Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 1981, p. 5

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The Cauadlan Champion, Wed., Fete. 18, 1901 6 Wish granted A Mn Who a d.aCOltcTt s te, 30daya ta jal by Provlaclai court Jodge W.S. =r kStaff ord 30, who 00w lves in akvilie, bad loes tabla wfe'o bomne at 10 Kng S. Nov. 29 wth a court order wblch aitows hlm toseeebla children Accordlng t, M. Staff ord, hie wil e wouid fot lotbimin teboueand she tbreat0ned to, un the poie-rn the Mlton district office mast acroso Sterod.m Mr. Stafford told ha mf e ta g6 altead and ou ofîcer arrlved wthln minutes ta find out what M1~Cer- Contabte Tom McCarron said he vlewed th situateo aadomotc dspute and thmefoe decided tnacat wltlo mach cauton, ou domtlc e the most feared occurrences ut- Advlalag M. Staford te say oufide, te of- tIcer then heglautte ter te house when fet te doep bedfonha nd. A hiow wu then atuc, esln Se faficer "aprwllng' forward tamards theflour. Costale Roet Davldson alrlved athat mu- ment tasaaatt hta feilow officer and wou tld te place M. Stafford under arrot for ouauftlog a te ho. defenc, M. Stafford tatd Judge Sharpe tat when hetred inget ittathe boueteofflcer 'tred te psme out sot1pushIdhim back." To tbot Ste deeadant oid tbat if bo wou gotag to eound gullty. -'l antjilt." Hieawtah wao grantedby Judge Sharpe. Passengersat better than hood A Mlton teenager learned ita cexpasoive ta take people fora ridéeonacar, rater basLtait. Anhouy Paoi 03ge, 17, of 47 Ptfild Rd., wou chaced Oct.24 wt daaero drving after he douae n lgtrough te parking lot ot Mi- ton's E.C. Drury Iligb chol vit a frlrnd perch- edronte hod of te cr. M. Ele pteaded out glty tatecharge. Toucher Barry EDilotlid te court h corne out of techol jut ater it bad let out for te day whes h. aw a cr go outward ta Ste park- lag lot wt a yooth on te hood. Mr. Elilott oid te car wao gotag about 30 mles per hour. At te end f Ste lot It tarneol roud and carne met- ward. sopptag about te: midde of te parkng lm.. Mr. Eliotttoaidboewent over tate cr and tid Mr. Elge wmb had dose as o "pretty tupid ttngtndo in te parkiltof aochooi." 1bl toutilmoy waubornsotof another chout employas, Mm. tAura JMonm who said nhe tugttecarmwaa 'gotag pretty fot. " Mr. Bige mou calied tate wtaouo bon and testifleol h. mou oniy gotag about 10 mles per hour and wou vry crefl nt teo peed ta case te youtoutehboud te off. M. Elge, a sudent at Miltn Distrct 10gb Schou, nid h. wet ta E.C. Drury ta pick p a frlesd whrn Walter Rire hoppedonte hood. Mr. Rice, next ta toutlfy, confrrned tla ory bt said at nou ttae dd te cr go tat rnougb for hlm ta fur faitg off. Jeff Going, o panoonger inSte Elge vehlce taldte amenstory. Mr. Elge's defence ouS tat te car wou over gotag fout ouough ta, oudouger anyoue and tere- fore mght not h. conidred "dangerou dclv' tag."1 Bt Provincial Jodge W.S. Shrpe said he fmnd te ride 'a dangerana thtag to do" ond ta dolagîit, 'that peruon woud botinoume danger." Mr. Elge wmu foud gulty and ftaed $20 or 20 dayalajail. Mon fined for obstructing A Gleorgetomn mon as f neul $W20in Milton Provinca Court aler pioudlng gulty te a charge of obstructng police. James C. Bundf, 2, vansiatppeilhy teOP Costable Donald Couisu oJulyi15 afar te f- ficer notcsd te moteccycie M. Bond an dclv- ig had a defecive laIt igh. Costble Couinsoked for identification and ownershlp fte motrcycie and M. Bond pro- dced documents in the name of another peroon. Alter ti had occurreil, Mr. Bond apparentiy taid another police officer fte action. Re mou ten charged lt obtcuctiug police. Jadgs W.S. abarpo au tld te arcusd ht- a "pcetiy bad record" in relation toater incidente ta te pat. Judge Sharpo found M. Bond gulty and aueaaed lt $320flo, glulng hlm 30 days in which tepay. Campbellville compies past lary hanterao mllieh.fta more tan 20 youro. oroa nilghtiy higher rus hauttag bomes in Gien Goidtraw wou more poges are ocde Campboiiviie for tAc amed soceiy huiness Campheiiviiierces book of village hiory. charge oi gravi appica- their accestors byL Membo- ta t te tionfoc fonding the end oft he yerit ailgo nei omdCampbeli- pohlilcation. an pianned. ville Historre& Socety Society memborshlP Memborohipo and f mili boip ta financo the oue- and partial paY- ther information a publication. accordlng tu mente pre salesu mlii bap avoulable tram vi oociety preoudoot Jueoffset te $11,000 puhlilh- prenîdent Anna Go Andrews. ing cot. The finloheil niram ot 078-3070 An information ment- product of apponmateiY erretary Doras ing Monday Feb. 9 drem 2oopagou ilii oeil for $20 Wheihan aitrn4-22 40 peope, many of mhom Yetrday Year June Andrews han been keeping local history for more than 2 years. Now, as prenîdent of the newly formed Camp- beliville Htorical Socety nhe hopea bu update the hstory and pobllah a bookc of Compbellville'a hmstory, Campbellville reidents will be canvassed to update information. The book promiseso te h f illed with pictures and descrptions of homes, busînesuen, in- dustries and familiou of t ho village fromn the dayn of early pioneers totoday. go about publlohlng the hitry" oald Mci. And- rews. Canvenoers bave heen dour gatering in- formotion to update te history hlch ban heen recordered by Mos. And- rews for the Cmpell- ville Women'n totitue New theatre opens doors Sy Linde ilby Premier MIten, o brand new $1 million pubiecrlday, oe. 27. nue compes on ChlabaohnDr. wiii hous tree diffrent atami audtoriums wlta ttal seathog capaclty ut so. A thotre drouasd in black and white stripes, encasd by a asweptag mail ut glas. brick, wt ful-utas ebran ond an otiloor patio, te compsu bousoa lobby tat lu a hocas in inseif. While wattag fr a movie. visiters con snjoy batag entertained lt vldeo and film screes or cou playte latet ta viden gomes. No changes following sale P.L. Robrtson Manufactorlog of Milton bau a nem The pantos parent compony, Trana-Union Fanteners Corporation la Chicago, mth company affiliiotou acroou Canada andte Unitedi States mou noid tot Tuesday tete Mrmon Group luc. for oun estimated 0million, coufrmed o company upohes- mon witP.L. Robertson. The teever by te mnagement group wbch in- ciades n lise hoings Hyatt Hotelo and te Hoson Atrudome ta Txas, iii not affect operatlonootite otebh.bod Milton fasteners plant which empioyu 200 people. ad JackHiom, personel manager wt P.L. Robertson. 11oWamie foloywod a mseting of steckhoidera mhrn appo-val wua glven for a $51 per shace cash merger, oid Mr. Hom. 'fhs taheover affectse ome 1,000 empioyee nh canada and te States orhlug fer companles omned hy Trao-Unon Faoteners Corporation Hospital gets 10 percent hike Al 10Mpr ettarae yeara ut vecy tom in- ta prvotcla gran'a for crouses and defict." ntroh aislin the comlng _eur an heen A reglonai mseting in announceabtMiln Cambridge ut Mnltry of Dstrc Hopital Heatl and ares hoptai Admtattrator Brlan reprouentetives, oeh. 27 Brady la cocernad about wmUt nevetuo utile lait yearas deflct mhch opelfic grante for in- aa houn appeaied te the dvduai hoaptli. De- Mtaltry of Heaith. fîct recovecy wlli alo h. Mr. Brady ouldte dscued athSis ment- budget tareaae for 1lu1 ing, and accordtag la Me and 1982 "lan btter than Brady, that iliih.te ta te past. importent area ot dncua- "We've bad 'thrse alun. HOUR SERVICE (Daily incuding Saturday) fIWQ l "Sirn. MoFauto ey.A7waaom. t Pl or7 p. Som to .7 amm toi7 pm uoa.aOvuua 87&Ml4 Ths ctaemaa te pro- dort of te design efforts ut Barry Ale, oner and prealdent of Premier Dperattag Corporation, orchiteot Alan Brown ond designer Richard Boul. Surender Arora, manager of o Brampton Premier Theatre, hou heSo appotted manager of te Milton ctaemna. The moule totre reprsente the econd phse of amoar com- pen plannsdhby Milton developers Roert ond Rusel Powadluh on 13 acres f landotite Chlaboim Dr. site. A 50-room motai "The Herigate Inn" mou opeued aimot twoyer ago. A restaurant and bar are oiou inte plasfor the site. so 1 J . 1 1. C.. "FO YOR ESIM E ITnOUTOBLIATON 8#739, cU led. an the- vice- and la3 COLFRS Btn nG eogt Golf Courses g have a few M e bersh fs ovailable for 1981 season. Moffborship as Iow as $1 80.00. Special discounts seaSilIr lurn s golf coüUre Ob aatlýi iitiiiallya member 01 iwo. SOME 1 OURNAMENT DATES STILI. A VAIL ABLE. For more information cail 857-2050 Sler* ek *e 0A#l Preniîm gai. Same s3msç7gal. Flt atx988 988 * SemîGkiss e SemîGkffs Latex <'88 fflse 988 Reg. 16w~ npg- -MW 9 IÛ<ci n wrirhase frSe! ",,You'iIreaiIylike our syle!"f emo ~ ~ I ~ Sale indue anueday. OT ~,i Ir o-bruary 21,1981 The paint and paper people Dccc 100 cfflenienflouaOos acs Cada. MILTON MAL 878-2629 MILTON EASY PARKING GOen Mou -Fr.10lam.930 p..Sat 930 am.-6pm TAUE ADTVE EOr HIEIOAL RUTS i Ly I PRO-JET MAXI HEAT Il STOVE I STAINLESS $'14 l95 I STEEL SAVE $219* I CHIMNEY FLUE $195 Reg. $349.00 1iONL Y CABINET HEATER 4 SAVE $2999" 24 ' Reg.$549.0 WOOD BURNING FREE STANDING FIREPLACE SAVE$14 011500 Reg. 02299$ The a l uel osuataeil chimvey Ihal s 1 ONLYiOI'L Y best le salety eticievcy ecovomy. " THE RANCHER- 61-360LD STYLE ZERO 12 x 7" 1685 FARMER STOVE CLEARANCE FIREPLACE 247 * 8 SAE$39995" 7 288 #19 99101.5. 29 36" a 7" 43.20 Re.$54900 Reg. $495.25 * ~1MND 7w MW iS. E. MILTON, ONT. Ju EataofaIthe Mlton Moul 878"171 STORE HOURS Thur s 8a.m5 6p.m Frolay S arn. 9 p.m. Salardey I6a.m. 6 p.M. VISA CHARE1T Q>JLI ROU* S QAIFE ERIaV OPleflPICN FR DEs VR

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