Fi - . -ý -à.-j ý Welcome te Moita, ie Welcooie Woe service celelrates 50 years of service in Canadath" year,andte service i Milnebu comnpleted nine yers. Hateaaea are Marj Mowbray and Bev Gibson (seatad) and Btmny Pulnam. Farmlng ln the Past lido Sunda, Jut 21 o m 10 a.m. ta 4:M M&otbrg Wld=fep.m. tit indui a filmr Cuta. itita prmailsaoat liloaatlng innoo parniigt duat. mad ri mansgument ocf l.m-ianw the . Psuil Halton study So" vostaffamd are mmmd erie i ag dAuMstaip rout eas ated d bfamily msnoe tlog suvim in he d reo tpissai&MW and th itaifa&d0-= Cas.cülset appravm ta ~ ~ t, i i vlcuaantts a b: roi era the. m-page domnent ta Augomiati limE te Ob*.i- reglonsi staff for cot t iaiU r tlol t>- anatynla an avalaati.n not ailre ioaw cei-h uf odiir Impacta on tetei a of repesad ingte a lTe stiidy wao hesf. C SivC=ssali an ,Whiy shautit weaniit 24. It t rucomimeudeit back if w. lad«y aMt tiiat a tawciiase ci sur that It ia that e tant," vice agramt it aea- argmed Daklilecon- tlated witti a stagt socia cillor tAta-te Manneli. Standard report card la coming Ais en may b. ta aigu ta the confusion af parents wodwing o ust mwlaX;*Wi*t iatg Se".oo Hamimi SintofEdicallnbuarecelved a draft otsdr rp r d forum ta replace Uni.aaaorted ltareld raldtot, Admlnlralve Amblant ta Dr Bob Dbgoo, Spenntundnt of Pregnar, sld four spacifir forma woutd ta usai naà tut bâisbafor tie nnxtttiee yeurs A tdn rgeareport in tie Juioilrad inter- a studnt adhlevemuit ftarin h eacdiiioaa. lThe progresareport til bta uaed dwraugiosthe year and tii. achevument report tilt t ait he end of te ysr and tilt tancludad i teOtaro Studnt RecordfMa ept on eachistiiint. Gradm swti la caslfed asO0iouatang), G (God, S tSatsfactory> and D (84gnfint df ficlty). Saitiiwatae n"lte report wuidd ta accompanled by an avelope advlnng paret tcotact ttase"ii if tiey have anyonicerne.L back for a report Cm&. Walter : Mats-aiiy tta nmobir tlcti.= the O.kVu eloti, iatrinoa .ssolutillanr-FaudSrtic. Sureau Social Sertie«Ca i~amlcasm utitteesaki "liii a .1041 'WD' ..tuisatfrmttau utlAMattiei.hsita isme novir ouc ai tn recommîi.itlaOsitrtaae, ltgsi oms cnhtoaat u as rean.ity te main musi- Re2ainslosiald mme efoe dits o ssnoteaith du taîtiuaitr is pantinta tii" micorent syuhno: conta- aiof kW-rI "Fortheflottime w sio intbedettvory ci ait Jaiepi anal "Fr u irt in. ervicei.. f du Itabs ort h iHalm bao, a:l copesso arelallvely laru nonier LMutai IlatiiChia ai bane of iiiao~a associas patlgfmuysieagenies tea 0uSd. fml ct =tissadt=iatne- nei otaiy, caD&ullathdureport. Muàwhtic oed dtha 134 S o Pd> h- ormtiy, seven agun- a recommnation la un- suei AsciteofiTo- ciem are laved ipro. prtita ta maiuce ta rentaCL rvlotiietvlafaiycamllgcacimsptOafior ANCHOR AUTO COLLISION 878-8424 OWoo Custom Painting e Frame Straightening: 0 Collision Repair Duwlg June utd Judy ONLY Bring your car to Anchor Auto Collision for a Complet. Paint Job and we'il give you - FREE VinYl Smdv Sidaoidlongafl(valuae*«.00) OR Stone Ouwdiluigof Lowar Idgaa (velue $U.0) FREE ESTIMA TES. 11NpslgRd., Milton Units 4 & 5 or n~WIN McDONALD'S GIFT CERTIFICATES - AND WATCHES. GET VOUR CRAYONS AND FELT MARK- EiRS GOINO, TO WIN McDONALD'S GIFI CERTIFICATuS. EINTRS WILL DE JUDGED ON ORIGINALITY. SEND VOUA ENTRY TO: THE CARIWIAN CHAMPFION, loiMMN TAIT EAU, MLTONJ, OoENTER AS OFTEN ASYOU LIKE. NAM E .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADDRESS ........................ TELEPHONE ............. AGE.. . . . . . . . . . . . . LAST WE'S WINWIU Lm RnBi 28to - kda1 About Vour Insurance At We can acivise you on, adequate coverage for your: " home and possessions " car *cottage *boat G ~ î a Mmotpeopla e tg uncm- plaoncot miumuc play by the ruirs But soin.pople duii t cru to bnoo m tittiy cah't tdaojob anod collcct benofintitit tiling us ticy'nc workitX. fliaos why cmiptoycns are bcmng amid ta scnd utthrdietanting dste antd Social tnsurmnce Nunbr oratoucos fraomput2n al fapifr duckd wth ubotSociai lnsuouncc Numnbcni of people tcoeuving i uncmplcymciitinmoorbcncfiti.1 Oouty tmm of pcentWa abuse tilt rvcr sunace. AMtcr invci- o anaiyooicfouoid tvig b tic wamttttich yare not 1 oncddwittbhave ou repsy tirn.i. Ittmay bc an homicit mustatr Soin. peope formetor dco't unromtmM lthcy mmut iciUnein- p4mmt nt lome ni d repart dm otl ainmgs thon n w st uap onmvm e &»V -vu,,dmd i,,O ,h. a nira-job. ltattcuir, rrpoymcnt ta aitlt"et'î oeuitvd. BUt, a pcoaty or proicc niay fottow wtico thr ocw syscrin dctrci people wrongty oetcng bcncfits. If you arc coicectiug unrra- ptoymcent ovsurancr buifitsand itat a irevjob, plenorsay su on your Ut cmnt reporltantd. Mid.~~uoS Ontario Sce present Buy ONE Adut " or$4M tickend get ONE ChII (16 and undor) or SeniorCitiL (65 and ove)dtot for $18. HAVE A.CHANCE TO METHE BLiZAR "«FAMULY 0P TmE QAME" The iuoky famlly numbesln alisdmaewit G wln saumn cketsfor next sasn C e celve Blizzad Jerse 0 wln ofiistogrsWphed.NASI. Sooc E 01 watch the gane wfIh a momber of the 911usd Saccer Club ®vlaN CoacttKelthEddy ad md h.plaWrmh in d &Sslnrooni afle < fmailty .IULY ______________AUOUT____________ 17 Thursday va. Catloroaa e 730Opm 7ThrsyvaNaEnglndaet7:30 p.m. 20OSunlay va.F g idia7:30Opm. l7Siaý 24 Thur" s.%Wolhllal730p e 24 Suday va. Alantat23Optf. 31 Thuraday va. NollIoahaiForetaet 500 pma PMIin the. oosoapn d pr«m ouet 1 Ilmf Sen fisiEhibion Sfadlum, Mrl«to sny 1980 ® FAMU&LY ,SOCCERFUN N .n _ __ _ Addr____ Teisphmn lnvodlnorgsnzd Soccer? No Thlemspsu u. ..oIddblio,~ithhihSOpu-eliaalng oketl0 ha as cc N-ý-A 4%ýe