The Canadien Champion, Wed., Feb. 1e, 1981 CS iwas' puces in this ad reter to Loblaws regular sellingpne. Pdoes effective ta Tues. Feb. 24, 1981 except bakery effectve ta Sat. eb. 21, 1981. M/blon oIly St««rs. methe rght to ilmit quantti. freshl gmrud- reg.àular grond- L,/ 0b rud lb.hspetrn/ waS 1M98lb. M Ifemfy Pu*k pork lin chops .9v rl MMonIrrana lb. WaS 1488b. (1 ply), 2 roll pkg. whfte or yellow - White Swan tissue wasj."Ou *a 1 L jar Kraft mIiale 5 racle was 2.13" ziggys sliced *as podci0 21s 1 side l'qOCalavo Brand baconpk~g avocado for Tasty Kng #%asj Brandi vac pac «dg lb. corned bee DrIsket lb.2 produci of Ont wa fancy grade c/a 1S Mclntosh lb. applesm 10ufi. oz. tin wl Campbell's «4'ea. vegetable SOUP 2fr IFproduct of U.S.A. fresh brusses sprouts it wasl429lb product of U.SA. was 750 mL returnable bile. wa5 Cani #1 grade . mma Srit5o oery ~Cocaoa,~~ Stal kS ea.3ME (plus 25c deosit Butcher's Blend, % dog 49 fodbg2 Royale print, was ail colours 1-0 tow(2 py oeIs 2 roll pkg, 15 oz. tin a aIl flavours, 127 farnily size L-aura Secord pudding_ produtotUS.A.was naeor 7 royal mandarin Ora~9S4~8I 3Weston buterscatch, was choco/ate 0' 1.4 double chocola/e 2 wagon FI 53