,,. TAXE UPC CASYI No hou.vir Ths3 bedîyyilonhouse. sde.llyl .tdd ...výh..i, li l a nd untith vin pv iin ng CIvdvll nwan isi ediateily *41,500 STOP AJEUNU AOUNDISes alhome this clo oc v ool.caid ethoppng. Vnu co sae mony onyouf hr g blls tooby ucegie ovein thle rier ,Tis eib.cvloeden 'Dc.ilvod'vwndamccnd chaîine doo,. pcflielly, ftcrod yrd, 3 bcd- iominsdecntrace to thlegarage. En"cg cncosbuyes mil ke ttrlcoe!eCali o *12100t WOOOI VOU LOV TO HIAR'Rececuibie nier..? crae' Tbas 3 edrover, aiveinon, 2 emosrelrcen11ilh%nmoriggec ouerieni cl i rto ouccr hi itrstoesbmt cducd lu $75.9W. Come o rose oisîlespevialfitcurccs: oldtccvhioncd hignvceilînge.enpacous rooerc; rncîvîetIrea"îinte yard l'evon aeshot cik iocaeshopping mciitooi Ccii veovi ~r i, @y 01000 1 THMU Wl HNAVI MITI Oa bik bungga ith: 3 bedo, v.dierce rm,vod burnig seein th liigrocm, gadnsec rport paed diei he Tono Hlo His -ehpeyuIlcl I.dii .. oveab, ,,Ihu revcvlvvluhynet I ke I v doube ga~rae lage foyr wthvnope n e iair vyullfrm i gîin mand dv,,g ryvlîvhowplrcklhhen, illv ron yyih reae lrgepoole lo. 4bed ros13 brheos;hs mhi beVau. GvevuaZ1. e d b, mon, han li ased ta g oyu a persoa ie veerv $105.-0 PUACE M PUILIIiMeke thle geawav to privevy and quiet o 0beautiulacres of land ieaturing alovein 3 bedrooer cder hoe A. ebown g isn cuy o pprocare thie rvcvy flnestc t fv. hanginq lie- place, cblightcrcvood siove icliilyliom but- ecppiances, covdeck arosbockof houucc leric drive. enel bain in, ydro. Cetl toi ancppoinmnni oday! *114100 SOLD by MILTOWI SOLD SOLD by MILTOWI USIRATE noua HUSIAND. SIyuhn ho th-îr b.dîr, rhof.Hýýil p hoý ffpa h lhnr-nu-yuivde ira,.tevun e Ht P.1- h aillet. k rP th. <,a ., ( hnvv, h.evyle ilq9 Muve iiiv-0- ve ,urg 1 $4010 9,ccituirC -440ouiitc UcekcL WOULD VOItU Al TO LOOK UNDI POM TAGAcFU? Th- sa. tho 3 bedvom hâd.,tovnhooCe The e .9ouvdie1-1 taml iomerth vaikou and ai adry ro off the kiihen. Th,e hornradr. beenvcred foreas ou'iises Ask Iovie ho boy vide, tety thusard. W NIVEl PROMICEO v ga qrde-i in,.d,e,,bkrv,,iTh,,vdilyh vvn win vbalun thîuqh,,t h v gaae. pcodîvd 11-119luvr, al v kvvnv ou env,,vh 10h,s hne bo cohun lhl.evhvfidvlynOvvn, OMETHINC UN T4E MAI Sun, clouds, wind but no smog. Enjoy bealtbful country living in this immacutate 3 bedroom sîde split located one mile from Avion. Considerthtene outstanding featuren: paved drive, above ground pool, utility sbed, 2 fireplaces, 2 batb- rooms, den, rev room, beautîful pîne cupboards in tbe kitcben. A muni iv see for ibose wbo ant a fine borne in a rural type atmospbere. $89,90 bThotn unercada O n Oiieîed er. oc pevedd dIlue dcv i,lding don, l. paon, vrpeicd Thvîvv mle mîgnhi be ti Vou and ennnmbe,lthr e l,nu lfvavuin's $77.M0 OF COUI O>CA OIi .db pieeadluo hmu tvo his var ianm .vil 1900 con aiîvîof îrave. doule gcrg. 4bedîveere, uviien aerîiv-m. îgrouvd pool ithirilennvand avcagc h..Non doni necltiel lYou nîgnr b. U>01 UIEMMU? Ivey-aiet 0.1 ne unie.. ov se, ihe nsidcl Tvs bavkcnliî neaotcv srpie nenvyovvcovrnoecas the 3 b.doonc, diine ove, parciicd 1er pont, .cndvl.o.,gaerage ithrcutnvcii cper ed Sekbenh.lic csitoceic an etebincb.d mecVbb.crhed nmer c parb Md bus revie. mccshwbevi he b.incideft tbb àcobe.. Gin. usc a a. ay Thomas. Prec. LoeneGundlack Drue Hood Joui Johecton SmediKhue Pe& APage .1yrclocled vuniMonhv Inn înlvdec pcîkîn, hianin oovl PI ivîîiitlner 878-23M1 Jean uecwaen 8780230 Mary Vlla 878-ZM73 Jeeke.Bseton M7-7210 Las lcmkee 0M92874 Jean Cmecer aa3 Rc.,ee l UP... TAKI T OPPI euv his deligihltul heiksplil andicakcitilte markiIftuiiedor'ilthev coene vier smert biicr ail.Evervoee nuti ie v hvee aîcarge, veved drive, iellved ald atiou4avcdrveercndivvobaivrvnerc Dn' pt fialveing acboutis onel 1410-01& em IT NU 11eR R.vR. îvcî..tic -dîra- cbici Onuc cuheol bous., àtnvslacen onvoricd tlva 2 b.dlooerbvngalow ciib, don or tlivra bcdrovm er. cvdtv îvor.garder cb.d, bnîk 8e8-. lis iocied eci 401. COUW be Vurccnc iomr o"a oel. Ab. 180 qui m 1 ý-