Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 1981, p. 22

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84 ri$t. adimnChanpIon, W.d.. F01. 1,191 Outdoior registration coming soon at the mail 1 Novice s0 t o uP t han 301' .o akofo 14514e 0601 - 00GuS-01,et- 0, ail 10.005 Bm tesnt0p SLineeell0.0r.ed gub Ie Mu .aet.G p6- an hiw tSotnIedsSl s. asés led.gOu OtiBa fl. M -M lD.4an- WU ..and O ODcn0W -M-Dylan Ranani* - noau s.5ie11 pL.,d 0.tPs-trenu ton a gle Psi deâtal ad 00t -nle PcalNO Ms. -InlOs- oteis -W ManP 'l. plldtan oeh whike Alen Ms-le OanfS nole I St-n -s I Ch-enoe A tom lu.s-lOu.0. tl -, Eâ eCooL. 00.tPhpaneg.14 Mli mistu MI0Pufoi sad M OansOna.ith àgWeM anmat 8o1ts.sMaosl-MOn toarr 17 guian te-iW" 1 . I 1*1140-00 sot 00000 k" nnsO010 tuo miis MW kay 0141.-9 d Go& ucn- tan Lins. Ji. s.keoiosdktoaneoeyfi Go. - or Niuton0lt teMte -"e-.ndbOnD. J Oui.ene 9tante. Coi, ns. PusO Iandnsn ss..ted On Dat- ttkGIsOdesD.50dG-Oe 10 foi fo milomn..sogn il. h*k«ofassnthane g- 1 Ohmu. s.leu o anlaa l u Eno Oelendi. .0 00 Rm. . o al tanrSonnet nos 0,0. big 15l14001of th.gsn mboànrsd ui endltn lrluS 00aan StcotmiodeO Ç"'= fo. t-ne anangne Bantam lepsI40 etoutelti GnoonlauislOIee Joyau 0 n. nd na Gui»aoatndn 'n Par. RF an 9 2 6s- 13u Il ans. O-Ky00pot1t fne 0100 0e noM 1.0 Test resuts prove the complets performance of Asgrow corn hybrida. " RX42 " RX3 "Iconmagrow wthoaagow" Your NwASGAOW DM in dhmimton Mr. A.W. tomAndwew egonlacleetAnt 1b. ssodn.9da- .na îlot suis k Gtsid Z&-sefan t-Ksou. -U . t0e seOu d s.ndu'S Oh. in wÊ OtosMtCoeol »M01 ih. Canot Go.] ananu« an ooaetes. la wt f uI w» et Ggol l- WsanesOn O 1. 8I. « ee- . Math.Oe Odlnoeanduete4 0 0114 011 01.1 teUowd tdan .1.1 tOu done te tkt W~ofllE t~®~ll&i~j RALPHONb ft Tuidansan ~5tUfi onogono llsonlostntenoontns-OGo 110~10* Onglets. Mon non oto led onu sont Sont 101441. lu hi Lu- 0005460 WidI . 0 P1 Ls. L.ns" p 1. olagdkUt Otu Pan,.it IgSuim gIst. a.-o ROano PMier htan«on sasl mdi. l- 00140e Si5teutddd SnOw 9.npee. 001 no' Mke GblandsoiT"ny 101cet- ded l ùgWant. 0501 oh.gus W50070 a-old kv Casl- 0 amd. ds ad lu iHam,- 'w4tonntoeddadal".W., Uîs.twg taO a tn, raye. con. 0114 a gal 1f e dme t» gula ieddom atoneU d- 40 . iùg). 0 Dscnl Fm ai- latesd lWaI o e. 17 t-d Cnpkel, m th Iocsl goal. DOWuslatealakan4 olh eoanng te- KiagnS tee n eOatk 0vit ourIe t hil.Ec O.armilu Ey 00e-Is eddda .d Ti.n.ckado.dd0Onm 1010sMa ThrGsccer scnet- rmin.o.otg op zirid prtig 51T1l t 1101far0111 Milton Youh Soccer Club illUI h holding registration in Milton Mall on Prlday andOSatrday, Fe. 27-28 and agan Mrch 13-14. Dont forget tht If yo do not regioter at me of thse sessios yon 040 h.e liahie for a h.fty laie regstration tee. In connectlon w041ktOu -MYSC registration the cluh and Toono Blzzard will h.ruslng a promotionl for Oue finI Blzard oldr «âue of the sessott, at Exhibitin 01041100, April 12, ogisttDfalasn u ,ook for the special del on tickets for thie g080eand an opportlsnty for thn kid4 10 join Ohe Blizzard Booser Club. MYSC 1005 ollged te potpon their meeting bont Tssday eveniog du o theOielclemnet wnther. The meeting hon een e- scheduled for h10 evening iWed- nesdayl t Milton Sports Cetre at 8 Two directors haveheeitohliged te, resigo hecoose of other cou- ultuents and replacemnuts are sought, one to h. innlved 041k the girls' pogrono and the olur on ronenor of the peewee houe leogn. Aoyone inters..d in vnbnteerog for ether of thse posiions ohnld conact Trevor Preddy oti87-756. Entriet for tOu Peel-HaItno Ditrict oth ocer Lfeaos e this weeh oand 0YSC la still achhtg cochs for h.1k Oie uinor and aajor peewee tonuas. The cluh 10 00111000 to operte teaus ath1ese oge lenels in order h. maintain cotioity. If ao laoumis"t operating for one year ill 1 et-ey difficlt 10 ge1 going ogo10 the f01100408 ynr. The Milton braoch of h. Ontarilo Soner Refernu Asocitionn i meeting t1010vneing asthOe Optinit Centre on Commuercial Street et 8 MORGAN p. Ayooieresedsi refereelng A basic referas chut la h.lng held inMilto h. Mrcil and thesin- tereste m tk10teheOucourse shag4d contact Owen Faulknor eaOI 88356 or Donis Qu4nton et V87858. Deonls w0l0 alzon h. a0the MYSC regtration Feruary 2726 h. 1.0e applcations. Bth ueon a numno oer th sgn of 14 yeere ore welconse. Reg Grffin, ueO Inoonn bsoer circles in hotk Milton asd O0.0140e, is homenafler tree toneko in knepial for retent for ngns. Hope yo are progresslog uell, Reg, and heedlng yoor doctors advlce in. bOn thingo easy. We uih. oolog fortoard 10, seeiog yoo aroud th fieldsoin the ontuer. Pinnview Youth Soner Chah 10 holding regitrationOSatrday .1 Pinenieno Ohoni rou 10 o.. 2 Pinevinu hon o Level One cochs core rranged for the ueekend of 1Mot-ch 7-8. The Inn la $15 and ooy 1hsddiog toaches, nmale or Inuole, whore interested in tskiog part coo 1conact Mrtin Boetcher ati071- 7013. MYOC report they have o gyto. niou rgsnized seely for girls, of o al ges, on T»esday evonings aI 8 Marin Street School rou 7.30 h. t .30 pum. Aoy git-s ioh.reoh.d re a iovited in go along. B-ioloIo T0 nn-no0 ood nid 0.snGe MM 141g, lis Md U foransM U ass0fsaE tB5e. lm nSud4075le. asO 40u . essbe " W 5mM aIdwt MI" ML ont mo an iewAl. s.Csfewg- Mds MM n n a s, p1e .f nl ilut 0'0mg M TaMnM sn. in, Te- a eo, lu Os.. 55 inn Ibo bs, 01 luob e.aby 040005e Mo touueMal Bns n . Jw teupttsstMo Lukby Usiset M, Ogit U.tisaOnlfllulnh.nZe to a ~ mIdal 138- l S,SUD"etnea1 r a, MUs.5 tan, eallen0f« «Kim.. Mase lam forp. Oh. T 51foran5s. Jean g4e-BN.fla% . ý5 L M. il. 3 (e «aniuoàaMfrn4. Ola anàf4, Kmgp efan 6, lP h. Mtn. aanslnlorsMeonOtd&tl*a 1.5 eSoan&. liane mt "s. d q1..1ne u ne Ito.d0m Me tm. sanme s o lune- tan us, OmfluemOtebsomIn e-d lTe Orb' 0 inla ns teanan OsOusgM lu n. tn ""DON CHERRY ROAST"' with Master of Ceremonies BOB McGOWN Roasters Wl/I Incude: Gary Dornhosfsr Dennis Hull. Ron Hswat Rose Brewift Gerry Patterson Friday,-Feb. 27,1981 6 p. m. Milton Optimist Centre 311 Commercial St. Admission 20 ta include e A chance ta mbet the celebrities n a SOCIAL HOUR e Excellent Sii Down Dinner * Entertaining Fun-FiIIsd Roast e Egciting Monts Caria Activities TxwIoerAVARJLA uIsn ope&st Mfl*eUSUby Céllq7S4vll 11.. boity.lighuo -4n "' 1 ' -Siopo Tu Sloodno o se s6erumdami, Km U sos h. s - 1 f e2, fUnlM ted In. aslu onn. 2»lu er a M nel asfanU4 MWM M 77 " bonism amsm51,for Ma oooollooovnl0 MILTON INDUoTRIAL HOCKEY 17 gaun W L T F A Fis Pen Frefghhrs il 5 1 846 3217 ltacer'n 10 4 3 72 45 232199 0-L:Fence 8682 4338 20110 Cht-y-Dodge 7 5 5 60 83 19 11 Nadalin 6 10 1 '62 66 13 397 Hal inHge 2 15 034 832 259 Lesslh.g000rre GP G A Pt Pen E. EllinoRE 14 18 17 35 ô ltlckBrdgman, N 16 15 14 29 27 R. Mrry, RE 16 13 12 25 30 Jim Coe, CD 15 6 16 24 12 Don Hohkrk. FF 17 13 10 23 30 Buddy Thoas, FF 16 15 O 21 4 LooD'Orazio, N 17 il 10 21 36 AlJone,FF 14 8 13 21 17 Lor SotRE 17 9 Il 20 10 @MA PE AU ASO5SLES 1 e n -S y ie io is st 8 Final Standngs GF W L T Pts. Rockton 32 28 4 0 56 Paris 3221010 0 43 Milton 32 13 17 2 28 Ounvtnllie 32 10 19 3 23 Oulivle 32 5 TI O 10 PloaitffMatch-us O.n.u A-uiivilOee aDuneville. flansday-at Ounvlle <inglle- gamne nocost. serles al-matotInu Itockton Ihest-of' seven). flereday-at Ronkton, 8.30 p. Frdy-at Milton lMeuorIaIî8lp.u. flrer. Fe. 2-at Rocho, 8.30 p. Fn. Feb. 2-a Milton (Mernonnall 8 INTERMEDIATE BLEAGIJE NOTICE 0F PUsUC MEETING AMENDMENT NO. 10 TO THE MILTON OFFICIAL PLAN Plussetoesnote dmathOuCouncil f tOuTounIfMiton ni l h0i14a Publc Meeting te dics uni s«plenia propsd aundrnent tote Of0iial Pon of he Miltono Pnnino Au.. 1. POJPOSE 0F AMENOMENT Thelupou cd ftIis eettdnt tlu ttonn e olusdoine thu develoPtnot cOnet snd e.tooong han'ai eoas ton Officiel Pon Antendtnent No. 7 to the OfOolaLPlan o thu Mton Plonning Ans. s. nnudland gnonnd kvthe Mlnieano nooeingon FeIt- niaty 19, 1979. 2. LOCATION 0F LANDS AFFECTEO Tins Attexototelliete epseohünetely 1it cenu1405 hectaes)fland en the f. or- menTownehip of Wl5oted on Sohellle "A" end deeoledus foo Boottded kv ighway No. 401 tdu soth, theo Towo f Mltn nt- dm lo the *st duesoutheand uestfndueof Oue popos.d Nantiooke- Pckeing HyndIn Coridon.O nntltetly lOit. of Lot 4, Cocesion Il end part f Conoesso ilIandtOu Plut Ln to Ouhent. 3. BASIS FOR TuE AMENDMENT TiseA n a prepaned in accord w theO inenuction of Mlton Cooood teoldi- tiotal pletngetnd datoiosunt ontot nla neotns h. ali o he land$e nittin Of- f"1 Plan Anundeut No. 7 tnOuheMlton Planning Au.. Th.s. addtotuî planning coonrgle oau bklay gnoped hn tut oatotiee; nanuldy, (1) theOu ninouf cootflctng landouas tatuteintheOAndtoet pon to indosttiel deslnptnent tek- itg pace, eut (21tOu intpletoentetlonof ponrotoeod 0endomotng pnoedoneo thoughutthe Aenotlvu. 4. DETAILS 0F AMENOMENT .Oh4i adoed aopriâllt tre eO oteno ehlkPtnt of lands wihltt th.n porto0f Ouh MaI~ Officiel Plan Ootudtnunt No. 7 ans noth 0f HghmVa No. 401, "soheees.oueeue anunhen0oforual ne.ldentil Und oegoitltin ttlporton of Oue Annvanu, addtoanIplanningcootnantse hoold h.eenoned in thos eas uh» esuoh lan noe canflts oteu0aldars. Th. OfficielPlan Annent No. 7 anushme thaneotos hast 14400141ntoto (n ) osureoengs s roted on Scheulle "A" ot Ou Anendrnentt. Tvtueosu.oreu not t b h.ooed ne sphaelng arase, uethan, tOuy aue use ehkng etlan erdslaoprnent end seanoning harsttogto ,wthintOurnuolts. Suk-ea« ns iludds à lîrnae otohan of tonal u.lsintoal uses and inoles s sometohat tonne expdservs sntlcktguoneannttaon dounpotion of Milton Oficiel Plan Attend- mt No. 7sout otf Hgnu No. 40nOettu0nhttan oe mne etsth plsosd onders.0f HIghon. Thue noieSd patternuiOtln Su-eu 1 non bh.developed qutdependentlY of tcweeooth off ifogkuy No. 401 endtIn Oo-eu.2. 00k arno 2 inclde the glanost nonks.ofnotrd cetol and useenatdîo invoothenOgetst serviog oinnst 00k tatanutenus.~minsetooet h.etendtot nithinthten nosting uon bon se.noinod ae ote Out of tnpotion 0f OfficilPon Amendtoet No. 7 end »Icimauin, In addition, togth.plad onder HigmonenNn. 401. Pfl to Industris el oPxntnt pnoeselingngk athen 0f the 2 Sok-aumaoe noted: (1) conflcting"in wi0aa s00elimna0otedothe» eou.îi s. tantaeua@ tn t.aorygnfllt ktusan 1futre ndutrel eut s.is4Inq rIdwtus.a, (2) nnanusrope tg JMpocadunasvasltplunted in aeoondanounith Ouhé b as lolna goldalosaest ont nnOfficl Plan Aunendtneot No. 71 Ou R»wM loFatkgAu. as todffiseutnd ppnoed kv the Min- Wuis0fHoselat. "ostelnent ais e nlated aennlolng Ml noI oe &h.alO to pooastiin ae ootiguooo feeho etening otttuds fnomtheOuexstlns othan srviceans..In thaswsp. h0fted industriel lautdaSau Inonsmuosintek plane tOonoghot lOtrof tOu2 Sok-grase endnronde. otentosins, seaau Ieen, toapploalelet. non he etwedin elogi"eland ctiguoousonsw.. NotiIn 14 OuAusstthenM hal à h.nsaOuect of0f tuts. mrnoing any 0f Othe anhe pooiots f Officiel Plant Amndxnnnt No. 7 o th. Miono Planning Ans. s. appnod kyOuheMUnltenof Hting on Pakooany 19,197. ALL INTERESTED CITIZENS AND PROPERTY OWNERS ARE WELCOME TIME: 7.30 p. DAM IFiimary, UIM PLACE: Cobastil Chaubans Munm"paiOffies 261 » Ml traEs R. Main,

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