Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Feb 1981, p. 11

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T il o Was that a bld? Auctioneor Don Burd waves bis stick and cajoles the buyers at a Wilson's auction last week. A team of suctioneors works the sales at Wilson's. Auction foyer. Theres lots of high-priced bidding going on several times a year at Wison's Industrial Auctioneers-LUI. in Milton, when the professional auction firm holda ono-day or two-day sales of transport and construction machinery. Buyers fi the bleachers in an enclosed drive-through area at the rear of the Market Dr. building, as vehicles offered for sale are driven past for review and bidding. A large sale was held las) week, laating two days. Perspective THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18,19g81 THIRD SECTION - Inspection. A ptential buyer clambers aIl over a backltae offered for sole at Wilsn's auction yard in Mtlton. One of the backhoes oye slw Wllon's arbatDr. actioncontr isa usy paoe won anauctin te n proresa rucksand cnstrucion fcorn$44rin000eai ildastldfor $4,iliO ut as) wek s uctio ba g t bssbnebus ess wentth s eyeview Wil 's MrketDr. uctio cenre i a bsy pace hen a aucion s inprogess.IY ýk andconsructon mchinrauctioneerue]djrailsctioutr cl whaut arnt mI1 idd Auction draws crowds to WiIs-oný's Wison tise suelioneer aSoauncea "Ive sold ib' ai move ial, and ibrougisîinalmot 1. mllon Wllao's fliail Auti-nees Lt--feis.fs1e. n A teais of ive auctioneero anried ithe sale, aided Mltn, he item cornedroa 0gasîogine iy sales saff Who kepttrak ofiids andiidrs and 100a quarter million dollar piece oliseavy consruetion baeised Sp by a retisse of drivers, lielpers and office eqslpment. worisers. At ies iliere wero lys auciiona goisg Wlss's, isaowns semas Canada, USA and varios siinaltanemaly - large equipesent in the yard sr tise paria oflthe world as an equlpmest auctios ces- drive-iisosis asclios forum, saler godsijoan i- trscor, annually iandies M tla $30million la sales. dose saleesoi. Aucioas ar eld eveijasix aeelaaiathlie Milton iead- Ernie S. Wilson, President of Wilon's, la lise driv- qsarters, i addition la speelal sales sertes Eastern ing fsrce ieiind tise cosspasy wiih came la Milton Canada and USA wenever and w isrvereeay intise early 151. lise average sale torn over $1.5 la 01.8 million Hoeiad estabslised thse iresin offices on Egllaton Warttsof oned tranportation or contruction equip- Ave. E., Toronto, la 1907 but esved lnas two-acre site mont, and tise companys record sale wan o 13.0 in Msisauga la 1970 anstise csmpany ran ot of million bisckisoteriseld in Misisonuga lest year. space. Grosetitaas pienomonal, ise sald, an Wilsn's Wilson's surlies tories, locsted Stion0 Markt Dr. son iecame estabisised an tise somier one asction (snt tuoCanadian Tire) la Milton, is a yesr-rond isul contractsr in este-n Canada. of actlv'ty isutlie action reacises a peais every ix Newe and larger premlaes were so needed on ie weeiss ane a ose-day or Nso-day auciles lares an cisose Hilton and esiaislised Wilon's on a 1-acre averge of 1700and as many asn3,00isayesto tesiato a quarter ofs mile fren tise intersection of site. Higisasys 401 and 25. Tise alto la idesI ise said, Wedanday and Tisursday of lest aeoi, Wilnn's beeauae Toronto la mot 40 minutes aaay and thse air- alaged a sale of usd tramsport and contrction port lasa scant 20minutes downiise rad. ospspmest for Tianes Valley Industries Ltd., along Ho eslaisllised offices, doens-sp sopa, an ladone witi sneyerai Ontario contractors Wiso conigised sales arena, as indoor oiservation forons totailise additlonal eqiponent. 380square feet, and a onique "drive-tiscugis" Tise sale toialed 1400 lott, t tuais tansfull days te, forumfor mobieeqipmen, cars and trucs Tise grave) yard ras poris isndreda of pieces Mf equipesent, and parkisg la provldod for 1,000 coco. A food cessuion is operated isy H and 5S Catering (Sossie Hays and Peter Itesonant of Hilton, on bld- dors dnteavesniave la Icone tieproperty to est. Wilson's expanded lato tise boisnig US mariset la 155, aitis tise es B tÀâWisonn"a Auction Interoational r. isdlcate tise Americans' sef5,despite daminat ton fins. inns are located la r, Calgary, Freder- eqipmmnt. lis sy.lie lias csnducted aur rvnc n tise Yukon as aeit as or ni ) States. EartY aactisns aere isld on vacant fields, atos onder tryisg circunsatasces and istesentesanatiser. Mr. Wilson dreansed of l-ivtg tise ideat auetas lbuild- ing for nany years andwane siesscs liosmeti,lie got is chniace t cossliuct one. Advertisisg manager lid lRates n is p) lusy traf- ting ada, catalogues ond irochures advertisisg fature sales. Tisecompanys advertisisg is aimed t 1aa dience of 20 million readers, lie said. and isclades cal- or brocliures maied aut tw oies iefore ecrissale plan national advertisisg in major daity and weeisly papers and trade magazins. Ose large roornsin tise Miltos head office is taises up isy tise maiing equipmest and tise mail lis(i bIaIs 150,000. Customers are rategorized inito tise croas industries (sucis as rcmnstrtion, transport. moto)- warliing, woodwarising, plumbC gasti ietisgý, tises isy~ ~ ~ ~~ _ poicasilysaswich allows a selective m a 0ig .n ont salestise mail tas) totals 40,000 to 70000 catalogaes, Mc. Rates said. About 20 per cest of Wilson's bayer essne (rom foreigs lands. People iave corme ramas for oway as Veneeltatisay esisipont at (lie Miltas aactioas eoptoiseti Me. BateS. tf the cotractar needs a piece af macliuoery os anad fores a tbree-year scos far a ae ns, ts ta bas aticostage ta boy a aseti ance t the onction asd bave il availabte ammetiatety, be ration aied. lSpecialized services fse tise (os) oed ecasamiao redistribution nofiigt-cont capialoteqatpmnet'is base Eroie Wilsn sums up hssempany' gal. Conras taopinion, iseay equipmest ourtbos are rarely tiseresuit af ((sooctal tistresa ar boskruptcy, but mare sItes tise resu)) a) gond businss practcs as the portof tise craotors, ise poantetiot. A contracter moy seeli ta dispose of is assets anti gel rosis tac retrement, be may finsasisoactasd set) off ealipmest tea oic'at arryisg nchorgesanast tiepreciattas, religsmest ai ecipmest moy be secesaary iecoone af ehisogscatrart patterns, or o rampasy may tind it sececcary ta aptiate ita equtp- ment anstcs fro rm tise asetias ta pureisose negonds. Me. Wisn scpraadaof thespeed with wcan oauc- tienseosiseisanatteti Tota icevtaey can be dcposeti of sn ose or two atoys, saîti as lttIle as toue eis satireie poated out. Ttsshorttlead tamemeons qutis rosis fWilsnss attempts ta pot ail canscgnors wîiti 4days of thesatea asd caves finance charges onsitile eqaipsent, aise depreeiaalîaacasts Hic staff. sombertsg 40, nctades an entbosiastic. peotesvsiot lgeup of cotes and marketing peaple abs are aisaesperts in approtcals - bteis ensuresaa protittable sole tor tise consignar t-issgoalt s ta became tise best (oat neeasaraly tise iiggmst) instriaea ctaas campaay is Canado, andl bes contiag an bas Mltonaastian (arase ta betp hisi acieve tisot goal Story and photos by Roy Downs Inalde sale. While the big vehicles and ont are belng Mod outaide on the lot or in Cameron, Atlantic Prvne epre- thedrle-trouh res autioees ae dng p p~ca o smfle iemsinade hesentative for Wilson's Auctioneers, gves a -You can afford It. Sales oaagr Calvin McCoy (rlght) tries to convince a couple of auctionhall. Ernie Wilson, Presiclont, la the auctioneer. buyer ahand when thebidding gets brsk. buyors togosanother $Woon a dump truck. They dsdbuy it, by the way. aàià - I. ---

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