not menmulaossieimDe dia NDP and LibanaIs caininedta dfeat Preai- M. Rend alaa nid dia ian Davts eaulir, isloud f ical and deflct situationaCtgm gaeU S min l tbitatry f ntragioallain tarua artoccontinueaitofuctin' aaiindiy had came ilat) An fan mlitgiailgovano -qutian Petitioner feels ruling just your insuranc Oiana Curret he titane catle thue lat felty 4-yaa-ld Camp- hi, catI anadier sitation- bailvnilahoineanwaaian ias andt thanl BSIttfbhad candidate Fras BalinsiBaines campalga. Ljrarce Ontarao pram courtl Mrs. Crnie, wha o ouIlbowing any bitte- jind the local Ubaral uai pndlt r nu aI laan ier ancase. associatian four daya trust J VIU119,s« LaIe tat Wdnenday aller the PC nminiatin aterneounsJudige R.E. meeting hitag ltabe Haland annaanced bi protet, aid o esidan't(Ea dasclion iat tai grnaîan novib tavivoe,0 injuonctian hat waaid fa, "but il ont ha dia have raaates! in Mens. PC pey Ranes 'a candidacy uvan- tornad and a second nomnation meeting callesdi isa ruling nas mode deapita a lat-miaula affidavit froaie, Ms. Baheos oppotant Briune, Panaian tating ha woaid ran s a PC candidate il an injunctaon vanise ~ ~ k grantaite ec "a.I donit regret it," ac nid outlhan court action. "At leasi c ans lok dhing." sMes. Canna funkthe IULIA N mteta 0court aternsine waa daniad avola ai the Feu. R PC uomination meetin. at E tse verdict ai a "com- cnendwtth ctECONMM WAST!RERMOVR OUMIW ? tOtu as irtpeta uibgut alirdbtha ueti n tuai nDviss alowOtioiti ecet 1B i alsumev aynraln ismoieautraia vue arb it dlstpe osnîtheoinocesinothteon t honin i977ahea fistpoposymJuienduavRend. Morase etutoic roih ua alien i tapionIbm tînt titiod oai sud ee ava o eail aaedi toiabste vae * etouutl ndan ainsu aruuve ois for iha rutn peoutIl i y tha mruai Te ha tlo ist nni de mie luDuait aiy adaeni onesuune nemad i.tuvps aot hi Libeas Pays Indutil iai tep buolint v u hansamut sant epdumua Popuse t lump thtmtantpackage uoennen tead ait ha l u e ammi tchute iu spproiSea"F' puorat ama ablbi riain et sha pmavtm5 betuveFmio ot iveagtimbolturbi lai andii luis nIVai vcedibitoufor baai ortbaio msde aiegy aaaBmh ad dailupvet, therin, haruh a tîty appeaiîteiihe uirmee smaibuantu support sud apprnftashmp mmmcinivg mu e Cu urtOtaibat bucad the touamuvat ui obmmî the b e ivptevm ali tea uniai tht fuimummnital AsusaiactJulien Rani Aiewemou t inOn t aio vu tietaitta , s ' Thas bas bSna i ctulmR lista etample out anti ust an eaIo iemantae ha unilhcksmBtmupogmu voiet bR Cutis. STANDAbRD itou ILba a lGotveret viiltop Ornants petel.tIi ~Ive h - - 111 mod -@j - 71117 11I IIio