Th~esfe~tiOcU ~ueae.tUs 15t7. ie Fox'a Marathon of Hope, were tree people attise Milton Cancer Units annual meeting lest week. Chritine Strang and Student Council President Randy Simitha turned over about $1000 Wepeanmtise eff othie studenta and teasisera at Milton Ditrit1HZgbSc»Isln Suaan Nilscai were there wtti a siequ for $9,287.24, solected thrcugis MsDonald'a Restaurant as variouia =s'ait for Terwy Fox. Acceptng the moneyila Cancer Soiety at election time It'a i l hpayaiadveriean hers ot Muilon Kinsmen aid Kinettis are aiting for a ma- tnCounoil ad in teir Feb,tait1 annlveraary put- lication, Kmin Magazanemiicit milte dstribted aruCanada. Kias Magazine hedtr J. David Beot laid te ai mouli gveeclnras àCitasseta 'Jets mnit eiers iexpreasilg te appenlation aisupport of your la lias otheKin and m i lnette clubs in yor aes.,, Counni, f i dcdes toadavertise, mtShave ls meageanby a Dec il1sdllsâe. afi là te carry the sases osIMales Counil, the ai isay have to aifor at lnaalethaulithoraemllbe a mnmm of atlabuttree ewm nillors fotlmalt teNov. 10municipal electian. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON RERERENDUM QGUESilON NOTICE l a ereingo.' 05to ilmncipal ieleto. of The Corpotoin o The Tom, of Miton, tt avitcoa i beten aet titi 1iMuicriipl on nimi oarod Secions onthe totowin qesinaa: "Ams lmaln avIsm etlm Taisetai ia soula e salalle 0 -iauoe asasaoa Tes .aiao is auttonlid t. Milon Csarmd t. Sy-SU N. 704, an Me ppia o t i aaooleu In te 1MBetinst. The qaistiaioitqis diae '-i«" or No" teporisa. AuVOT« ARE 5N50UlOM TO CaPOM Tc TM QUESTION. Your BALLOT miv binais et elftheo aidnst puis aonsm sesea', Noerber lit an ToidaY, Nsoanw thi i, or on treplet poabtcirayon Manday. Nomenbêtlet U 1 lmhow atf dmsSathe obuvoo@dMWa ge îlhiv oaae ourmsta npy of heqaqmnumsila OmsdaOmwioU$c mmm pleaisi te ioem sabtic .5eaSeat. steceing returs of $27,4e4.9t frnm Edunation Uta be tiI .involnlvdmttte ia ieI thier regular campagn Pojocts and Actties Don-a Etti rpoî Unit and wmliibicom n ii b up nr fonds for tMo. Inluded Chiarman Greta Plat re- tai kilsonasthae barmfol inte itobtai amisant me iodai br cannaittlle tstaai smoing meruEdacslon Ciairmafr ,dn5 fi"a coneet tre isl b esy in bsa cai B& e"Cyd N ob baf istofidaffoilte.Ibiegoa al , kidwsgs li selao. tret.Mr.pIdai w tt h l amt bithliesUnit mawvues acser peaIuast ne"aS __________ mm. patienta. Saos a eiages Stai elusesafer An aari mai pri ernm Cbghum Card Km for tbi capei inr«d 1900 Mt laU maiexteiidigthlie LmM4n e- NOTIC lobshalion NvantterUntit, lnofte frem IMOntraioois ts intalit dep st Dric5tae busienssAivnPoilnI i cmeein t rber mirotsIn ericmcaima arol Kerion hm bdad albI<to servie tuAduecd Pns eH ap hltac lhain atas brasa. foresttdebyoresidnt Lst MceIl e ti1 repamaten iasliCasroitafta ethong Municpal Amlatat Buet asin heating coetsm RE-INSULATE NDWI ons Wtt>todaY5 higi cot o01basting your homre, addlng naultionla a muet. Wletitaryour hoesla I yes oId or 100 yoesaid, Il la a proven fisC tim r*4naulating cs A euyour fuel consumptIon by 260M de' pesadng on tihe gsoursplalc atraotir Ragera Inaulation Umited is a local contractor and has trained apeciallts who con anilyze your hast losa and inadequate ventilation problema. If you re-insulate naw, your invetment wiII b. aaved in unneceaaary fuel bil - otherwiae vour money sa pnobably gong Up th chimney. Sa before you re-insulite, yau owe b ta v our family, your home and your pockatbaok 10 have a FREE estimate f rom our experienceti insulation and ventilation experts. e Highest quality roof venta, aoffit extension and soffit vents a Ail CMVHC Approved MOeSNSULATON Lm Ub4oaed qMActon the@ -là Io-011,In Nerv W-1777 te serv 61-7-«1 tgan et~ g end staisi l901 objective ine per cent. Stewart rv- fi âpe wMlii »Mat Meeli PICTCT oinCAR 5 YEAR - 50,000 MILE ON0F THETM OF "1B1 IUNICIPAL ELECTIONS E TO ELECTORS lte Municipal Councl and Scitool Boerd Trusta Elacliona la M durlng te houas of 11:00 s.m. to 8:00 pa. )qualftied electors inte Municplily advising of lte loston of on Novamber lst, 1980 during ltae houas of 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 o b unable to vote on Novsncbec lOti, 19M0, at tha followlng iii StreetEat lActon) m Buiiding, Trafalgar Rond <Haiton Rond No. 3) MunIcipal Bulding, 36 Main Street South, Georgetown ares Subject to certain conditions, an elector mey vote by proxy by appointino ln writlng on titi precribiti fort a peraon asio le entltied to vote anttis aiection. Such appointmeng lant valud uns certfiai by thea Clark otnlter than 5 o'clock lnte aternoon on Novamber lOtit, 1lm. Forma referred to are obtainable tromth. Clrk's Office. KR. RICHARDSON, CLERK-ADMINISTRATOR AND RETURNING OFFICER, 36 MAIN STREET SOUTH, IIAITON HILLS iGEORGETOWN) ONTARIO L7G 4X 1 DATED THIS 22ND DAY 0F OCTOBER190 Canada Sotingi Bonds ore a id., sec recnerirr ibeire boaded by cll h. reauecs ofCanadla. h. new Bondse are eaiy racah orayolme >0 aure nor lodoed in. NO MNaED'me RAi lhemsino inere«rna» penary when Cit new Bonda orecoehed aIreDcember 31 1980-pouv miirec.lveecuned inmmel for eoch fuI month Melpsed tince Novectm ,b f1980 h new Bonds eam a gond reln y our mioney- 101/2% eey yeor for 7 yo lhey re eoey ta buyfta cadh or ont roraimecirs in omaounCs nrffiCng or $1 00 upt o ral purchose limnir of $35 000 And you have o doolce of Bonds. irethe Itegulor Ineresr Bond for arn-tuali ncameand h. Compound lternIr Bond for vngs grawCh. Buy youiv raday mferever you bkar invt. SI MNGS BDONDS EVERY YEAR FOR17 ER Good SeoMF# Good Reilen AW~Y@@DECanadgi MILTON SQUASH CLUB Optimiat Cente, 311 Commercial et. ASS Do Vota Know thît pou can pu@y squash, @nOY Our satana and anhiipool as many tintes as you waant for about $4.30 pr waai? Unil NOVEMBER 15, 1900 NO INITIATON FE wlill be charged for New Mombera. JOIN NOWI Pay a egular Memberahlp F». ONLY1 Single Adut Husband MWie NS AAd"* Membe R"»aa6OE Gu..lauIs AUKAMOURINEW WI(DYMUBUI Eipera gaflaaof apetaiton ont of moifourmoff ondfitastd OWM t*, a ourta o'iUfb wbi*iw&ond failikmttaLafl 8»r Fm Fm dm Infonnatlon, cmg SenI.Nau 87SM11