ne lit m ,gwonu nemamu APIMaI L"-' hlgb ag Joan Deforeat M0; ladim'hiajt triple, Joan Deforest 798. Nom MC&flaM M Pat MamihailUS, Pa Ebgbpilr M; Joy b1wtpt PesPt Elaldr 741, 10mai noMaCDm OPSSoie Daylau 0m, Kauw nSu* mOU, lm s StaurM. &"hatg wu.? for 111.6, Dbrusl Ofatr10.6, Mua" 2for l10, Aflenaha 7 fer 111, 00.4e 3 for l08, Lawoaee4 fer les, Pormcoelo 5 fer 101, safley 2 ferse. AVUil *Laim' 111gbShIge, JeanTeomatia74;iLad& U.855<5erof M aemaes hckey te50 namonoredams clu aners wth apprecation plaque et the club'sananual ban- quet Tburuday t the Optimiat Centre. DssegULame le hown ebovo lu ie paque. MA ao oored were Votas Bridgman and 1BBot- Marlo McDonald named Aeros' MVP (lomlaida Maris MeDmnaid wau aamed Mosn Ara' moel valuable plyr tth0e clubs amsua warila nethlbuawady at the Optimist Contre. Ara distrisuted 01w major avarila te the players, hilare t.e playera sud caacin tlafftUr" et ownrsa curve by psmtbag eSi fthoanavaids of approclallon. Faeward Eily Staaick woa the sportfmnake avard. He iscuredisa si imis 30 regudar-omoas con- Rouble defnmnaaBarry Mu"i- masvas named tbe top delincamanasn weil sete top raakte. Aras' ownero Rasa Lane, Vra Bridgmananmd Bob Barltt recalved avads aofapprcistios. Aer L[ue diubtscheeked the remortds, ha dlwared Ray Rvosewon the indvidual scorlag award by mne point a Iour ailock. Leau record show SMariasith0esomring leader for the taminbult am fouad Evans 1w moreagoals, glvighbin2forth8eseasan to go w108 20 assiste for 55 points. Abouat 50 people alteoded the diasur. Tee execatlw ailso honared Reckwefl planîmanager Bruce DoIsoa, the club'. major apamar, wi08 a pm mad peacil set and a plaque w.108a crestedi pck. Tbee Aera' annual disses wllgo Iesrsday, April 24, sliso aithe Optima.t Cntre Mohawk bets big IbTet mlelr bol- ida# veokmd wuMW1Us emtan tagévatio tirt miliolar Thle Friday-algSt mtoud 0f10,415, the so- nam inrgstaahe tory fat celotralion. lite Frlday wu 08e $oo»oM amilo Pacisg &"5k for fmrz-ys.r olda and tqwar Serpico Eanoer amd Dmag Brownstsormed home la 1w minsulesamd s /1 me"adawit8 1.0 Rock N Wave and Dive Wail wus second vith Eaakur Frets amd Gartb Grdan 08fr. Serptco itanower in MOo. Tee borne ba »M six of 12 $tarit 08" se8800 and eaurasal *5U,008 for owaer (tvm Radar f Parkhiii, Ont. Tebe FridaLy-aigbt card reordsafor Mciaw Raceway. A siagle race poolrecord cf $129,122 wuc mtabiisbod la 08e Hemilln Paclag Stakms. T'ee iactor pool of $147 ,87 vas a record ase was 08e totliamouml bel lath 08e oing. ssoo Reg. *135" [MiR6 i Tpqsty maertais& tnstlatlnr orae,.his ioitop die u 9te 010beOlint he ttolaa s dapamti00r0_mant wX I amatsdoSigec Top ta piaw - à-oOT TW Auto Glass Ou- Tep Siaplea Ruth Twisa 2M, Pearl Miffer 284, Sadie iJaviau 255, Leeai Boughton 248, limon (aetan 241. loma-NM, Katla Roi 00M, bMary mos-MPmn AfflO . no 00gb ur4 Mailise Heaiy M0; Ladies' 10ghTriple, Madeline Heaiy 697; Mena 11ghSingle, AM Lewis 2ut Men$10gb T Cabas Wl wide 7M. Other Top Shyals: CaollerWismar 8, MIsDM àsom m 20, 0m Teb=a MI, Raty Mmdi , PhIumi n"omrn6M, AM Lewis M,7 Kathy BinisM0, Gord Mafat5M. IW Tllottersvon7 fer M21 au'. Maris 4 fat lu. %Pishmm8 diO4, à fori, Cuy dhife a., Ticket for soccer dance Tickets areasMMilavaik able for tbe GraffhtiMMg Plia danma pwemd by the led"oauxillryaet the mianYoula Bmw club. Tee dame is open lu evaryonw.115for $15 a caupe cansteum la U» liunesby disc jokey RoédI' Rabai Mbu l and Munch au a coud buffet. Priu iscludiag oliver- waand reoardsa wM l h distibtaed etlite dane which vil b. heMd Sataaday, May à e t. United Aato Wekwa al on main la and the Bathasd ittita 2p.Oin isddItio a axlaymmbara Jean - o pm MO, Doi Blow OPS-"U, O. Webdyol3rpiU amd luae UMM0-0. hat Umiftad Memberehipe Avallabla NowI kW"im le hTHE MOST oeeitsgpeivto tOs. -040,okaWaveaO 06U8vuko~asopoi Imme 4 umuema INMTATIOD* FEE OweilUet 33565 foirdetais W77Wo&em Lk. ila NO CAkSHI WAY1 w Iloma ma, CUagGawsgïr F«.-St&Mte PlAI ,SWEEPSTAKES"..APPY NOW FOR A CASHWAY CREDIT CARD OUR0 CROIENTCAMO APPUCATIONPOMM ES VoulA SWUIPISTAIS UENTAS PONÎ& NO PUI4OHA*Ula NnmOU5BAAY paît DataeaAsi Aeeea-, oem eaAt Oare eme. EnterNowt *flhp lfint Wr,. t cmoem Mid~ moe lefdto1 - O0eyee 25 STEELES AVE. EAST Uust of Hwy. 25) MILTON 878-8487, oalvani d a uge 211 Moe. Male in Canada Chain Lhmk 48- lgh 24Ui mesa adamo as avaaaSial 8 Noela Vea.Foeoed A7AaOOJTNAIP1aie SPUCaAL PIINCI4A ;; Cm memm C.loame.OM MM M hy a e ndual Iaaimeo0a1Oreoaml4aa "08aW5 11/3H.P. Siump- OutdoloorCarp.t Pumps 9m lMa for 911e INu Cap.g hI '1.U