ellHiîm ndgoos wîth Bernebei to OFSSA maissu lt iarntaiII. iutnDor clgiBicliamc u- Vico Bornbo llujain Poloni in Lm"to outdatanlagtry rnttmcf Hlton ttis Irecoat memory. iis weelelid for lthe Ontario champ- ta tietop spt h mtrby tts tcgeos iarvrefn tin 1 -- Polon la jt one of twoMiton raaaers ta sanhipi. Bernabas fmnished elghtl in junior Haton championsis Wednesday in tnhmin ilots rvoiwe t qaatfy for the rovîncial championsi oy s .yiVola mas unsare whetiser or nt ta Brampta. Kelso. coach BetiVlas gamble ta s ack hs bel move Bernaiel p to senior in an atternpt tn Poloi movei ot of tise pck t about the. it moarinait tise firt tUne a runcer fromn ter torna did't pay off. quallfy hs tecon and it looisaise he made tise riglt deelojon. Bernaieis plactog castdt bave qualiieuthtie tetan d lie oud prby not have qualllted ai an 'I anBt Iimpeacedit ilitise miy lhigo turned mt" explaied Vola. 'Borne cofrny hopes ver. longabato aod wth tjuries me castdot corne up =lthie jofrmancea.' Theieior boyifis eit ftise topivao tems qUl hle tejne itthe ote itntaawl tisa itlde chane nere Inirui. In allier boys' reculla, Steve Davise ama 29t, Peter Schsmdt 111h anoi Dive Nolot van athInh senior. ise top rnldgeta were Mse Beveadere lill, <lion Faulissor elnd, fiike Van Wart l5ti and Chartes Jari llthtuIl junior, Norm Rose na lUt, Jens Francisoe and Sconti MeColeman 741h. On tise gIrl' aide,. Denise Woets barely misceit quallfyig vltis an ltti-place Ifiis i junar folloneit by Lynn Copelanit 2l, Tracey EnglIli h28, Crone Kaîrnan 38 and Lyndi Wtogfild 42. la senior girla', Renee Notet na lrd, Brenda Ryan 44h, Laurle Zions mat and Sheila Wilows, a mldget runnlag op two grouape, na541h. For the second year ia ran, Georgetows, ~ crha-otmb rae Paentwon bm eelHaitn roe ssrkng te frat domiatei tise meet laing fine-oithie top Ileegleifo -Snryrce Poo aoute:Sfl lonrceinrW7 hef st sxtearn tîtio. Aciualy, iltmarised a poorer ,=ektbrk It m c i.. th Milie'. Roy' Polon tùne a Mlton runner had won at thia level. inngaonternsnieacilnn rnovng int the lSd t about the ome.uater mak. al s titlen andt fine oa ixuset OMSA. 5 orts THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 190MI I ",- SECOND SECTION Leavlng tie. behlitd: The Heart ake Conervation Ares course% tered with leaves in a pictureaque fall sett n. Poloni (abeve) n charge and defeated Georgetown rival Deug Smith for the oenor country race. Teams better balanced as industrial ait- set for a more disciplined season - ndmrit Oi5tetn .oesBiy msaemderag ai Munila Tiseos lsrly dosa gamos preducoit lire close contatsa tboe rty prognouiteinlor F aligloiqn itoisace oai l@ tagae cisanphisuitlisaS3-tmWinustraiglt La aon f" nmity Rocvdt), Nadit F1ru attisit issoionu a iy HMlon lfl ogisiUy Pro Csnta) a"Racec teUo~dl a 3-2 te in a gane niicis ny i.& nitions- Tishe iaei atteptingtaeakoeis l image 09fà rougis loague Istiulwer pasi- ai"a mitemupannion for seions. lfric- Central Ont. Jr. B Standings GP W L T F A Pi. oaurillea 10 7 2 t Bt 3 là Doiua to10e7t2a1on1 M t4 Barampos tt 7 4 I 72 4U 14 Gais Rldg. Il 7 4 0 M ai 14 Actes tà 5 e t os 77 Il Blrostivielte 1 4 4 2 5o6S 10 Barrita Il 4 5 à Se i: 10 Tisonwliil 10 4 OôB0S M 5U 10rgton O4 ô60O1111 5 OMiie 1 0 St I In e T-Birds tie hIan ontto-molgane HiltonTisondor- bisrdt s jer poomusa -rnd à -t li mIl ChistgloUsMY Mocday algti ararnatea Molonnvii addilsdith MIin Ull-tse miors ataamajor ad icoiiOnai"ech occasion oveliscocino a ù-hanitid nicisUnditheii.ganue sly h insnfiet Pe- 'Weisad orchine., sait MlIon COe Danam Elllaon- 'e hait btter al-oati ef- frla frorn vryoe" Theo dram cerne on the hoesof a -f vin onu AAcatr Satra tilMornrt Am.tat ihg . h omo aite oeod tue qalckly isforo Ben a iso " os iha goal scoeit r. a acrarbleile ishtem WuiPliga Mas T-Sarde misai theb Hnosasnsome a ver- 1.1v f playmai isli ponlilus ih i on «« Acagr. avidm pcedthe attACIs wit tiée " wileRabinTurnraittoi a pir ait Diffus Sainchlppinsit h lia single. Liaimac, Il mai hieadtifreportait thit AI Ili a caitT-Srde i pli- son's absence- Alhiullkl hMu e- sant ibe hebboidi, hi fat iet r dthe uocowchig timu cand if thaefienttisue gamon ire an indcaton ofniatltes uhead, tue league is taesnabistiop forvard. BTRMIGIT LINZ t D i d aims hiscateamthi ot ap ta tesaç a tOi et ioaoo, Frefigitera' coach Muray McConneil sai eli na nery pleaied wltu lin squad's vctory avec an ib- prsvod Stralgisi Une Fonce. Fireigiters conit once i the fintiad idded tvo mors in a ti-sec0o pa ltto i tho second perlod hoore StraigitLino got on theiscoeooard. "Tisey say ers ont a strong aselat yoir," omay McCmneUl, "bt 1t tub tue teaguneitougisr . We idded Don SabiIris (fianmer Milton Flyer, Bois Ras (former Mlto Aro,Jay NoladatndSamlMarion- "Via tot Jimnmy Cirtwrigistt heuiejorse and Paul Prier butt 1tuis on the vhole ne:re justas st-ng. Iti btter fr the tenrn. Enery game ne have tu bain i. Tieyisnow tboy iave toplay every ganse. Ve stilI iave the same team sipit as lotyear.' SoddyIthomon and Haisiiri scoreit 15 seconds apari lite in tise second perlit lao alaie Flrefigiters ta, tue eabo bfore Stralgisi Une narroveithtie gap tu twa gonto ih 22seconds tlltin tise perlitd. Stralgist Une controlloit mach of tihe pay i the final perlit bt coldn't pott he pocis petaotc tuosn Piil Belley la the Fireltghter goal. StrclgistLino te enacised isy Don Owen, c nencomer hi, tue indotrial hockey cene. He sîdise faitisic teagonsuddhavevwon. "I tlis me play about 75 per cent of the game in ibeir noc,' sait On. 'Vith cny loch, nevaouldisavaeieaten them." Ties quad hba jot eigit returneei from lait year. NAPALIN FLYERS 3 HALTON MOGSl2 Hagi rollei ap an early 2-0 tend andt then vatceili diioppear ai penalties and fat- igue lacis their toi allawneSNodalin tva poner-play goals in. tise final perlidt la earn tievin. Hogi quicily jumpeit on Naddlin ad iacised iy slit goaliseepig from nen- camer Terry Fritzley. controlleit mach of the play in the flrstisalfaofthe game. Honever. Nadalih regroupeit later in tue game and loch advanlage of Hogai sort- slaffeitsqond (no linent. Hog' defender MI Duncan tooh a major penalty ad an aularnatie Ino-minote minar early in the third perioit for togli ticing Close eaâ: MhAI gthe plck aPpO heaSOded too the best Stra*gt Une Fence and Racera Etge drew z-2 net, Hoplumld %rOry ft1l y8ctllydfle2ted with Milton Chryaler-Dodge. It maked the begtning it wde hmai a mWbb> NadiR'a Henry Brinke. of regula seamen pieay in Milton Indutrial Hocke. NadoiR n urusd ahad fr a 3-2 wln wile Flre«gters andt Nadalin jampeit on tise paner play apportonity lorning a 21Idiadvanlage ita o 3- lend. "Penalties illeit us," îaid Haga rn-concis Mircent Zolrnan misa along nis Roy Smiths andt Gary Pariaons ilIisadiethie bancis Duncan andt Pte McCuaig had itakeit Hoga la a 2-0 boit. KeithiBridgmansnar- ranei t he gap ta I-1 vitis a seeand-perio<l goal iefore Pt Haggart and bah sDArazia pt Nadaisn aisead taistay. RACERa LOGE 2 CSIRYcLER-DODGE t Racers Edge fireit tva pnver-ptoy gonds midnay tirogis tise tiird perlit ta tritihe 2-0 diondvnnageilo thie 2-2 fie. Penlties agsp i rveit cotiy ai Ciryier played sisartisandeit for aearly is cansecative mina uten, playing tva-mon sort for ane minute and 14 seconde of tisaI tirne. Tisth te onst game sonfar,"on- clalanei Heatis. We didnt paon tise pacis ton moil tonigist." Meanniie aver autide the:dreaalng room, Raceris Edge concis Joisn Penoon nasa't happy vus iis teama low tari.> "If taken aur guys about a periad ait a ialtot get going, sait Pemson. "I tiinis Firefigiters are gond but Cirysler-Dodge la lisetenmtfaieat." WithiBrait Eanopariine ietneenthie paita. C-O jampei aisead vithitise lone gonl oftie second periad. Steve Wilson f ire thtie gol midnay tiroogistheoperod. In tise final perlit., Gond Adams jompeit tise leai tut 2-0 tva minutes lto te final frome iefore Richard Mrryan a perfectiy timeit deflectian and George Troncs pt Rarers Edge int thie tie Sockets efforts produce big win AlittIe btter al-aroonit effort vwas croit- Howver, Maft Nevisnppleit this r- toi miipoei 'bayon ilt novice ance mariser vith a goal lno an empty-sef hnisf.iadoitGeagetmn1hf ri defeat la secore tise in. ai the yenr mitu a01-1 vin Sunday sfernoon James Greenis prslific scariog continueit ut Memorlîl Acona.vison ho openeit ties carlog ihieu thon Miltonouppeit lis record la I-l1in iandng tva minutes ta play lathie fia-af perid. Georgeown ita fiet Iosin seven gamen Airian Meli asoisteit Witis 49 seconda hi vifs single goals in eneis of thie priade. ayn ie second perit. Ilaisie Dl Papi Socieslinarseit o 2-0O boit tirougisootthie =itoulead s withsiss in a Drren tiirit perlit uaf il Georgetown mcdo it BeaIs andt Grecs. escifingvwifi a goal la seconda frm thie end Il mai Socieshilane game ofithi emeoi. ai tise game. Georgetanis Mise Ba-nonTise team fravela fa Brlingion Safurday sateit tise leiglisoaithice on airenisamoy bafore returning i Memorill Mena Sua- uni t sa-h isalho into tise top let corner. day againîl Bromptan, Aeros open Thursday against Rockton l eyec ml heoan John HalIvhan Hilon Aeroa face tensIon Real MeCoyc in HLtan can eerfaithe Intermeitc B Lague Tsrdy nlgisf in Racishin. Hall mises his coneing debaf and Aeron mdll demonotrite thiir nen co-aperotine cppraachin thie fenm iis year. Aeras pay in Paris Manday hefore ennslng hme in play thie finif game here agalout Paris ai Hemarlal Arena TuoadiY sigisi. Aron plan for Edie Siach POP Shoppe Nlgh istmlho iforce nitu Tise Enteraier isiasseti ptting on c sbaflng exhibition hsteeon perlcda. Ho mdl ilso ho on hanit durig thie game ta slgn auto- graphos. Tise sqaad il poit a isoeleo cran, onla lhise eneRobton. njre4a m-penion and mors comemnté have llnste thtie iqodis fia-af gcme aithie year as Aeros dide't play any preseamon gamea. Souren croan thfie lbague lodiente Aeroa are onthie verge ai clgning c noring agreement vitu Georgeown Riders of Intermediate A. A ina-mal agreement in expected hi o ilgned liter his veois ami delails are somevisal skotcsy eaithie moment. Aerei have signed it uie Pennarden, Pal HeCann, Sel HcGüloway, Lamne LsIsu, Goard Lyons, Tom Sat, Jin Roiseliuon, Dogeelop. Bois Baier amiMark is hehr. Tise latter lireare lportc. Mon glvig an idlcetin iey il sien cre Marty Bee", Pal Denlin asud DII Saur lackisisle Dive Norton hi stili onitilts nistier t, pa wih AerS or returahte