Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 1981, p. 19

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Aeros finish third Now face first-place Rockton in semi-finals M Sae ~p.Auoa 00e blat 4-" aesiigla&*"f nalfra UM alt. m ecesiless t W b ae ltt er fernces teck adtanteoftpoer deteasiasnplay by Mualcala la Ha osecond uf twlgHafna o guntes of tha un- own aonetla umen ise ahid-perloi tlteen aroufE Son la ensaeot thid e i etteraundiafe oB tin. Merchants now: Royal Blue liltoltm =tista senior heela8 teaWll uv asnehs iew ch Hauqatlu hpes wil brin sChamrain lin frtaiero Ha estUelle Wltaullar asaforais la Esaie P"" oyl, Me Mlut lltke helr »".ane Ri, or H cnta The s d "saoluha aiucla nn o mn eltte paonfleps. Lte Iaf year, MItSns eve Tetgio eaM lllan'sDireclor ai Park late lglOw standards. BriaSest Park assit l be t ny M='a ie a",eai moreu ai Rlary Park. Tie screen woll beluapgradeit ait ci=uet 58w fo "ittgat'. Tie lae epecwtilcetSt . lis oceus o b a fi m Ha Le d aiesaaryreelaun keetI la pe ussrp»intle HMIMBA =laadt owed for tha upisavei dia- Thesew asodaicwlallaof l grootedin las S4oft arc frent lume piste, 0111l braiglt oplaetaures- ment stauderd. Soda wu tha ltent to a1lew Mltesnla list a major T-ad lausaientinltm. Teaieiatio lud censldeit Mtgla storney this yesr laittha te turnaesetasa u el- fore tha pear blegai. aiew lapola âttton Iteiglas Ski Clb aml hits tanc e aRonts HtallainaStades Ave. Satorday. towar hecu'sn rmca pr grant. Carnnly tliue are faijaio Tb@e tance heglins te9 p.nt Adisti- sicn le 0 aplece Tikets con lu ah- tainet bY csllilng 832-2M, e8a-,W»or 877-7M. Pbenj&À ,Dow run to thfrds Tsi mach ra.unfront. ltDintrie = Saltcante threesali tli excelent rtinfr ldim ftMathe lanalilps Slds i Maple Leaf Gardena. ait Phlalp Docmpetetil iwU " pen evonin. Polani an tha 3000 mties lne lglt minutes and 50.4 sec- onds for tlalrtpiace wle Dew, retorelg ta MDIOa aler spontlutwo pesca lag lad, ran the-9yarit racetsn tt18.8ion take alard. 13.0 hait s dlOcitt intelina israce. Taie evant wuea a imenuOal ait Dow was ile Ha alowegt haset. Tahe provincisl seconaary slion cluamp- laeshlps wue rai on partIoaitha Toronto Star Mapie Lest leteor gantes t ForfteireffortsAios are rewarded wit playing lea- gie-eading Rocaton Resi Meçop s ntaie best-of-seven seu-final sufies Messohue, forli-place Duanville MudctB sMW enuIUMie Sktsa a 1smuet play sasud- don-esal quil gnt »Swuay la Daavile. Taie wlnub. = Ï=sPr lOie eruml.fasu hlch in alse absut-of-seoonase. A- sMa llpftýlebi vepintsesd at Duanile in therace foLd eAmrS won thie dilg gante s, wch bterrs ndeammf«o Perlace thonenet for tluit. Auwas Olsed tae year beating Smithle 8-7 lIse piaYefi set-upufaeaanately reoirdselh. ilaor h-a10 ugtf- amteallYer5ll iovrtail tolce tise oppanant et Oas alumnping Parleis,29lutmtonsa aselalihpMeitfhe clubfrom thle boeneat Cf then Ove- tean loeo ta luit spot rut tine club s aushor uPPenomin tahe Ornre nd talunfalasy'itresemait wesk zanllio totea. iýreets lita eero atage point, Dansville gave ail h appearancesofinet puttlng est in beateot wt thae lupeofa defeating thes evo-oal SitIvile club la Ose elind-in gmne and sPale inlae enl".aa Ifoassor, aialior ide leliake aley wantnd lao Ie. f '.Nu inflanir' ie f0 the neresing coachng battle in that semî.îîooseries.Dunn Ville coua Vie Porter handled Paris for many years until aie tailthealancub aithte conclusion of lust year for Weaalteck la Senior A. ttc wau lanaueitfront Wooittock after hicasquat!dropped aafrna t0egammes and endeit op il However, Aer avae tluir bauds fulil againut Rocaifon. Formeor Aera' cmach Barrie MOithe la assisfant coacha wittlaRecaifonohicl atao plched ap ex-Aero lRay Evsai for tha year. ElWlefta sure tla want thiia oeriesn aaclgy anditolteep his tope ap for each anme. However, lu itoes'f know mny Aertn. Onty five pis- yen remain front lest neamson eami hafinishe thfla seamuon o laaEliotf behind tha beach. If adition, Aert' fult tesai nit pet nuiteit ap for a game agaimft Rocaifon antd ciild putloff sotensurprses. Fortunately for Aner, fthe feant lain a psition where if hmieverYflingfaansandtlittletin oie. Thenfam'n recordt if 13-17-2 itesaf impreon olane itacheit op aguint Recate's N-4-O record nid if miglaf catch flan Real Mc- Coys oer-confident. Tibe fiet fume gae omorrow (Thirsday aft .30 p.m. la Roclion. Tibe oecondt contatiet e for Mentoral Arena frid ita8u Op.M. Thae fnt wo gantai are sef for flan foi- loiagTamhriday and Friday euthfeasame venues. (Contitinit on Page B3) orts SpMUOM Drop final in Optis If it oasant orlut toh s a slg gaso, Mtton nttaantarpeewees (W)= ."tn hae y teck usfau. MM w=ga uscl aret aseany teanlsi Optiontas attlet bard t ien efe-s Beubt oeifoa dUoser (Georgetown hait fi gan t oauanovetime Isom»l leus than a minute alaoolg on thaedata. Fortha euort, (Georgetown won Oe second, Oiiit aitdOfMlgantesof Htomries. But Optiitel lied strsnteods ona the scond ait flou gantes aittuaIt bave tînt Oie flindit nent esceept for a retit rade chasage olilch coBleit lck aapparent tyig ntarker, Gleorgeton o the i ft. dante 2-t ut MentiraiArenaS unday miter bMlto adaai eveaiei Hamseres et tfoogammesaplece wi a -t victory ta Gergetown& barni Thur- etspY. Geirgetown won tha ahli gante 3-1 TiesasetfMenortal Arena. la tha sertes decldtag gante, Opttaitl aumeit at1-ofrontltalailatHa second perod aitil itlng seconde ai reguattion inte. Scot i Iitaagolet Hth 5mark ai Oie niitdle frante lut provldeit Optiaitats wi h= eer 3orgetowni esneitae dmw ta Miltnaend itlaljaet o seconds rentaaina I L He's a skier? Basil McDonald looks more M1. e'peae for Halloween than for aklng. But ho was entered in the cotum cas at Glen Eden's Moltar a ¶Sunday. Skiera competed in races aa well as several other com- >1isdurng the day-long event. Rie scores: Aeros' Paul MeCaton lifta a sbat aver Dunnvile goalie Grant Mcmllan for Anron' fourtb gal an Milton downed MudcataS8-6 and took third p lace with the victory. For winningfhird, Aers now face league-leader Rockton Real McCoys in a beat-of- seven pla>soff seriea which atarta Thurnday in Rocaiton. The feams are here af Memorial Arena Friday for fhs econd game. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY t8, tona SECOND SECTION overtime ousted with more bad Iuck la Oie gante. Wlfla Optinita' fas caeerlag for what uppeared a aire victory, Georgetown wonitha droa aid Terry Dia drove ua $ho hante fsarseconde lofer Loto laie corner forctha tylag goal. Georgetownnselaeitthe udsantsge quilclly la overfime domain the fanfient fise ninutes ofextaudtnte. Oilpexcelent Howeouthaeide t rneit for Opttailits arunthOe aildwsy peint ta Oie trame ait Mltonlanpplled constant presure &round Oie tGeorgetownnzmie. Desite cotrofllng Oie play oeil, Optirnitinlcousitgel ntanp gond ncoelng chancen and cnldn'f score. lIne at miaula if Oie perlod, and wiOi Haer osertinte perliod laiming, Georgeonbrohe uwup snau fou-ma breakhau. MOn Ct.; ritti heconte a insant herobypopaping la Oie olnning goal wii t f0 19secondeleff la Oie gante. Opntialapreainit bard l inte rnntuiaiag tinte lut ansia aen their fate ailypair, muldelt find Oie ronge ulOisagai Oie toai ditihaveîone goid soring caice in feonilsf Oie Georgelawns net wiOi nia seconde left. "We're juif uiluchp," nain Optinsala assistait cmacla Murray Van Wuri. "We'vc haittthit iof luth il por." In wbuf uppeured authOe ime la lu Oie crotti nalachif Oie serien, lGnorgetown aorned a Nio-goal laid affer f00 periods and made if standirthr i oinlatOe serin' hird gerne Tueuitup. Aguin, If oui u cane of Optimints' had tuca, i, ltlan deninuted Oie Oild period but mnaiged jost a aingle maraier. Oie ap- Pareil goal oacallnd luck olith b minutai lait la the gante ohicai ouild hase t led Oie score. On Oie plap, Optimisla oeil t own Oie ice on u Woo-oa-oai. Wlaon Optinitaa' purai carrier moved thOe peck lbhni thOegsait, tshuag the lone defenderolihhas wn eil ai thegoallea uatteantlai, Stuaurt Thorne ntosnd iloe crosse obere la recelsnd a paaa unitaiy pekeit Il homnt. Hoever, Taon bait onterei thOe trese lufore Oie packanud coaeeqnentlp Oie goal oa ouveit off. Tatane hait eaiugl ine la ntse out f athOe eNeoliHaepocka nit score lut, Oen ugin, wlosulit bise iongat of if at Oie flue. Oie ninute lofer, Georgelawn tlicheit Oie sctlary olithlisa Oiieitgoal outhOe gante. Hoonser, Optinitaa lunceit luclinlatOe fOurth ganete fking a 3-titeclalon in Georgelon Taurndsp. ThasI nnproloageit Oie suies la a flfO gante Hession third at Wasaga Beach Wuiugu Bosch oes Oie atone of tonte terrfic naownsoble rame a Surdap ait Müolansooi rater, Mile Hesionaltted aitvere truchcondtosfor u aifrtpluce in Oie fMatiure race. Despite i rougaifraik, Hention captent Ouerd pIste obich avue aima a fropaip aid a beftp cheqiue. Drlsing a3M0cet Polaris, Itenison aa up ugalint ailg fsclarpleants. Hooever, gouit Oithe crn- plei nt lu mugl. laOe tetur ruceoli ails Polaris, Hesalîn tarWinth Ha lutroo lut ails phlllmpl a o se t a pote unit lupe las lnd staeeitolgether. Taie satsegy poit ditiidends. Hlsalto o enterni thOe 440 ce Amteur1 Stochetasa wotOia 250c Yeaaa unit doese lnaseonit-place finisha olacl a ne i taa Tnl.i la. aaalc ler51Sim nycet Mlton. lei sno 1 L'V~keV Cearing away: Opttmînta muse the puck ouf of their including tht final in overfime fa ho eliminated from own zone during the Tri-County OMHA qualifying tht OMHA round. round. Optis dropped f wo heartbreakern af home Wheelers recover to win Relylag on taie Hanaint-Ettwooi conta i-n taie quatifyang round ufthtai International For hil tenus f0 nuccen to10taie nemi-final inaioî for muettoftisn offensive production, Slber Sticki tournantent f00 montais lucai round of OMHA ptay, Hudson saidthOe pa- Mitton Fiflt Wheet major luntamn cap- Milton won 4-2 undilif an apparent Owen yers taitt have 10 gel tht pucaioutl of their fued taie fient fume ut the OMHA quarter- Soundl dldnf use any ainooteitge picked up on zone fanler. Wheetern movedthtae pacai final round oith a 5-3 victory Sunituy after- front thaf gante in flair controt Sunitay.p wett for tht fient peianid i a hatf in thie noon t Memorial Arena. "t'lI te different up Oere au Owen opener. Howeser, taie feant luth finesse la Taie pair ut MarIk Haihett anal Terry Rît- Souond," explained Hudson. "Int sure taiat departeit oser taie last hasf outhOe woootcontrihuted 10 four goats ioctudiog thet taeyre going f0o wacai for Ettoood andl ganteunit nearty gave taie contest aoay. oliner oitai 2.29 naoing on Oie lora inotaie Hakett.' Taie htst-of-fise serien renuer Friday in tinal rame an Wheetnni retoverni tufer Ht atnt added flut taie Olyntpic-iized inai Owen Sound.Taie taiuad gante n also stated aiooing a X-Otait. in Ooen Sound it ott e handicap laOie Mil- for Oton Soundt, aiich wouitaie toua, Sui- On taie vinner, Ricai Serafini pichet sp a ton defensemen. day at 3.30 p.m. If a fourth gante la re- oute pucai near au otanaitue mie anal "Oue defennemen tant gel untruckeit up quirtt, it lu playet luth here taie foo- quickly thet a pain lai Haikefl ai centre. there on Oie aig rink. On tht ig ire, you n Wednciday at 7 p.nt at Memorial Haîaitt wenf doon oiah Ellwooit on a 100- cant lte any chanelie pou can on laie Arens. Taie fiffai gante i luck inoOient on-oie, iriwth e lune defeniter to isanide regultio ice surface." Soundl tht fottooing Sunitay ut 3.30 p.m. unit passait acre-s lu Ettooal oao calntty f ireit tae packh hua-, The goat attoont Wheeen lanalvage a siclary aflar the Itea littahen u curefutlycourca - ei otalwda odn T l r s r a after sweep-n Dundas MiltInsTrafalgar Ford T Bi lr ' aor Day dson anaeitehy Horne, guIhaisncond penones advancedtolutaie OMatA quate- goul a 141 final round wtha a dlicipineit 4-O0tin oser Del Papa, oho had score thtae titoig Duidasî atMemoriat AenaiThurnday goals lu tht firnt tfougamen of tht nerieu, evenlng. Taietain atloond T-Bieds 10 noeep coltanueto 1returu la bis trot fort aid Oie tai st-of-fise semistahole teant lush-caintltd anal pluped ith T-Bieds opend Oie ncoring af 4.32 of the more dincipline faian i recenl ganten. tiraI period as Bruce ameron fiaiahnd off a Sînve Hengle oan ontp fenteit s coaple of iaappp paosng ptu layihChi Tuner and intes an gaiîing taie suu-out. Toiti Hurne. T-Birds met Oien SounusithOe fient WiOthofttnfaing guiling by Jeft Stuart, round of OMHA play oiOi Oie fient gae fiuidasi epI Oie green-undit off at Oiegoaag ai Memoriat Arenaiafurday ut- ncoreboard uait 13.39 of tha secod perlidtlerouni. oaien Sean Davideosi gare Sunrt noechance la exhtibitilus play ut Memoriat Arena on asnef-up bp MOn bDel Pspa ait DomySaa ndsp, T-Birds dotait Orasgesile 04. Vniden envel. Van den euvlld h rrthua a T-Birds adtedt fou more la Oie Oiiit aau trickai le Darne Shaw aitchedt loiunit lTurier inncknd honte s ceboimaiton Lac Mihe Diru, David McGuire, Hme ait Jolsonia aluf front ha poialetut354sud Tuner gîtmon ah. ongae inute ur o-opani. Owen Soundlbuoced luth vitai fou quicai goals lufore taie finait frante feus four min- uteîs old andt then fied Oie score olah s poer-ptsy effort oith six minutes romain- ing. Srafini adited an insuace goal oiah Ohrne seconds rentalaing firing One poli irtuitly lait tenglai of tain ice loto tain vac- ast goal. filoas Serufinin usecondt goal of taie gante Eloo iait gasea Wltneteros at-O0laid oiah a fiet-pariait taltp blfote Serufiai unit HahetI uppedtheOieatatufhrene iah mur- hum la inte middtle frante. NOrMi Eoatai afarladin laWheeleen' goal lut oui replateit aipAîdy Salîluater sur- readerlng Oieahrit Oea Soundt goal. Two goals onre sumrnd liig Oie ie aid Oie Olnrd oeninla Orongla Enoflachi pade promptiag coaih Garry Huitona lu replace hlm olih Slilu. Taie lteasaad met once lufore Oi pair 1

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