Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 1981, p. 14

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C4 The Cnaen Chamion, Wud.. Fb. 18, 101 Qagh. Bessie Smith wiII celebrate her 96th Rn MIrs Cecil telen iflappîhi nhdiv Icrt 1gf aii.11igoi iinli to Miss Besir Smilli, a lite long reideitl f tiis area wm itmlii celeinale lier nlnely sutuit- iversary on Feit. 31n. To ituneur Ililu dr lady ler neigititrs and riendi ot te TremaineRBri- lania gruup wmdl it la pancake ireatai the Si Grahtam Hall, S. Poulsa Citurcit, Milton, Ibis ln tise tird acnuel partp for Misa SmiSahity Sis group Tise attair starts at 8 a..and carricsenoouclil 3 p.m. Resiiies a hi cakiool loi-i cicr sle of goodies. Mite ite un itaidtri gisia aituat ise many tr tr itr mi ipecini dayi an party milI ie ai event un Stle 21. 'ise Hati Safely Ceuncil te annuel t, Tueudey, Fititý aI 10.30 acm.1 Presbiterianc Speakers w Thse Onariou Avocado Se Dont lct iis soupe 1t tbtepooe maie ingredient o fore- fresh go fruit cause yua o10 Iablespeon vr pans this recipe by i1 ableupoon tc Aocado, gromo a inte tclone ut garli Pooltero Uited States 112 teaupon and Meico is avaitable powder inmot grocery store 1tleaupooat produce deparlmenlu t 8 teaupoo and makes au ineretiof pinctt allîpice change for fie diet. t avocedo erved hot or cold, tiis 2 cupe mdt mecal io a iowi cee ite3 stripe itaci prepared ahead olulie. and drained Ths recipe pronîden Saule unionà nooagh oup for ioe. in itter unt oce you've ued te Add flour andb rit for te oop pal your air lu chiCkt greeo titumis la uorkirotit. ad ita ane te pic toite cnclently avocadu Realance te plit tickened. A iy perciug if mit bols jice, tarragcn picks around te cenre iorneradlith, on a glass or jar ut waler. curry pawder, Witi te more tapered pr, and allai eod suitmerged su ater, mer lowly. roots iii appear witten a cuite avucao tew weekn. Wieote anocedo cule glase container con nu diionl lemot longer coolaio te growt eiter munitw f couIc transplantl mb a manit in itlende Slower pal. sup mixture aod ilend it i large minced union lowly nddn 1 thitîly sliced nait o sirring coosU celery tlonto 1hieal if 2 talîcpoons iutter Pc serned iot. a ailespoons flor 10 te erneti 2 cupurhickeo stocit s o twln it 1ailespaon lcmos ui ce crsp iacoo. Coins stolei Hallon Ilegional Police dem of te IA are inenigating te Lice itome t titeft f valuaile cinseoit an andiec from te Milton rmsid- ber of coite,E cce of Brion Ciambers. Tite tet Police said tieces covered laIe iroitete rear duor io- enenteg. deli-lous oi Agrii-ultua'e aod rom 't oi ti w i hi- i'îcckn i inpeii homemode aion Board ccgarîliog î Smit l li acit proitiemu. Tht receine isr Womenn Auocaion of 1l am. OmnaghittiiSerne a hel fends mis diniter et 1215 mmee, cet any mitre $530. Delegten tenen Sae and taI Sahe difterent Asocatonin anurceuadtuhlie country alan ail per- ardey, Fei. non payitg Wrkiteen'n Cumpennatlin tor »e Fanso agriculture are invted 4l ii iteM and urged la attend. meeing an Preident la Lyle Stokes. 24 ilartlag At t te Byne Eurisre aI Omagit teld recently Sae citurcis. tolloing were prise Il Pc rem initere. Mms. eatrice Federellun Demni, Ms. R. Fenaer- nlon, Mrs. Harney Durant, -_ _ _ M. Citria Bafley, bave Dowling, Eleen Baley. Titere were 6 taleitn t Cl~ogratulaions and ail gued inites to Mr. li Mcs. Fred Amme of Kingslelgli Curt, Miloe, UPformer reidenla ufthSin eu ren on ceiitiraling Ser tittieSa edding un- ninersary on Feit. ual. l'ttey miii lold an Open Houme un Titrndey' Feit. 19 rom 2 - 4.30 p.m. and oit Feit 1 ilmliotia dinner and dance party for temily and frienda, Frienda i muthSem many 'N mre ymarn logeSaer. Drumquin Hornby c e ntre o f tarragun, ns cry Tise eetiy Salurdey iigit eiucire ut Hritiy til iommuiity Centre on pepper Feit. 14 liad even taltes in play. Wtecern ere Olive Tanker, Vie Rent- ley, ROis Marsisment, !on, cu<ded Fracit Peacucit, Sait Fealterelon, M. àmd celery Peacurk. Spcial prises tI tender. ity 'Flasit lai' ESasi 1itend peul: Bromtidge. DoroSay ten nokor tienternlon. aIt, nirring A largecocngregalloit mntli oi5idjpied t e"ie dd iemai Unitd Citurnit an Sun- , inegar, day, Fei. 15. Mr. & Mms. gari. Civiero preenled tueir rnat, pop- infant men (teerdyt Ispire. Sim- IgenneSa for te sacre- Peel and ment ut bapism. Ha. :ado. DiP' Joitn riffit delivered ons in ad. tise message and Sait ,n juicetitan senir choir ted e ipocini ils trt or aclsem. dr Iemone Tie acemil World Day efrom lient of Frayer wmiS te lin is anocado HlcrenI Ciurnis nn mils mhitte Marrh istI.30 pm lactly. Re- tf sonp ut 1 LChlld it il lu Jcud Gar- it crmmised Serves 5 i .,ewer Rase xi eter and icliaed num- te Teday 65 5411 10-$. 50.$ lin ro'sola Warmn Up Bort Simillio in fi Thie scveo dgit nomisrgivesy- a chancer o air 10 $50,000 or 5S0 SOO on PrIsf co LaooosDram6 n feetres ilton Pie yers revlew a' bpmno"bW.Tis-fU Csp byPlane Rta. TisaFiur IePiage, endtdfTcedltal tagcfeal iiusccsiCubFeis- RThe¶groupitoas nmtuly 40membermps. Avril Winecister. oneutef u nnsWmembani of Severab afStheMilimn Playans pritnentitd a short re- Sae Mittan Payers gave a short istory ofSahegronp. c iravledi Ogden Nasht, o hîgisy stylîzeti piece bas- tn April b979, 12 peope accouereda or opaper ad ie nti-i o icilclliclc-lili tii inilîag people intermîml îin lormîog a liltIheair tey canort - dacit aod praucecitroug thtie lib- group. Isitir iret play mue Goodiigitt. Mn. Pullfte, rary uf Maitic St. Scisoni, Sac Ptayern euiibited Saeir mici man forer n gbtsaiaflanoniy unit doua r- reneurculneeu, energy andnobvieustalant. Single paren7ts attend workshop' Bu gTis= e hall. Corinne Koilman of Milton (No. 45) bumpe the baldaiga girls' voleybafl match last weeic. Photo by Janet Rerecich. Students club staff by Janet Rerecicis in volleybaltection tat Tiesdey, Sait Miton Mmstang junur timm cienned cul our crou-tamn rivaie, Sae Drtry Spartace. Thesncores of tbe ganenmire 15-t, t5-5, 15-. Tbe gumon mire very ilom as Milton patl 1111e or noeftort inte ar victurien. Il as obvousu Iat tlu Drtry enm needed mre practice inSait baici of te gume, eurb astimping and volleying. liseir dafensit as bad and thier ofemsive game ase't mucb btter. As tor Milon, il mueî'l euectly Saiir het game othtiseitaeon. Titey piuyed a more aggreive game mten Sey iut la Quitan Eizaetti Park Sae toilnmwing Titarsdey. Thisn oeutitocked Sait juniors ouI of irt spot bu Sey are stil] top cuntenditre in tise playotti. Tise gante againsi QE. Park marin tbe last game ufthlie reguar seemen. ft as alsoSthe ait game forStheisenior team, ho pane atmo defeated on Thursday. Scones tor tise senior gumen manit 15-8, 15-9. 15-4. HOCKEYsOVER TOO Lat Monday, Sait Mustang ihockey teate hosted lueir final game ufthSe seao. Tbey pane defenled by QE. Park 5-2. Tisiir seao ended mitis a miimpr and nt iSa a bang, as iad been ecpocted. Miton as amot aiset 1 matre tise playotfs, bt tactd Sthetop tenms inte leaguit in Stheiast tep crucial gamnen. Tise coaci, Mr. Davis, te pienid itd il tise team'n accumptiismint and in- provitmenlanovaereyenr. He lu lonkteg inrmard ta set eaian n aeemilItbe "la gond nuleus" comiitg art set year. Our tmo guealsmire icnred by Eddie Guetun acf Vtece Deyi. TRIPLE B-RALL LOSS SAns heeboys' baîketballt imm onI tieir gamen te T.A. Bialetue iat mank. Tise seniors ent iSa oniy ilgit playae, tmo utfmiicis mire touied etaif te game. Tiis lat one cuit on Sait tench. Needias 10say Sey pae greatly difeatitd. Thescore ofthSai game Ferry Marin ai top niorer iSa 19 poicta. Jeft DeFreilai ised 12 pointe mhise Jett Lembe icered tor 10. Lac Plaler, a new member tle lina, ciippod in forthrSan points. Tiejunior leanm played e aigisgama bol man narromiy beat byea icore out M' 43. Tite midgets alto le nd hed lucore of Seir geme man 41-20. eTIIDEt4TSPREVAIL lThe Wayn and Meanueciubs isld tlier annuel staff-tdent broomisali and isockey gamen un Wednendey. Neadiec to ay, tlu itudeitu creamad the teactern lu bruembait 1-0. Tise guet mua urored isy Henter Keritu. Tise oijecl oithe Sac gele biclly lise saime as iocey. lthe only df- terence le Shat imd of sktates, ymu rns(or ry t1 nslon se Saesite iS ruitiing sies. Aitd imstead of hocey atilks you mse a ireem, and Sae pick iecomen a bal. Evaryene lua pacted tl tai I eaul once bal me (litdantu iad murs more co-trdluetintn utSe lencisere. Tise hockey game came to a feur-ati ie. Nom dont tlithlie ieiers, bt me cousldi'tput tbem lisiougis Imo toaei in ooe igitsl, we eted tor a ie. INTRAMIJRALS Starlitg lest eet and lastlng tor u couape ot ensinn-hme basaIt- hall. Sa fer te lamntebave ieen grant. Keep il ap! NOT MY FAULT Wel, iere me go againte mia amSar plae eo taise lis. OidtSin ime, i'n mI myftual. lTse tLeCtina!c dam,, tisaI pan ito e isld'lIut Friduy mâl cenretteti due la a iack of chaprnia and udvance ticktl sales. Studant ioneil basnsaidtheaire ml Pbc a dance lu lie sear future. Listeit fr dealls. LOOK OUT! Jut an advanced warnlng Stheluh annuel Band-A-Tison lu commeg up on tbe 21nI. Band memtem mlii Pc eiakng spnsors iis week. Thte musey relintd iii c used tor tend expoenacis as instruments, tripe etc. Ares Parents Witisnul Partners cisaptala mare repreaentte ae a PWP me" mmd mueis- sisnp et Moisawk Inn Feis 7 and a. Rip. Muait of lte Mtotn gceup atlandid te mekusnop sang mWti tive otberlocal macitieri lu dincuse temily and yeutis pamn. spubis- clt3 ansd administrion.- lise Milten gruup sali ds a aeu nmure memi- itm befure a churter cui ise= e are 25 meiair.quired tor Sain grmcp wmiin bague, tander tihe direction of Mml. MecBail lit tati, fer ilt tobeconme eachar- tered gpeep. Activitigu mitIin the grsssp bave been mail re- cived. Many amie ntar urgenized fteu tisld men lsmlading ibomling, pissa partisgammes deysisenmovien, accord- ininn laMm, MaeBil. Assyona misn la divurce, epareted, mldemîed or never mur- ried miss lue parent may joIe PWP, an urgan- saution wmiisisaime t, ai- ian single parent, toisalp Meetings are held te Haill t i p.m. lait Wednesfday of theiseTIe Fais. 25 meeting montls et Holy Raury mut teture a lawyer. Ontario THE PLANNING ACT AND THE PARKWAY BELT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMVENT ACT Town of Milton Take notice that application for ameodment toi the Parliway Belt Land Use Regualion Noý 481/73 in tpe Towno0f Milon Pas iteen receioed. Applcant Mid Tratalgar Deelomenta Fi-leNo t4(53) Proosai.Toconstructaone-toreyp Traelers servcetaci11tfoincudiou anattendaniuasanron 1,2 39 hectare parceliofland. Lott3. Conc, 8.NOS Ail sobmissions received in the Office of fhe mi nister otf-ousiog, c/o Communifp Plan- nîng Reviete Branch. 56 Wellesley Sf W, 8f5 floor, Toronfto, on or before the 4f O dap of MarcS, 1981 deal1ing wltO this requenfed ameodmeot iii be tullp coosîdered ibefons a final decision sa made. Under Section 32191 of Tpe Planning Acf. anp înferesfed person may reqfoeft a hearîoq Sp fhe Ontaro Municipal Board on an appli- cation for amendmont f0 fhe Provincial Land Use Regulation Cad ent Mniserolloesing i ..i I Ftemg ouCtenafoo .nMenu For Rosu affl Dnig s Cali eons stt 827-1010 0 a.Fi ELECTO PROCLAMATION 0ft.ih hall ppionar akd iake mnie ndl goen thmac o rdnglp li obedrenei îHi'Mai.l', wri f li-lndirei d bymiiith f urning offic n iah ltocraldistictfo ierfpo (f li-h persns orpi-c he i I t LeisiuIiiiw Aoîimbly jif Ontarioî, Public Nolti-c s iribyive ioin 'f hefclloîuing iiai fi lcliral district. AU. TM15SI4OWN ARE EASTER.N STANDARD UME Eftgîbfe electors (nofers). o fînlîzed on Saturday, March lth, missed during the curront door f0 1981. 7 p in door enumneration, who wish toI Subsequent applications for have Iheir names addod f0 fhe additions f0 the noters' finI mil ibe prelimînary volers' lîsI, must contact consîdered by the refurnîing officer teir returning offîcer and asis on on indîvîdual bas abouf the procedure before the lisf THE OFFICIAL NOMINAllON 0F CANDIDATES CLOSES In the Returning Off ice of eoch Eloctorol District Thursdoy, Morch 5th, 2 p.m. ADVANCE POLLS (Locoions to b. puilshod Iocolly of0 ootar dote) SATURDAY, Morch l4th MONDAY, Morch 16th VOTING HOURS 11 until ô p.m. ELECTION DAY, THURSDAY, MARCH l9th VOYING HOIJRS 8 o.m. until 7 p.m. At o lime lo be posted focslp, the thir offices, osing the OfOlo menfs officiel fabulation of resuits wil bit from each poflîng pace. made by the returninig officers, in GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Gînen te0dcr mp Oued. a Tomonto, Ontario RODERICK LEWIS, O.C. CIEEa LECTIONt OFFICEi imu

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