Confreni on presschool&s Useo allw d ta-= upeot l&Wcua ndsp =oÉ mleli xadfi aprlieiou mmta dsu nM w l Ader IsatiteOtgontk ety, d rltont ars t suet. P Poroe » Ca.terum.ceath le envirosmnent. Aidas s, Klddy Ramie, Nov. P nt Shlirdan Col- Two-s -l u- inisr a -inys tor kidu. an Charawood, Presle, St. lape la akvllla. the mornlsg are folleued enaminatlon efth(le Huas, Hopadale, St. Over 400 peope re hy a cold bullet lunch, afely, educolienal Sinon and Les Coc- expectd to attend the another two-heur cccii- value, decîbilit and cinelles tLadybugs)--all dayleng costarance tilasho l b.afanosand uiinhtlity oetloy> for frein ahîile. year, spos-ers ly the rtehnona,0 chilren 1-n years. For more inormation asue w p «§ao R>en-Coetsrance tam vary -motnce og pay ta iorgta r tii.tPlier- mm àIII iio uoetrm $12 fr taluise ta gradl earnlng lias Costorenca caU inI ta05e aMltsM tor tamilse for a ful -thherraIe isea Susas Mrks il 02-7547. m Peu~hemgbasy- day sillilunch. stem gcsseyisbkm"-a WoahalSlope heAETE SE md p §iaoe kiff. tue oirssdy matioei WIITMERISE TIdatb."ecet ma incida: aida Ve t gurk- -M"i1, mime asd IN THIS ELECTIO? = ' ".: JU move iSatching te GoBp une ci tihe oyse an 0 Fre Protection NIe, mdboup One xMe nta ler.wdc"- ra,-ma bulais Our lndustry ,ia lame ois daaperwlnie h"&-sfll-Y a Building Community ami fiee ise iahow scse, ,ssuiru a ruaclionsaand relaex omn dacr inwyt Tr- tootite. oo"my senMiss, -s-useism rs eRdprsenting the People coféene. me efective individuel OT e8:15 a. silli rags- -archg s CATHIlGIBBONS COUNCILLOR WARD 2 For More Inofomntloo CM 8714071 Ronald Z. Laflyhi imotny J. senmnacer Mr. Peter Joyel, Senior VIce-Preoideol and Maoaglng Directar etfmimld Publinhiog Co. Llmlted, in pilaedto announce the appointinenta et Bir. Ronald Z. Lenyk and Mr. Tlmothy J. Whitteker an Vice-Prenldentsaog the Company. Mir. Lenyk ta the puhlher et The Misolsaauga News,,amd Mr. WhlllakerlsapublisheroOshawa This Week and Oshawa This Weekmd. mimdd Pulshing Ce. Limitei, one of Canada's largent va> ofse newsar and commercial prlnting comparien, publishen (the toIioulng 15 national newspapr award wisolog cnmmunity newspapers: The Acte Free Press; Ajax/Whltby/Pckering Newsn Advertiser; fishe Banp lon/Bramalea Guardiae; fThe Burîtapton Pont; Borlington Weekend Poat; Etobicoke Gazelle; The Georgeton n dependeol; Markham/Thersn« Ecenomiol & Smn; ThicMitto Cmaim Champ ion; The Mlsslassga Nows; Newmarket/Aurora rie; Gakile Beover; Oshawa Ibis Weelc; Oshawa This Weakend; The Stouffitle Triune. The ttaliwaekly distrlibtin of thmaenewnpapern in over 429,000. KIMPEDOE LAIN CUNNINGHIAMI Who wiII be our '80 Dairy Princess? Princua w love up er titll Ibis Nrsen rras ofGuslph Lin, Cmp Saturd@a vsmdoa adanlce in Mlieuà beivilia lta a grade 13 studst at Millen OpiltCamae.Tht evuso thl.e a District 111h Ichool and saabpant Pisalli accpt tbe creva tudmeai the Opera Rmprum CamP- heliville. Ph. Ia active in 4-H and Junior rPur orle ama vyig fo te Dm tlFariera md lova te sng cofrd ilto n, in arsEhal, g otr fColis and Maries Marhan of stLiiOMitas, n iay n Po",lm asd t e 5t en s Gr. 13 at Y la lp '5.wl Misr, 17i5ibI- ~ ~ ~ js*atv ajnO ______ ~tous girta choir and Dm&gO huc MIas Pmddl, dauglterog Dff and cor WiMl Paddle o fgar RBd., ilornly, Munisa ha, lig aght-or g"aph sabfsr~tkRik lervcua ( anmd Vtviean Cunslnghaincg F»Li- n Ltd, a Il inwanooompeny n an 1H, graduais from Gr. 12 at MisIeslg. Me sai taOr 13atGsorgatosasDistrict 111gbSdosu d MlltaDisttat 11gbSoboo md a sanlispart ima t a bakey in Narval. solve n lahls4- urk.Pli maa lerActiva la Junior tarmrs andi4-l, she hoaSe redacig d srls wlhab ie 1msporscoolan d awlsg her niasc l etligraiP. and helps irtmlyrsdth ari. ____________________i_ Yourchoic..eofl4 ONE LOW PRICE! fo[r~ SPECIAL PURCNASE MMCK4ASIGW.LL EACH ATONE LW PRICE w 60"O EEN SZ nene1«hSl.galWta bedi O ul cl fed heseo 9 bo dai Mssego NIss.zsthe lIow rie 4 YOUR HOntkaIC te alg. Kng & Ouesn size so i n »sl aS> On-th.-spot-plck-up, dellvery extra wlthln 48 hours.- Norh Service Road Bulingon - _ 0.E.W. EtGuelph Lina interchonge OPEN DAILvIAM TOSP M THti5S b F TOi9sP m 31/a Million C. Ft. Fucnture Appleonca Î: Wsrehouse nnd Showrooms 31/2 Mknce ft. Fumniture - Appanco Waihouso and Si!owrooms S*--- . .... O.-,, ~ ...,.,..>~q~iei444,.c.u44OOSs4da4dii4~5.aU*OOOOOOe~O s, The Cacbiein ChaMion.Wed., Oct. 2, lI Sê 1 INLAND PUKISIIINGCO. LIME