Dinnar la iervad. Concile Hal rlght) le one of 15 participants i e new integrated propram at E. C. Drury School wbch teacheilliv- ig skll o mimily bscidtýcWappchdren. iMn, shTowcisracid was amocigteachlig san sud tudnvoltacteeniIith rm ob treated to lunch Frlday, prepsred snd servad by the stueni,. Drury students show skill hy ime Stimh cludlsg food prepiàrîtion.ala Staff il .C Drury Mrin tandon, who a Sciscol tor the Hailg haidi 0 ram, shaidt!t Hniai i n il l e = ta la ndlnldual di a spclal lalgrila tdemnsani d ubjecie I F ogromseea reaald ta canerçd "dqsenairaly Si ue rlyserved masnd ion th id. - m ILcsrdyby thir fle ruP of Ma- si lally bade, s Trahoibla uentally mltadnts (rmm lle ige ofnc hosdaipad sudeia14 la 2Stlaho pr la bln a at ia ieclasseaimch cm phyicel b .st7 eporm tcedcatias, houa t yaialaecauomics, toad servicesait tear ira g&u Masin.la horiclturae and art M Pancake banner s The Tramsaln-Bi aaCtl7,n Gra Diba han inen permssinan l a mret honner pro- w clalmlsg Bule Smith Pancahe Day. m isa banner, elacis wll probably go paiut Trfalgr Squar, wll let everyonna hows about thc celebritien wlach sil etSheld this Salacday s in Si.Paulschsrch. Miss Smth, 96 years yasag, ns the persan sha wll hvbahome urrondail hy garbige an lireeaidesifI a girbage dump adjacent la, han - home in ipptraned Fans rainai ram lie sale of pascaha breakatsand crîhla wiil elp the Cii- enseGrapmlsaflghtiagalnn SteF. Hornby women raise W.]. dues Hraby seucs in la retla Terryr Fox, iitula meeting wcm hll ceaOnIthe Cancan aI lie home o Mns. C. SClty, Biishi Wriggleorth as Fe. Coluassil. il.Acil rais, sows lrui Mns. R. WUlsas, Icei-iltl acid snaos, caased by dant, opaned the meeting cal firad paower plants, sntha pnsn fllaseadby cas alnitnthe 9nOwlb O Uic apaning Ode and Uic Cadas foret industary, Mary Stewart Collat. km i quitir lite and Mintai of Uic les cros iand cascontrhola meeting sera rei by la lasg, bannI aad cir- Mrs. L. Samplso. culatony dinc'se in Il cas decided list the ho-in. dus wll bhoraisailto Tie purpama iw la $.0inl Aprl and thepranant tather Sprlae Bard meeting dsillty, la promite wll ho hld as Aprll. wseae pssible, changs RaSl cll was îaiwered la attitude lasarda wth, 'ltie things man, dinailltyand lien ilo flita bauiltl- htn h imselwthth mahasIlBl a i ttfor ganail popslatias. yen?' S9dm sere mowa by mns. c. wrlgglasworth Cliflrd Wrlggluworth. as Cnner ni Public Crit articles wanc Relations sas la charge dspliyed as seallas Uic of tho programs.articlai ni crensl ram Mesban wane aahted Sammiry Day. ail E.C. Drary Schoal for dcppa =dC. Drury 419h seho". Mn&. Ilandas sud mont of tlie mentilly hosdlceppad studenla arefromt the lambhina Scisail which cloned lait year. Ham, hommada braniland sald wera as thc mena for Uic 40 tuesin treataI olunlach Mrday. In addition tla staff noinai in the pnngram, studant nalastears tramn the blgb ichasî aand E.C. Drury SebasIfortonhe Hlaring Hisdicapped who wach wlth Uic meslalîy bendicappeil wane inniteil. Mns. Randon saggaitadUiche nt mai seul ho srnait 15 parents of those la Uic program. .-Y-...... The Canadien Champion, Wad.. Fib. 18, 1981 DIS Tpstu)dents naimed PRxODlLEgS MUta Ditrit Hgh airI Sien e iajachie.MeMulemnd Kaurelahos and Larrde adMcleWIImson. fi llcool lias releaseil thc Gehr 85, per cea Uwnis Ter liai ea. Vear 4 Bislogy; Cathy DISt1JVI naine f ils top sudents Kunze and BernardMal Yer2 Math; Joe Cosu -Vsa Math; David Re IfO 9A - oi iOn l'une Gieen Huir TOe Departmeal. Ymnr 2 Biology, Terry Nosh "The Pure Sciences Grîcey and Lucy Dayla Mike DopirlnetwealdulMela 77 par cent, and Dre pay pcil recognition la Elizabeth FPillas V. lises tisa nlsennseisa erned Var 3 Bdn, Juia File ltse hWg"eias iH a Hrrlaan90 par cent. and tisir repacive casr- Veair 3Pisyslcs, Aud- V su," sud Dama A. Mac- rae Ambr eyl9 par sut Jasf rîyHadalisbille- d ery Ele7. Bicb ailes Dputuent. Vairr 4 Slalo hyCtisy 19 Veair tMatis, mark RU i pr ent. Tac Ford al Dhnlia Giaen YVair 4OelsrMi 87 par cent, Nlch Blck. Griemne si99 pand'ns bird et, Dvd Dies and cent. y jase Juansy 94, and YVair 5 Blaon,. Raly Wr Kmi Kusse 9. Ridigai8parcent . Uvi Vair 2 Matis, Jas Cama- Vair 659Chaislry, Tice Ani lcis 86 pr cent, Glas Tybacnl 94 par cent. Prio Hasier 92 and Tam Nashb Vair 5 Phyici, Did 96. Breseer 96 par cent. Vair 3 Math, Amy Jes- For stadenin whn he 1prcnAndrew chlased i finailmach la tnaiE EdBirlUBs.99 acun a1 mnpar csut, Vair 4 Math, Bsin liera in i Crificasal LvbflslOa 96 pas cent. Menit. Tisya re: and trie Rai 93. YVair 1Mitis: Mach Vair 5 Mils, Dild Fard, Dels Ga"a, BClan Nlck Biechblrd, David mdDis, Jine Jasrcwy, Sria Tan Thaci 99. Kanze, Tacs Hasier, la ~ ~ ~ Ge lsScecDprt Gls Craoss Tacy ment thra see 14 iep Haaccyh, Hailier lHar- students. ris, Chrisine Oyaieen, Seniors celebrate Bessie's birthday Miltn Senior Citizns iDralby dserds rend Club as ield a S. Valsa- the nanae. Tise clubs lisespatluclaunacheona llleblrda Choir sang Wednusday, Feb. il t senaral aid ime songs. lie eglon Hall. Socalei tilg A birlbday pirly sas cirpal bowlnlg, blago, held foc ail members cirda, drlsanad asme- anr syears ni age. thlag for enecyone are Aboat 70 peaple atiendail, plansnd tur the senttlwa and 26 onangl ejnyed metings, Fel.i ald 25 thc tachey dinner. t 1.30 in he LegioaHall. Gerge Hinnlfeldt, Senirs ara innted la prusideat, itrndacad lb. camne out and raee Idait member Miss acquainlasces seth ail Buusie Smith, seba will ho Uiir friands. Tho ent 96tan Feb. 20. choir pictice was an- A cake, rnmmad wilb a nounced for March 1 ai1 nars,,sas proidedand loclocli. mctag- ~yo.us We're celerating Get ito the Spirit Days', and American Motors has ivoo os the dollars to do it 50 cmon down and Wel tear up the price tag on a new Spirit for yos. à* h*Uu$g*ftOqS y2t*,AfrrJi2LUS e M N S O O o f M io td ne Siewart, Greg w, David Bercy, Hea- BrBrewer, Elizabethi Mes, Nancy Gregarir dMagacCipprese. yair 3 Matls; Amy man, Barry Elba, Bath rber, Ramas Bat- ag, Andrew lis, aM Lacl, Matllse asle, lKes Marphy kI Val Scali. 'car 4 Matls; Dehbie 19glmnworth Blasas linao, Ban Conll. lrew Ganside, Dehble ar, Andrese King, Bil Whaley, Bruce Cemeni,r Chris Hunier, Jas Woll- aston, Peier Rade, KellyJ Grant and Joins Frai-k mas,j Vear i Science; Glea Craos, Tracy Haacayk, Kmi Ranne, Bennard Malcisin and Jady Rld-1 lag. Yser 2 Blogy; GIes HunIer, Doug MotftI, Anita Rascain. Rab Wi- sn andl Elzabethi Faites.1 Yar I Biolsgy; Lyan-1 se Hasier, Chrin Leonard, Relby Rldingi Vain 3 Physics; Andrese Ambraay. Dcb- ie Deakia, Barr Ellin, Aadrew nn, 1Toase Lancli and Ken Marphy. Year 4 Chamitry; Yvnne Braows, Matthae Elliti, Liua Graias, Julie Hal, Graeme Inacs. Lorria Rea asd Blanc Daviea. Year 5 Chemltry; Bruce Clouent. Peter Rade, Dan Dtes, BIBi Deasik, David Edwards and ic Tylirst. Fo 29 VearsFnrm RsscConwsianinbhave smnoed Casadas aesiculmcara omusitbToday, mare mcCanadun largas cemin an d hook.- heepleg nonce. Ours ooepsleslaed servceso simeplos tunsasureyou ofaciracgOurs ccpresenatives are ucîlalîhe e-rausd ta, came saosac rhumos us oiess. Diii toll-bec lar Information. Codlt sns o01MILtaiyts 2109 Osh&d Sont ta -S.sOsinclN5V2VM when ail gamepieces have been distributed. Participants must cor- rectly answer a skiii- testing question ta be eligibie ta win. No pur- chase is required, but you must be 16 years or aider i ta play. One gamepiece per visit, but you can play as often as you like. Sa came Buid A Big Mac and start building your fortune today!! For details, see off iciai ruies posted at participating McDonaids restaurants. * Residents of OuebeC are fol alîgible ta partiCipale. Nobol a oft w Ir-mmmuqqq m il ANNOUNCINO YOUR CHANCE PRIZES' PLAYMcDONALD'S q0,000,000 BUILD ABIO MACUGME. Thére are over 40,000,000 prizes worth over $10,000,000 available ta be won in McDonald's $10,000,000 Build A Big Mac game. Thousands of Iucky wnners each and every day during the game. Why yau could be elîgible to win $1 00,000! But you cant win if you dont play! HERE'S HOW TO PLAY THE GAME Pick Up a game bookiet and gamepiece at any participating McDonalds restaurant.* Then match your gamepiece in the game bookiet ta become eligible ta win prizes ranging from a Coca-Cola ta a Big Mac ta $1 00,000 in cash! Be sure you get a gamepiece everytime you visit McDonalds.