are ts.bbemort than $>-ailioe by the enof aithe century. lItipreditun plus o cecummescfoiro 10 set op s caierve fesil if cover art fatecaSt waa fisuresabindmet % 'a 357,s3 prite fig -e hersf igrsfselff for mcafbee.ctertci aeor staff vs la s aS Hatlls. eachini. Trialeairescuionte itlcaionandi s just ificastaofortue ecea menaitl anseiSlat cellon thef aie groep of Krantz.. (Ceetleeed front page 6 Deprmaiefand hb benusameaber fto20 year. Hi 'aa spas enecetine masher of thei Mile, Osember of Com- merce, andl a past execufine membr oethfe Otario Polce Gerriot Atbsrlf y. In addiltione te ipa irian oapmmenit: citntlie ba spai asor d dttaxfesse eb tia. fatbati feant j suflebeard em nand an idstel!hockeytanna. lHe tafsinlahIe pat- tarse hie will cncentrais ai a "proper rafioa o indstril to tesriuential essaiment amd vSltee etasioeseior ciisen failtie. Mr. Ifrastu statai htis ie addlitio ifa cpool,.lbe i fookisg for moe jprovinial and ftoieral fuains fr rcresf bel j pragrama seb chainb frloanad Nvwtorizons Tbe prtection of fana rtlftrm.i afa pplag w asrepotaionfis lands fr pifand quarry extractioni. donc lav ie ave t fId coased vicb s le tei aion ovt10wrklng ai uait aga fI dnt tbak wihbas bad fiat in tue pst tfa t pare aid fief le nuf tue essai f rtain for ocys. "We fhssefanfhave leadership in and ceemaily afatsbs' bus. -Sheridan i *i8 teiaa ~a bi he et tisa. lI en hlié io!id hW fer et bule at w 810 he a ment fila ldt e Th e tie bed=l depHate,,sterlng 1 iyusi OUf? reoudeMmais ai tecer aiat Milai.Hof ton Hi stafnIftto efabflob shantue paragrapk trais tuee ga, pf,u5.37shai bain rpetlad te aiop- ele 5aorselas, bc le ait trustee John Bradey andl aveafe refiremeni ogreement. Teacers paid tu 285 people. los fiefaS employaen o goisg lu geftute 5t urfingiun's B5W Praies- py'"Hou atchero scnedi.nn keepof Oin If fhe report s odopted a08045 ysacn or aider waS retremesi grofoiiy ut 0nec wonfeil o simpiy aur- compare with the rait f 1the domest. during tue boardoa nexf ctira tram tue Helton sameese waifiog usta b a ded jutfiainar tue airiety? Haist ai tue $30,716M maeile,.tue efliemnt board by htu lcecofie le os. reoMenalo t Uidii tua carrent CentEthfie nt rt olfy p ispao Stbicentury. Asn ilys Otuer leaebori Who "estabb . rie se sbme o i bngapai o- rf= Fnntgset -oe ataa aa asy champ jobi aMIS- ay naibuialIgibla fer whcblc aIS illy fitadsilblefoaare acier te earn mlflliraLacbs e m ar. "t ia l sCamre flinathe board af the Cfdt rettramaif pslslty ftue libhlaim. mare le tue fr e air if ih isIsc o a iee- vhlcb 058.2?Pracidlii eute psy thesaaety. e ou ie sa esla- one cancan i ld by ceicensent tuan i latfeaentsry taacbece. Tisa Nms Gods imporant. Amt &ida eofyM aigary-ter aisaipl à Otiola 5caidsry est pair if verfi. aIb- baaoce la Cr emuet- Soneaoaitish elgible Cr retIra&hoep Wlaseh oe-i ut a School Taiberse sevai BurlaUf ai Tme ria siteS cal adllsoinfse aile&=a isment grsfulty, saring fduproton"lalaabe i. Fediratious Piesient tee Cm Jacksai abin castdIen stte. report asouraceai et nai- te Nai. HaM aued t ncb fatebeceMAiY ai 0Rai Newitai le fies e s afieetSwu uamble teà flAtireis gelt menom hi soeatfinée exmple of tusela h ave af i ypsilofi d eeeU vbl1pln ticdactprees ga ratit appymint. Foraarn o 055? eeoeisry taieereahiléainala theibsuhaorfthe15 biys Cr t aa y . Hae o behc permesan te biaigli, bi Pritw r oervai celut epasi. Ilpipars seavice foi tU bai. bowever ai pe- Caifersp Oulaed must b. employai bp Une dut calcutlon i saioflea woreeaoteh 8l. rbillp. le rif s: a- a, if- te Of ai )k growth i continlues Enr-olment ile ti-t-ia. I mzt =icus Cfegenz jle op by 9.4 par cent fils peu. Final enrolment figurai Cr Unhf 1»81 aciemix peair wam rasai bp vice- Praildent ai Administrat ion sarcle Way, ai a maeiofa iSerdns Board of Gonecisors an Weine- day. Sept. 17. lerfedlag late reglafnafles figures, tue toaf nimber of tiaB-flme pse-'idsry tudenfa attendlag Sbaidnee -elgt capus"ainla54» *cempred vtu a fiMW figireeslat pr oai5,e1e ThlIe bcaeeii wn by campus le: Obnllle 3»l0; Bramptn 1M;1 Creifit Vlley 24; Lorne Park ScItol cf Craftteand Design 166; cnd Milten 75 go MILTON LATE FALL PROGRAMS ý"Somethtng forfuveryone-- y Startlng the Week of 8788711 NVME 018 KINqDEKGYM I KINDEKCKAFT CREATINO TOGETHER (1h-3 Yeara) THE GINGERBREAD flOUSE: CHRISTMAS COMBINATION (3-3 years) A lime for parent anti chidtti ashore new experiencea ln @in, COOKINQ FOR KIDS movement. music anti pay. Each weeka different thetfte la We will prepara for the festive sesson, holiday gootiies your Uite KINDERGYM atiapteti (e.g. colour, teste, texture anti more> ln order ta provitie one will ha thrilad fo serve f0 your fsmliy, f rlertds - Santa Caus A fun-filed perioti for your lvely preschooier. PhySicai activity opportunities for creative expression, antihia reindeer tool wiliIha encouragedt hrough structureti exorcises. f ree play and the use of speciaiiy tiesigneti equîpment. THE SUGAR PLUM SIIOPPE: CHRKISTMAS SPECIALS Lt "Vsions of sugar pluma dance Urough f her heada' A KIrIDERCRAPTS Pormdsge opeaeyu hl o h hita An arts anti crafts program detignedt 1 stimuite the chiltis CHRISTMAS CAROLS. CRAI'TS & THINOS: for Chrisfmas iet ome. CnIhnimatoles antsopngend ero imagination through sxperimenting with a varety of metiies. Tis the seasoin f0 ha Jolyl Your pre-achoolars vWlli have a joiiy atgfo r Crst n iiaile h ae. ara t o fesadrog. Ecda it These inclutie pint. patte, tiough, odtis'n'antis anti much, tima indeeti cresting their own Christmagifle anti dacorations. haandigffret acfiify an Regrtofte ror a ora mydeysvias much mors. Dont misa the iook: on thir face when they bring home thaf very hv ifrn ci ypa.Rgitrfralo smn liea apaciai surprise for you. oIle DAMES anti heiti et E.C. Drury Schooi Saturtiay DECK THE HALLS: CHRISTMAS CKAPT Y iA morninga. aehs tHi WORKSIIOP (6-12 yecra) PRACTICES aehl e oyRoaary Sohool Dockthehalrainith yoor fine, hendmnadChrtaCraff and brinssbo te true YOUT BASETBLL ASOCATIO Monay venIgs.spirit of Chrstmas. Mue ahi b. fhrile ha iseifflexasomnething daigasil laf YOUH BSREBAL ASOCITIO Motia evnioa.for er-and dont foraitthae estaof the famly, FOR BOYS AND GIRL-S (8-15 y > e) YEA NEEDS ADULT VOLUNTEERS HOLIDAY, PD DAY & CHRISTMAS PROGRAMME Just sign up - no fryoutsl YBA ileftha hast thing fa happen to Bsskefbail since VGA lia cvary %mpela MCA Programme, nlot 01n1Y ACCENT ON FALL Nosemrber 11 - Rarrflransa Day thes Yinvanfedtfhe games n 1891. for boys anti girls, but for you f0. If shlows you to Enisy a for-f seS emmin 0fbowling fofassee by an affarrsees @=aon sta S Tie Vouth Baakatbail Association s le;a gue for ail lat If u i1,i rticipafe. Mçfint -Boerfq cffefnpfion Are&. boys ant i grls' ragatlesof their abtity. for ther The aies6fani irs eao 1OPESSIOftAL DEVELOPHENT'DAY llN 4.tre parents anti for everybotiyln the communify who values. VGA heipa boys and girls builti confidence I MOTHERS MOVIE MADNLES DAT hlievas that sport cen pay an Important part lnas in. anti respect for themesives . .. anti for the A day of maie,. caroase ande fiatfure film hirisbbbfed sitir a fraipuaioe young prtons growfh anti teveiopmanf. compontenta, coaches, anti other adulte as weîî. and drinkr. The programme involves these Important com- Vour roe as a voluntear la f0 haip playera by MYSTERY TRIP/ ROLLER SKATING pornanfts: Participation, Pair Pay, Fit nesa, Basket- ancoucaging anti giving credif for seif-improvemant Effiya i tp bock info fisrory, foiksae by an elfe nous of Rasera tsfSfet hall Skllis. Teamwork anti Famiiy Invoivemant. andt f sharealn VGA avets wifh the chiltiran The CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY HAPPENINGS Players wear a sneppy VGA T-Shirt ant i 8180 MCA wiIi ha offecing training anti materiais. fh5Loion'Y'offers dailytfipe errd ectiof e, to suit Ifre aeasn do os heChrist eceiva a Playrs Manual anti VGA Playar Certif i If you agrea VGA la the kinti of activity youti like to mu break. Wafch for fivars fa ire distrîbutfad fi oah fffe scfîota FOR cota. ha involvetiwith. ccil tfha V sft87848711. FURTERI1NFORMATION CALL THE 'Y -et 58771f. LADIES' PITNESS THE Y'S WAY TO FITNESS CHRISTMAS CRATT WORKSHOP Fesi hattar, look btter! A total botiy workout with axarccises Tha V's way f0 itnasa la an evening ftness programme for mon Doeck the halte with boughs cof hoily anti your vecy oren hanti- doons f0 musc. Take a break anti hanaf il ron a social as welles atiae isigaif epa niiolf civ nimi- maeChitmas dacorations. Included ln our croit worltshop are physîca f Itnass axperiance. tain a tiesirabla fitnass lavai. Enoy an evening ouf antihanaf if wreaths. stockIngs. canf replaces. parcai tiecocationa anti more f rom these wal-balenoed execcise sessions COURSE DAYS DATES TIMES ACES FEE LOCATION- KidergymlKi nderc rafts Wenas sys T 2-DcTr- -T 55 * 3:30 pt miS e ntre Ureating ether on Ry-s ec. 1i-Uec. 15 -TDmuT2:u0072-3V $W - p imat Centre Urîstmas rois. Craft&Thins Thuradays Dec. 4-Dec. 18 10:00-11:30 3-5 $1500 oDtimist Centra Gingerbread Hous Tuesdays Dec. 2-Dec. 16 11100_12: 3-5 $2000 St. Pauls Unted Church Sugar lum Soppe8ea s Dec. 1 -Dec. 23 900 :OU P.M. ~ 1~1i itCnr YBA Satu rdays& Nov. ts-mer. 14 Arrangea 4.U t:U rr Mondays -Hoy Rosary y Ramembrance Day: eAccent on Fail Tuesday Nov, il 900- 400 p.m. 6-12 $900 From Optîmiat Centre P.D.Dy dMothers Movie Madnass Monday Nov. 24 10:00- 4:00 p.m. 6-12 $ 8.00 From Optîmîst Centra In~PDDav Mystery Tnip/Roler Skating Monday Nov. 24 830- 500 .m . 6-12_ S14,0 From Ootîmist Centre ads'Fi ness Tues. & Thurs. Nov. 11 -Dec.1 1 il215 .m Aduts $2000 TrflarSur The Ys Way 10 Fitness Mondays -R-v. 10- éc 8 83u-9:30 p.m Adulte $2000 Hoy Rosary Sc oot Wadnesdays Nov. 1 2-Dec. 10 830- 9:30 p.m. Adulte $20.DO Milton District Htgh School *$30.00 Lth Eveng~ -Chrstmas Craft Workshop Tuestisys Nov. 25-Dec. 6 :01 ýj1 a.m. - Adults $2500 1db F EN PERSON---m----------mu---------- --- e878-8711l Milton YMCA Regstration Forni 878-87 11 1qndy-rda eo &m.400P..HOME BUSINESS et thseIls.. YNICA NI Optimîat Centra (Luer L«ea) POEsHN 311 Commerial treet l ADDRESS -_______________POSTAL CODE DY RAIL I CHILO'S NAME _________DATE0F BIRTH - AGE Compete thse EeglatreUe, Far n ai l lt PROGRAM 1S1 LOCATION DATE TIME FEE F.O. nez S4 I ara.seaeauriee.a.aemaae .neqneelem9w. o.ensr.eoelnoeor.. aa. Do you equraGBabyelttog forAdult deyflma pcograme? Vas-No _.. 1 Would you lîtta to help wtlt presohool or chltra progreme? Vas Noý ýl 1 AOM 1