Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 1981, p. 6

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il T C.OsutiheCiuespls. We.. Fae. 18,IUUI Cre rilred .s -l Utilsa 14ai Land given for sidewalk Apptoval has been tor the Town of Miltot 1 caatract a tîdenatiton andacs otaneti by Hattn Cantanint Matar, sa tadeta ianawatk ta te nsw E.C. Drary Higi Scitool ma- saetY. Campintta roni Uhe Manr hadbeu mode abaut nîndanta cuttiag acrasauct awns af Uhe Hltau-pr ted iacilty rter titan watt tlraagh the madaith. tecrboftOntario Si. Ae rquacstwa made=by t tatianta tait a sideiandthec lad n su ecasotti ta Milton o stan canditian it puta site wttway and il wiii "perpetaaily maintain te sidwtt ta godcattdition anti repair." Manor Meeting on Maerch 10 The whle qaetton oifbote Hattan Cntannis Manor is opratotg anti sitanitlha operattag mii lie examtocd at a pectal Haltan Itagioata Heatti and Scia Services Cammntsc meeting Marcit Manor Administratar Jackt Ciartianbta sag- geteti thit meetingictade coanicittars. representativen aifteMinitrY ai Cnmaianily and Social Services, and thme invlveti in prepartaste FHcking-Jaltiuan reprt an the management and aperation aofItettan Raglan Tlhe Mintry cantacteti a review ni ail tepari- mentanofthicManr ram Nav. 1975 a t an. ti9a anti han madie t42 recastmendutitts. In thte meantime lcking-Johnios, a cnaattlng tie catiet int by Rattan. tus lisen reviewlng staff anti Uhier respective aiities. Twoapubltaltet reparta tram Uic irm tuve heen matie public, but Uic Uirtiln capectedt tacarry recamaientiationn aboutthUetutureaof any stafteeaiers. tn a toraithUi meeting Mr. Chartan recnm- mentied Uiecocmîng tagetiter of nl parties mautti hetpi in'"tceimptemnentatian ot any changes ta manraorganiatioaatstrctre" Hea att adtietilttwnalt hatp Uic Milry anti the comltîng iresin 'camparing t'ttlng. " Recovery House given a contract 1A prchane ni ervice agreement weit Hattan Recnvery Hantse iiiha renewcti wiUi a 32 par cent iet-ase in Hattan reginnal tanting. 1Thte per tiem rate wi rite ram $2.33 ta $16.25 nthtect ta appravat ram Uic Miattry et Cnmaionity antiSoctal Servtces. ltecnvery Hante, a horme tac rehahiitating atittt atrahile, hati eca n a rcty roat i m, Uiec ontant Urat of etanre dt ta ainon granttaanti Hattan agrecdt te Uicprchatentfnet-- vice arrangement. More ïbeds 'ibe Hattan Ditrict Heait Cneit iltny ta itti a stution tait tperceives an a aritet chraatc rare eta mn Hattan Raglan. Whien UicehesatUi ceanci met nitit HenitU Miniter DentaTimitreti at ieptemiter Uire mon "a dierence et opinion itit aur reqant tor ciranic rare blatintaHattan. " The hesltU cunoi, tccnrtitag tan repart, han tiecitietita "at continue ta spin our mieeta an wc aees ta have tine tor Uic panttwimayart" anti try ta cme up ithalternvatives. Appeal continues An appeantagant Uic teverance ontlantis ahot- ting Uic Niagara Ecarpisent wtt haie otttneti hy Uic attan Itegionat Panning Departiest. MiogithUi Lanti Division Cammitieta gives appravaitota rente uiee tta ni 38.7 acres et lanti nwneti hy Cnitin anti Garrett Liiteti, at Ure ltat are about ne-tuftheUicSite Can- siteret ecesnary antier Uic Hattan Oicat Pan. Mittan Cauncitar Brati Ctcmens, athuingi he vtedt tacontinue Uic appea, saiîtitUiclanti a amneti y he Uc ires miicitnrasaamusement ar- caties anti everog Uic lanti mati btihheter tUne a previatasahernisin rthe Ucacreage which an- taictia "majortievenpment " 'nhe andn aretarcateti hetwccn Bettllchant Utc anti Apptchy Lise Flore nd faune A IC!mttttani antretia oi rare anti uniqe tarit i fltant fimsanttinque taHattan Rogna ittl i eteretittaRattan Rglns cnes- ptertiata battu Thie it ot mre Uan 300 hehirine aace atane as enaipitedtih Ut-e itlngy s=teta tanstnser in icvca enviranaicntaily sensitive .as.itESAt) nif Uic region. This an tins wiUi hctpnofthUicRayai Eltatatcat Garten Dave McKay, ottging chaînmanofthnUe Roltan Ecatagicat anti Envirnamestat Atvtanry Cnes- mitice,alti Uietintaand ti oraitoet tara anti taunnamigiiht amageti hy incursiocastata ESAn. ii nw lic .îvniatn Haittnan nnera at thetancitoeta cmpterhottaon. ByUnàde Kirby it Parvt virai, a trentitilt tan tusais taltnt il& tit acronsUichepovincesit tast sammr, han c nt patiap again inthe Hat- t Fais tamfiy pais ta t MiR lt iedsttnstty ha- fore Chritmsas ram Uic disae ant ilMtan veter-n teriez Dr. Jtu Christiane le a mntg evsry pets ataner ta ha cure every animai ta inncuatet i. ta Uic tat ive esantts,a close ta O ,0 tidge haveN recelasti s vaccine againal Pimyn virai, btr thc titssie tateflnllety satil Uire, he ai 1 The viras whlch incasn-i siteret a bratti actadisa case, reseheti epitismie proportions n la tnrnin the tariti, saiti Dr. Cristian. "uit han een oSnte risc anti tnt evr sinca," ha cait. A hlghty cattaginan inection, Uic vius est' ires la Uic intestina tract et a tiag, tamsglng Uic iiag ni Uic bamet anti caasng the renttinwn et teccie. Anesass ctttuas flieanmd ieetiand ai the same timebe uln begla ta grow. Velernanrlana atimit Uisy are crprlseti wiUi the reapssrance othe mente, as It mis Uiughti Uiec aitti ester icestit1 kiletifite virus,saidthi veternarant. 'nue hast anti hamitity ni Uic ammer motUs as canaiereti a tron factor inthUicprsatilag ni Uic disante, bt tespite record rsstltg cotti spals, Uic virai persiste. Smidar ta a cal dis- leesper virai, Uic syesp- tenma of Uic diceae ne- cîttis hoaty voaitibg anti diarriten wiUih hant. Pet onies are stiviseti ta keapteir dogeagi bame anti prcvcntt spas- as ta ther animais tahicit msy carry lis dis- Accortilng ta Dr. Christian, natog cntcas- iyptck ap Uth itenac by cnthe Uices or uina of an lfeciti animal. CtUing or iitoes tai contact wtlU an iniecleti are@acan alotranster Uic virai toa a tig. Die aility ai s do ta survive Paran Viraistic- pends upan severnt tac- trinictutilng Uic age ni Uh i al, is overal srength andi resittance anti haw cana Uic inet- !ona s tctceti. "A very yoong or vry nidd tig co Itidisssclty," he siti, adtilng anmales wlith"iota et igit" have Uihebsit chance ni living. Stress factssucb s cotti ian ascamaha il COMPARE ODUR NEW FRONT MEL DRIVE MAZDA GLC WITH HONDA. DATSUN b TOYOTA THEN COMPARE OURDEAL yon t.vm't sotsa gat Usun v ta gsn r in thidei. ACHILLES MOTORS hon bth. OaDurlitGLC pk M tstnst5,Mi. Andi m'ecgnsot a de.tsfin o nd 3st 5-dons mode, lsotadhsg th nt GLC Deancend th excfieg 1u81 GLC Spni ThM ore VSulook...emore pou MiI Vlemaowuesîetscaeuarryofsadoeln tard lorsa dog 1u tiglit nil the vit-os. tanaotuatiot agannt the diseu ant itUcha st mcani ot prevcating pra- îtemt. Dags arc givenaa booter vaccins andata ieconaoi htw nor Uires wceha Inter. Dogc shottit i a atn n meeha nid bharOs re- ceiviag Uic vaccine, te cali A yoonger aial is iUiety ta have as udt me- actnto ttc shota wtich vituttiatan cancelt tlte ettecta ni ttc ia- ncuatin. Last suommer aren velemtnans experte- neca acsule chatange ot Meke it - Fcb. 30 mili ha mate il or break il day to a hait ot argasitatinonsanti groupa sectltg social service anti healtt fontilsg iroe Retira Raglan. 'nat day ail ha set acide to disions, accept, rctucc, or' tbrom oit application for footing. The mort of Fcb. 23 ta thte "tkittet virai" vsc- cisc astis"esotitetilivs virus" vaccinsemsastime. tut Uic taller, mtes givea ta doge csix esntha nid asti nadir, otea lad ta complications ta- ciutiltg heart prnblems asti hamt aiture tanset- eai intaites. Accnmttag ta Dr. Chtristian tereta nm tuificteat «'kitisti virus" vaccine avnilabtc toc ail wht reqairs lte itot sînce Jonc, ha traleti ta aiteclet tnp antiatt but Uic tour mhih disti teramChitinas, car- vived. break it 27mili ha set acide by the Reglasil Rest andi Social Services Con- milieand taleretleti cauneiars tocr then seSklng tontiag ta presesi Ueir respective Accortiang ta, Uic commile, Match h1mlii bhUe day apes willbe Bullet proof vests Scvesty prcent ni mrc otfilera . nomt HattS RaitPolice suppar rots eba oult Oticers arc in invor ni reqiest as issue vet matisg bllet proni veta mien eluradt tapatrol part ni thc cgitar dties. taioces. a sarvey inaiptetet by police Citai James Harding trpca-A.J. Barrait stagnateti Hattas coacltienReglonas Police Cnes- Of ttc 271 oicers mission a it unttt a staty pattet, tnt voet in vor 50w hiag cotdutacetihy otite vets mlile OS tat the Onario Police a negative vote Barrait Commssiona comptletid tait anme ot taie mita haire mntiag a voiti agansat thc vesta tiecisios. Wedow He» o Spectnlt ,,aan5ie - FACTORY WAREHOUSE OUTLET »A vist Or sowoon? a *ïn evo; PapoDmerenDrmiivec o Ply CéjEta seyurif oowaisndtwapproecr~ nd lev hM ILThOcrbb 8aN. a.Fb l Pese rry, Oucrdbard or loapaper (mlyaga- zines) can be accepted. PLEASE NOTE: THE NEW8PRINT WILL BE SOL) FOR RECYCLING Foa #NoRmA11oN CAL@i4US mg af etausa tam aa= store' reatly ha sps~ Illf Ricti tat te feeqar haleno itaterticunt bhatchlsn. rtt ha iCsiai eg aie har.hai hen the mare Frec or a-u e rt ar tte e "oicigbi ttt te ar.te"be Separate hcrista roatees ae" yatrcfe ra r ameu oi r t-dai tttirvteotat.tivffl m vote i toae' On thechallvoge .andoachavge in thremoi-t 'ttturstity Bradlvy oqutonst dealing mth b the chair. B i ton mg ofthet otiOto tO the tiret tinchtallengehigit hh Bordtrtee ~Jackson atar-Bradisyt challenge pet Satscihr-0 aiiresýZ IIn a Lnhem- mat: «"Ilt tofndes- ta c-a- -sJa. a ...t, - .. A quartar-esillan tint- son tac banal otahusFrech Wtt tvogram reve rc y ta)pic apprttcal by Haiton io Bardti oni Etieatin as t trusts Tttirstisy lntahUicel A revoit by Mitain Ch saparnle cchanl ra- trust Bertilehairaina tisas Lsan, himecer, aty anti sitrar neglty pecti ers uatultne, ant mitirienu chargesa i htie and lm empire buiding. fond ta a recarti tieai trastasi apprnveti the arnt hlrlng o n atomebcera nat, byseP bmer >nht~ Ont, which wil cavir sitlarten raIli anti supplies outil sets eetbse. vatit Opponenta ta case eita French italIthave anUier chaceatastap It whea Uithel hoanetisbutiget camais ap tir approala, by vals,g9 next manUi. Trustee Nait Coipe, chairmniftet tbudget ctaitte vatet i nas tanting Uic pragries Ha asanvoat ngsist l whan Uic boarti narriwty appinveti Uic pragrees ta principte ltntesntit. "Wtismctiwetirawthe Ulnc on incresetiop"tt- ing and empire hàitti- tngl" Cooper sait. Hae nalst Ut an atitinat consuitant tor Frencht tae hctag requetid. "Hnmw sbut maktag Fec aplioaandatirets'atatng leschams?" autedtihUi butiget etuiresan. Oatvlte traites Jacklc Calesare orgtuetiltai mare lime ta neetiedtot evaluae Uic proa e a cenof tniUic peeti wlih Trtustees vallag tan laver et Uic pragenes he- lt tiaieti mare: Etetas Riches. Anne Fslrtiltt, Marg ilaiaci, Bet Fisher, Helen Roas liet, Rav. D.G. Martes, Artene Bruce, Jaice Mitlman anti Florence- Moeres. Cnes Jactaon aise, vaetiftactUn motion. Hic vatlnlahUicprealau quesion an Uic piSipte ni rare Frsench wu nags- tive. Cooper, Betty Wsttsr, tilt Herti, Cttere, Lan Cracher, Ivan Armsatrong anti Bil limsnnvaleti agaont spcntitng Uic maney. Ite lreesepapte esctuaI trusleei-Brati- 1tcy, BUt Priestner anti tLacA i ger-mere ait attaetacitels yltae TENANTS: GUESS WHAT 15 NOT PROECEDBY YOUR LANDLORD'S INSURANCE? t Lawmetatti vote an thUiciplelo f tcnitaiJaasy o21niacting. h tA2l=t4trti anti Aut a tnllar » firevtita taorifmi a, himaver. pa'tactpte wtt. Prteitair eau Uicthecatifmuidagantc it dain. Tiuda, Cinrant in Aie s smaan t t 1 aivu t . ttecta ant..anti. ,d. Zteuia tyc thetuhir- tae ctirmii'c &rgtait tUihe se teptgrat t riluii iiis iliut = =Y .4 foin indrgartnta %itnnin- Grade 13. Ittc clair m 1 tcieq= ryhave ts *right tetaaile," igrass. he tsal tss te on n-paridt teison ni 208 Main St. Milton 878-2894 wawu t Imnca HOM uco ui IÈ*s SPIRIT DÀYSI MGET 1NTO THE SPIRIT DAYS" purchase from Inventory to March 30,1981 AMERICAN MRS HRU IVENUS THE DOLLARSTO DO ff. ALL 081 SPIRITS REDUCED from t .-$499 INCLU DES: Factocy ihet fluet Proection - ii Vas relcneend ~P 0.1. Paotry Buyer Protection Pln Warmuny Pacaey Inetallati Radil Tir«a DEMOS MWi COMPANY CARS Sagh p Tot$UUn Svud FYEWMipdLmMiI.l& SPIRIT CATCH THE JI SPIRIT!! DAYS from now to Mah 2mt, 9U1 OWNER PROOF Quebec bound Spirits - Two of a flast ptjrchaaa by 'Dover Electric Elevator' as Maintenance vehicles acrona Canada. Suppliad by Jeffrsy-Lynch of Brampton, ri JFFR..LNCHLTI AM l , MM 77 r rncc %IUMOUI6 m à% a 8%0"8 1 L hairess ses th rancIb te tt ti litai tiey's i cillet il tas t tg onUh cale sc ing an a mi prq surprises veterinarians Y= ~ jperonai belovgingz ae ntiprotecteti by pr tandords insirance. Nov are you puitecteti aipeusonai ortaegat iabitfty claims resuling baotients occt ngihin or i~ local conoroical insurance agent We wosit togeter-for you ASK YU ECONMIAL AGENT

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