88 flocaMnadChaolol.Wad., Fub. 1,1901 I I laot b"WWMu azzZ SFZZZMissi Incone Tex INCOMETAX Ml.. c'j 008¶* Senior Accoufitant Pr'pretio SERVICEom reow uput tno o. d y M o. otor *Ro NmIail ano0ud mOalgA bt oh. 010 pt0001901179acCUn1t Service231EconoulîllOClub Wagon TH s IO 878-8251 saluir netorsî _ u - 1 TH 99picans il dl, be ai Onut3do 47tulai 1 anACTON 853-2946 due whe0090 t -uuoThtExropiatonsACt Mr. Bruce P 1 A. or C G A Prb9uam wthOPOOýýO99 Sx Mko 88-115 113. Zmu* f M20 NOTICE 0F POSSESSION SUperiIIU 09000009e EX-PERI ENCEUO I" 91172 FORDTOI THE fUNiTfaoD MON 0000058AND MACHINE Saay ro $1,00 wit cmpehnsv lObI* onit .trb CO. 6.0 onotuynnblttnf7lpltt 1~f0r;100110~5:for 14 t. alominif ACEOIE7un le11 8.8!* u--- 1. h hecopoat o heTomn fcd lo, 0- will e ro 09pg,9999t1,Ou9ttvîOuOnî 740 0W NO trgtlon a IWO MC 00 44TONd ogpaOO000201OO~ î0tt0 pr.Wd Apngggi,9 ompleswite euf t c, 4411*T, oNG ot n $ aimv X 41 afi 1 clie, A qina osesio o te 2n y o n 1Mof hé pM. eil r.R0. Box 70"a more etraa, gxcel#Ont P p-rinonmgto on t0e9tt doyotJOOuOtY 018 H 11 iMONTE1,00OD. condtionl. AM0II tOlnO .U 1901 a.No. EXM ln1,0100 ogisyOao I0 «0tone00Re- CunVILL. fONTAROlo a oto. *-U - gionry Divisionutfttatoon (20). Kn t LOJ $Et.IEZIZZ 197, G.M.C. VAN 310,4 ,uo .. O barraet oadn, 2. Thot00Wlieu ortéenoPotolg aulOniy rMay, po oat., MOt TRULCKING POOtOau olc, g 1ojdadeS.atoyba9detnOaI frue old n aotulmonof 0the daNorpotso, OOOn apaolfladIn tronsBal" AT YSTEMS ANNOUNCES tr"n ait round, n 8tis o.tce, oand01dis juo, m hoconidèeafile1t mer Sotot, Bt MINI COUORSES bd & dlothcicr nuinOaatho $Wwà800Ohoid10 181 ontr. muet 0 lo .00, n, oiv ovlan fruit0the durotaronposessi0 on lI e ro00rd,P ______________________ $SLASHED TUITION ams- o 1I'pl esb n such cort.Pt7er or fera dite100m1 o1 0004000in91. the-USWbO aisY2so PRICE OFF Wih Ths Ad 98.m.-4 .17. on0,0Ilde 01e. dspla t aI SaesPrsn Take AdVMfltaof OOur bon Cot 1978 HoNDA Chutc, lois ATE a "Ito " 4thdY OtFObW lU981 ch iTetd For distnbutclr OtollCtricut osuppies. Muet TrooCkTminlfg Progranno 0:$1àr0 00Ci EooxOot8WoOthaor<1 8Perorra haebackgroand 1n lectrical whoeOuing. Cali1-512MO 1 0CaiWttine rret-pooa0n utoio etna eaîttfl$ enitoiy consistea f letrcl ort 10 a,11 MV 00C, s13, CakC-rktr contractons oand industilplants. 3" EVas^va. ROOM 305 naids reur brake Tthis Notice firet pubttoèdnthe00104010 th de0of00017. CSioUs Exocellent OppOtnity for owff.motivtd TroO.Ot OZî8 oorO Airadieai, or 00.Wîîi sales-oriete0d ndýmda. PWM 0Cam:ootoonto . M .2001 d.3,785 i",Wi Oerepii e.2Y1 040vO 10 8-210.UTAThe00 b.ExproriatonsO Acrt Chalut 456-3920 jLFE _ ""="s M OIEO XPROPRIATION QUALIFIED r f le t NOCE0 BOKEERI TYPIST tI« otfld 410 CapbliileGeerl onrctr eqirsBokkepr Piano Teacher 8lir87. c -r----- 00100. THE UNITEDIO AO 000.8AND MACHINE tcobOtu g noM Cobooks o tr ,qbalane o odokkOOt lo o . fe elod"enta.001010.000"»M000000 10 PLYMOUTH o . LTO. 1. r71 0001- bou ParkV 100I. 1 l - "-0otera à Isar, osiffl lu de of'mconomo 0fw office n1o adae. 0.gtingowethotns. 6 cyt. 0autor.lie, i TAKE NOTICE THAT:M tender clointsan uOOOll uffio Able tedu o. dgoradi o dot or, .1. The f on o n o Pan ogistèrod ln the0Re- JUI minimum super0 vsiobîO. atory no ,h ud.OI 0000 railt 87-705 nyl 000I0.0mîlge. gatiyOf«eo thet o Division u ot im (20 m UNDER. OuolOo. 00, ngoioi. n9 $04n7 Sto.0nm ,,. tbn. the 0th dey ofJanua0y, I10m01. EX0-.0hava1000con out1 h 842 00r1.270-0747 cforîî i vtuSou Prlp1,keL 1 L Li. opoprieredad v0M0n m ao4 0ln ptqxing o 0nii qottl7od 0 :31) end 4:X w oott. __TV_________________________________ 042m7OoAl0types26ant'bdotu 101CIE Ch 900,2 8773108. 2 The nomsad 80»4l0 te xo l0igtn « Or- la l trao7 in fyo w lnd 0100 hlry d echbOk. 1 7 PLYMOUTHO Fury yfo ov een utrcmmncainleOationla HALTON 000100o7nn- ExcelM alen at o. r aWffioiC leC, eoo tuîm t 7o dootiu ne, r'0 671 0970W o tydel007964 3393 Lo.0 1w 10 00Il 251T 00 oroMio, ntoeuE., 90 n lmmeldistg T muOdIoO POrorvaon t aled. ca 7c0. r s90 fleurs wor go 0Th02 l a BV TTIG aal74 aito' Lic. 00067. cal phone87-2009, ask for ILOT 10. Regiolta atur pro ition00 1110l ly fr0 00Gon ÏrgMan Chrysior, Mono. . Unen010 M"70997oool.by ,noce in itivo aip of po d o stîin 72 r 0O2 9 17-3108. 1972 SUPER 0@actifs, 0samedi9ponthe01,0 gOp noplili o l t hl n th0011,,0110 weekelns. Th lie- innts si onî 00-.M I W N *~ 1010 CHRYSLER 70AOC miles,.077-S.507 heu Tnh001e1 toi prof7000,1109 10 1 .0006090andidat@190 7 luettes, vlIOMO. POct 0.0 wa1001,1 tu train99 LeBâ000, 2 dm r, 6 cyl., USED cors btrucks for deycumpoothOosioft hIoli nt"u01091M Y 00u, 1. Autvu 9011 onIOO IIor full lima. Cai Mr. MSayrie, t 000725 rlr Crs., frlo types of 0 91100470 auto 0Pi, 0Pb, 10th00 sale. Coli Gary 0011000 pesn MWOc ostPark o» 7- edTi rm Fi 60/40 0001. Grief u2.tbuor879l. (a) wh049.0thora 1000000on niquiry, eso filsdot@ Hoto,,. 70 , 019$ 000 00 04 ment/099 o oononicaoî 0090117Car. es10 70160EPremier to. toteof ot 1.0n9 beotm o.eInqltvy ~ wu0 0 C77170 71interv ien on 19448. _____ ec.o,ded message on 9006moit n ottor. Li. wagon, 6 07.. auoo, s. oonood;Al01vi sreiou s entiel.070900 70 ER «en2 h o ' h' "' MXT249. Cali p, 009u 01 01, ' 10 0otdootlO roofl000ot 00107 067770 .0xperinc1 ln o 2 ITTER W00t0 929 e2420 » 17007 GeorgerfOWO CIIPYSIOr, rock$ 0001 9u010 9009 (b)las o the dat ftherO "0 ofthe plan; or d empti701 th rm e lations0070 1000 hlron. Whte00. 0iiue 1 Id . 77- $100. lemore.te atIoniic Yu toculonoh aii en 1,7071. 6welters ot0c0i0an 0/ j.M. 00070$ '90 O tO17o 1 97181 COROOBA, x- codiion OîW Mil~gg. t010notce,0ie uc. essa 97l4 o l wr i 0 t $010001 0000of« rol6.20 colant condition, aIl Perfect 0090117 car. Li. end, .01,00 o the cton 40900 0,made00900theo.ire- et0the0N 0000$te: spe r vo .9. -.00&.9. 4 claire a0.0lMichîgln dais, 000010. Caîl s094100411n,0,ou oatoll ho donoed te10090 otcte0 10 Hal 10 $utgloI00r YC.006 070.06e. d 0004 Cr0710 00019, A m0 70 00000000 1 r. h.1ote the 00000110i0oaoued esof the1.1da t of0ho DATED Chiton . Ai *sCRE eoroRd- oo017 ilie I0 111.AM itrtinooute$100.181 $dm ocity,, gr/ Irtl^r01 trncrmfe.10.0.WANTED 1%0 90 00ère, aîtoooP .10 467 .R d.,S 0 r. M Plr.rO Iny 91 10 FMu CulaM s87022@36200 78-4070. Z28.WIi puy0topdollar 4. Ufolon th Act, to. extoPratgtlO or00 rival0b1 home'000 301deys. 6900 r0100000 Mo 010 dopoGE Aspen 1rlh ar O ol ,1~0yufthe enixaimut c00opensa f.tio ljews 977, 62$. fr9322 .Ip.t. 878. Plus 36 page 000r0rr6t9car-, 0010, 0k 1.742 121 0400YOoOOkOtO, tot.marital aidBeed an01d coer, raI. 1.742-310000001.M 17900 in ot907901tyeof LgVINGcohappy, Excellen on dio01t0.on*otteOcu vetkw 5hIlyoo 0100c1ne tiahd itod the10oh.of Ou mOn0009 77e lmeOut, muet bc LOgeNr.ehcatalogue. Prlc00 t0 soif. Lic. 001ii9haie9dm omopensation oegoiaod by o.he0board 000 idavcâr a ffabOlebI teNo State bag. tectud 0110548. Cou 1973 KAWASAKI 250.A ouOf l edi bihdundn0, 0 .a0yo 00, .0-0cll 78-71966. $2.00 to postage o rgtw hYl 7_dtýn8811.__ l da h c yapii WTES 01 MOTHER Of 2 .0111 and treledsig. HYCO t81010S00S- E, 97~o .4 SIOUE dltiotute Z%,noOO .Mirss, ex05 n, 7000 00y51t 0in ler 0100 P970 to Ld. .... 80le.01oT00condOition. net1,e00ss079 Apply ln h0,.00.o000ardsi,00 b 9ctisl.!i7 =1741% W nKwAene 1,01900 station Horst. ilson0 gos. DeparibOl 11 , il &- ono ntario01 000Elt,00. 07 TN Aa, 000 .Fr 40,0Reoable rOtfi. 878- 315 LOUIS r., Pon., 6AM/090stron, scîDOO. carbiles. 5 X4 o WAI11000$ WAITEO 7 %32. MI glaa ona . excellent1ornbutonr 011. , but ote hm the loO Boad i ogleemt w1010 10000Land part firme for deys,00011 7MOTHER .00111 170010ta isai 12ssai0linîIn. 000. 970,00000001doOiOdh .10 090700bHor .11 01 in 1 70110 090 home _____ Certîtîn. 70.700$5 er 0.anono.e 901,1,goExt."Iocef ... 10Robert0Baldwin. ABUSED end froid? 1 1010 VAMAHA 60090fl00connut bu Meche ngwlm0v Local Inn Cal Î08-90fr en 117-738, - For heM Cexil0911-555 à 110 000 op o o bloOle, GP440, 6. 0010100000000 001.10091770 007, h. 09100 gre- 70Cint iw. 90 fr 0 NURSERY chool 25-bou rcriait lino for pIcku t 00 camper000, excolent condtion. 1976 ont uith du, ooanopris0tig audho01Oy d0oe0 th Ie A S $0r09Ot40 daycr i 9y nom@for W1009009 lce l07n000 s 90 10,000 .010 00- 90710000 exeetn 10 goifOpOdIO 04wt .moet S 01077900 000611f $97000 3 7Ys0r0aide b ut tart 10900000907 40907100 drie, Pz, Lt01-i n dir0 tio.00 lI »ir i y theLed ompegaho o etetc., Monanlw ing- lima Hot lunChitsib valible for o0700ila sd000019tS.10 King d Co90 t Eas000t, 0 ptc., slec l, 0071070700 snacks 7 0000900eà 0009000 &0d0 l ope11070 .04 for p ne 878110. cele re Vl-Eanti, cn~f 6ideontiel 7. For0youumnformation andtuory * OocertainPm aulla bafr f r .a00lOOIn19 I 0100 90700 i .e viioo o04C019the0Act.hot lv ýNotit P7ve.070710'. RELIA le 00101,0701Calid0O-ir. 1010CUITER. 14 f. 7o70l00I 9907170 0000 1000 pruoOesional UNATTACEDIoO t9090.770 . tralosa but'.017 65 Bu07700100 1100. Pho00e010700000960070090 0090omdel0l.n%. cia, ANTDI 90Moeroter, 2.00 . O ow 0 . ý 10lgapoo7000000400901 one) 900090634225 Rn00Rienov . bCe,,0000900 Mti =NyurOd C 8777911. 1î0pv0ouytoendto*Wb"ooinsoem que vwlcpme. 818-6273- 4521661 or 69000 052- 0le.eh* 0010 OoE t id Brracuda 14 fi. Si '26.Whv te o. artuoovto uo 00o 09W d BABYSITTING aval- . cI bld 70 907 6090eqet nesP-dfe 11bat 9 P'Mrcr 7.170 101 1 by 011, or 9000-01 007401. il9090togcar Ooairs, 0 Teck, $00 s00tar: undon 0104 AoO and in teceo f inj0utrniovs tt~ ion, 00 wonk , e lloguq ol M 90001fo ANYONE îteruted ln 71 010 ,000 $00 30 100co09tihO. ,1900 lay0 094lv. 011. CIlds er in100 60, 1.0ecio7200abaa4. pid ivth ritte m-x or090 1001003 9070 0 0O00 100 090907C.l or bulttOnfe. M-1828. proptiationSto n 01025 fus bashole lto o r the01110 C tri t l chl0f 107_6b. It0 Ir, MY foi 9O-42. n*Auut: o rsofinie 7 . f or o tony ouwAthohmniov.0Ih ,one u Js0 an hap0py h0109 ome. &MI, ago. clou 10te40ILaon [MyocOof gigt o r t4<00 o. 10 u 10, 0017 b007c01a000 ober Baldwn SoolI. ()tesau Ref en7es el$i0 Althisser colt 87%-Offl. egod.fiouto0the0 ~oth oftintsai MILTON COMMUFfIIYT I 001$ 000 00 al Ol0 ma'm.om" 90b0, r0904001 hs ompensati00 onb 79b 1Poltmto ur i, it orTonne:0 I ode Scton27: o NURSERY SCHOOL frnonder, ot eda eethe I00amuw00aut«" a1ndtOuvir U REGISTOATION FOR SEPTEMBER. 1901 00 1EHV MCImagedl 000000010tgolOp' dru HELD TU ESD A Y M A RCH 10 . 9 A .M . -d11 srrêt f7ine hîte fr 0 61 17 00 09 00 oo0igo 1 0,00 00 1 OsWNEo, . noo rno att A&M. Ikl I, eh 09 ECONaMY 00CARS0oeutrd140the orno 00of090n1 AI0.v 6PA00E 0UNITED.CHURCH. 03m. o9 1-1N $:10490 M.t, 100AM 1Et 1:15hPM 30P9-M orm, Inspore time et enexpopiila deten040001 hiroardand1the1o. Two9. 91979991ga,10090. 10101,100700pofitant. td 107 CAMARD Reiiy 0,090 0homes. 000011000on mout swadd haort e ab0 ir .o M ore,0 1 $9001. 909001017 1spot,070 000l thi prfit mailg of to. amov ioffed h. o.he rto at h~o 0110 the. . Ag.930vomit099 Jung 30,11981 rgbollt 10047and engin.,,orainoev o 403701103u02.l3 5,4 enfr, 190 000lei. Ifl r~ od 000moite90un 00100 01ectin te m . lt F0,l7990OlI10t lovtt CIII AIlactOl. no ruho.t F., ne nOT7l00ll9 Ca103Ait. moterui t 077qaf 0901,o l , 85320- ut100ity te00071the000000690 elogo.te W t 000 qui Ails,4rsi0g087-U5SIA . erf toit 87701,0 owanutl 707001byothe to or.eput 0 Avoota. Cook V"6107 I7oth on.coel ut00000o.oenhO 07 (m0. HloyTotot00~0-AS US SPECIALS I -'ou et@aa part. ' 11 . theo. - Wh- m 000Om l t0001000 I ion NIVWM 01ic DTMO701 udeno 109000th.1,09»mt00.000010by to. amorti làfbu t"65 P 1r W ee Care 174 ToVbm-nt.104 19 0 Wei0l0 0the Boadmoooîot h OdeortalbOoevOf41 74&8 Li.NMO0eB 111194 00itliod-monotanr .oodmvmoo.01t10to 0 OtOOo fluvatl netà fator.lit, wu$ O apartir and pobarti " esl cooood OP0- nu Daycare Centre .p BA M T'S -lie m mowton ar- 010 p aipitone. 10de f urvY 96. h 446%4 Ont. Ltd00000 1,000 I 00 n o n- 2W MTCopor1410at f the Tom o 1001. 1P 258 Com00000004l Si.,910lO. itnua*meSOn par 90Wt eeo osoln Exp99ofonsiliAuth- lV F.79,19nrsry e0 lpttO90 m.A0W2$ 2-5.e5.0001yt07 Hot1 1oo9 99471ar plus02 n99991,170110 09006. NV =n0Cak00ninn i 1010ffes. li9p0 100099 0011yo.t@S ndoOodont This Notice0tirerpubimOtofOno.is40,th irru e60100 P Lag wi e'Pe pyrud.Oe l e2m 0 Main st . 1981. O il Mou PFn. 7f159- 015$ oirSa... _______ont_0737__ Epiffienc0d. quafl117.4staff. oetvment lo0n001W mLomnàaNomsau 6L702094 , uetoCOu40 700000904 Fench p10grant. 0For1110001 7Infoton oheaoo La eonTiL o . f,.......~0l 0014.ji home, 1, le 043m so01.09001 JM cLEMNTSmOIOa8T.,EXPAND VOUR INCOME ilha Milton Junior "V&1211 n itb Mioal opw iLTON uidet Bra Day Care, NUrserY School Se'n e md 009onotr ~a unique 0oppoiteon1111l f oi pOU ta SChIldr.ii'S ContreSi Te tNaW.el 0Vfl nalW OfOiOtO y"OO wOO PU-iOSUbUUhUOO. 1 1070Vona 2-010.008 NO INVESTMENT. STOCK SUPPLY OR PAEVOUS NOW OPENI y Oy<oiose"" InOuM BUSINESS EXPERIENCE NECESSAMY. et te Ls. o.RIVE 717 Whie ak Pu@Thétina à a totoy oilatfd oppontotv foi Isening ana EU? Branle St ic 00--h0 «M ed M.q beY ý MboeOro. m@te0nuremt aouto osoda e Pmdhel isele. w naiUd.itSwdon 8788711i ao mnudbu oIncom M e aa ose000000aountt. NO IBepOfO " a yCoo*.uUOC - oo>W7 twviewO. ForenmesopIfOiumm Cam " Kkwvo~ h" Crs Mges @a" 1977 FORD 010 mir. P. ur4on 44111»11111 ixUC0WOV001700OWt -msmeaifrsreftw àiicvpwl 0.0460DulCloironmn baod *th m 00 mU poub- Noser 07rb0mO,10atteanedaO oolO-b invsti. s m. 164 weit.lit, ha$429011IIIIII Me.. Im ~ ~eolo~0005sols iodais dcli.sod ter S.la Corn u iOlh- Aturofnod aantique rendrs ddresedtw. furnitaow. glisse, china, ooltoctableg. 1711001- 1e T. Liodey 97000, 019999. 907709, ec etc. ndent et Businesuad Finance A tfuit Solo approxiattlY 250 tomas i~~~~~ ~~~ SotietEuCll o.0101<3009 mhmop ;01013 dîowelbow1009t IIai et4000000006 l 3n00 0100~; 401.0000.~;050 10110.0 Wou" p sa0 c ,upas03 diviver chunt; Wd ot00courtier; 0, 08» Sk 010Haute! ooqboond ale otoobeod 0pi- Calais 20iVod et lte SardliceSuntfl4:00 ota.no06nd t 0401d*.@ 01î-100.oloUUl v 510c114, 1981.&M *. aNncaie;ao o iad table;rlcaId; traieaill CabinetopasW11 illon 00Contruto. Asociation.,Si14 pjablewant table w.000 enoql bsketo n lacs;-00 est Eat, Hamilt0.ottado, u0081 3:00 pidOObarillet00box; 40400000010 1box100on 40go; nay Mach 2.191. allume,4tu60100Pintoutes;10Pl-00Nm table10001 ;sand Sp c i ca toe$ M at te Olltait fe in t ,t wWnd90 Icto dI o n009000104a 011000 t okt g w « MnIS. Yamaoto, .Archltect, 541 Brant ln 10x;:Jac0ue00Er Havrita'nt001talpo mag00000t115 u01100100, Ontari, train FebrUony 18. rck; wetnoo hotll09004 04ive60000001Et00001 b"dk. dooi t 100 pl00Wlt10 p. do00min on;JeW oub1l bed; M"a' letfindabl Ito0 fa000tuIldotnts 1in 04010pins00900440.01001wtdows; 2000600,00000 'condition. DCrg$ WSlet 0(00ait on 04011 mtchdtg upu chair; oubat Ofn04c hair0sh0es il the amilton Constructionl A oion0. aidechai; 71910400 0100900 ldo" 10ain: pdmi01v dol~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~pn Chair.poldt Bd804lt 09014 melWgary,1Nje chair; p.a0eq00boc Cair . ,,.Vnothso 000070 p okc00;00 ond0 o t i $ 1 5 0 1 . 0 . o 5 0 p e r c e t to m pn s 0 . l o o a o m i n c ir; o o u O m m i n u it c u d o t " vca Bond ad 50 percet Garate of 01$ U;0Pns W a ble Bl ood W i tI 1 0 f 0 0 C tde Oai m e, ob o. t ea dOati leoO . C O O bu Mose . : 0 .0 . ) E MEMUfl LUT9 0 0 0 0 0 0; « "S1 C o c k,00 0 9 1 0 1 c m0 0 0 1 o n C o o ton@I 0 0 .0 0 4 M&Y SEACCWEDM. ViI book; 1MOO2eo o0tlbok lEditbhotOIt oMIbruit Coing 001000 Icomplets);EdwWd ViI I 0100Popper lm A. Lewsofl E. S. Levender pn..utof ua'; &mortotratma'esplnEt ocotu09e 155fl DînaCtOr otlot; cojar esia- -th 09.60.401,; Nippon imanav ebOo plaof tSale a-.*0;End of ov bo01uvon; ___>_ Pink090610000400a,tady 0006; 1900040 mita; gratinCil- id ___ pnNaon 6C00 00--1 d sam0doch; pewtan 910000 II4E R IFF'S S A L E 0 F LA N DS Onor ;f epa 3ba0 giM a. a W u ried In h ooo 0 .0 IICIAL DISTRICT 0F lIALTON fen as$000 Moo l; 3 Cotil ,0e polv10o 0100000 t AND ey VRTU00OF ANEXECUTION i0000"4 as lmp: botte enooial;tnenodl; 00,0001 tCocut 0 of 11he J 04.19Distt ofH btons out 0101post a-,0:b-goeplnte; 000000 , oacon OheremMCKER$IE FUNERAL pantp.- of te 09010 iout1vW10 a BY; oonM 7901100 la pM otitt and M ICHA EL 90.0900 - e polot y; u tu tofacoal; 71000000009 ai00:40 - Y040 e to dool i , H A V E $ 6 0 6 0 0 0 4 0. ln097 0.0 - onadg w ood pistes; . . bou l; t00000000100 k notOb ; ,1 MI toe 110410.1040and4inersion0an e9u01, ofte1- glus 1base 0.0; 04609 09pi:s100090004 1brus0 0 ofth $ 0000 MICHAEL MacMORRINE ln tenot;wo04 odanse; oui tan $0tch o,,eO; 06M«0; 0001 f01 tons; Pl. Out 0000901)1101; $ell0y toapot. Ca- -100090Pian904$5ointoeTom l917.0o . ilonllote OatotdeooOweuinls oa 0000Jde Kue tn ox i Movilpolkyofl7Iîononrv o.heTom- IutigmoO; bruitohooo el'iron0.101000Chipa, l.0009090070in theCountyoflHailon) TERNISCASH ORCHmGUES ÏiÏOmIM O- r o0 0 0 9 y9 l am 0 9 9 i c7 0 0 ll0 6 0 9 9 0 9 7 e s 1 3 1 C m b ell P I V I P 0 0 U Oas A b A le01 Eas, CpbaIfil. 1 in the 419107000Distrt 0 0= ' Hal ot 00 or0.A,010100000 00t aPO00Noie Auctioneai: Chrit A. Schoutefl !.kh said r1. iht, ittet adq0uty oftePhon: 78-2 ffl 90011ofthe0uidMICHAEL MaoMORRINE in the 974m7 d o a n d t e0 9 0 9 0 t , 9 0 1 0 1 7 0 1 1 9 0 4 o s al e 0 1P u -A I C O N S L d7o0 in my office.on the ,10 dey ut Match, l1001N AL o9uro 100 'c06ok in the om. Strday Fb. 21t M t teTo o Milo thO1h dey fJ.n.t01 12:30 Non LIciW tai»aie0. 76 foDUWs Stroot11!1118l ROBERT 9M.0000001 (M.5 H#") Cotonit ea. Cao fi au0 '1-10 S totifi. si enfl mlo l @ a ni o q u e taro l to q , lan o Mi judicil Distric of 010901. cbapicoe.) 072.00 t Pau l list Orly _______ j9 pace 0001011,100 ton 090i$00ar sali Grand iano etC kwi00Avouait,,.W" 0steel01 ttool04 It oo(in eanî sage). CM6 91001 lissiers. $ P4ecKO 9a07 $dto&uite, 00. 000111.001yle AUCTION SALE syl 4UeWChstrfel o<1'sala.CO d rmir. et Ms. Kalth Rogers oht=o pon. 0.6 esklsoi d1 1,00Clés,0 LM Wedvoodley 00oo70, 1 k10 C00 ai0000 0009100.7cool Od s.SW@W.I00 Fekluar120lha18720P.M bed Oak0sid04050094 01019001,7table.45,Plus 11111010 pe0i0; in Milton, et the Falogroundsin aissndé10091001.0 Cils 9010.200idre iatln AO 011 Agrieoîturet Hall on Robert st. Style). Pire0 ch fOW 5PL110000Cm*i 1l60 CEOSa éConaluti009of: Antique torniture,. Mm bdm.sle00.010 nuitel &Ms1d 0mo luO2t du Wb.0 n1t0v0, collctwblec. ail lampa. mace~~. C" cm 00. 1100n f 40590mm04Il0-910.04e - spociol colloctbil o uch as Soterprizia abue. Edeotn aio 009019 4 .11 mInt 08k006*SP96 n2 wtuei coffew mii (good anal. round cabinet, 7 fi. b I. 6 7 0701105 OC10O4lass om09019 90001000 rue chose cutter Nadaa.br0 0dGipo ccsoi, esDou04 0010placels. 9990soi onol Caeh Registot (.atinlg, gclod v0,ean0001 01.06. glaS Contiet ut 790900101 01100.1000 lonvovlraof09is fstare ecolos i, a. ntý of llOfUrOs Iltaeseicti004 of 0&l Slizel0 acondy gsoes, Victarie n iCktar otOllar 0001900107009 oost10.177 e go 4000, ce onal. 4 largo antique glem Store Coin- The H0107s 004001t018001000.0 ,it nWwowv e fon jars, le matching antiqugos a Stor0e0 te al 9busine4<hs, 9 006 100 9009t dy jars. onittv braslids. ontique StimP- îTms Cash orChuewilh proper W0I.DtorCharge:, nM8obio top store scalla.s 1Wt ightB. $01090orAucti00er n1,09909000970lot 9010 idnt.040 ; ok , gis, china etc., e nti pot baltY JI.M mcCatfoy - AU SiIeu ove, ceut iran box etave. 990 91 7 $g 6 s o d o k 079190 e o1079u10 0 0 701( M O mI ; 6o i- 8 7 7 8- W t lu d O W n 990004C mabtop 10000,10ott; off0ce0cabint du ; h 3 dt O . 0 e Ch u t ; M o sl0 i t t o p p o s a 'd k o 0 U M * . * * Codone; 8x 2X a*lgimdàum abiet;6 X2: il gisa' dioolvcoat; 9017 60009101&Il7gisse d O I s gy cabit; 2 gond 0101 00a00700chairs; etumet nk; Bea'ttyou1001d 9 X12 Et4 X 6 res;0 O ini00ch-ir; 3910001roskdres01; od4in006 ce ,b th dev i mooi s xesion tab000001lem; p-:T spuu atelte.m Col ibiols; 301we0000, .06ut;1«.001 0410 60Bostn of* 08Dao0 bonw; mople round p0400511 11010table; mohogeny I-EO* rcod caoinerpin@d900110 kit90 table; ou 0kplant 0 de; ihoOV omokoe sstand; waiu7ota0ble .0737 lues ErHavas % be00brus1hal0lm sion Om ak 06 " Contact George A. Grundp 00:f;4 eut te. mdEr h £"110 ,04; aniu sr nouas mupto4010409l antique chair talosdee- :Ala AuctiosSale enerp Saturd.p 01oown0l. o01 0010790 0010crib; 4 4109901 ock MO atemOOn et 2.0 p.m. of Topis. TooIe kg.«; reuphdoqie am chai,, ar71: totI 1796pins 9mi1- and Masny Muie. VOmIuir4. ,or;2 metohing 4-0090 Wndoum 040000:;1 .6 pae90mir- Sq. Pt Shoonroom of New Fuontore. as r o t; wl e r o c ;2 m t 0 1 0 î 9 2 an e9 0 l m lr 6 P a e I m m O P E N M O N D A Y T O F R I D A Y a 104.09011101 010991010 04car 7990 n s o uê ; pine 8.00 a.m ..9 .00 P.m . * magazne rack,3 C011000Iv tivspi pins 0trames; SATUROAYS8.00 to .00 P.00 arg dk e r0. et01 0401 0000.0: bous oandt l : Junction H w 's. -24 an dl 25 t O Bpdng e eavv M ai04 94000" o o ig 1 pato d e: C urnla0 Et, ou N o thl 1 0 0 0 , o n 2usd U n e Holiniiea, CoIOO00OI00. 90100. fume soi0- Mooco 5 W.toforiThe ToVO0 won clock (irie117 90018M) 00055: prie;4 0antique OwnarGEORGE A. GRUNDY : 04.,2 octanE 20W0 covm0pos004i0tio hm; mïc. km- PhonolSlShOSS-2ffl pie 010490: ehi 1b010 ons. n,174001 0001000: b leckOotdth * * . s s s a s s a u cl: 1ottnonsdobeppecuvter, Misson1Onkt"I ock;1000:0701090917 nx0000001d0010 01099601 Iloi. jugeEt fl01 9000001 710090.0001000,: 11001gaies o7 lame: banquet0 10900 flet u t» f om :s; was1009101s m ot o 0 0i iol. O lu t For C otnplete W ard B row nridge 04011.00: gond 000000000ofut 90110101010note0Et0010 0010:1 01040oM n 10101tena hum: 10tb0000 cuttr; 204 A uction SBrv c B L 0004 Auu1 0onl Shtpo t010m0000 ignpls 90 o xelent î hu01 a0190010009 signe; bock ww lavai; ice ongs; opon Chrîs A. SChîloifl F009ti- WM 1001.0.,00au0 6i got90004satonoof Océan Blond0 tu Caddiesin clOlen opls othew o.good odol-ui AUCIONEER Furniture Sa1eS Isabetins; o. 101.0.010000moker: 094 antiquetot 0001 aofuAm Types casore string olI0 1040101:9000109000 co0"lump $800 Con17790001 Phone 878-730 buvais plus0000mi gongd ooocobo 10 099 60001001 W listin. Tei. 078-2576 600104004 - 66 TypI Nffl: Lad"1a0entlg.90emen, Mî ,9000Mr. 0Ro3ger0s Ot. __hm__ 074017 va0.009100- Poqu.essio919909for F0.027181. 074o,1 _______ This go .go " C ocabta's le. 00900 sum d e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIMM-.CAMH OR c#HEGUE8onTH00MM0 1.0. DON COLLINO iN l Lunch av0000 b660 AUCTIONEER E E i ~£VIW. POM 4CLOCK5AMU 0AY AnvTwOf " YO UNG 00 dopedébM O ff. . . o m a . n- o n A u s si o0 0 0 0 n e t r so n abe 4 A O O 0 4 0 0 0 e e m î î p 0 0 4 t r o a e t r k o for aie nt»bo . pMso seS7 lU 00 0100 3 d0 0 Auotlonelei: C*vieA. SOhOUeiSI' 10911.1.0. acnmOoldmI0. 0. Phoni: UM20578 MIL0Né- 1, MOOon 8300 taWran 07m7074rn.0w1 . 080.Coli 335.9M.