wtb ABS cou"g w~' Dot tchy fet OOLy' lteflhi .narly aiver and oue boniso trips over. are yor kido start- iog to bog yon tu tare teem soma place for an houror wn? For you oudonrsmen wilh a coupla of healOhy kilo vha are asotlsobis'g forwrd 10 Dad spend- isg atrilay asd Oonay atersoan watcblag footahobckeye., h.rela as easolution te yor prebleu vbhicb la, saiteer expensove oar ton llrecussosg. Taiketeern 10Korvrght Parkt, vblcb féattrea uasy types ofvsaterovl. Tre are 40species of watrfsl native ta North Ammiencand asdusy more lnported fOnu Ausaies, Mrsa, thee Carlbbaioand Soute America. 10 bas a lsvely setig and la juston the onlslrts of Guelph, off Or ovnvlldllfe centre ait mmbnsobu Jsjo -h, -9everytisg hh vdd appeal in yuug an'd nid alike. Tsire lsng vaiha tehrough tee buab on vel-uarked ralle Wach theevaterfovl as teey corne ami go ail day long, lObas mas'y spar- il fatueonail yair lsg toicl arevell adt- vertsed. f youn tate, travel slittls farther on the veekoend, Oere lOa besul baffais rasch sur Brie. bts on Ono Concession raod 8, sorth of Barre. Whes' you arrive, you are Osai round theeranch on a mis'-us. Bulldes buffal, teey haveoseveral magsiflces't elk on the rsnch asvwell assa fev deer. Ose of h. dlturbsg telnsaabot the eruptloo of Mt. .HReurs,slderon h. esm fhurns liBandamiproperty, la theetreumendoulusof vildlife. Ilb. Washington 5Stateiepatuont f Darne ustirnsted the et bi astvbhic b ev a cubirarie Tho girlohigoLuklol TaoooOmmâwh owd t»oo mu elmeus doweluosau ce ne oitoul veus Oum =$=..iteisus u bOmas t Von .00 lu. sessoss Socerchamps e rep R teoty' t o Polool (1k)et s t isrpy .u reletRoLecs (ceste nd vte-PreoidntAnibai.l io n (Ziis Perfect record 8-O intact o earm of tmetop o tme mounamas sono 15»0 bain,'100 mounain goals, 15 motli ons L g o a e h e a e (o early extisct, 441,000 almo, neelbead sand trout and 1.5 million birds and aornaa.- mals. De*pte the pruace Mof h tandoutgaiepg through the second par- a pair and singls wnt lo Soch la the force of moter nature. a Champion reporter Of Sepe Wv oao ldpr=ve tlh:Ohlvs-Jef losMien, and ______________________whch mnas toshave cooland5L Js ura ol nrhnS Briogonfl-Harrison. as lg a" i mrDeanlahave beeau -lt s. -1Y broke hrOUgh h. as h lgmatou ti llon berBurlington vont ogh Milton goalleo wth ried Can=sylea maBtte - a aead 1-0 jut Ovo min- four minutestOs play ln afler Ovo eidan Bo-acly h = dM A= ts Osinto th gantsPol th. gaine. coastedin Osth vis. ter 7-1 &undy aflernoon Alles quclY Oled the Agaiot Asasoler, Defencemas Bryan for igh goa s aCombned willi No Bryon Haringa ien, lurky, corlng terevitit contre Shawn f r e htg a s othr victoria last veek, thovwassina effective goalsof deilectioos Hasseleldt wlOh gn Bob Ladry blO fr RandY itegle, Rab Leglos'Nhas on i 15 a solor y=biler, pao 0011000 hlc eri aumE socc own aig elgh gals over No MrC~d uhand bMeadl lemguegamts ut Bo s-s.al- serl h ar h'nu 1 h ol sn rvs ai gamas to propl Milton sdded singles. plis tee apparent suc- bod ite al Orom Dosg Pollon and andlMeuad led thee sOacli Dufoerin Aggregates ceas Leglon coach But- BOve CIO Adam Mead scorsd vllh s pair of goals misr mldgetntos a pair SeOI rey v-s't overvbeimed Chris ilarrison'o hrs = " ol ole peatbleIarss of iUores ve te ne. by is teams play &B-On- 5og5isW goal oOdw5aOOMcausaddedaddn le Agee edmp l~ (Continoed flou page 53) aohsefcrS. ville &4 BSoday ne nlg alb de = are uap in th.v Mcmaion-W 'g u Oskvlle before hamsin10goalsidrwvte1.yet," =Ïeold B putlry is ueS'g out san-" i vctry retro Of Brios' KoO«e as gond Onsu lbeydd 0 Ail galvanized body over Georgtovo On defesnce, theeissu ve lu t yer Os miser Mondy a0 Munola loab stsroag vith enSotisu M.Bt nsaxo va we e 5Y.5rFactory Zlebart Armna. Ibe -Nto issGrai. tetevlsoepyNogn ers utnfn .»MktXyqMa"'= , P(OakviâelUeasosR« qoin -adrot AU butr? t ~ 'M Gorgetown) and hao - Exclusive SUyer ProtectIon Plan sfaso VmdwWtoloplaed slect ohonldtel umore'" Lasdry puOteloe pmohaOsOyerLaglan edged- g .hIisu Eed mt e akville set b1 oram ave rnJ.:iS-I trsday A .M r gon md vhile Bob Borbonnais, pr=y=vilbeen siected St ortlAr-s, Mark Whitten asd Steve vl 0k McDonough, alteough onIsisOiOstheeS 4e Mail it fr sngleS. Dave Wilits, Brott Bo- game 33-4, ss'd so Krssgewas iOst1h.issu,,Mark Nevby, Rlck vhallepedCingucooayTS M TO Sofmltr oasfer JIon Hlrelch, Sent Morey, 7-1 atrdsy Os Brama- Agalosl(leorgtonBeva Dngoay, Grry les. Lsdybttrfv osNoevorihy as'd Pal Perbapa tee must50 rneS..,M lo 1-idil e frtN Maskey. Bote Morey and exctlog garne ofth mi 1,0N a AJIeNoeorty coooLlback veek vas tee is over 8 82 2 roled t0 teevictocl. o. sdefeoOfnce i h.. Bwhnglsn vhlsh vitesot I ~ ~ AUtfinin!I Job, Imi slm vuS eituh BMiOsaMs@WuOs n Sal e u, Joso &,P - hoitOrdClhyVacotr teOO8 1%. hy. bol, igia o-aJo, Sus caiosasolut hou S. LsosasMsS S tMd>"B Tbe bop' Ste 0010 auJS vsawbs amus s'bN.a à. àoop Sua à on, &mmOeu orln Bas tae 510ou IS usne ks e u 005ud so LontoMi SuGuaNOOUM. 11tiNO N utm- Dia. tuesaesMfMt.acalt iN<vu Thie Cnsden Forces egular Otticer Trainng Plan is for high school graduatas who've mado up heir mnciswhere lhoyre gCotg inlIde and wha they wqnt from l. if pou omeau p, i'BI ay VoS 04 pay your oukloooseés e h5 ou *k a o#We In tineneirof *ir Oe A, uor ian of more ton 40 disciptise. as lh.unK*Iclty of pour choice. Whert pou greduat, you'il h. 05* for socoethinghboter tom jobuntbg. YWutl oip os an lt.falg,,oaWO#djngpWoel wloh unlimteil opportunffl efor4&*tSl growth. Fo mmoo Inlomatio,alisito heCeos meplv- usaicoaSas. 3 10 0 a.nMetas1 ' s:tlmas Tasader e ofhuseS, <SoSO a&. te 4«50-sor rob ecoupon'. ICanadilan Forces ReCritbngCntre 150 Main Steet West Hamilton. Ontario 0,8F lHO *-i. F-Plo »d-. Izci Nc- Po eoCity p-ao, --b -- ---- --- ---- ---- --- NEW du MAURIER Light.Yet distinctly du Maurier 4'1-Mî 1