The Canadian Champion, W.i., Oct. 29, îM 3 1%unbmHsketches of 17. councl candidates Rogionai $st r DRADCLEMENTS A acen ynr veteran of Milton Caunci net. lrad ClmeontaO BR 2 Milton ta eeklog a Ouo alon Rago"siCoscil fr ts rsitUds. Ha la opoilsg Ose Gong Haistormu of ofice, hé bue urai on moreal ecol eOmta so iaUs RBgion Mf Halions sjpodttsta ts Grand River Cooervatian 1 AaUMtty for tse Put tes hu aarhlsr guident Mfts Uppor B-orogo = enAsscation Md buntbse e a mbseMi Pont essamittas elosirsof M ts Ontaro UlesendsoiAeffquaP -aevo Associtios for MariibubaUesa sons . He worbsasana alrsraaaisfer UFCais Uir.e ia sensqarsowate ClsnotaBloeciofMmicos on Mas ame MarinS. soi opflea sboni soi uhabsOtveiataMlon am isltrtsictali Ie OWBGOUTOUMK manhspoiion ma rgomal conseller ta Wrd Tes, for a Durlog Ha 14yplutabilton, M. Oniadlbun bsan ovoes in tn oal ais ions . tHr Rtary Club, ani former eair mo ofMiltan DaîtRIeçiosl Me onuto" sit Ubervsi an an adilor tate boardiof drectors oM tse Rsecovsey ltuse san s adretrofMUntnhe l Scetsy for Celpplsd Chldrsn. An active tmer oftse Royal Canadiso Logln, M. Goutom'o beanci oftse Frst BattaiofMtUn Qusn eiRifisa tatiltda strip t olad inoays for ,4al Caoadios ebefongt ters durmnWord He hmUnsere rasesgol ocmmitlatacbummfiWo Slanniq n aeM ndslUsocal servies. Lcsity hoisa a monis torM taereeaoily formsi Homotg bieng is lvovemnet ettse Cildreno AId Scetinta clodan tse cltslrntsnote uilding andiprnprty Me. Gotoulsnd hiswfe Vtaybaveafoutr cbldren. Coun 7cil, Ward2 COLI BES OdnSnaruonig for montici pl atactaoslaaWord w A mliteUe lightone"ulsa, ta *rin"almassGrsup,MUtoS Oisnbu MofCommes, Hilon HWo" Siy Hilton Llop- tir oftseCan"lsoCner Sciety cm"adanWord Futurwn Sciy soi a a tmebr Mfte adilny bari fr tUn Canada Coanimty Devs1so- -Ha t;a setmner ofMilton Jayoesa o ervedan àcitairman fortte 1Mandsoi sCanaa Day A mâts regprontaire ett Matilitan tIfs t- nrasces la thilton ana, ho adlsd tbusiness ai- r otrtoUn as ocal govaflnnentt te Uoivrsty oferiWesteMrmnnOantUriDot rtoCWiasneonLoeaGoeromcot. BLANCHERINT)N Wrd Tao n tammint Blanches Motion la n--'-- gfor re-eleUton Aler l"Mno te1576municipal étaction, site resurosin taeat wnaplseoneooaac. A tsscber at KC Dery Bb for tse Hsrlog Haoiicsppsd, MersHintan Un liradintaMtas foroversipsar. s tleas Llbrary Boomd trustée si un eeaiostseakWltrant- Mrn h nitedlay For ts pot tiso ym d hmb e Uncoor tethUn Eflilta Pavilion for tseFestival Mf Csustrln. Mn. Hinton ltas osive of tbat country & soiin ciosia in aditiontoansactive poliuical lites, e. HhtOos a tenter Oftrse taoges. FbsiideRas of 49W919W Ave. la * setang bHafist trraon oMHlon Coonil ia Word Twca He os married and hboom-o chindrea. Ha verts for Fanerai taoseer, an lactiosl manuaoture, asna eduarepracolaer PlaitUnemadisTom ~ Belsciterd ban sa-eraiutsrace fr sassMten Millen onil ;=Meit Bancbar a peut M MilesJayos eH wau moosiJsyos' prsslde et As Misr tesient fr saa Haseiea osrs mnbe MOUrier Bthe ay sM.oi " Wesa lv sivsly lesivyczai a Uts d'lci&m oc mm fo te Fn ub Cn soMins beCotase M. lancha ts inaiostine.Bctaagrfor ntaori tasé Nooolty adsawMalgocaave tkh oi chde UtseytadlaMeOsugssaoUte. Haarnii- maknoa rut veitstfurncosi Cemlie nulusirasas drive sIanai iosiroodo Me hmisobain ri t profortonoge15 rDtal UsaitHaWs.Ros i aifLiorkd tsvtocldr mse . atniown chldre RMilieb. Tasa.CU 1Mima c me tWead r. t Glsgwa eIrailmo.ennsl ruol gâ anta canitata Waria!teybv w Mes bao san t riogferlcnaFetvlo u- trems oi prsvlap area oI arsnwr eoUsblraier ta Mibullon das k<arnfo Recul3psoiae tiCos olentilsbucmag oisgelixprsscO Taast ta os sitsave wte. Tranto.e.yon thes oiaba sigR sraloon cer ta gi a uste GOeTasi ustisoerta oitin Rrhrle public tavolvemontintclaisxi yoUt rorithie ciyof Gaowesa ive yeoansa Guide captaintere. DON ICIGUT Don lColkb, eoer of Itgt Iussamas Aansp .allaint Hilton,tala sdgog as enclisai repreostllWariTeo. Me. Kolgt ta an active cmn- moslltp monnier, prtilcpsting ta HaIopeu prosntOtf Hiton Misr Banals»Amsetit4n soi )MuonOpilmtaiClub. H aan bonrary lite msnbef p- calisa soiclirs tefod ratatag cemnlllsc fortsemao Optimisi Conre Ha sienamop i l Ove years onte escutive of HiltoMiner Sait. Th i orrlty oM Wtelosgrsduata ta rredya drdro tnCbamcher of Commnerce. Ns ta an Aaocate f thetosuranceInstitutsof Canade. leaId ieln baveaUtese ciiliron soi re. aid et779Froishr D. M litKogittabave liradint Lf ieM n sitLyon Smih,24,lamakngbargrtfinibd fora muncipal eouncil position. sh uetrdteWrd Tan rae optn ihesat Mter muaufr the umseta RomHarisn ndBlanc M SmtIoabarberaet Man's W"aisretyltatataMilin. Tistaput ummr is tank taitial sispo ta organse weeklpsbessdancscn tagHito. Thdo ndavor lsd bho ta dai lt bot local as oionglaagvsrnmcol tava i be bopas te cencept sit beomc a real. ity naiycor Utsleta "mmse am oitresaorer oM Uts RMita MM. RIlog Clubibash»M.boabrr »onsthe Apploeb»einoti. Mi S mitnas mambe Mf uteNortHaton Citil g CmrsasoiFsmilp Enrlebmcot Contretainopraion welt tuMiton Roary Club. ROIEHARRM5N Sssbtoganonter trramon ilton Couneil Rose Harrison lo an employes of te Canadian Imperial Bank o Commerce, Miton.Sheas lved inMilton 14 yearo ani te moie of tires ebildres a egngminage from 12to Uts la marrisdinta obin Harre- son, an accommnO50Ot ta Un. Harrison cbarsd tce FanUival of Cnmtls tes Yssrn Commtse, soi la citairman of Uhc toisa on itnWo enmmilase. UMela alao n tos Uts nacomontns for tealiaid, soi on tseregionllaison cnmmtcc fr day cmand youtoecesn M ilton. HOsesarl«ionynoivmn nthUtstoiso nuetoiaa tbrss-ysae stint a ssersoary and treasuresof tse parka ani recrsatilnocommttss, memnbsroftse armna boardomesysar, mobr of theswntser rival coemottlss several ysar, member oftse orignal Coomnsity Day commttss, nasnbcr of tedeisgn comaitlsforaàoswbigb sei"n, and a foerseu- Uivu monbitoMHilton TslubCsi. Site ta sitta- volvsd wltMiltonoAqai Comlittse. A native of Moocton, NB., obc bon liradinta ocerai pubta09 Canada sni USA and ban worksd an a sewris soin bookiteeper before gotag ltt banblog. MIARIiAREIS Maria Ra, manager f Cao Tftadinta ntsrtag municipat pollesfor tsefiat tims Utto Tbes&tyear-old bho mais a bld forons f tefonte sats opcotan Word T»an og etUt igir oter Miss Rota bon llved n Milton moistofMber ifs sodintadaetvly tavolvadi t nppr = mo Utsta put prsstiont f Milton atamber of Commerce and chaire th Ol FahioedDayo Commities tiis yer. , tirougi theUtsrav sineotss, Mina Rota bas aresogei for Priseorfe cnta s it as Fontivtlf Cusotrion. As a member of Milton Jayewseteiasbeau ta. voirsd i slt Canada Day cetebratton an a bootit ni MiltonPFait Fair. Site wan a ksy figure in gelting tite PepsiChalenge ta a mtmbsr f local eventa over te puttwo yesrs. Candidates to speak Voiers ta Mtons a lion plans a onet-the. Ward Tires (former canddates meeting ai Nasagaweyaresa) iililiBroville Hatt.,sMartit@ bave ueo ritaoces toamos ai n pon. Wednesda) soiditar te municipal evenisg, te Camptei elctcito randidates omif ville Cncernsd Ciizen, weci. group plans o ntgittfon candidates, starling al on Mosday,Naog-730 n te Lions Hallii soeya Rsldont' Asor- tevillage. MILTONDISTcRIC HION 8fClOOL announres ts IP eilC5Offl Tuudmy. Nov.,d.r 4li 7-9 p.m. This year's theme will be .o C Md urkuuO Council, Ward 3 ROY GALLOWAY Mollal residesl lRoy Galloway is eaierng tse municipal gavera- mont oceos for te Onrt tinstin cisdilon, maina a bld for onesof tse ttlca act staespssilog WsarlTbre. A HiMons eonessioeni for onins yonro. M. Gllasay tàas memberi Of tse avis Comittee ble int conjonction wetUt tse taioban irsi an srcbltsctuicosulting L flrm tanoueraltbutnsson nnggsstioso bproving torefroni He ban boens ac of hockey ta Actan and Oakvlll, sa coach and esereeinthUtsminor divi- so iiHeorsedfor six yoeo sa itrectar oftseDOtario Feeation 0f Soenmobils dlubssoidreso a membor of tse AUtiilsCommistos at iecit, ee a s prevloonly a ronlicot. Hs a asa a pont peontdsst 0f te tawiek Opilmts. Mr. Galtoaysandbhieswisbaveosixcbildren. r4lKKI GOIJTOUIKI A reaieof M lon for tA pears, SilosGoutousi a mablog ber Oirsi allonopi aisa cooncil sai. Usbatse daugliter of reginal cononcitor Gus Goutoonki. and aoatte i rlt bUe tan HalionoReasat easaareprs- Sentatirs. Mes bsgan stU t Utfrnmiam ypoN and oiban enritai Ute fulUne for te lait ysesoana bailUts o lealan eoriting on a binnesaa igres ai Wlîfri Laurer University tSiceand) 29,she licouwit b, er parens ai RR 1 RoffaI. Mion Goutouid a ta urTenUy 5e cbalrpmeonof tse Y-YWCA fundrasag commttsinMitio.. 10H WASON Aie lnnmg tas Waed 0ne soi Tln-sefestosl oatin tse 01 elsdllon, 4-ysar-old lin Wason on oncrara te pllhlcal ceos once &gainssisag a toaa conisai representiog War His poltcal careegon hoa 12 yearo relt Ove pearofM ser- vice relttse Township of Nam-a gaweya soidOvae poroet Hs to a lfsiosg Miltn roi:i ani won educatadin teas bsfare atsnding McMaster Universitiyabers ba sarosi a ce o rsDegree a-tUt o Gsgapby major. For five yearn in can a menteofM teboard for Haltan Region Conservation Autorty aoi on cor. renlly lit cbarmasofor tUntedoisiueci Board. (ConinuedionoPgi. B10) Iines, dmefbiain areail heie.Thaïs vwhy a $149 0 No e the dos c lnet, the nater more natural nhottldorn, l3p pockets, nolched lapels, two-button closure. Tho fvo button teso-pocket vent, the straight-loggeo boit loop trouner Wth quarter-top pockotn. Comtort and style, Canadian-mode, n luxurious wool and esool blond fabrics. Brown, Grey and Blue totos. Mont populor szen of course.We re confident itII be tho bent valuenin ton for the test 10 days. H ilton Mall, Hilton a urllngtan Mail, surlilgtoon 0oHpaie iaHllOsltvllle moaadao t0lêltii~00#tt'ltt t.~n amosuca lac.,.... STAY PLUGGED IN WUTH POSITIVE THINKERS RE-ELECT iW.C. (Bill) ROWNEY r XII 22 Yrs. Experience Hydro Commission On Career Day, you can ses forever... Cons clase pane bond, bans pour oesequstilo s awsvred, end sapeni pose lob horizons et: Twa scial Career Open HHes ai Sheridan Cotsgs TUESDAY. NOYEMBER 4 Oakville Campus (Traalgar Roadl Q ~ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER S B~ rampton Campus flicLaughlin & Sleelen Ave.) Thia la your chance teo se inormatioe dplaysand0<1 imonatesliono, ilms an l a tcheck ou ocr tacllitilso or 1001 RCoN~~-reliaxand wianieai wcl, Inosstigatinit aour 70 pragrana. A apeclal wlcoms le high nebeat studonts, Sheridan statand tihelr tamilesa. Coen out eas«asSherian ln actiont SHERIDAN COLLEGE 11lasm. 10 7 p.m. both dates - ree admission aend parkng - toues bourty - rsrshmente