m f- -" ý -- - - - - - - - - - PiF spoctivo Superlntendent says Escapes 'a failure' but program "Asybody wbo fase youi ea rnnasprisais idiont mi Incident la on ciosid ine" Th in th 1e ballnio Ansmi Roberts, 42year nid supnmlnlasdentofn Mapieborat Correctionai Centre, wbo ban boss la- nolned la correction fr a nmbser of yearaIlaboth Cauada and Rngiond. la dai't s tr acn te ae tcImm nmasd 99aon for mi.mid aceclooab cen rsx nid cha p nssn e coseeMr. Rte r.obddts. ha sai enra b t e mn h toallW geran dsa 'U7 uaton an or 1" Ow M as la cre B onprannelsai muet là. d eth1e tHcsIla 10 atesopne roigitnsf= ofmit- tarnnmg iofal10On tenho h pine cape.vr mnh me ara daifiglarminimpgang msAgl roh"at"dim p fi ralywmi osipdte gri frimtnd àisolas tO aetr,saidMr anaraged f ismal Mr.aRobertsadn pmrtylaS am not p tMapeh~u eon par"cao' A ma imutnome5f ita. Guel orectdnl I.l a" psr ontrdeanbatisit"hlotal"sot mark g an lai100nar-jnarsnescape works Tins prsnlmity nofitigit- may 401 silows for an se- and pioeaaerri tracbsd domo On the ha- medisto orsa. Aithongit the nombor ni escapes a s risn, Me. Roberts said there are ns plaonte, cinge the sncb progran. "IWe wli cbonge tino precedore mites me feel the need, bot nol onili," tie snaus flesa lut poars riotlnslg mare tinan to10n0an Eqsdpment nnlned at onar »,o duesta id n the Isckdent ban nefbhem repdacWainnd strong seortymeosureahave baatatnste prenent a similar occusrrene, ha said. Wbsreaiatose time as many an l00 prisoner msre permited in the gymnasinca, 0h00 sambor ban nom bas bolved. Ismatos tram 10e aduli training contre and the corrections] centre ns longelmisdarisoaial ftutlm. Structurai changes O the g'ym incinde grill- mark on ail mbsdoms and nccem points tunadleong romsand as apper lenai bons bean blociteli off. Butth1e atoppsd'np secssrity dona not moann mone tomardo n maximum n Ontibstion, naid Mr. Robants. "10 ban aimai/o boen n medinonsecnrOy contre. Tisera are ioo plans to maita It asyting dise," te aalid. pmWm.A teyflaf aitliaae latma wlo apaaaeaoàtumayaewbave areen t1I.uIisII. OfUTitYIIII whomVut retun hoe fr an emergeney station ha alcituesa or a deatl i luthe family. utaacia The M aplehurst escapes airia.wrkgag lasgrw s tefive y oaeunla u opns.luIi volume of prisoners wlio work But Ili mmte populatlo ialo clianged Many are no lnger week.ltefoowgaoreMphn oies explain how flrst thme offe.nders and a=gowngpercentge are servsng 0sen- they selnecthprfsoo]nersor wrkrsgret and temporafrfyabsence tencen for violent crimes sucli an rape, lodecent assault nnd ar- ans, ad h ey fec roo ecoi sadeýquate. med robbery. Police feel satinfîed the nuirber of cacapees osn fot neriotis and The number of escapes lias also risen over thse lant few yearn. To Staff Sergeant Ron Sotlgate of Halton Regional Police expînins datehlaear,2m n lave eacaped custody. Seventeen addltlonal wliy. 9ZUrahve = dtreturn from temporary absence passes. And one young prisoner talla lil story of wiy lie chose to escape But Mapleiiurst officiaI maintain tlie figure la practically lu- and gives is opion on tie urityntansat Maphrst Inma tesmmuÀ « ar trictlyscrneened ,Work am rsppdrocpunadopW ad sfaficlescy gardening pro projects are irai piaced on internai Every nnato muat, bowovorhave mu aylmi.ai Mapleburni, tait grsmm.n0rmspscieanng Onors oios o been n Mapiebursi for tbree 10 four set eneryone lanIecmitted O to nkoi- 10e kitchanr mning ho l iodrymontha hatore nppling for a lempnr- aide lino correctlonai centre. Prior to thelm analgamont ton aproject, om ary pas pionnera are rsqnlred On pana an vew Approxlmatoly s2s prisases are on- asemosi porloil wblcb ranges. from once a wssb, n ibree-man huard Eocb is judgd ons his nwn menit, ha- eme rolied in the centres dally progrsm Omo mooks n ose month. nts n dtrmino job re- itavior ad te partirniar cir- tage whlchi ncindes a samber scoof iycassifications and piacement of in- cumnlasces ni is situation. projecin, mtistry ta ad e oemîly Tiooae regarded as naltobie for worm dividuais on an otside gang. AKFML IS The t is ot simple, according n The famdly of tite prmoner On aiways Lwonion, snporvisor nf the correctionuai cntscted by Maploitorno On detormioe centre, if ho miii ha eicomed home. TH1E CANABIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 290 THIRD SECTION wera gangs prove prouctve. As many as 60 matea work in tse Milton comni daily on such projecin as Halton Womnen's Place, cutting wood in Norths Halton f tracts (above) and lielping out farinera. Police view Says jail i8 doing its job An for as Staff SergoanniRa on 10tgato la co- ceraod, the samber of Mapleburat escapes basai caused tha0mucb anxiety to the police department. "We bons ind n tem campinsu tram the public, boisait masy." Tise 40-yor-old policeman mbo nom bonda the criminelainestigation bureau fr lise North HalOns districtieils peoplebhaveoner'ractod taesncapes. Ha blamed media caverage ai n recent ingalan incident for eyerai morried cliers tram the coon- mualty. In is opnons, Mapebarat ia doing ovsrytbing possible tlaprevnt escapes. Ha n satistisd m110 the scressing procem mwisci permutsas aniy aistmates a day labho emplayed os commsnitymsork gangs. Escapes iiil aite pince, bot tomatos rarely pose probiemforncthe imidateaores, hbesaid. "Tibey uauaîly escape ity teath and dent mntiso ha nas. Tisey try to get amay freon the ores and are generafly netlsntorastod in bsgngransd" ho said. But tintbha nt aiays benthe case. On more tas ose occasion as escapes baa stloln a veicleaans manef a fast getamay. A Cnmpbelinlie maman escapeif serions isjary ose yor ogo mies as sscaped convict bnocbed bar oner siter stoolilg the family car. Anid soln veiices. are rareiy retuned in ties ame stato as dieymwere tossa. iney are uaily found neyerai isandraimilesa amay, nometms damaged ansdfraquently fldiy. Thereideonaip beomanplice and Mapleiusteof- tîiltobasnoat aimays beau as amicabto an il0nnom ap oseslao. Cesiaon arasa on senerai occasion wbon police mere not caîed immediateiy abot an escape. Dsrlng ose incident police dld not receino notifica- tion o an escape for ose bour. Tiat prableon bon bean solned an a rasait of meet- inga boomnen the Omo orgasnstion, said Staff Sor- geant Sontgato. On Sept. 10, 096aimeo-page pracedare mas dramo op, ontlibing the stops 10 ha taiten by polira and Mapleitarst in the evotofanoescape. "ILlaO our blilgome no, once an escape bon labos place. "We co-ordinato 10e nearc ansd tey anolt," ac- cas'disg te polce. Enery escape On castlin Ltoms of maspomor asni the monesy dot mont ha spot aarcblag for an in- moto, admltted the staffsergeant. At ltoastfour or fins police officera pulied tram diroigisont 10e ragios pu correctoalaff mi laite part innasearcis 1at con lait for dras e taur bous, ho sald. ssdouba ila adrainsonmapower,"ihssid. Aidiasigis dismajerltyetfecapes.do Labo pince nvaliniuImotesona an onlalde ment gang, plces don't place the bbmeoi nitesnaparvislas. "I tik oitlistantlc 1000 at y cas have ose guard (Continsad on Page C2) SOME CANTGO Tinsse inciade individuels sorvisg a sentonce for serions ses crimes tcilid moiooilng, rapo, isdecent assoni0), orson, and deug trnflctlng. lTe board doem oni comsider prisoners wi10 a record of escaped cuatody or those mith otlanding charges. Theaoniide wort gang prngrnm bon n potontiel ot80 lamatos, bot Mapobhurot avoragen 57 priners a day morblng onisido the fonce. "We bone nover roacbed onr maxi- mumn potontiel, becanse ni the atrici screeing," snid Mr. Oies. Ho teois one dooes escapes 1is yonr On n "'very 00w" figure inlilgit ofnithe nonhors moetlsg. Extonsive precantion la taiten On soi- et trootwortby tomatos for onisido tasha, ho naid. A samber ni police reports and the fnmily bockgronod filon are reviewed mites inog ai tomatos for varions projets. The resait lann tairiy compotont work force ni enthsiassic tomatos nobo are creditod wm110ansesthantod siotau worth of commonity work ibis yonr aiono. A "ganglog book" beepandaliy wrlt- ton accemini ofitmatos' bhaonoransd atituide. Ifau m sostboaves penny or shows signe ni betng na ecusiri noS, in plied off the gang. liy the samo toiten, a itnrdmonlclng prionner cas onro severai priviieges. 30 DAYS EQUALS là A totaliof Os reminnion doys for overy 3i gond wnrhing days cao ha earnsd by o prisonor. He On aiseo enconrngod tu promoto iimneif titrosigi varions jobs tu eventualiy recoins n payisg job. Ontario Paiiet lOnononlocal firm 10n1 empinys inmotes, in addiion tOnlocal tru andf vegolabie formera. Thare ia ittie ornon supervision and occording On Mr. ies, Maptobarat ban noverlmst on inmatefomam npaying job. Te wnrb prajecis have recsived the gratitude of the commoniiy and ap- precistion from mnny lomoaton wbo mont te npporiunity tOnbtter 10em- selves, naid Mr. ies. Ho reintod ose ncodoni miereaon n' mate escaped milie on n temporary absence pas. A membor of an nutside morb gang, bis action& promptod many inmnteo On tom ogolnt bienmiten ho mas retorsed tOnMapiebarol in the on- Letn t ho hsongiti and mon given protoctivo cuatsdy. SimilartOn the labor gang committee, a separmoto gronp ni ofticiels sits onoce a meesito10revtom applications for tom- porary absences, micit vnry trona one On 15 days. "We are ver y, very contions on o me aiiomtOn go home," naid Bob Groom, tomporary assistant ni the TAP pro- gram. Just over hlof oitoembhonppiy for a tom days off are granted permssioon tu ionve 10e lontitotias An onstable home situation n flot re- garded as suitabie and a prisoners re- quest May be turned dlown for that rea- Somne parents do not want their son bock, said Mr. Groom, and Ohere are nome wîvon who don't wanl tonnec their huabando ever agaio. Inaten who have committed nerono nennai offences or violent crimnen are rareiy granted a paon oniessoan emer genry nituation arise, sncb as a nerions iliness or death in the immediate In the cane oniaon lins, Mapiehorst officiais cntact the doctor ta check if a vosit hy an inmatnle nsoidered bene- finial or not. And if iOtofit necesnary, the correr- hionni rentre wli provide an escori 1a an inonate who is graoted o paon. "Our main concorn n Ona prntect sor- ieOy," admittef Me. Groom. Lant Christmas, 125 lomaton were aiiowed On go home on lemporary ah- sence passes. Of ltat nomber, oniy titree faiied to returo on tome. The trio arrive lato, lte remilt of ton mach parlying, ocrording ta Mr. Gronm. sMapiehurst regardoslte passes as on- tremeiy heseficiai 1a ismates whn are seebing ta ronome a normailIle f101mw- ing the compietion niflteir sentence. 'lTseprogram does hitaOnrelan a ot fi rustrations," te sai. "'GOOD EXPERIENCE" "The iomate cao go home and noive varions proitiemo mt bis famiiy. He bon the opportnnily tlodincons plans and ltes returnitere On wnrk n those idean. " Il in a gond experionce. IlOiniteiping hlm beep active wilio nciety, tor eventuaiiy he in gong nta bo bck on lte simdt. He han a 1cm enampes ni thone mito wiii ha granled o pans. Titere in a 22-year-oid inonalee nrning a sentence fnr armed rnbory. He han an excellent ocitool report frnm i nindion ai Mapiehurni and han earnod noverai remmnsion dayn for gond ha- itavior.He ibannions tn bogin bonting for a jnh noce he in releasef. Based no numbor ni rocommendainon, he in per- motted a pass A lo-year-oid onmale appiyiog for hon third pans (heasa compieled Imo pre- nions panses mithnul prnbiemn> mania lo go home for hun grnndfathar'n birtt- day. Serving lime for break, enter and ltoift, be in doncrihod an mcii hahaved and no proitiem Titere are no argun monts agoinni aiiowiog itaI go out AnnOter i0-year-nid appiying for a paon On nlrongotoo bhis parole chances on lnrned down. His schooi çraden ai Mapicitors are poor and he on lermoif npredictabe. A lemporary absence pano in a privol- elle and 001 a rigt. sîrenel Mr. Groom. "Hon cnndonl itero and isnabiily ta gol aiong with itin poors play a nignific ani rateon one donision," he naid, add- ing the huard aino gnon 1tagreatlengths ta ontablithe naiidity ot an inmale's reqnont. Escapes Mapiehurst An inmate tells why ".I ksem I mas going 10 ha caugit, botteor me, i0 man morth i." Mapiebamni escapos James Schram, 19, feoin heha bd uaicanne Ononcape from n mort gang. And miten te docided 10 do it in Anguat, ha tound 10 nery simple. Accarding to Sctram, mb s n onm bock in Maplebarno sernlng an addltlonai six mostin for the escape, Il Oanont bord On gel nmay. Intfact it la reiatinoiy emy, te naif n an intrniem.* "If a guy ania ont, ha milii by tor an oniside gang. The opportuolty la almnys there," ho naid. ta is cane ha mas desperato On isit a sick grandosother. Ha conidera iegrandmotter apecil, hain liled m11 ber for mont of is lite aler is parentas spamatod. Scbmnm applioli for a tomporary pas bat mas tsrned domo. He fignres ho mas retused tecansil mas toit ith 1e anthor- ilio that is grandiotoier mas ont ion- mediato tnmily and ttc situation masnont Ho made no elatorate plans for hiancxlt. Homoas morting onisido the fonce near the edge ai Mapleturno property wbon ha decided n leane. "I badl stoppsd meetIng andi mas itting on tae grass. i laoeaitsth 1e 401 and I lonked ai the gang bonsa.Ho ws aith1e other endi ai the field. "And I just lanis of.' He ind enly 23 doasmaeti lago onias il- month sentence baswas sernlng tor breaki, enter anild het. "I aimost israed aronsd t ontse bact, ha admîttali, bat hb os.darmisilita ;- is grandotier in Wnsoer. Hls basesha mnnid ha cangito aoyway, no ho figured he migito ansmcii soc ier firni. Wbon te orrived tome, ieteonid hon mothar andf grandonoter ho masouot on a posa. He mon giad ite iad donc il. His grandonothrs condition had mornened and ha mas happy tOnbonar, A tom doyn inter, ite admittedtOn bis modier ite tad oncapoti andf asbed bertOn drive hoon to Windsor City Police minore te tnrned timueif in. "Thare more othar mays i muid have gene hom," te noid. "I bnomnom that i cmild have appeomeif the decision on My tomparary, pana, btt1 dido't then." Althmigit ha balsinl wmaperaosaliy sortit is is hile tla oe off, hais e t i On admit an escape Oanont ;smart. "10 la slapld tOn go ont. beaoise yas are aidy golng On get canghttasnd py tor 1." Il