Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 1981, p. 3

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The Canadien Champion. Wsd, Euh. 18,19813 Kids too young'for kindergarten must wait a year to start classes Chaleg. OU S1nge Prou idnoth 1e OakvlJe Civitea Club, b e challemgby (o John Malec, Canadian Dis- triét Wstof CivitOIIIUsIItiOOI, te charter a Civten Club in maton. iCivitan settVing sight on Mifton Mille s la saofuthUe Ue menaliy rtardd. Tee l mach onan failtout " = qm- Civitala et sne o doe CivItas, ftom mutltlm Oncitaro ndMiltole m Oit alville worklag wUs ponU. ta Ue cnaden Dlelrlct Cub baipeu ddflm-wrklsg wiUs sesins cii- west of dme ttler- ca apliod mas- nsd Usemendalty or natonal Plas ta cbstarpslr tni alspbyslealy badlased anoUer Clous ClOub l oe' Paeisnor Ayn niraafl Milon t asaitin emanaMM tsess Oakylle tearmleg more about prvd2rlsu asm e, tahUssJuasiorCitan Club bhm Civiles or hecomlsg a commuslly beaueilnlt l liltn mher aiUsf MIlle CivIles lanuta one ut Cnassniat Mastr ta cos- Clotas Club, laikàed ta ~te fatt rw es- duel a bing for nail Norm on Mttt t 27' vice clubsi a e' . rtdeats. 4048mter 6 pa. .or ae Civiles la q anly othUe itammbcalp 71w club%. wrk ilte a ditsmanor tomae, metng ta b. beld tUs cnmmasty la dractd ubl e ler estadInamak- ltosdy, Feb. 19 ai B wbsre a ased exdis, but ing hie or ber cammasiy p.m. at atas Cenies- te Phame -OWt f5!u abelerpiacen la wbto ta aliMasar, PetittHause, Civitansa baibn... ingllag . Ontario B. . Heipiag Out. Staff atiton DistrLSict Hospiala were .happ tu receive two new b.d sets from the Milton brach fo the Royal Canadian Leglon, a donation made possible through the proceeda pop ajo lut Noenier.Maknq the. presentation on behali Won are Bob1)Toiemit ltcairman of the o tee andMa Blac, ih, tprea1t tf the Legon hospital Legion gives beds to Milton Hospital Mlton Dsrct two bid, oves-b.d tables Th mosey w. raised Hopital bai twoa u asd bsdaldstables in Mlts let November, haptal-tyle b.d mta "W. dchlstl Ible aar telgondnto thesh Mitnale5ofth e e'dllHâtaoputaimmeof tlteb. sptal. lIhe MI.brsb.1w use i bock itm teb osiallb.israo Raya Cama" .L4on. o ru"estiod r a rd si b Appraanatety $2, L.Uale Grmebe. acontribution wu à a-bg pwc" eothesa sle o .1 nto be. blp' towards te pope a ud t.. "'lidea tla ole lt lb.e Issaptals efforts le pur- =idehpurchassof teé casmuslty boonubare chaiue seb.d se b.d sets wllch isclude 1Un money samu tible ar. PRO VINCIAL LIBERAL ASSOCIATION AND THE COMMITTEE TO RE-ELECT JULIAN REED WISH TrO ANNOUNCE THE OFFICIAL OPENING 0F THEIR CAMPAIGN OFFICES SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1981 " BURLINGTON- Mountain Grove Plaza 1 P.M. at Guelph Line - 335-1580 " MILTON - Campaign Headquarters 3 P.M. 14 Martin St. - 876 -1101 " GEORGETOWN - Halton HUIS Shopping 5 P.M. Centre, Hwy. 7 - 877-0179 Scm e W Ialtn Ubem l YoAvn ou To Vote? hy Erie Eloton Foras Marly as'5 fliaian chlidren thr doors to indergarien miii b incked lanBSetember. Hale. Bord of Educaios estintes 5W peangaters nUlbave ta, waIt a y esc before trylng t0 catch 5up. 'lho»eaecLdren, sote of nltosi are lunursery .choeln, nUl est be eli- ibletinenter bladergarten in September. Bome parnnsinar searcbng for privaI. achontu ta educate Ueir cblidren whle oibern, le Burllngton, are sebng ta take Usais case te Pre- mier Willam Davis. Kindergarlen cblldren, whose sInUs bfrbdays fauI in Jsottary or Febraaary, nUl proceed le Grade i becaue Uey have arendy alarted in Ue scbool syalem, s- cordlatg ta alins Diretor ut Edtaatloa Em lAvender. Thte ni inderarlen enraiment nUl only accept yongalers ubose t ifUs brUsdays fail beore DJecember 31. Itat ta Ue rule inUe MEdataion Act. Hula. peruitied cblldren into kLidier- grn.. in eptember wben Ueir tlUsbthday teil as laie as Ue bmiw- isg end of Februry. Thal tt-year-uid Halaon polcy nawithdrawn dornna 7tburscday's board meeing ai Brilon. Beme irutlees iamsd Ue minlalry foc the tale cbange in indergarten minded trustees ihat a liîgiiliy wiothsiica ta daysa ag poned the i.ngcc ai lhc boacd saff saed a re- boardn nitaIt. port taing Uai the "I rmalty tes weub.uild kindergarlon matier have b... nalelang Ue wasd b."facmuot lu situation massrtossly," sslnd." lrales trtatee Cam Laveader dIusaded hia Jackson ud. Ma re-stffby saylng Uat ta re- Kindergaerten petition, Aagry Milton parents pion circtdmtleg ac petition ur thUe Onario Min=lyu Edu- ' naion ta chngeIt pollcy o erybid- gainadmission, pIani it esd I Coservîtive1 asd Liberal MPPn. c Judy Lsanssra, wb. la1 beadng up Use Milles dellys kndergale enry for ber ciltd asdI about 50ooUsein leton., wbon Us Matas9us a Educallon dsclded ta abide hy Ue lolca rates and ontry pruaron hatoba bee. neefecbeef. A group of preslt tiurdapi our meeting slgned oue peit- ion, wblcb nîs delvered Friday ta Brlngion South MPP George Ker..i He peaeletace Ita Prme 11Davis, aMrs. Lanmtra said. goes A petitiola son belsg cfrcnItied le b. uresentied iletUse Ubersi plrty. Mc. Lansatra said! .1w was a Utile dlaapponied in Ue iow troetut o Mille. parents ai Tbuca- day's meetng. Bbe aaked about 30 prents ta attend, and osiy Ure sbowed up. Anynes intereted cas contact Mc. Laassrî ai S.S. Board goas along fthol B.M rdla f.7. ttilleicboard la mitting unLrlged 7h. board declded lemt week UaI effetive sent epember il nul admit le indergarien oniy biltdren wbu have ai- talned Useage of fine oct to al pnssible issues ye fren the grnistriy ",ouoIidu fceqaennistate of Un- certainty." do Wlten Use educatiot 29 mlnltry gin. a narning gr abouta" a mrn l mlslstry, mont ofln npu that situation «"Woul ab ha easy, chargeil former Io bosrd clairman Billth Ilerd. Bc nTere wusaasggeston 1 Uai Ilalton absorb Use bI cnt, anme sinI,0 uot early enrolment. Mstth trse s, hugarted le cbarged hy ratepayers orr Ue mlnltry wlUs misappcspriation ut fonds. In a letter dated Minister ut Education Betty Stephenson sag- gsted Halton cosolder b.ghnr clases. "The ottion of Ue minster lu reafly et a solution," vce-charman Etaine Riehm said. "It meana ne do *min3 FACTORYOUTLET WIN5WOWooWd or lun. 500F4hàtio led ftas. AtOte. aTON WINDOWS à 500M0 W Abe laMMIt TilE PLACE TO SMVII Viit Our Showroomt 334 insPtogr. 57-ie GeMEsoeOWv du i 13 ad Fa otc ,raa.ces da.in12 Steph.enson tucre' lown Halion's January 29 appea for a yeac'n grace concernagtghie elglblty age. "lWe louB W tethUe view' ltn enpresed on b.- mîlf of Uhsn parents wbo had sntlclpatd bvlng bheir ehlldren begin schooainla Bember, Uts. Y..ou drnlsd, sowever, Ibai my re- aponellty'tlasI.ensure ba l Use prov.ionso f Use NORTH END ATU 61 MARINST NMITOe88-47 gauge the dcgrcc oi differences n provincial bnartdn potien cnncern- ing kindergartén âges. Job. trey, Central Region Directar ut Educatuon, said o a May 6 meeting wlUs cnuniy directuen ut education- "In fairnees to the boards, Id bave tu say what me were doing wîn lrying io determine ilh. degree outheb.problem. In October Storey provision of The Educa- trustees ot the aaaaatr y s mind aser the Octoher memo, though, education direcior Lavender acknswiedges b. koew of the May i meeting. He bas stresaed, as bas Storey o the minitry, that no action was e quired. Burtington trustee Jackson charges that mot ofte 16or 18lschool boards ahch ioand thetseces out of step wsith tUs. ,nitry--cua- ..................... ..........

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