som am.AGoorgetovit goaâe acramblea made it two win wth a 5-2 win over Oakville. Sent Georgetown Optimists Ots-gad mita tisa challegeoni dafet- balisa salaser fiv ljtu arci-rival Georgetown, Mtn aid persi ii. 1 Oplisbet miser p- em-pasded te la 1h. ocni se th tubk sIlli s 3-1 vlctory Satuwdey secd lain leh avesisg et Marnes-l Aresia. opumuata coa Geergemo s-aPrumens tas lis-t tust trmeeces tablei fr Matas ta qsliiy le Osi Miser Okvia mou&d Hockey Asscation pot-eaaes play. abandseed lb se Alilseagi tisa pisytisms dunt bagin fr to-tis-corsar rou lis-e monuis, Optimiste mera emeot- pucb aver tsa li issafy prepas-ed fer tae challienge ase if suIa. th. gane mas plaed le Jassesy. Altasigis taa ..We me h e a gama," sald trctd taetum ceacho W DavPizis, "anid me plsymd tas crser wme mml. Ws isd eur russors se and miss castra, tae playei the races. We mrssntop of aamt and It asdco baome difflîsit fer tasa = a defassl (Georgetown) ta do asyting." surfac laft litilaîr ptmacre emocis cta. play lise sepys and if It msse fr tree o asdsg Obtie rd by Georgtomis, ta. core md bava taog m iea h... iaiser ltisougis Opl isn dido't O b e akmas ielp taalr omis ceus. isy tal avrlthat ose iacb qa sibts stasiglit on tas 90aita7-der asd Optimiste ae "Georgetowisl tas bg tes fer use la sective geais ta lefe"added Davdss Il Geoff Polies île =.-= "lk Dudia ii ushai- mest ta Scott Et lange." Coe. Sett Hilsen put Opimiste on lise OpUlimai ut scorsboardmuitaa geai elle moisates le- oriel Armea Salis ta thais. Goargaeown baotsd tae ta Os-asgavis TU scr t1-tw tise utest laier. tae tougiser tsar Ja es sby our.d mia rai aLeague.. respond ea minutes Itleleiaea- Dou Dressas as Y- tha cake miith a gea,22 she gaisi. less e i isstper- g a 5-i away min le Sy siglit. Optiise seal dtnsp-tsa-peb-le- oine asni sbasd lihe bse lisesailli gond s-e- icoacltlng stff in- tandumptae puck ti m tae players cromued ms dlractdm&sas-oms led 1h. pick labo 1h. Ive ons. Ibae mail ica mrsm balmies 1h. bise minrt tise misuies laie t lise mis-up alioead mmway. Ts-avis Coeagel pickly 30 secosi s late- s-ed tous- movreoS- »take tae mile. ad a pair whda leigles llwood, Dresses and et ergetown aet Mm- urday bes-re travelling dmcay ta muntome ef se le tise Tri-Cousity inorSOGC fl Get the best seats at Maple Leaf Gardens. Order your season tickets now Indoor Soccer combines the speed of hockey wth the finesse of soccer resuiting in a h/gh-scoring, action packed sport guaranteed to excite Toronto fans. as a seeison ticket holder. *Enjoy preferred soas for ail nine reguler seeson home gemtes. *Have priority seat selection for playoff t gemes. B le admitted to the VIP Club et the Hot Stove Lounge for ait Thursday evening gamtes. 1900-81 BuZZDmo mm SCHEwtLE SEASON November 211htOh îlhursday) oS Cagary Roges TICKET Noflehr,30h -2 30 Sundayl vs New ngand Teamen Pn ri enes Decerioen 14[h -2 30 lSuh<iayl os F Ldul4oOhdaI Sihkers 1 aAes Gold $9000 Januahy 415 - 230 (Surdayî s CagaryR gues îs$1.00) Jaiiuahy 8tr 8 00 (ThusdIayî vs Alana Chefs Red $72.00 --___ ($ 8.00) Janiar 18th - 2 30 (Sunday) vs Mnneotidtks Boni $5400 Janoary 2204 t8 00 fThursdayl s Chîago 5500 ($ &00) Grecn $5400 Jamuary 29th-8 fOh(Tursediy) s Detrot Epress ($ 600) February 151h - 2 30 îSurnsyî vs laý m fodeis Grey $3600 a ($ 4.00) Cut ouioaider faim andtoward ta. PRO SOCCER UMflD Exdslton Siadlum Toroto,4 OntatiaMOK 303I For mmr lWonntlan cal977KICK 9775425) »I ImmmmmmmmmM mmmmm M M M M m M MM M MMM MM MM MM INDOOR SEASON TICKET OROIR FORM *Narie IAddress *Cty *Province_________ Postal Code_________ *Tel. Ihome) (bus) 1 I muld 1k. ___-___seasons tickets e a ______par seat. IFul f penet ls required baie tickets are isauad. MaM@ chaque ai money aider payable ta. PROSOCCER LIMTO ICOUSI CAMRS ODR: MutrWh&WN. -____ Expaty Date_ ____ WUA n oe a avw umw ame Mmi Amane la a- Me le un êi pet Iuwm Iowaid1= a bu a rafier lackuatra ihilar u kèûM affale, Whears jusped <Grog Ms eu sh lied is a 2-0 irst period iead imi. o goals iey Trrry EU- Fiti Wheelers sec wood and leif Seoford. boast a 5-1-1 league re- Acater sarromied the cord- gap ta 2-1 earyinyhe IuHowesar, &aiet oma second .elad ona a ty l intee cmp Tuai byWa »aRnibseft. » M MBeHueoery .dYm o edPile, ta 4-1s k" s tudocks Slawod scored tue play eu heb.tus. gal inthe thWrdperledMasagusuttilacout- Brooks skates to silver medals Tisa yasg Mtas ligua kalu boan tisir quai fe1 b 5,5-ae ia ale lionalr Cruk tnu- th sad" alcbaasptuahlp, wwiDii saplace Frldky Nov. MNat teeGalaxtusScarieroU0l. Comsaitg t the.junmliae lavai, Patebuon placd shMtIn ber fis]ament. Breaks cuespel ad tsaPmfflviselevainlebath liguanad fü» skate and came bornesmiii a iliver madai SNu aise omptd siver teteroanad pwaeda.cosdtcotieatvrmdi IT'S TIME FOR DUR FALL CLEAROUT a oia rixcel lent- stock but they won't last long. Corne early for best selection new~Imq prier le pres ime. forI jas. Madden Miles, Ontario GALA OPENING GAME STUESDAY, NOV. 4th, 10 Gamo TIrn? 8:15 p.m. Trhompson Road Aron&%J il À T 1- CHECK DUR PRICES 'AI I'Car & Truck Prices Clearly Marked. Corne In And- Have A Coffee And-A Snack CARS. EOCAS TINKS BTRUCKS CHE VROL ETODTOI lui m PIMLM.AT lmmNTST. -w.?. 1U-141 OAsEL UETiN7 w DOZENS OF 1980's " loews a Chnotts " Cuamisa* alibls m C"M*Oea *Cailass0*Ol"isu os *Tecks IuIudIm sevu *~~ opqe & mmtrtr