Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 1981, p. 2

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1 =,wdMC .%*veo, WId.. Feb. US, 1lU1 il Returnlng officer a Hat-Brang e oilede, sci Provincial n Mrefl.B.essl eltsw 1 = e m hm Mar*di., mial an sleittisg raadytfor piBobtin rCi IethJt te romplîtlonofethUis ttallee-Burbanglen haire eleci ratks enumerrto-n ssil ic one f or Mlon, to'st oerrooti Oton, ergetown andScentl Wl/Ne the. Whip Iucks out again Couneil rBi wiiîc thet Whîp- Johnson is ati il agat, and tUse tete asetaken bto cretb ot e Matee Cunci eblojedthlu Pb.l GeraI Cemntte ut ing bilgcisvod abmd roneisenermal 7.0p.m. =tr =eglu t7 p.m. citheut proper precedore Clrk Roy Mais lothelbaise fr Ii, admit- Il e h ad selteelnacted l thesirmias f tae temmitti fr February Ritat Day, t elthteeoe- nedt=, Ùr. Johneonsbjecteoaenoticeeof a Progreesiv. Cenervative nomisation cmeetng beisg ieluedd itaitlu toostil agenda for lue evenieg, He said ho dld et tklate thmkid et dvertis- in... . et thing yeaatnoc weUbhavirealcistate advirtlsisg and aile fr caretsr saie being l- cloSeS intIte municipal tiudle." M. Johnsn caled fr a mtes e cnaure Ubee repsibli, altatssgb se sames cer mesi- taesed but tte cwas defiatid wcat Utcmies bt Large apartments Coatllosahave authocied staff te prapare a byayscte aUsc a ten slrey csmserriat-resid- et building te be coestrtocted athtbe aelbcest crersofBelland MainSt. iai five commentcai stores wetlb ive trg apartmeele ostesecond loar te betel proped by Atyecb Eterprisis làited asd it mee a rigidatins escept il te ene parking spot short et luereqsiredmmum. Matoit Planear Bob Zadanyyt aid ibis could not pose e serines prableci. Hi added ive smati areae et dagremeit seild be cerbed st be- Ies tetece asd tludivelspir. liea partiseete wcover 1,200 square feet asd are teeetdired 'large." The dinelspar bad bed telaveixapartisthe Ucsecond fler tistrudesnexitnglomis on Mary St .andcill '"ecett tlufaceeofMaiSi. Overhead walk for GO station A stedy cUl km made te determisi if GO Tras- eit cff aUbe a pedetrias overpass traddling lue Miltes GO lise, te ailec Timbertea aria residins t tealkteGO Station. IbelGO staties le to e m ilt on te srtb aide et lue CPR miallise aid Uie e easy accea te il frnlstat sorpariof urbaoi Milten. Cefitor Re Harrisse bad suggested staff te" at puttisg a calkcaytraugat Timberlea sa reaideteoft lut aria wcediet caste gaabaie drvnga&rounid tece tegetteuetation. Mm. Harrsnesateld luegresetobsstacleaet GO Transt le dlcuragng nderps calk- cape. liacie are sevirel oestlu Uioe Staton- Borllsgteroute atprenant. Hscevic Uey cill looeat anas serpasa tr calkercin ad at pssible rinibu tundisg te M- ton Transit te bu commutera tecewrk. Endorse hearing MUtetononotdlru havi eidersed s Tees of Dussvllle resolutce caieg fer a public buaretg ce a prpciid isduselilqidd cate treatesent plattoer lthecswninsutbcisters Otario. Thiseindersatce felscws a ebilar action by MilIce Ciscicil recently wchtseppsrted e Reglos of Haldinaid-Nnrfolk rmsoltiss cellisg fer lue prposais et a giat caste liqid treat- mnt plant le South Cyuga Townsip te hbetd up tit l ad boss rivlmcid by as Environ- cmnallAsssmrnt Board aTheeswntof ussvlll resoton asked tlu Otario Gsvicsset enisnd tlu Enviramistat Asemet At te requie. ilbssl exception and toder asy anddsai cirrtoornceu, tbat se esmblased and timpartial public bearin e hone- ductmd aed lth iedings be made isses' bifore lue lage plat le apprsved iletlu Dunvilli aria r "atay lcatinisletProvince. " Store to close Cueitr Jis Watsn cas t te bae s te Mais St. iquor sten cas able toexepad les addtce rlgtinte und of te lot tene, %vtlbst Miltn staffsobjectosm. Hi said ceicil ehoitd "pt e stop corat ordir ontlutrlghttssc." Althaogh Mr. Wateon said te LCBO store cas egally build te lue lot tii s eîecrrent land zn- leg situation, Mr. Wateons aid hi could ho dieg soeimore invstigation cork t bmake si-c a imilar formoftbuitlding deomet rocur. More fires in '8 Thra care 71 mre ires in 19l itan in 1979, accrdisg b tt ical Mltes ire Diprtmet figures. Pire Cteef Jim Cu"said tce departmet rmspeedmd te 382 ir s ie6, wclecatas 71 more tante u11rccrded ins1t79 jw preof Striegles le- cloddintle urldisg. Advaace pille cffbe atld Satacday, Mardi 14 and Moeday, Martb t. Eectin deylesMarcb 1. liaieare n 77 pinl lue rldleg.Inte lubu mtlsUmecr4, 337 Oc fth Julas 10,I8 v tit; a BR Jà vesia Reed to Iead.a, a Cestîstoed trois Page Ose soetcingsgbt ymr." proposition., RprtteuNewcDe Wit regard te Site P, Mr. Rosd said dslisglppoal tIti 250-acre eite hod st be bult os ansI as nre et prime agrlcstaral lnd. boydRosd aid the Hi aies attackedte primea-ier re$15 = vlctecy se M billion pr year plan te revitallizelue Wî lav. a clance, ecosemy. laetk off lue gevere If Ye look aettlut report"ho said, «lg7wcenttrb yesIl eu bat dthon le sotoem pluaged pryloe oficil nikel more tlunsiaroady eislta l in lyt preoct pregcarS. "Wmeicee ablm "Itston at e naid out gondies m er ibp, lut cer asyway. Tatipreblirne have.exleted tic paty, ovrluhepot $ mome time asd If ho tilt lue province wsrked really lard ic siedid a bout, h ho edd atte dnsiebSity tc e im letor Cutter for NDPN. a Cottseed rois Page One didates. He said tee fater lad erigrted rais englan aid hkm seid hie grand- ftlbic ad aIes bes a "isburite." This farily hitery et ishor pltite ha& le- volvid hùin e asy faces f hie party. Hi site on lue NDP Provincial enecu- tOve an s teuco-hairman et lu patyn yoth cadrc. In addition hkmhbu served on isasy pete cllbin lue Hamiltos-Wetcorth NDP rldieg association. Histe lvolved insoccer, a league his fater tetisdd, and het$eon te Wterdocs cemrittee chidi tris to preserve andcoserve historic sites. "Pirt and forernet, lrn a Nec Deisocrat, a ncialtt.and proud et it," h aid. Mr. Cutlr bai et ltes-Barllgtci viilte oGergeowcs haed amsdmeet pecv Hmsaid luesticke partie enderini DeeratisnHaton 'We'n going le Marccb M0 He categrzeid Coervatives as p oftmismanagement.' Ne said LUkeral li han "ldetitfldal has't give lue a iai New Demstr lue sly paty t "Werilelyai Rift in PC ranks. . Cotesed treis Pate One prt tram PC membirs te vote pcb. 9. tlu Milten areafr Mrs. Mr. Pstans aid hoe Saisis, said 1fr. Bmut ad- does sot test itleatai of ding tlu tampalge cern- tati assciation te requect naites bu nt ymnet ce p the support ef the ansfei Mllm ionte. disenfrasced PC mes- NM. Sat, a ereng bac- bers, aseit l dtlucoic- ber et Mr. Pentim, aid ing aller Ils ecanaten, hmcaapprshd itlhle alg Ushe dOM et tlu41- homest w~elm ie emmnaaftm«oetsdt woft for feri, but rn- Apprsxmately 2o tosmd. membes ave requeted Gartb Smtb, vice- taer roney bat, sarct- aairmas et lue MilIc ding te Colin Beet. aria PC rldlsg, said! ho Aid whili M. Peeas vil et lbe csrlesg octe bas est isaued a plicy tei caspeige and is ces- supprters te rerains sdilg reigisg ram tram wrking ible ispro--tluAssociation. vincial electios, e "fitle a very sad ait- esieber bave rituaid t to aties. We lad lue pt- tbrow leir weigbt behined etial oetatcs very fgesd cadidatiPres Saisis, candidate," va bihW ly Thra le litle oresostp- comment ocel party Funding celling Setalsl ervte ad mittelaeuaekid ceUintS =ealb agîcie sieklsg tiapprveluh 12 pirctest iscria idtslg trmc elleng te rder te hold Halto e o tilclih esî8tedget epedlg le eld teat2 per centbiho lise. ovir chat lbiy receiv.d Graupsvaicatlave drisg Mi. setter applid bere clI Regiosat Admiistr-lho jtdged oste mte ation ad Fiace Cei-. of luir sbmissose. The Carrier rAD=D-ON HEAT PUMP Is A Practicel Anecer To Soaring FFuel Costs In The Energy-Tight Vears Ahead ORDER NOW AND GET UP TO 1-10 HW IT WORKS: I1 No Mtter vow CoiS tii hentivil.The HmstPertp Ctuietht hatttstan S. ot Oyotitthome. Andi on os 0 eSed ft ouoo fingttoted eteetoeeystiet doooo Ose OFF Oit -progatot0Pluesn-t Cette tise. CON MR tsesp Mitton Appiance Refrigerailon Cooilng Hmdtng M â U t. EL 1MM1 te desà *ayt Bliut Classes cere euf lst Tlttornay and rlday fr esumriatere ebo erm out tin cek checkisg tlu votera Bat. Iliai siat tw e cs cita k m ocpidt revlisg te etsmicatlee fr asy addtons or vaiabe At: Y r li uardian Druga 212 Main St. 878-4492 Laurier Drug Mart 497 Laurier Ave., Laurier Medical Bidg. 878-1707 Milton Drug Mart Milton Mail 878-4521 White Oak Drug Mart 327 Bronte St., White Oak Plaza 878.0 mr.dy on Job M thevsIus'fMt Mr. , 11se cas fIa wbnt o -@a0-,lOm vl~ ala a =hal a"dbyves" l u rIdm aieoa, ho 157 povincial luhe tsa s,' Hatoe-Burlleg- lt. ernoue as 69 1per If a voter ismissed thîs ýek ti s tii possiîble t baât total Lbera git on the voter Uttnd Racil gelt13,M geth11e euelaoln tard or 4.8 pr ot; by cllln e b.ofce ail mlgv. Cnserve- 57-112. Geg Gray sge lulasrevnte palu- et i.p= rue. frc ets P 2b tut ld ec Deert Mardi7 chosn esls 05'mMm. Boresn nid Il ie ort18.partcent vital te gsI se esmreratice tard and te ake lt t ard tote l pollngg"lat once lectlse day. "seooatons a camme la accdetlly ltt sff If citeeratle Party le youulave yeur tard cit ty adutluthePCo Yeu, itl il gave a lot ot teyoceseeared Urne tlryls tlk upluh pssbtyof aUt and ffl out wbat wardi t9. may lave genewrog, M,e arosi chance to sa i ad. Enumeratocito"e. lton-Burlngton Hai moet. To vote, oseetont 19teréeidents tosmk uehyr neaa Smbeail th lrd ie n ntri frlte forthie enuoneratim irevism perod. from li 1ositionlu. put t2 monlus are: liia Baron; Joan Huat; M . r;ang ce et peuple l in ceeaconfaus uto l .,. ha suihe5y = ".Bood donors inlbeteku rirdng wh t«i ed ashastwe eu" pu eofld Brlegten. bsicdary culasolthmly e d T u s aloeg the Hltes Regice aliog il atn and 161hs l- w*- , 1mb. aid llamiltee-Wntworth &dtlrtt bleeddewn, lIn 1aiathlu Hly Rciary mncipal.beuedary Inte u nteroll Up yow HalluseMartie St. llele ready vsitedjrleKearn Rd vere il ge m es agale. hemarie 2I nd .30 te o ctdlsgl=caoooaadwe Intehu e - Miltn md Cres stanse 8.30 p..aid plenty et 1eO Boeday te dUake Elizabt Way. ile irt bleed rc eofdenern are eSdmd. lTe Beudary dhmtigem_________________ Zete andeid u heaatvard aloegluheQEW irnate lue NewcIn Cedar Sp~tgeRd., onteg hn." u to t lpper Mddle surprte usse peccl mtslv y ae1 serlvlddle Rd the rogrsluv t problem vIndows wfth SdbElzabetht iay. woven woods by Krsch leaer tuat Sdth It preensd"mutaleeg luth prebleon, but taie Quie Elzabetht Way Cr00 tieot ifilt wat indo es tnefd biauofitetti gw .. tefBurinsair.e id ten te retmants dons cOt e ome e us a nha5- atlic Party Ibis, "le nrtlteNot 1Sdead pua Fait rangse fstyle.Domof51pesirne. et e give bUme Prsmlurelgoee t dt=il U. rete M..andd lus M ac's Canadian" rta Up toteu akvllle- MiteeTews Lise ad Ibis eutward te Nistb Drapery AviUecwhica te tieasterly .878-408 un a isweicand net ______ ie, prident and *Ceeger Xe-7 *Eooi mbir ofetluneec- Mrquis iowVn ifertlu put Ove a sbsau-A &-&M ley uked a l oote I o a pellllda* M tchileinltm8r 40-l *UWM' "miecbpel latten Mfr Belle- i ni he osenot eel M aUt.E S t 9Wios>FcraàBail à WU.klàs Mmâl àawlI oopalge cl nsuffer sei. Drop le and Checkt Our Economy Rtms * SPECIAL WEEKENOD RATES* souds't suffer and o'g[ i ' t tl lek ilU If ùsg il las got pe- and ctet i Mhe Carpffaaon Towen ofMilton TAX NOTICE Matmpayeof thgiemon fMisse amsr A hds oU FIRST INSTALLMENT IS DUE ON FEBRUARY 27th, 1981 Pealty eft1l/s percent par monnt onsasy portion tlrereef. ii ho cltarged os escli overdue inetalîment. Provincial Aasessent Notices have boen melled te, prsperty osoners. If yo bave env questions rogarding ither the Anseecieent Notice or the Tex Notice, plisse do sot hemilate te contact as et 251 Main Stret East, Mitesn8(M7211) for farther inforatition. DONALDE * LOUGMEEO, A.M.C.Tr. Dir, of Finance, Troesarer i i Ji dI àI :fi INFORMATION CENTRE HgWmay 26 Inqovement foon Reginai Roed Stoi The Menitny otTretpetatstn and Cmmunicatitns là presesott r pepetots eontrat ewige tot ietPtoe mnte etfSieso 25 sfthit tte abweetetev.a limie. A kev ptlafte am ine ittet belon. 1114 _ .~ -- mnt t24fmPotooftexit pvt w, b er semi ifaciav itse shitras 2)e Imptneryetessete ep-te éieeeeso e an s dad blgbev ing hell nied tastcnstt 3) Consetuctin osetrckmbing ne t ehe p- 4 mis trerri enstnltiat lteestinseetstt 5)Ioernerst d ale btoeine e atifede Tis lme oli metttegostth ebofieldthe Sp ey- or Coneeot io e tit tie 00e 0v titi repris- entetivenof the oit, wh et v ittttititoi the Iaeomat etinette te addte dae ine sath."oci steMw t. sect soete lin200 p.m, toe4rp.-. end tes9:30Pt. place. Spey"ePubie htetot l ,Ohwao25 ad Equeeina Rond 17) lo. se ae i atteande te InforattonCente Ot cie, totbis nýeontoreora o, ate /s eatit. Ais1Slanelte. eW enbe Prelent Meecaci. Mlnley ofTraensoratlion aCemmications. Paisatbilfadsed signSicilen, Cetl .gtee. Nemvoo ,sait eWMecdaoM, Oetario. Fmaus O t t- ârning Officer Unr. Audrey Boron advlse dtitis wek. 1h.easeg t o weeka are set amide left at the returiln"o fce, 89 Ontaiio St. N. nd Marlore Cutretion cek u M"

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