Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 1981, p. 16

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Artist Jean-Alain Raffalli.lives to paint Dy Limia Efrby A ain duit h.aut Itisa a puaitliia- acadambia af ieunanmd trns r, lilopbills a d ruac ishoaualcnamu- cuaggy face af ibe Nia- didati ut i-u-pravuic gara Escarpmleat deoe- anti Strasbour-g in ated inua fresh hianhet f France. ,now More tecently lin ii uni ov:ycrne ofthis graots from Canada luxuriooo lau-m ettng off Coancdl andth1e Onario Highway 25, nrth ut MUt- Aria Cuneili. ton. lu Soptombur lu For 30year-old pruoanlod hb; finit public French-bou-n panter Canadian Exhibition ut Jean-AlainiRafli l la Loranger Galleryib Tac- the perfect hiti-a-way. omia ut aharaci eau- Hia refuge front ciy vaaaos anti a sou-bn of chaosnin an nid cbicken stili-lifo atercalars. honne on the tarin con- AilInougIl art bas vertedt 1 an ouldoor nia- playeti an bnportant raie dio, in idslite, îilsas only hoon He is îcarceiy hnown duu-bg the paut nenen lbeatty.yeaus Jean-Ainb Iaffali The il andi mtercolor han aiemptodttiteaoi artint oho la recoguozot i Mnmeanas o sprt. acrossnEurope, wth stu- illbmt easy boban dios in u-n, anti Mcx- au-iai andti luttais lu iccais Milton home for- m uetbepu-pacedt u do severai monhs eveu-y olur mou-kte0 support is yeor ist vocation. Regional Kub Kar rally planned here A Stock ni pine mooti. avnhod ils attention and nkill. momitetiou plastic mheeln andth1e air of comptition shoken iu. Thoîn the fomumotoas 130 Cusfoinl-nnHoitan lieglon fother lu Miton for the itegiouat Euh Eau- Ruly, Mouch 14 at St. Pols Unitedi Chuch. Thon, t30 Coin miii h. from amont mou-o ibon 2500 Cohn inHMotion Region as thoy repu-sent he saouonau-as for the fifîl annual regionat uaIIy and the trophy fu- te lanlent cou- andifor th. Set design. CoIn tram QOavitte. Blinîglon. Mittan, North Halton andi Hornhy are entered in the rom- petillon hototi hy Mitan District. The cou-nareou- n over a 22-foot plymoodt t-ouk anti electronicolv timed lu the compatition for the fatest cor. Speciticatioou oue rigiti but designs duamatie. Thocarsare shapeti tram a simplebhick ifpln mooud y the boy ant ish ftilr. itteti mils the mheela anti raady fou- the test. Participantsaib ths yer's regiosai ualy mii oireody have par- ticipatetiib ibeir district rally. The Koh Itou- lally la one nf many oclivities organizeti ou part of The Scouts Canada prograin invoiving mare lsan 5,00t boin HualtnRegion andihundreddaoi adalisaso yothlteades. Scutmia Comada puograma mu-iode Beavers. Coin, Scouts, Vnires anti Roves ils emphasitaou leur- ning sklls anti partici- patina biniudoor or- tivitien. Milton Ditrict under chairman Aurle Lonois is houiing ilueItegional Rlliy ti year fou- the fifth ime. Jean-Alain Raffalla. Milton ib the pet hide-out for the French-born art at.Ha opends noverai months every year paint- ing acenes from the area. Tint isn mi difficait fou- hlm. A omnsoneti globe-trot- ter, he hnbu-nc-aaoti uhe mou-id asan airline steward for 13 yans fou- haiS Air France and a prinata Aftlcan airline. Ho bas bhan a gardeanu- anti a dishahnlr. Tu-iaetin bhoet management. h euan a intel buiness ib Frace anti busmou-led in Paris, Gercoany anti Eagland. He min frequentiy ag- monta is artialic ibrame wb hb iscooing tbleuta ut the tarin home of his Milon boni. The French rtisi ban otmoya mou-led t10 palot or lu eau-o more ahout painting. Jean-Alin ltattaliin arrivai in Canada came aoot qite uoenpoctadiy neven yeotnoagn. Ho mon catouing ou a tuury yacht in Monta Caothmtn ho mot np ils the omner of the Md- ton eniaiO. Imprennet i mlShb mou-h ond ohvious deti- icotion. the mou inviitid the ou-liai 10 Canada ta ipenti nomo lime paint- ing Ho acceptati-anti or- rinoti fou- lina mo. 'Ibe fini lime i came man bn h. f01.1. i at neveu- soesu nch clans. Thora mawa a mmoi openness, apa. 1 mal- ked the rucoTail aveu-y day. "Heu-e you oa fin peace.1- Eerny yeuxr ince liai fini aoccaio luhanra- tarnet it h. Mitoin tarin min Europe, ib lime ta catch npring. Tino yean uaga lu lu- came a laudd atiCnudian immigrant. During tan siay ib Canada ho milI apanti three or tour manibo paiuting ib alla anti matuclons. fis ranveriti d dchic- heu hooae studio stylo ba nohing oem. Ho rememben u-ntlng a cheap studoIb italy-a 1215 cenhu-y catie clanlur osear Florence. Coiti anti damp, ih belti ferif the romantde con- noationaouni ntibfiry tales. Ho foulaS he xensuive travelling hSu lunefitteti hin art. "Ilgave me u anilooli. leawaruffono a ti lu-ciabum su" ce Pm pâring mysiffs an aut-d He dasurihes hinnueif asnao abstract ex pueionistl Hba mou-t habciudod suds shiisa, lowes nantiý aposte. Ummsuascb au borssaund water pain. Mach ci thsa art bau au-suAnMirefllct i l it celas.y Alwayasamcobc ba vlnld. It ila ruy import- I ant. UsIonsa iarnm atianti lb. color anauothon udt and groy," lu laid a Like any thor rtiat,N hic wrk lb mouuoi soif o-esuo. "I ummayi paint. Ri b my way ib expraas my-1 self. Al yaur felngs ramne out." A ain:~inguan akte aies tota huaorau-four mouiba ta complete. a Ho po nt sut tevosy1 pleceofi urtwoclican cos ut au plunnoi. FONot ovryting can lu goo4L You bave ta, des- tray alot togot oneothat ib Pacinatd hy ailier inodiarna, lu bau ospor- imontod wulh togu-aphy bn addiionbinlnasasti naercolors. au-eae o lniai, teeans aaist hothor JoasAlin. "I finti h difficait ta part wib snne oi my wark. It bs like a dbu-y. sumething very par- suml."1 Anti ahile succos b ninoot, ilinb ont nocusary. "I lave panting su inacin hait 1dont foot I have ta nuccooti. "I wotitiruthor fait bn soineihbg that I1 e, thon n surnthngl1dont 1e" ho explainoti. CriIcul i of cain- moucia" puien nhose noie purpose lb un b- coma, lu uvalis pating ..bat so11a". I lupa t oiay honoat alisb Muy ini. You IIMM mboapa luYom««uifand Ille " toiUmale Io lu haw tics. "I feet tucky 10 lu able to do thinfs 1nant wlten 1 want,.he said But on au-lisa ao leads n lonely exstaeeby cammon standards. Planyeu want ta lu su au-liai, obdy cu blterar. 'Ysur mark mi ust ym- tinst pioity. Tlit lambhy su masy lino alosu 115e a rnask." A huebalor, lu tinds il bard surnotimes ta lu aloso, but lu diun't mai ta, change bb lite- style. Re iaanea thin rnsulh fou-Su Miqualinb Mexico, inhere lu bopos tefbnd a choap hon.ta nrant. He lus alredy opant tino yous nb Mexico and loves the cosuntry. Eacb year Jean-Alain apanda senonil moulhinb Mexico or Europe. ludmubmiaahwtds f« hal bie tua mnut bluîntain bNewn York,."the centreoi au-." l cit i l - sartiof nomnewhere t havent luen lufare. 'Altbough lu busteaa lona for 1de City, lu all ibat aiready prsdoe- sncb aq4eint art mrk. Ha fbund Toroto an 'uncmfariuble' Ciy, wboro artiste daa't mingla. "Tbey -usinruy gond. bot ilb inoryaae for thoaissainu. Il bn a ciiy thai be grawlag vruy fuit.', In adiditisu ta, New Yack, lu moulti alan Bite ta, paint ib Tuomnia-bot 1501 be stili an ides. His big du-aa bn ta eenully teacb. «Whon 1 ain su 1 wunt itc thec ibyongpeoupin everytbing i hnaw." MILTON RusTriaarNm' 583 MAIN ST. E. 878-7978 1 PROTICT TOUR CAR 5 VEAR - 50,000 MILE GUARANTEE forixi folows fimction. AskMario5 IfrffioutdwUIRacnIa(mpiamm ana omn.> lbro's nsaru oiioupsuy. And hb oaihsduaouf bs spasaebiliis is Co Msti m O eord of tmptym ha,.ec h n do u in.S sinrohntine n * il uayb«updisM. u irersukd isf ou pt Wintoi cange. Andody doum les ust oelams t buladonsad erez ossabiînpnr An Ulnspluveieu, Inniaoe epn= &bousttn.filMRordsif Eployaient esmy ycar. Lut ye. spr, etistalls.sin Mng mi tbe faom cma i m i2iAOOfn inuouscps. Puihcumaof renuuraig dicte onep.yosand ipenosahum eW uui ondist noSl25i. t.MAnd wocusonsoindo n.ngshseh a.on ou o M Mbd" iàM lfnnodrofu No decision on more phones A decision on hom ta mWonoly bondie 35 par Impu-ove taieplune seu- cent of the 200 cull peu- vice lto HuRton Ronata hour nom receiveti. hoatqortes han han aBut Comdciior Roy deferu-edt the meeting Booth, wmin bu a guesi net Wetnesday if the kuomietge oth1e Soit sy- Administatilon ant i Fn- stem,. saiti e h uight the once Committee. etra trSk hinsasti Conoillors hati mode direct dialing copoblity repoatoti compluinia thai mre too nu-h andt ia colIn go uannuereti anti mach ta suive Humuns ron aIls oue disu-on- puohems. oected. Mu. Booth5 nid ho Lent motinesday Bel realineti Bel samiuta Canada Acuount Repurns- make o profit anti msuid eniativo Mou-y Elten Mol- tu-y ta inierest Halion in a loy bold the rammile iggec systein. andi ho h cUru-nt ta tranlis andi nnggsied three olser op- 70 louaisshastiti tionsufothlecommitiee ta creasedt ta22 runu o lucomsidor. handie the 20 nom lau-ais Hamevou-. any deimo ithe braltS deprtinent mas popiet an the anti elimboate ony oibor u-amrite mas inter- prolems. vioing ucandidates tue Wiith o upeciai systain the pot ot treamîtrer andi emptoying direct-b hbusiness devlopinent diling., the nmtrhhoau-d directar. Sea the world 1 The- Canodban Forces is seouchlng fou- suamen, and ecoun If yoanve neveu-sut foot on a slip yon coabti qnollty. The Fouces iii pay you toeau-n ony onu- of ninutuen technicotiy siliieisu-o tu-des. And yoa il sec mou-c of lite thon yoa cirer dermed in the baugain. il soan eccting beginnbng to o soli cou-eur. fou-mou-c information on su-a tu-des, omsit the Canoda Employmnent Centre, 3 10 Min St.. Milton on the lont Tnesdoy of roch monil 19oa.m. to 4 p.m.l or u-r-n the- coupon. ASK US THEi CANADIAN ABOUT YOU ARMED FORCES ---------- - - - Canadian Fouces ROcru-utîflCentre F.- otoro.e.d meOaot0odoconeiiomdo Fore.iaesnmooatn Cite Peon. --- ------------ -- - ------ Tno mono adlit ait for th ir:,linon 10 Segin. for tirateociting. Iannonnîr' nometing 1 tcpn intheftre ne lhaove ecreedt ish0orsondnU 1101, Livn Now OuDong noo That inltheonly way ne Inow 10 prepane nouvo people for ter:fttres :irhopiOs nan iodopenderOtaarding sclrool ior Soys and grs.f romt gradles 7 t0 12Ou lasones are umali :osa:ring ihe fl partcipation and atention ofloach stadent Qur saff n vilolly :vnolved in enery lacet of studont lite 00e have anotstanding record of senior clone stranvînacceîted Sy the n-nersi: of the:,otroce and a compuisou-n Frerch program evahligoao:id 0:01 intiative 10 leane Bhopns blual. Yna do vol corne 10o :nostro 0el an edacation Edacatuon i:5a rocessnoilning. lakivg place 0a0it oursool nido and oui- nîde lire classroom Froue compubsory sportsnsch an nocoor rootballtholey sklinvo 110050andield and rugby t10001:0- tien le chroir.drame, adventare tramning and cadet coursen. ou, tadovnsare cllallenged Io punir liemnelves larder than lhey 0:0, tountponssie We ara dterv:ned la se tat1 och sudenl leaces our nctrool Convintoti toult le or she 's a speci01l eeson amithmaci Io o11er the oorici OU 450 acracampus in Z1cwn0 ennnos .1nao iM rzo noraton abî ot s 000001 LuAnOao j' sonOnff« .m.cmon Our Expansion SALE Continues SAVINOS UPTO 450% NERE 13 JUOT OR! EXAMPLE... SAVE RegotaIr Rtait Value IJPTO0500 UPiuol2gS Loadiegant OUaRailce FUon rutiy FrLiied rull Lngth COATS $9 Plus F.xcellenf Values On: Mens & Ladies' Car Coats. IFull Length Coats. Bombers. Dresa Shoea. Winter BootS, Cowboy Boots &mIats, corduroy Slacks. Jeans and a Mutitude of Lether Custom Iiand Crafted Furnlture Our Furniture Department expands March 1, 1981. 10% off ail ou-dem piaced prior to this dutel Custom designis avaliable upon requcsts Inciuding dining roora, living roora, bcdroom, office or den, recreationai (games tubies. etc.>, itchen. Availabie ln soiid ouli. pine or cherry. We arc now ln the processi of dealgning Leat heu- and Wood Combination rumiture Quallty and Selection Beyond Comparel the olde H ide House ..your tannery connectioni 49 EA8TRN AVENUE, ACTON (319) 88-1031 OPEl 7 DATS A UEM WIN McDONALD'S ___________________GiFT CERFCATES AND WATCHES. GEl YOUR CRAYONS AND FELT MARK ~oo ERS GOINO. To WIN MeDONALO'S GIFI CERTIFICATES . ENTRIES WILLBE JUDGEO ON ORIGINALITY. 0O SENO YOUR ENTRY TO: 0 0 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, 0 191 MAIN STR£ET EAST, MILTON. 0 0 oONTARIO. ENTER AS OPTEN AS YOU LIKE. ~~~~~ ~~~Name:______________ Addresa:_____________ Telephone: Aga: LAST&WEflSAMERS DM\ OUR SAM-EgM J4 1-3 BIILD A DENNAKLLAM BIG MAC TRACY smi ft OONTldaT« EmmF.W=z- - - - Ce dm, Wed., Féb. 18, IMI

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