Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 1981, p. 1

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Weeoky Newspapen' Association in Toron- stand second in ts cinoulation ams in 10 on the weekend, to ho prosented with composition and layott and sportsc seven awards the papor won in the 1980 gories, and fourth in photos and 1 bettes' newspafl competition. advertiuung. Winner of the best ail-rc The wa s ased second bet pia nthe cama was thse Waterloo Ch toi eçta.ferjepeas pentworedia cIre:iand but pfuet u - 394 te fltb,. 6 '¶ed TrakPrIMI 1%tlie front page Sa t'nn by Imperail 9 f hebo'eibheet peerel= o 'ïe; batte en pion as "lae diae wlnner ta th &M is ratnadaIM a lIOi doupttin . vn dltnthe us B-x %teFP) eOOsv1ro (Man0- cobo pisotea the frot pa lci tari* AvMt.erti0 vreaMelS fate.; ampleto ~alg oaho~t aonl Mtie thoe tltry. It Io cierand %dil ibt oui - of'Culturenid RcreatiOn f repoterHobison's Site F feil Awarit ats sectIon. lsinisg3 n the cate local 14 an uneof lie e«- ad ar- l, and e The Champ.. Canadian Champion staff membera are showo with trophies von at the OWNA convention. Identifications in story. ~rke Mau !rnmpu An mind Community Newspaper-Serving the Community for 119 Years MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH ii, iss MSaines QCuter, Reed Just eight day By Jian Robinson HaLton-Burllngtn votea go ta the poilsint eight days ta ecide hanxprvincia governanent and who will represont thia at M FQuee ak thrug what wil ho a decade oif pira"ig crut, nd'a wtherlngoeconomy. In their only appearanco togther ta Milton, thse three con- didtetokith pdlmatjC.roychoe btWensat diasa Halton rgo aisnnidtie proiedosuoaconre othe eingny held oytwo hours after Progressive Con- servtivo "candidate Fn iesj had hoon declared the legal PC In daS c1ttrace ot U'2,0popinludn abllie reietOiena Cri, hbad sud ..Bie o n oa Pet~U~lDvIs t ebreakfast -meetingeaari lte ia mpeip. n ., suports Beines is backig Davis WO etsgtday" ad' thirrespect en"Pt.e Oil taeslot c=dis Watest 1ar loitB sueotsa rssahllo more oita = . i 5 y ta. tetnadvntg» sou Pc cadiaE "e xinlaeilttih tinisOiael s9 OssthSa initiatives I Usties te htonat c- Sj me l lae t deficit ands ame t' ste Ste tut nabout nteS rai = ~ 5 s a lOi sai. SILO peam la a plan ofbr W Sa heexception ot 'Sut tto dmantlo itla ta uprade tend steesse, host aning on tisonspciflt usdies, Oere t tte rigit thOi taisd. 1 80Ott cosa y te hop anti adtossa grous l a a greait relucaoansdnt really OhinthSaeIega n tad, crot duigttsa Sa evst ofSa hSapblic ta o ploant tSaprovince tmg hsk Lour nnti la i toe't a loy vo Se- a oo ot tmei t vla shevy hpot. pa '&t'-lafes. i bousin&,stdo t. tehnd" ParlCofthOe plan vesiti M 'I PtenesOit tes- ite e very mutit te Houp aiptia. ouhict include clihé= tSapro- coro me n teaone Sat sp OrtaIlos--etel 51lterntlve f" asemy sont crpylliregulas 1h a Oe edoor," ste hotbt uinptl e e on evry vaers tioss se saiti, ta alesw expiteet. ig su Sa as- suionsmin, tat il tesa pppsar tetressd pgtivity* Onslanti tatter lol eolmsl ianio m iM. Baiesa. Rssarit t e in halles, asaisie desrites eIntns-rfi eam afit aprt of Pre- donsoematcolsavingi thom n tciste grOs-lo modatten mier O 8asplannetiof ethatteagrniaa Intrest rates, ts E Mns. Sainesla tautioooSLD progam, ste itees s-itsnerloam at e housteg, food andthOe shot ming asy irsdi- citad it-litOe Bopcls ruce Pesiasula, asdthli gennal climb te Saosai cal changes viOi Saepes- devetaplng taces01 m respomse rom Oe publi of living. sent regional gever.- of electrical esery. a goti, ste snid. file 47-yer-oli ment. flieretes aripesi tota "People mmiete, te Gergetovn resiiont 'Ose of tSa Oilng 1tuse eloctricsl onrgy anti pleatdIf aspOhinle poitai -it 0nyvo"nfini e tlai tant aiof Oeretore tut hock sa air biemslooteti t. ho 7vede nt diffues ndenstandicg fer Sae depssdonty fr ostaitie "fle respeeso ta inte tite hooveenstSa varons tot o! reglonal govens- ensrgy" ste sai. ading estlng. Many say, 'an. Now Its sludge cokes NainS egos te coooldering t- clnotingstatge, ts, ant es-n 11diy 1-1:1teme a asdilii site. Complte petotsateeof sîstige, Pg c. SECTrION 0ONE CunilBrlets ..........2 Dance se"isoaptitlts......2 Editerinte Cshsnus .......i Mastmiabooimp"tail ..... Rolnat l sisp ........12 Eoiimerslition tpoues.....4 SECIION TWO poteNosMdtilos ..siata B4 dpstNrot Bet sECTON T5IREE Msney reqsetetfor diunp stay.C IScioolev............C Entertainmet ..........C Sitopping carin crete peohloms..GC Rocipe, Wilovs, Omagit.....Gi Speciat iupplomoenta. K-Mart, hn p rgMart, Miltn YMCÂ 15ORCJTL,$. Julor CWzse sSI e tes'eInte hre rie holding us fr ramsm," shile Oihs ee1.w vojust have otastwvend ftest pines. Bitier tesdlng IOlan party ranit ofethOe local asocates anti psllclty csscerning the rotent supreme court case sgaliast Mr. Saines ham not tiuacanagoti hr. "t dnt int It hu aI- toctedth Oe canipaign," ste snid. Il5e tauding pSiet ofet Sa ate-Burlingtes PC Auocatton, fMn. Sais te hovn for hr extensve Tory hacit grosnd on hoti thSapi- vincal and Ioderai toyot. A directer s-litSahéMit- tee Gissir t Ceses- mre, stehtes ait i comumta. Service ros Sains, PC candidate fsr Bltes- Berlinglon tas@ ibeae gives a clear field ta, rus. But sidy just. A Supreme Csurt declsn rejecting an appication ta have a second nomietion csnvention prsmpto snes PC memiter ta reglter hitc pestitby sffrteg hitinelf as a candidate let Wedwoady evonlng. Sut Oie toiving min 57-year-sld Kon Husr f Milton anti former ares caispalgil manager for ioderai Cossrvative M00OtDo JueM, decided it vsuld te an impesiie test. Justice R. E. Hlanti luuoi a vritles staloment Wdnesday afttrnoas, turning devs an ajedctles hy Camp- heallleaiusineesvsian OrlonsCrne ta, have Mm. Sainsninstion arerturned. hrs Currie Isuedth Oe srit atier site vas tionlod hon rlgit ta vote athOe partys nomination Feit. 9. Mr. Hauard who rosigned frIns hite positionu a iarmasof Oie Minsares ton Oie PC assaociation oser Oie essuins contiveorsy, saiti te coasidoreti ta utter dlstlnltled ITries an ..alternative" ta Fran Saines. 111 caitd It off irai Ohing in Oie momnhg," said M. HBusardi, 1hecause ldm e vs tesut- fIcdant timo 1r a sue- resalaicampalgn. Ose of msny local PC monniers s-ho han reuisdta ert us Oe strosgly sspported hy ares Trieso e uinitial doclion te rus us an -neent. Ho adisti it voulti have hees piyslcly lmpes- sile ituvver, ta acquire the 10rne toc a flurday (Feit 5) nomination d"aiine. KEN HASSARD Mc. Hussard's ras- didacy came as a sur- prise ta many vhs an- tllsedhm aineis sppn :tSrnnmsa vusti have hees Oie llhely candidate ta leap teck intaOie race. Mc. Penmansisxed an affidavit Wedesdsy mssn (Fhb. 4) statlng he vsaiti ho prepared ta rus as a PC candidate if Jutige R. E. HoSand granteti an injunctisn and a seond nomination meeting vas calloti. Chis Ctitr 20 the Nev Demcratlt PartY- candidate, uposet op Oie- evoning hy foiaking te- microphione anti launcit- crat plattrie o offering four taxation reforma. Mr. Ctler titmnnoteti titere are 310,000pept Lbersi team. Ontari sut of wrk in Ontario, vidthlston-Burlingte coupteti ita csntinuisg ay oi ofdn exotias o tictors from ashi cndeto H o Hesaidtiis vas atrb tabl o"38 years of mismanagoment ityR t u Hoe nslaid te Uit- eratu, anti leader Dr. Stu- yJnMle art itthoae btter t AtOhoh'crti ol fisting Oie prehiemu Oas osrvtv sfferingtiteslutiosu pe" ta ssvtv Mr. Cutller aid hiiapar- m a y gsvernisent, ty did itave ansvers to Literai MPP JulIan Reed srilofront asti asitadtitslvectsevtt Sari a lsca prshtem, Ia'gn"' ite saiti luregissal Thr Literai esergy govenmen, whch he citicls cautiosuy con- NDP vsuit mstiify tiident e camp-th and/sr re-structur inal . ofie catta- tsvlsg a tait revIt eit ringo ii ity anNDP poviscial He psins tthOe govermnent. ecsnsmy as Oie major is- Mci. Saines, Oe seconti sue is Oie Liierala'pro speak feni tc vmce-vde campaiga, Oi a detly claiinis a fusdansental taeLieraotimanti H 'astiutisowtars ite rate of a vry pttsitlcaitutecssntic gros-lt vet the province. Oe last 10 yearu ta Ost- Site saitid 6IP is Oh ie . (CntlnusdonsPg. 1ta> "Otario s-as a leader confident in Oie rate sf grsvth hut "Ibisi btite challenge hs nov hock ta ItO viici thOe preseat place," nid M. Rend. gsvermoent itas sot "The Uhorata viii iesi csme ta, terms s-lO." s-lOi Oie prshlem tan a Mc. Reeti gays te resitatic vay rather Oian gsvernimont is mv tan- pst tagethera atitvrk veti n lin Isartititutiy ai Iti programsviict a sfr"ite tesiiity s! vitat they (Canuer- liqui tuel, tiespite Oie vatives),have tisse vxi tact the totierai gavoro- SILD '.ment anti his party have Far te pet lve yesrs eacit castictot i umilar Oie Literais have itees stadies viticit have cas- calling tr an induastrial irmeti the teaibitity af stralegy. Mc. Reeti îaiti alcahol as a fuel ater- titerr s a tremestisas native. ptentiaela inte maney T'he provincial Lob hoong speat autaitie the erats' statiy deait province for esergy ie- speciicaliy vitit met- parts. Lat yesn $7.5 bilt- hinni astiMr. Serti nid lias vas spent an esergy te resultas-tait cas- imprti asti hall of that correct its-Oithe IoderaI iill gaeta tuel. Sy thte stutiy vere premisisa. esti af the tiecatie $20 bil- "We have a chance ta lias wiii ibn ipeal an replace ail imparteti energy imports. (Cstined onPg. 14) Taxation reforms anchor plat form Admittetily oly hlioves proporty aon toey vere intentiedtt pay accartiing ta M. Ctit partully avare of loAl are telng "astedt t pa otr.'anti Surlingions NI) toncerns, Hates-ur- 1r mone services Oies A prime exemple, Cotissed onPO. l4) ingionsNov Demotatit Calter, ta voit versadint cioctutilng a suites aI pcspert 15reforma. Mc Catr, 21, anti a native aI Flaiehoroligi- Tss-ustp, openeti hin canspalanfo1e Oilton00- Gergein-Actas riing hy esttioingOie ftuer- prssg HDP pesgraie ta 'hase proprty taxes os a tain saement sytem an voil us a roui relatiomÈt a a hity ta hssteg Sa th taxsati eyslom osn epat NDP eewcesfer- r astennment, M=. Ctton tradition NDP, tdMplace showing. J - J a -~ 38 PAGES -25 CENTS a at s your dcso y l- ie ie n, Ri of Lr kt- ir à. to Id e- a- Y. 19 p be le be is or-

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