SI Tise ndien Clsamapn, W.d., ub. 18, 198 [ARRV ,,Rr )-OR I For Umae devotera ai ths weekly bt O oser IV aid for Umne wvba vue hopng latt e.ks senvobav kd navi-ie ilafibcka Btvwe vedaitike ta lbask Boom-Boo for do- E tag suris a fine jofaipintmbittlng. Net onty diain ho ge at thO e mcovereai he avn angeai ta getmotiOnamesr*gi lia. oca higbilgit ai a-t vesk5 action t thet Miton curlnig Cl asuSaturays Sveeliseart Bosil itethin nspel a haseai on a Valen- ( lie hm d ince mst ai thedlas i sveetheiminare vomentOn girls bâsitOn pleisereaiskspptag One mes titis. tine ut. Kirk rmnk vas rompoaed of tve criera front Mita- nd tvogues, preferabtytanviteai. Lnda aid Dave Adama played ront aid for tiser Ara- ludie, Shirley ami Steve MrDer- mou.toeefosr tsve-lalraiasvept heir litte heirta ot t aisteOntropity asoverait vanner. Linda vus pretty eacitedabomutlit ail: Wiat One ite, t boatsaaaoxofcriocoftesaida crrai" Faflving dandey on One heeba of One victars, baisg On ropihy i amueshalf-pint, vas tOn rtak of Witiamd Damg Peaidie curling vith Jacka andiCaradyn Aams nofOGuelph. Bellaving prette makres perfect, itisnta tOn M thratempt for tUmeegoyndm they're tartlng ta get dlose. WitO Ofgres liey'l ba there set yeir. -"Withmany tsck. ve cootaihave taken tOnli- lie hs yeir, bt te realty did't have ota hearinit." Cute, Wlti' liankot GinO* credance ta the otai adage Mittan ues ievr die, fiey lat move avay, Deesaid Bob ontgomery made a retarn vieite t lie formerdlb and joine Kaie andDon Sifa-nfor a thisrd.pce finlison theday. pteaieai ith the fat they teneable ta carry One Bila-s as tr as they dia, curlng vith then atso remiadea tM. aid Mrs. Mntgmery thy they owvenjoy living in Kithenerums mci! Roinout heat oip for wvu On pavertouse rink of Jennifer anti Knud ttirmirk, tebo joineai forcesvith Balrnle's Bety andiliruaceCark. ise marathon match ai One day avard vet ta rmoha skWie a ly Pitti Kindree anal Shirley MDermott.Otoing a large doue ai genruty tovard one another. they piayeaia ganentvas stitI ondecidedallafer threeentrae.In te On t- teret of Saday msrelng crafev Othe inner vas flniiy determmneai ly e.rit skip Irateflo one rock dlouest taOnebton-Mara. tarDermato decded Itteas t-e tai thenbouse! Winning srng continues WiSenany isockeY tassa loges a goo player, One squasi fora oae of tWO ways-up or down, 'a Mattotene fSteamers han- tant aelecta, tOn nqod agne Sp. bat ha OveganteSanc misor katant repu, Steanmrshave alfivea jouI aine g- haid bave cOrrentli irontogOn tdsue cosmectilve vie- Miltas defeiteai orasagelie tvlae lait veeta. vining 2Mi Sp in = -,nge.,lfi Tbaday beo 40eln their nr- tbara visa'tors 2-t Sunday at Mltn sports centre Movîng goatender Jante.s p ta Banvil far- Defreltas. Sa-plon la - ba ving mgas ro sse ion ka sa»jr pew eveli,i sminl i tare Hovever, tuu' gkters seeneaita bave raffltadbeiha On& e.v Late goals tie Peewee selects Tvo a ingoat 6 seconda spart alovea Geogeotn aavge a m-3lie vth Mitovee Btitrpeeairits traintaGergetown. 'Tise test vi bave ta get kirk ta tam pay aid hardteork on Onhele," salaiMiton courthLary Scot, If e're gina ta in." lise ilrogit Mita-s record ta aine vina, tva losaes dadte irh leftOnd cub ttvaPoints aesaiOf a - - 08esce plclubdohas Mita- gt on the board first wlth a pair of qich gaa ly defenreman CGis Wakety. lise nt vas ai aunai effort teite Tyler Koatorbo andi Daye MKay ausiotheOsecondigoal. Gerene ame kkviit one goal three mnttinOn ir penid bain Mila-n restareai One tvo-goalteid minutesinater. On the goal, Milton effoctivety rirriem UIakOut ai ther ave zone. Gondpasssgletve.nTint Rayner aid Krir Gsudlgh set Sp MAss Darion ta frot aion Georgeonagoal me bo mode no =itakre ptting ta lie score At major tom tOurnel excellent aislatoy and malnprovlng Steme defemsive hockey.Thae Rolpit chge opper onithave stevr James ado tied helpefi trtam ohirl the score for Miltion witlt doesn't bave a fant-skit- 46 seconds rentainlng in htrbib o5lflg atafk. O ntpnai vth an titea theiirtas uod ia~ t an pannin' tornis ansaitnha."fl- . Tyet developuai a coeeive contat klgavatg tass effort finh pro- ai an errant clearig Steamers viti put their Lait TtsnUiy, oav onlontaon thOfn ue Oaevilie uniathave Saturay isen theytira-lb=tagbt draiy t is vel ta firet-place George- rame a day esrly stwo totem vblcb a- lb.svn goals vers calltai k One only re ta Stea- wvicb veidihave lied mm, fi On pat Ove Onte . gane vth a " 0 in. Dofreltas aidSSimpon tn Steamers' in over shareaitOn sbstsat it th Orangevilie Sonay, Gssck Wakely aid Welfl Alan James acarea i bfl tcblnnggeoafi. teth goalaion ahe sson Thte vinajs at= Mil- wlth 3.25lt ithOnsec- tons record M hiyear ta ona iooaitaearn Mtavltiltoasess,1 Imanailouir One vicia"y Aaafltti yon lies Atom Steamers battie to draw Milonn Steamers theta seita.lTse centre atant setarta trivelleai ta elesavasOnuthest Gleorgetown Sunday for a ta that mont aionhegante regslarty neheaieaivas fosagit ontthUe garae ad tebal a gamne ilthtroaagb the excellent vus. frrec gand bock- tt enaieaint a stalemate =beh thebyOnentlae vlth iaO- tie. Bath goal- Miton la. lhse for- tenders playesi an ieei- varda vure plchlsg Sp tont gante ai ndheMit-- t rbcecks On everY tovne setininder Stephon ptay and the defencemen Datt vas absolutety flav- conte sp fig keeping bousta bs naes. Georgetowe t bay. leu n hi savs. Te next gante vili bo B tvas one of thoae playedai a Miton Sparts m ratois-Usa vir kept Centre Sonday at 4 p. eeryone at the .aige ai agaloat Orangevlte. wiOls ARN COUL8ON Just a month left to go ice flshing . a.5sMÎillots thee llos ' aoIt un e so ois~etsud do atm.fe lfg. lie tssis but bas kien lrducin ààn ai ii forIaune, aMd ne ltoios-nlaigmyUx e Si th Don Kasrny, ImrneLtos Jbo salas am ma, Kenupler bave casgt sonaice fah is fei a Jack earon a lay~ acoond Wvise is fiaistkiki Ca Htt e bai aune sicm ront axa viteflai. Jogn Onalibuisalise, ait- cisngfive trsut aid aome niimvsihlait ta is crdt. ose via-laiswu four lb.aidon. ba entuedfi our conttelgeai oWve lb. Ove on. Donny sason aise bbkeatchflg mm iaice trosandherring. Joat fer a cisuge, lavarie Eacloct ent ta Lake Bsagol Be badl ne kickcatrhing piciserel bat lba sav20flà aiughist.luloe taseven Ibo. 101k. MerdIt baiuse lbea v flabtaiand caitoneit4%h b. ibn Smnith fiplanntna ifisgiatp ta One Giiriaska River eoif yon're intarasteai. get ta toucbvlthJlnt. Wlile»e.erfresrflglsir butta offop hmIlu onii- â Altemys a top assiler, George hm an a rUnt ivsrsaaile aisonting M iroue'. HMad ive scores IlniesigsOU. Bob Bflck baatnch oftefn and @Wtonly acouaple of da». Mbbys go dovo Ibere nearly every ya We mml khOnsecret ci gensgtauLa gs escis year la ttny toke ther wlves Thse OntarfiFeaierafion af Angler-s asa Hunteras ropwWan EWdoae angler ailied a reodadaDryden fibeemincptaeimr neylidmnanyone in the istoryoOMfn' Big FiaisContest. ta Waklgoon Lake, near Dryden, Cra15 Daoun asgt one ofi 49 b. 7on., onetf a lb. 15 oz., onei46 lb. le os.andione at 4IL 2os. to earn im $M of Moflmi'a mney.He aimocaagt a Northern PlkevbtaicheneiiMn ax-omun Mfor wln gold in gymnastecs galo naa apiterfromapr-com atiti "mtw 4=imd rasiJemer A roa mdnaigalame&i M.i0=21Z ffere tag e nvuit bucs aid amliudne aMd aiaiWom On bean fr bar esrai goe Ou n astmd fnw'losan sesm ta taithse 00«- aUindmb-1Oyemlgrog. d dàZng(W=,=ala MjbilsiandPwdeemFttatpaed. frit on l m e tet ,sand s n furthStOnvaodlt Bk w«futmth I a.Ms snefi aO crouap ver.Jouse Key- Wherete347 rnk wen itan startmd dthe Shavo ltaley'i goal te cuba spot in thecon- again wlth a goal rin Tbe teint was blletedihe4 l. z al besi nine made il to Lodon, ont. fiut weekend tao roe minutes lto over- ottion final. Scott McLeoddand Jason vitl familltes fIn the1IA1UULYI ptptef eprovincial finae for te ROYal tinte piovided Mitn Peterborouaghlttice Blnchard ein eScott and enjoyed thentaiva oar thesOhocklg seve-Ont foret andateis.Docs Dents minr ato anlad two-goal leado taut McLods ananaistemi wilb a variety of tinter f in in1 5desIroyed meirchantable toubler A ta the utontIis areas rLegion h a -0 vin over medcakbosced bock aideffort t 6.48 eveneaithe actlvlties. ted t.. GALLUNGER represntaties wor fron Mmm: nki Min den aidthe B dv- eventually von the gantescore. Healey then gave Medica are sete estlbmbaeitinsisrh$24blon.hv sphla S O Rovley, vine Denuis Raley, second Bruce Kit- mille icanpvfta tol adahl Mdn n i. prlgfrOnTaCnst ~~ Ontari1o forone fu year. uigssling O SLD cieadedriTota 0Oegtgnes ionstap of tOn Haliturtan tft t gStcntit ott McLeod vaplayoff sDatas andi an satdnmbtcrl ue enl e *e.Mu V Mmi ayo e.r f dyn Mitons riai ni.ik mao tathckyvteaHaiysord ane n îi sa sa poen aenfeoaatairesfatche aibianbl5Ba- m êt Ve 7113. vilt fie xa tbeereord gndenosagl for tosrintent avec One Ater P'eterborou-gh Healey and second star. iteen aftermineai. csdafrne wthraplace and msflalBetsv gndt wa eekend. ecoreai rainefr a - - Ise boysvue deservedly pleaaed ulit their ii-eý% U ld Mbeic' Mr efotad hyD odob b ak et er e te i &a Fec de Mt:at.S ick l *Iôu assedi lry and -ovupiasotch or tto. Wett dne1 tlrolgl5Ost tOngaina. 1l- vit-Iin ose convrting axiOy oaiaib iksa ert nMn g~- PrshdeeMlat c tso c . .ig Sp 39 ilisogalO . ToddMcLeod pauntld- tvssnayacs isnpybdiansb Thse goutte sta5eai Milono ay tîirasagithise il a ialytaa of metpy aer mc ta an attenapotintpcove tOn talent and in- coldountil th ise- i t rame. hnSot vn n a 7~tr ea dIenZ coninnation of crasetOn intereit of o0r yooager curter, there mark of sudden-fflatb McLeod evened Onhscore - i febs&aar Ml-ce nBaaie and Jantes viibeiata origntttato i n lbovertinte ad vas awiar- tire minutai later sver- to nvi oceta ver. Dnaomiifonh begsantg Slidynornnget 9a.nt. and contin- Milon oaes i ttfr ig -ntHaley. oe hfweinb as esin acoinaihforan REBUILDING ON THE PAST sen vySn ithe ate. if yon are a Mia ollsGna Peerogha junoied i titaagainat BelevileviO aeto ntk aeIm akHr ikotb v lb SoeodopdO olei adasftao alvitg o bsoWtnt o fnadi-rfiondtbave alsc15 anad 36 seconsdaopener 4-2 ta Belleville eacb oOners efforts. MusMte advata iln a potaoyfrtn a e ort, stapping o in- ino thOnfinal frime. kefore being ldeat a t1-OInleagase ply, George-TeMra os oe -4binetatal of 16 sboaitst14 erbefr t kteMra thier vork vent rear- Medios viited until setlaack by Weland tavn doubtdthescore on February 14 erbetr tukteMra ____________ M___ddlven NaveD vwaxnmore tbanhallfOneperind teiri knecked Socketa Sacketa 4-2 Snday ta House, OakvilleSlargeSt hotelOt the 1gth century, nanted second star ami bad elaped lisea get- out of lihe compatitios. Georgetao. Harrison tblcd star. ting tber offensive Mot tamin etoaur- Ed Oldroyd andAdrlao causing an estimated $10.000 damage. The building Bth goalies conte nacinery igear. ney vere front triple-A Mei scored for Bachta was restored. and renovationS were made to the in- tbroagb int'the cluteb, plrst, Heay arew centres. Socketa triai tb thPaul crises plking eir h xeirhwee a noe h er stopping a breakavay Mdics o w tin one bard but Ibeir oppanentas P the tose assista. tro.Teetro oee a nue h er apit remev h and stili bears remarkable resemblence to its original s lrem rmihogl structure ot 1861. The Murray House still stands today aLYoavoav n.ssair regadatio nte as a landmark ot hoSpitalitY. NO s mineba. C* noi mJ --dvdd ootsetions, Gogh..*OoM;8"as, usai. aM, su M. miB fyt gfi a.. a sa.N,-Os MiO W,4% .sc A nd . lyng ait The Robert Simpsonl Company "I w- '"rusen.m-vGls tetim eir a-t agimit March 1885 - a terrible ire struCk The Robert Le":Dssâtdiu55m MarHinse îp. Ks50t.aas.Im tor tt g-ainst uaSimpson Company in Toronto, one ot Canadas largest p4dftatwbi meng mmaides m S cr ."an ln dopdepartment stores. Causing an estimated $400,000 Nues PtnsGpalO si . os-e Cd-I.nen, OSto atoobia 10.1 domisina sp sav io.W.eiacu . M -e. Bavsanvilte. damage. Simpson promised to - -rebuild immediately., I.":sabeO .,«" saxsasas.s ct cLo le t-- greater and grander promises than betore, and in M. aucD.a. .aaat"s.msv.ensameTmy ASicot ot 'W iedMI Mm:ao tassaoow M Da ag mK iei .-a O idvsust ten months re-establlShed his empire at Oueen conte front andbm-D- Yonge.s lTodaoil ndimpsons outward appearance as. a. a - Ova.w ... aedteganessec- adYne oaSm laNo.a-vrsaattU MeiUnA remnains virtually the same.Aonwitisagod as, M'ut B. M. ualisNas-.- H-su" o siitP0W- f oundation: Selection, Service, Value, Quality, "a lsTrosuu. mH« l-. ro ug 4whi Iad14 latimot ConvenienCe ... Satistaction Guaranteed. Ail reasonis nG- a rme y siai ni NGOI .that youlIl enioy Shopping at SimpsonISl Wa-Oteasla aY nsaCOqmeThis *HUimuamodDMmffro Taklng our place and growlng wlth YOu.. Dem o ies .Pt u a. ai. OVR Slmpsofls OsIoville Place péie r M sgacRdainM x a.-w y3AM et 14Paymetea km ess 7aItue same, Sano ct ofFRE à ia- le a- a sastAl -a l s5p5100 5 mer M Sacor C jb Inlude esse 1 les48481is th agrosablodiff7r*One S1.c L.oel lsuingadeAC o77IS4484Mdmis th .arS7be d 72rec3 Medics conso champs