dump- decision comling b Christmas' Parrott says Ny Jlm Rabsmon terence on waste refuse The Champion han eparation Frilay, Ont- leacni a incision on ario Envuonment Min- whcb provlacal og.- iter Dr. HamryParrott nosiwM lb.nsud in a nai bo wmuid b.an- UtUd.is Uota as sfoh wbobr an A diMP MU vo heMMis RvbnssonOlAaan.- by Oulotss. M" ont *0* wul~or PretOnu mlag haa à thnany sn h. BalO-t a- Rgodd cs-EnvkoreminOs Prote- 710 bmglw oin hY a Tbeogt wuaa sberOud hy ut OoNueul =selgtanaicmcaon yooaiâge when Eewip ~~iete oa 'lnalownrPin.ansornbefare =8*d "qàw= . Joh .Inhe moostlmo, aieon Raglan Os ww at wIn anf mi .1auwaitOng a iodiOns y Environ- 1- - orn _ bapooi asMu sOmOor Dr. iHam yParrott on 0-9I. O t bs adninwthlaglalailnad tmi W2nOnmsa sraaOB in vi il ie. bnovi*onstngm sacresat tend lIÈrP M» IUI.5-O.OWOI d atT usani lbtasj da&, lion se Sitea . asUSMOIr galndOtlsite. aaOaOnbe miO*ote 80Zlshnanlg mhahvi ta=oeOct. V".saIfoit~ou lbogodl"»a. lN MW .,bnMM=.TwnnMlOwas bSaccéot i sookhsg an Wineon, talon Art EPA> or h, Enviconmentat Ases- ument Art (EAA). "The wrat vay la duap jtir.ae nla y Isooce," h. sai. Dr. Porrott sai e bas rnvnid @orne Mof h. dateasont te hlm un h qpst o h h n viil b uni vben the2ton nmeeofailand at Tre- mains and Bilannia lOdsn la tcusuai on Hal- ton Raglan's nami laaif site. Thse baarng vasla have stared Oct. 15 uslag the ruens aiof te EPA, bot this w va ccesataly blocW wntO h ia court injunctlo hy tihs Taonao Milon a«king hat h h.arlng pracesi o-der thse EAA. Thse EPA, undevhlch h Ragoan bas tepared las cas, dialsouly wivlh h partinilar site.ani lis envlronimantal qoalittea; th. EAA, a nnvoe pince uf lagllatioand thonme Milton donlean, cavera the estire regloand iail lupacs--socla, ncan- omit uni ravirocanentat. Dr. Purrott sai 4-at, ahouli he hearlng pra- ceai sane thEAA, it vii bhes. irat ime il hbaun usadi n regards la a garbage dans. Mn diiisay tat in stasilssme ai he informaton ladate, hi bas notei Iliat Site F, as ohn Millon sti La bnon, centaime a namber of "unique fealares" 1in re- garda la hiinclalsa. Ma sai Site F bas "benain roem sealong, and here are n aler dumpasites in onlaela ,in a penning aate' Mae sai that il vas thwdeore necesaary tor hlm la makn a incision wuo. Foilsng bmIllas succealla Ijuscton, a upresa. Court of Oat- aria Justice rotai that Mr. Pacrott o ndi bave la maIs. th inclalsa ai vhthsr thn EPA er EAA la usai andiOhO. vaslaaer uphld hy thrnn jialcS inaonapp"ofothn Oct. 1à inci.ion by aIsan Raglan. Dr. Parrot mt a Nov. 3 deadile for writtn ouhmissioscregarding oh acta ta h. sen tol hlm niand canfirenih accepedn verbal mli- At presoait hi staffle gaing ovar Umoe nuli- mssons and the staff vill thann eaditing ithe Midinte on nhlch cousee of actionsa huli b tllaned. Ma sai h ndaht chaonOth. laglalation but he wmi nt Intedibti la escumbnr ohn Envirosnaental Amuain mant Boarditreeshnarlng evidance Il mlgt ant la boer. Thnretorn D. Parrott mlght pick tne EPA but the board candi, ai 11. chOice, open op 4-n lat- itude la oerothen in. formatian nnch as 4-n carrent alate of oxogeu in an application forea new inmp i Burlington. TlasTawnsof MIlln and lanyer Fred Lilah are atea bnownahn Muauster incine hneag vili praenid unier 4-e EPA. rn-I One fast pet An animal iipetingzoow,snthe Milton Mail wound up Monday after a aucceasfoal vei. Juat before teLaaws moved out of tihe mail, Bruce Leigli of Joyce Blvd. and hia two-year-old on Jeffrey atopped off for one asat pet. dke otinai sau QSevn teConTI rnmp unar VOLUNOZiB-NUMBER 28 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMiiER 19, t99e 34 PAGES- 25 CENTS Hope Mr. Claus isn 't jealo us« «isCI*da 191koenqu uor ae e ii i. 2-yar-old Lav, Qe, native wil culminate her mOS~ernme cfbroeyaeg aac-aa eg ae etya he h wlI again return tO 01t ontfhe 90Mlo at l aae art otSeaf r wnekend. Planing consultants promnise imnprovemen repoIrtI wth . giyj mOiao em r' l TbCosaltisg tom hape inact as acatalystminthe caveai WOe O. onIo fiuaos mpnvaastArastansatr" do o -tpavaeo Ohraughout Th. platnera will "s ai main st. rivlalsai projoat -Mi$oorb(aoplton, mllaacrn ot hpahcasprOate sectars ms romisopn plaamauIoi "Mer Lya aid VOti Tiavor Mr. Lyoanal of Oh. repart, 'OUas a gond stat t Party awsnrs am meti aottmmososmai m bage.taeia waaii bnamintmknifitstps there ts.ohmal tinsma em febihoaw. Is tu n stop1 he praoco ni mte Oh.eaast Cepn.Uvs inte-s tb=@rou.ipIOacMcn maasOO ity aitoa MPlO IOcal teelingsa la t menstaimlatteace i5hIoi iiWiamvefsOsyaPMh aor thefe fruaj!=of thin. MilOmis blmjiway entrm anlilOoo Clvie 34Wor gno- b nsa abo basaio braon dan itl fOve suolm wtt ha mmi he mari momilo. O Oh. tansa iVmPow lb. lin t lia the toa mai heats10Oh anatmimofttu,' oO m1.iUla*evAnaacOmleopaplu te «Utai boa o Mach gol 8bMami O the~ busi- cm a9 thib =odl Authority mnoves money to clear up 1979 deficit It tok one budget thnge and funancial aurepîtsea=eatthsedeficit. manoeuv rnbi atnRgon Conservation Svrlpoeta idn ga new entranceton to t yhardce a 1979 budget deficit of $234,000 Mountaberg and an lnpovdlook-out point for tojoa o e oooRattlenake Point have been delaye ener0f th !ubrtyaeeuiv omtee amnafo btstepoince and area woeepreentd wt rt Tburaday evening muncpltea fror Authntty rpeta have now been ouinn ugtcuta and mieamurea taken to apply collected and put againat tihe ebt. T r icofdlvesa ltt rn awng fronm aperatona nf consservation $tl14aforrepirata the o.Minity tNaturat urean. Moria -We dgeoi C- Resources. A property tan refond bannet and ^22far.the The Authnrity alsoandaiperinn upu Hager-MuarnChannel. plans 1. rut hacli on poety saes il also gn Ib grave Channel aivertiaing, phtography towaris theedeficit. Egneng prajeet and other elati x" Muay Sephen, rustine $1ase00han a penses in thae daily 9ceertmanagle manger of tise Authnrity, sai he didot bOom. h. i g audiiag ires of char- M ito n votin tered accoua tacts Cheney, Glenn and 'a Graydon for h. deticit count 'offiUcia hafthe rcdes The uoffiial Mltonmunicpalb. Th a19a9audit vus do. The nattclalMilOn mu icia noig lally in nov la Fehruury, van delayd official uni here la anly ane chaage fenes h. resulto ontil Jane, uni flnally prlnted in The Champin lanOvweeli. delivered in Octoher. Th, change la in the "n" votes on h. Mitton Enecutive meeshers rh ngialtolum qa87tand h fiia oa s agr..d lhey mili nov suit. h eTi.Steel akeleton of the. new Dominion ieu uafeatlava 0unohofiiittt5anooher firca for h. Store ut Laurier Centre ja completed e càfrarcutbon adToc future. Tolacahuar coutb n Wr v adidat. The audit repart was and the. walls are going up. The new etmo Moanharf d, mi hneHh.number of voles due im March unidnot fond tore jo expected to ha openig . cuo fr hmboOfo so Tvn alstatun resta are Septemh.r, said Keiioh early May. Story and pictoare Pl g. B. conuderi "afflelal"panianyrecaunt. iri. Mdh Dpty Clark 0Bill Roberts sai Mr. Bhan- staarne u chr Yhu1 sdp tram lat Thuraday tla make an up- w, have oaalthey will hm ffl Ufâ plicatian In a juig for a recoont. f hat application mont aur deudila, la1001 la made, andaaprvai, ohe tlave vi bentifiei. aad 1982?" Mr. o i noSnel ntifcaton as eenre-Thepulse of newspaperdomn e.e Ob rtinnh nifcStafash fn e- problecas viohîn Tn raini hprantine.the accooning tires vere Twn years ago he van Puhlaher of lb. itai an h camae hehini Championa today hea Enecutive Directur outohe ohe dlay, but Auorlty Canadian Commonity Newspapara Aaauiatlon. Tan- rorholi aY? ehrs agree.d ohey Jim Dilîs stil ha his fiager on ohe pulse of Taps f r hol',* ? sholi ast have tu nutter amopaupers, osly the rot, la national, ont local. an a comsequesce. Se. tenture, Pg.a. 3 Rayai Canadion regnlar schonl day raohr Mr. Stephen udnittei taglona in Halotn vii h. has a holiday. part o the prahlem She heads Meals on WheeI askai Obole viena iln- 'Iv, had a taie amoont stmmei tram h. tact TeMaso hesporm hc eie cening Ramlembrnce of pablie supparltaor he h, Aaohority carries ouot TeMuao hesporm hc vr Day as a scbl blida.Hamillan resolutiaa, diferethotkepig romula tousenior cilluensuand nhul-ies lwoidays Hlton Boad af Dakville truste. Min procedures la duat of h, a eek, han a aw co-ordisatar. Mary Conhe look Edacation dicidai Ilut Fairfieli tld hourd overtii we.h. Pg. CI wnok la deerJsn themembnrs. uccoonting irm. vie"wof ut hLeglan Remembrance Day fl t pays to recycle branches bfore th on a Tuanday hia year,J A day-long neeshaur in Halton vasxd.dcatei la boaridai la jonhawever, many af he D OO icsigoepaiiiyo oresprte Hn itn t aks h Lelua ' cernmnnimsB o d dsusn h osbiiyo oresprto """"-a kenp hnrlag he natiaaas war program for tih, region. Sorles Pg. Ca. Llmnamoc Day as a deai laok place an lb, previma aSunîay. d nS ECTION ONE T.. Leglan la Hama-d o o 4-H Acievemensa are hunared ......... lan auppr tihe ut- Edilarlaîn, Coloron.... ......4 m l tendanc. a nuinntn ai Ten nrd-hrla indancing ..... .. b p iOO achoal an Nveber I Lant meeting vas a fainue ...n... A p nnce he mais ceremaay clinfic Caunculors in legal hini? ...a.... h orth occasian îo People Columa ..................1 t Milnas ownlavn bs heli un the Sasday priar- A hlood danor cinic SECTION TWO sailis aidIlIautel o- ..tapermit ail ctisons it le hld Thursday Sprtan.wnandicolsmns .......BitolaB4 kaain mr. n their ta participais," ac- tram g.30 p.m. to 8.30 hrickyard ininy explained........ BS a aea W rcelve caù- iing te tO.Aaaoia- pm. in Haly Rouey Hait Evry wricautisinaberjobh........Bil arbuess aircire eat tl ionOfLarge 101ohnl nMsartin at. Clumltfieiaandîreal enlale ..... ..BtBll vrebasinoaaSxia n aOnlario. There vOlIatlie ean SECTION TMREE ckm vill h.0a51i aam i mand ofithe Hamiltons afters aillecIne athe Meet MinCanada .... .......ci ý0 m tosu iatract ban moosera tfait hamlthtb.%âme day tram 2 Meatbee BrnwnrhÏoeooed'«i..... Ct.. aviiOlea5:ý1 that th. day wvmii h. p. . pm.. Chistma werbaop aitlirary .......Ca ag fr a0 but fin peaple i tONew ifsho licaaai h etsadEsv M tiOconn e gntnt ... .......CC àmela u .leiât Ibs uiiiaol ami taiudces- amprofusion&]alalffoun Opoclal Supplimanla EK-Mrt, Sboppens ra lisola a alanate oha mmoratIve cnonoo- dnaiiiTasaer any ulMart, Mlton DrugMari.flI à laypical ofmany toav.i.,, ."questiosa. -~