O eTcmad.Imn M ,It8Wod., Fab. 1.lMIt t's about time By DIblByer Dont lt lie titie fou! ycu. othat tlavwsis a ct a gripe.cota inabact Pltcaas. inally gtio ff vilir but tu salve aI leasi s001of aie c lobvia, pressing prcbeotc tiai isetots ail. Mlaa, tee jot abot givea cp hape that tlita phustoenoa slieva- surface inisy time, itit em omo. Itavisg gttua Ihat off aty chient, andt out ai lie vay, ltufs retsrinthlenais- jet ahaWd-tlsae. Oecaloatty, sithia tiis spacu, t have uxprenssit ssoniistosg bas that aduolatioin for lie sanchinesaoai pro gros. Yous mut sssnow kww tbat lie taocoprassising csasputers bave hems -sy pet peeve. Wtite ot setreatiosg frasa say uniter- vihetsalog stand sas thia isu, t1a aboiut ta praise a praitact aifsacdern teisaatagy, atiteit tircsgh ceussheit teeth. A surprise gi frasa Santa ta Rheua, Chisasaco pasi, ws a quartz, Lichen seal-clach. lis riond, white face pre- senti botit, btack asotiero ad sarpty defineit banda. HeSl, yot can toi th4e tilefotethall asalte away. Andithlai's usaitar siarters. Titis asaailag iloeliece a posered biy a sisnge, ssaal atiery. Moreover, au lie red seoni-liicatar clicks arassd, da- ing lia hiiag, liere la a pleasaci, reassurso sainit. u sat tihlaipro- dut!u iy an ld-fanitined, wnisp clock. Tbis can ha vaidateit. Close by, as lie vall ai lie fronst hall, is un antiquse, granditali clac. Wben il deciden in sesrk, it tic-bicsain uslaaa m40lia up siart relative insthe litcleat. Wisen yens luiS about it, poably ta suber davice crustuit by Mans bas hadl sa apraieuasiinfluence spooî 1f e style as lie sechaical cantrivance liat, mtoreaorleu, accuratulysassren uioe. The way aur scieiy bas evolveit, vevisaitdiecasapletely lnat witaut it. At Uieotu, casase, aur obseusiot villiexarttdbaditaraliar ldloa.Ws tend te accept liat Bli e actaely par- titioteit cIl ita boars, hal-isasrs unit qularte SaursAnd i ecic ta ice, ihie cniiioahas beyns eeureiy set.Oirst y radia, and tisot teleelsian. Nahaity, for instance, ee a )»ausan a-.iani1s for, say, iselvu slmi n puat aisse oclooh n hle sornst Yeu wvosdi' daral RadioanassT V asovorba are rulias cloc-vi.tdm. 1 Iwlah 1 had a dilua fo- uves7 tins. I have us b.ahst-sdsiu by un tateatiaghIterview, on an ssaprtant taplc, wvielb via dansadinh salitastresa isy lie atatas-br"a. UMt proiucilaaua-ea-prepackagad, PUa analier way te predatersaineu has saucb, or hav ittleinforsaationviegSat Thuisottom usa shalviys tlsau. Anciont saunas clurSvas inthle ssy, undith ali soansu.Yeumslt admoita moare isaprensiverefe-esethan vsusue taitay. Bu isitse, 1 a tlt, ta rreva-sible. An inexorable passage, as posta have puit. Mayie eya-rraJt. Wlal I cani sean toela sy lboad acon asist at, for aU o usailerIe oly son sany tthousnàlitoit. Our timse spothle stage, os hi apuak, ta limsateit. Assi, vihen 10 coocenicasen t lie nbrt onus,vihat vie do 0440 our porsotsi Ce. tion, lterSy wa i 1e itanailabout. Use IL Wate IL Atr aS i, hea t hijudj viiain rght? It linS that oau ai lie mothurtisit puidawsa eSorry. 1 ittat have tlu tiloe.'1 Meanvihile, people oait for phonse calea nithle buSl neer rn. Tbey yearn for letin that never arrive. 'lie-lt wvighs heavly uo t lo anit a a franlin, fluetiag feomber hi lie young. For to, hile ssehiitg 1can neyer get esough of. Badtgrasaoar5 Yen. Ievon havetidm for tias. Trial date is flot set Ne. trial date bas been viesnfiauad Jau. 25 Ia a Wessftvirth Detontin set fr twe. amaten mnesKlbride teMd. centre nalttg a triai charged wvu sesond Ande, Ciartes date. degree murder ia ceu a- ster. 20. asd Wayne iThe pair appeard la meedm n vilthtie death ai Barrlck ' 36, have been prsvlnelal court yeter- a 25-yesroWd lamnton refusait bil and are nona day but viere remuande man hose Ifrosen body Ieustady t Hamiltan- InC55tiiy.- ANGLICAN CHURCH MILTON GOSPEL HIGHWAY GOSPEL 0F CANADA HALL CHURCH GRACECHURCH MO OntaioS. N. PenteaaassalAaasecsis 317Man i. 2ll 2, OfCnna 311MoiOs. ~ Cieaiios athèed CnofalWkefield Sunday. Pub. 22/81 In The NaeOf Tisa ndario SeSs. Sexugesma Lod JsteiCist 5 Passe: ov.0M. Ciss5sta5o Sunday. Pub. 22/81 M054100 &W 0 os. -Hle Cemme- 1:0.ot., Oskcg Beud Sunitay, Pub. 22/81 ie 114 a.s -Sndsy School 9OHOs se -SavdytSaai 9:5we. - HayEcaissv 7Wpm. GspelStevce 11:îlot.M.-Maeceng tee, 1030 a.s.- Maties Wadneaday altos 930 s. Sanior Cucais :00otp-s- Payes and Bible Abs Cisidsea sChcai Scisicci Oadlicg 8:W ...o-Faoy Proyer 1030 s,.Jato, r Cisas AIsaWelcocaa :Otet. -EenicleWasdaap Saici lTasss.Se-cmus On WednaasyoM Wisa shi is profi s moc, if 59otWs..-Lae Pssys Thureoday ha gainte isa uais ucld aed Mascea 1000 os. -liche Com- m ie oso ai!Mak a:36 Fiitay ninTHE 73Dp.m. -Fete igle PRESBVIERIAN Cscsade far Yaccg Pole ST. JOHN'S CHURCH IN CANADA 7 -i14yeasa Nasagasaya lOcaleS Lie, KNOX, MILTON N. of 401) 170 Main S.E.,87-Utt ST. PAULS Os. TseecsJ. Lewis 0F THE UNITED Saeday, Feb. 22/81 Miite, CHURCH 0F CANADA 5.30e, IcyCcevîice Ogaaiic Chais Dinstas MainSet iJamesoSi. 9:30»...Hoa ci Mso. l. Bi.S 5101 Thsa Ro. E.T. Jack Bostch Churh Scool Sueday. Fb. 22/81 S.GOGS 945 sic- Seesas Chosci Sunday, Pnb. 22/81 ST. GERGE'S Sahooa Lanaila IGusels Liveancd 10ot0a.e,-Adut Bila 94a.e,. Fsesiyorsdsp De"syRd.) Sscdy. 1100 a.e. - Then:Govvng 1t,1:W.&.. Mmiîg Pssya 1100..-Junc cior& ner y FCoc. SasermnBE Oi Nsrseand Cisasci s cal sediaShlais. Cttos A CabrhatluS of Oea Csarls g" :0a.îlt ic Mcsvvg oan . Ros, siip ll.ota.,e.-.ChascisSciscal 7W pi. Cicicnicants Aiotalcomcs TRINITV AduoSuSproed Nua-ey NsoePalin BAPTIST CHURCH EMAU ELcm BOSTON andt OMAGH 4272 Appiehe Ueo EMNE PRESBYTERIAN Ro. W. E. Paye. BAPTIST CHURCH CHURCHES 25 Cmerecal St. Ow. LaeeyA. Welch Sueday. Pub. 22/81 Pass s.JO siotae MO3181 M:5c._ ie ho o Sueday, Pub. 22/81 Sueday, Pub. 22/81 1 a:00 a. Sec m sdAdoSBAhCloses BOSTON thelotBookof Samel i 10 .53se. -Asaibly 3,d La, HaltossHl5R 7:0 pm.- ýin wrsipWcolip . SemncaBe O.P 930am.c-ChuoseS Bosoa Service. n Epoeic Wof the Ke Cmpelsc and Diine Waorhip luot pid oflafahesTha..Il- ,70 ..-EeigPa osat n ible,1.Stade OMAGH No. 2 "TheBhlisai tiea SemnceDise Helgc. OieasislRd. Wel CIlimyOrD. J.R. Arstronag 1îlot &s. - C5sosalsSahl ai a-'Tuesday and DivineaWoralslp 940 se,. -Coicsa Houanod Tuuuday Bibis Slody CHURCH 0F CHRIST 700 p.. - Tinfty Boys E Weitnuoday 41,s55tad.Ws Giss Dis700 pic.-Faly Nht s bMiner Bron.,Co saisd y is Aotiviso r ofsAilIII Wdaay Nsrsepoided et al Son- 746 ps. -Povo, Mo.dssg day Services 0nd Tussduy Bible Study momicg. SurdeyPu. 22/81 MILTON lu . . -BibleSaciso EPIPHANY BAPITIST CHUCH osfor onAga LUTHERAN Poa- :KoelvnF. Mottos de lth osa '&. Maew, CHRH Sunitay. Pub. 22/81 e,. TisanesaPsoaher Saviay Melssgr 88-M 10:00oe..- Sunotstd5y orshlp endJasdasClsaeasWsdnesdoy mo icuso W oil c70 a.. Vmiuseand NSWu in '11%as tadsaeu A». 1Wo ddp Wndssssdy lmniso poqst# emeiam. - ChOC. 1lmt 7p.u. -gMbeb* 12spo. .- CN, sMt C0 flmB for Musera .- i oOLI issanlos ha lo M - sonips offBrices ea Nm réo l- tee Bi the rmomm COnuà* al 5a lie las aeaisa ao iusattn ia1 m= gl a r* Andy ~ mss «b-ten $=Prc tspra adtselri mit, Loesce Tise istue otîfarote it h ae a"iayic Ouia Iapueaiae fr abukv. oilg eIario, iapr & ssla. 1 mce y-da tp S Mtsi à ac ed Pserc, d aeu-via- a yer re r te that lsite a n ot.subI le quesons riom custm arrias a nnn 'Complet. Une of Ctnadlai Fine fliture' WATCH FOR UiS MARCII 9. 1981 Leathertown Village Acton ANNOIN LJGHTS ANDNEMETOLULIHT. THE NEW MILDNESS. Wrning: I-eath andi Wlare Canuda advisthut danger toahlhincreisswth amounteumked- uvald lnhuiing. 5 mg. "tir' 0.4 mg. nicotine. . ..............