Hom*promnlsd nIetqr eply. te cut voted an Wedsnesdiay ta again raqanst a meeting vitis Mr. NartnnasDec. bau bago btwm thsa twoads.avathebonse' obsarvatimaad detentlin anhoe voisin omed t% y-srNPeanld boa beauitIesa qperata somt pear Ma hWH toeta ta April viSma De cm.e fa"atyear an di f they das't gmt about *aia oc (Ocet. sil, ts es mauliy and social sec- tbtakting abouti oyisg sff staff vitisant psy for ose weeb ai Cristmas ta save mosey. Miaisait Rani, Direotar aIofsidresa servicas for Dhe Mtatairy'a lesibveest " àesaa bwaN :ni h ,olua total womo M Nfor Ibis yen. "We'ra aytg tisea bave tal," hoa d. Bot Mr. Applato.saldi Dhe mtatairy lt a ris Dhe $»M oldy if U cistdiratantata la closetDe homesa i Apmi. if the home la b.,t spe, tDe - vO Mr. AqudetS sua A trasseropfna Sept. Narton ban pramtaed ta give a "dntailed reply' ta directars of a travia- clalyflsnad isvenll Meitonl homei ta Ma whs bave q W eginst bugt- ut o I.a lalia sent ta lie boart et dkicrecs ni Iho Usanidan Yoslb lie lbisa vagi, Mr. Nrtan lteset bmOct. Il taon lsanote bo- Prsaldn wMn Aplstou. uho tala the "m ter mattrr yeuwtasmedlaie attenttisn and Immedite la bis s'epy, tie camman4l amd soctal servi« esier mada n reorece ta a requesi Parade pîctures poor De edila, I Uit a e D poaplrcarge vanuealy vais. J..vadoa, 4ie waurdAve. Durmir.poaahrcvrg iMl disappataiog. Masy commosity Smpbad ais vts=iestagrtofi iane and efoto eauntries, ioveanysi nepr dld nie ft ata d Plam. ake este for s ea - sbosdwe ba foriomal emtiloohavas parade. peaiyaad=ga Dur Sir, Where eanyosir aesaaslr a pectve potiograpsy CEa omsl eeat vbls>b mme nmaris taeh ciidrenofaiMtos? NaisoanI'1tradar latDe Sent Casa Parade ubici, dma latDe bard wank ni Dfe oraniseai, vanaidel toise place. 1 do imoe, tDec regarde my ova fanil>, vaeeail van>' dlappsbttd star blokhg tisoogisyour sauspaper lest Waeaday, becamose vaad an- ~a temsâme photogap h e Yeur Za W glesve Co sidanabte covecage os Dbe probleme DetbeatDeagantano, isst s commidale nd *mde e phll avaref ai Sea. Mowever, tSeaewai a disinct " of 5 Improving ain St. Dean imisit. vms wldmed egisi yosrs ado? vaapic.uh e ea ta aratait Il vasatn sts gpvilo" It Umm h tUba, m ba bDe op mre,=Mrt,,l sssivndut n"tY a~a an russetniipas ai dSem, lat Ibe end resit wva ovait coterrusi consteruction os improemeat. Main Si. t laitDe tisse ia cosse for S=csdyprlg o lkier sommestelspa intfaversifwhattasbe- agn ts dfidte tulPark os main ig dm e aour dovilaus serties. St. 5v, ofcoours.I t sie araeiare ho De bthe er atsplaint secnU isit ciMasi offb' akans. But vism lita be heha mnoevein aou dosv tl me osly six parking Dhe ronsatrsuclios. Lai me pint oui Mhat pacs>la ttea bad? Tisaeare iid e u tna& g o a sta ai plces lapari s off aMals toedoustowi ccie allSt-al 1 emver>' leirly marbed. ho esrdTsvri te>'Y bain Hov many limes cas ase goa laDe Mai impffeDe bsaa . 1acio am meand parirgbt b>'tDe stare Seey vont ta, Deat otisan laves (suas a avilies go ta? biaisectieilon) dont iprng tp avec' la cleslag, 1 vould De to ayothSat 1 siait. Tisae.change ara sacasar>, applauidtDe DBSA aid al Uearst am MW ylinavD te tpg e en-ot ais' ihifor tDe rMd "s i CMt S tcs a ueslaelaspe Inplali- aremi"sltherlimove and 1hope tWsi doustavs. tDe rut tn ussresidala isupport Nov 1Isait, bau are Mass changsue ton ta Sieitmdoavens. stippoed tlaboheed viSeut a MOte Rememban, Seey ara dotg ita inrcse bitnifisnoveseice onosir part? Aflan lt marsaappealllng te h ppns" al, it la only tampoar>'. l'il b hé De rsi tjosiist e'ra tr i.D la admit tDt ls a pal is Dbe naristta vndsvi. auaio dnveand paris duntaun, bsut ta b>' nYoursisrrely, misse g= 0 lalait braver. David Carlton, lObai mSe apeope Say>' uea Woodward Ave., Monla Market was succeQs Ta Dh eplpe ci Milton: Oieaif aihe Mitaoshan ni o Commance asdtDe tarmrs Marketi vaudors, ve ssaid 1M ta exprésa u Seinha for ymu itipori ni Ibe Milton P'armers Markset danlng Dhe tom-s Tiaibata ta s spponi. Dhe Market asja5od ia mut îsfuhdyenoint is lios. We bai farard la yu rasninsssd supportintaMtan Ymun truly, MIerwBoavan, Csairmifnarmasmarist, Mlaon amber of Conmne. CM Zý à= MmWâs lbwl&n mW tbe hme's .w L- . --a- -" Otaries Caudie, Dhe mlnlsla'y's prsgsam supervisor af observation and detestian bomes in tiesut matset cegian ras as follsws: "A year ega Apil, tisae as tbree oh, servalios anddMetiton litmos, sou tisraeaie 10, mmes11,intDe sotisvest rego. I vu igva"X' amosut af dollars ta do Dhe hole tbtagf thae wu osly fiveseraion and detastlon homos for Dhe same mass>', va woold bavea O 2aOlt>' servce," Mr.Cadle "M. "Wllbn helnue sewf clmues (of lovasSe deteatios homes) ultiin Dte soutis veat r~on est iseasae De e st gvig a good sanvice, v jat-dont bave tDe ms"," ho sald. Tise tws homes Mc.J Cosidie Mrarait la are maisryrnmobservation and detion castres ta Amhecstbswg ai Rugesuvilla, widch arei slated la come ta Marris Uke Dhe Siekida home ta matons, they1 basdle tipis 10 juvesutea foc shbat panlodisofniime1 util il"yvaedeait vilS ta Dhe coura or reiarnedl ta Ibm familles. ta anstisan part onitDe Se*t 28 Irasacrlpt, Shridan acctiva direrlor Johan xtld Mr. Casidie llosestty, mesey wv o vsd gai Mc. Coolie repliai! "No, tDere are aiher nu&dotiai are mare important. Taising animais bave boas clesedl ton fait. Tisane la avec- crewdlng and imsufficlant staff.", (Tiree sinlisry traintag ochanla ta Llndsay, Sovssanvilte oaid Alfred bave ieen cloaed ItatDe lait tva yesrs, eavlng lOve asanol till ta opecatios Sherrin oardVice- Presidont tas lactsosa Ibes asied Mr. Caudie, maney la sertira rar (traintag sirise? ta ibls soi castradlctlng wboi Dhe mtaltry set sut ta do?" "Do you tataS tae Politictans downtavn are gotaglta admit Dhey mode a mistaie?" Mr. Casdle "amsimply usayng the maney te seeded eloevisore," ta sald. At ans poitldurlng the meettag, Mr. Caudie remarised tiat the $00.100 annual vage pald ta tralned cblld tar varsnstaiShianwuva ".van>' sig". Hornby ouchre winners a' m"s. CaecnlPîtrson Tiheveebty ouchre wsa held at Harsiy Centre as Saisrday evenlng, Navmban 22 viSe ta tables ta play. Wtasneswere Mmr. Dorsts>'Dunslars J.C Cnngam., ESet Mar- ate Bla arnard, Harvy Dons Vbhrislina Roberton. Parents without Partners reporb ts g>anization growing Tise efforts af parents chlidre la sut meada- clsde bolS adulteansd vibhosi Partaan tS7li. cilidren in recreallanal organizans 0v Macel PWP ailmmemmbers snd edscatlasal vains. and Anse Siadmas bave loashamte e perlpe Tihe nextgeseral meet- sphd nilviS tga e 'r» ilams tof nalaig c=idan g vii ho at Haiy Ras' spse rm erm- alose. Titrh e MU. or>'Chue a lt, 1 maunit>'. lan cimpter prograins MailaSt. ati ep.m. Mur. Maceil, pro tam viii h arrssged la ta' Wedomsday, Nov. 26. pou bistaJ.M. Denyes SchoolNews mer h e- Tise utale Desyes Association, partlyisy Ibe la 20 b>'tSee esd of ptaanci. ai Dhe Ibe rosi iy fand-raisiag Navember. Aexander Tihetre tan evanl, especial>'tDe Tihe PWP orgasisation Toronto, ons Tisrsdoy sale ni Chisltimas caban. inaopealsyonseviatasa Dec. 4. Tise citdres bave parent aad natllvsrced, Tise cnet lte ielg vorked bard gotag frsm vldavad or neyer moer- cavered g:rtly b>' See danr ta door wlta Ibe rled aid coslady ai heDe ayes alicattan cakes. I The CanadienChampion, Wad.,Nov. 26, iM 5ý Manor - union team to study evacuations Ajont Hato Maor maagrnet-unon menb team to mvto aregularbasisto deaiwth isues bas bees approveil by Hattos Regional Coancil. Cosecil also anta tise comsmttee tise "instituted au $asnsas posibleso0 tat it can wrk on emergescy and fire drill procedures. ise ideaof a team wassauggested by thse Heatisand Social Services Comsittee follawing a visit isy tihe anise basinsss manager Vince Mchlanus, ativisicis limle be apelled out soume cancerma regarding emergency prsctices at NalttasCestasmial Manar. Wiile il vas reparted tisat significasi strides bad iseen as tise supply of mare foad, adeqoate isedding, and ssoilary cnndition, thse prablema aof 1mw ta organite action in case af a tire or emergency in otili bietg wrked out. M5r. McManus aid anion memisers caald proaily provide valuanise inpust and tiis was accepted biy committee. Now You Cen Get a ticket TODAVI *Many money saving apecials aeiloyed ln our store orsâ pn t a m ' A SMALL DRIVE FORBIG6 SAWVNGS" Mh WtIl OAK PLAZA open 878-3230 MLTON 7ODays A We-k 'MMAE ON THEMOVE"p AS OF DECUMER 187 OUR NEW LOCATION WILI. SE 107 MARTIN ST., MILTON W. WIII Continue To Provide Competitive Rates, Prompt. FrIendly Service end Cereful Attention To AH Your Insurance Needa DIV. OF WEST INSURANCE LTD. Caei Fron Biîne 878-1618 "QUOTA 770AISwmNoOaLIM7TONA9- 1 -r I SUANCE 1 Ar- ---% liàLaantam 0 Fire poster winneim TroWes owont to the»o four YouWmr for thoir fire provontion wook oafety Postr. From left to right thoy are; Mark Griffin, il; Kriati Loveo 10 Hoathor Trollopo, 10 and Chris Gorman, 10. Preaonflng tho trophios waa Milton &i.;;e Harold Ponson. Mark and Kriati toc is t placeoin tho boys' and girla' clan roapoctvely.