Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Apr 1980, p. 13

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% le CANADIAN CHAMPION 4 MILTON, ON'TARIO W WEDNESDAV APRIL 16, 1980. SECOND SECTION - SPORTS& CLASSIFIEDS Fî,fighters are No. I TM~ýnets pair, town team roils to third consecutive titie Ibebrd dmmeseWWsouàwblla dhe à;;--- L«,ptsusoSia - tit B cW dj Ussa M Tb cle Rà esoWi iu~1sLaled~1lsoes.n buegscusto un in ipnud we g« tboemtwo eow* udiieboswebhdltwme" usMWldm vclory " as esaupi ditbmuwsurIt. 'Ws p01006 thm wey vs eos s e en Plmy,"sMWdMOCe.isl, mrmimab- M-vM feR Vlrdlgbteupleysd ue P- tt mm M ii Umusaltseslutbmy bai te. "Tsasprtbad alotti o wsithe Ilis.gaine bags u ie abrtbday cela- bration for Firetlgbters' deteecemes George Prier who it Ibm 40 mark anid su prsemted wihbibrday cake atcentre ici pirsotbestart. After a icorelesa tlrst porlod, Flrflgbters icorederly bibmthesecond. Raers Egm tW the âem1-1 brsemintes intothe tbi pemisibier. Tbmu' pair of goaseput lthe gées wsy. Flreflgtem ui~sdtiremore 8" ulateite " temWin itoe. t-- Mldget girls' teamn short players Neop o~Bigfriisb esa =y gi terited l ylgbomlu-68), Baen tm 1915)mandMiigt bopely bis4i'M l.gmeoemergsececlec ai (1963-64). 4 lf de it. re.: hi Suber divisioe fer eIder girls iteounmfemrZ csesdlaisn totmye oi 50.deeraeildforupireni. Tbe uspirus go Est. 1jâ-m htt.ui e i esre l bnei.b an al volneer and soons wo coehii blp . ~ 1 cte. teks.pcistbe eyngér eagegroupa ntisaergedieodo se. Mmci. OnUIss *à le imu- Uh imudgasfl atbmet, 19 qosda Ken Josos la the sou preoudeet A1d te dé, ies! ee asudii willbuiistd iginii' sot&boa e iap risi replsclog Nancy Auger sbo becomu Ibme alyo, ime th e ga Mearted saven yean ego paitpmneihdutndiii vcepcideet. Mary r. e d b t d ilthP four tei=. lelir u l-Ibopt e cf meytes ,coach, mat Ie- irmll bmniur rip. IssueswIbs quade la orer vb=e bubasd Rd BliisImqup us sesiSqb lie re tuMiii later), Pumuee1- munit manager. aundi IeJiieUmpires clinlo Sun da y eJau~c ls mi.RrlStbi eg u mAyseitmreiti l ooregi te attend. about» nam eselAMu conucUa Ss rieupins climi it mldey Yia esi ablgronilosgo. vii km es- Sue~~sA. . et licRess Ine- le tiohaid weesb,the luague mIl Avsetassus vIdi romis Ieldi Scbssl is Areto. Once à bhd li Us"tul crbesclii -jVstge la for iseIeo l ameg oe sb wisb thmon-fild tahrbe. lisere jla A roonji content ws s ntlcîpated but out- aideofe fintl fe minutes, itdidn't mater- ilize. 5bothIeme, bosever, diii play s pbyslcal content. "We bois it wsu golag la km pbyilal,"I adediiTbomni. Weknew Ibey'ii ry laios udoies bybitmg use.'1 Witb Ibet ie mun, Flretlgbters caeeuni blttleg maii promptly "b bth inat two miser peaties. Racmr'o Lige baii severat gouii sories cbangs but Flreftetrs' gollo Phil Belleybhdthe fort. Eerlylibmthescondi prii, Raers Eiigm lii e u inlto Firmtlgbtmresuioe but ilIws broei up. Thomas ted Paul Moustalnaa peni aii km untosimd asilap abot trou 25 tuet le front et tbm goal sblcb etuded Racer'egoslie A ornng on hie glveidei. Tbnme minutes later, Itacers Richand Murrayy oatly iiekmii is ey pust sevoral Firetigbtero' deteniieni for e smII-earnmii brakaway bul uloseii Ibm set miiiened up ou Balmeys ap irbile Ibm puck rolled barm- lely lotothe cornesr. Mbe tiret part etIbthesl traus beIoiiged teThe Racer's Edge ho constently pronied aroued Ibm goal miii ard-worklsg Mibe Ford letloemd imsmel os e nront et Balley before Mrrey ted blu Ibm park. Ford hbelmd arousii ani scormd cetcbieg Belley gig eirog ay. lisomes Ibmn took over fora ew outesulm. Onea osbgoal km toob Ibm puck trou rceetre Ire and okstmd lai e moffensive eone, scorieg it it da wriat aboi andi Ibm idi "slapper. One mieute lator, DvehArbic backbanedi e ibot Ibrougb s mate et legs laie Ibe goal anii P'refighters bad Ibeir Ibind titllain Ibm A rasofpenalties and two mîmoe latmr le the game leitte sour teste for tbeIstbhockey gameeoftbesmese home gold Tirotiret-place ibowiege os Ibm veutitand Ibm bars propelled Mltoe Sla!ler Andrea Gniotelao Ibm top spt ine b1-ltyeins grosp tatspre-opettve gymesotico muet et Wst Scerborougb Satunday. Elgbt-ymar-old Misoen eiliadded s sec- ond itldi er floor routieand a Ibnd oneb bmam la cleaIm egoîd modal aithougb ibm mas compatleg la a group above ber âge. Atogether, priegers enuI12young gym- nuate la Ibm must wbo compatmd la Irue âge grous. JoosKmyot oo om int-place nLbbe:for brph omee sImvst tlelibed tourdi el-around siIb e comblasii erore et 30.4 laibmthe-7 yuri ctegory. Thse two top Spclgsgn laIbm84 yari grapiere couptlag ilanseâge group abave Ibeir age. Jeelter Dobson placeii tblnd overmll irbile Melaele Wood ses tfilb. Mile Dobeos irso second ose he oueiiabnd rdos bodi Ihebmr bandiifloor. Mins Wood pat se s tronespertormeece ontbe barsieoclaim the top spot andwireosini BaIRos Ibm finir maii baam. lIbmthsa"megroup, HosIbor Ormsby mu ftoth e m loonaand slxI s e bm r. OIber top ibowtintlhekm10-lt years group alongshde m ofetAndres Gaulois more AdrienemSolda wirbasixth os Ibm il-o, comptlag oe ge grnip above bers. LyoniHerrmnnmiesusevenidion veult maii Lllyaese Lirette ses elgbdi senIbm floor. Three lnsa ruw: Fr uusgtsbrecapt5ai AI Jns ucarries.the ropmsy arouna Memorial Arona after bis squed downed The Racer's Edge 5-1 to take the Milton Industrial Loague title. Firefighlers won the series three games lis one. Pineaview soccer club to operate atom and squirt ho use league Ibm Pleeview Socer Club mil sperate lie nose boum blague Iis yer forwbay' tems Ut e zqurt nd tom divisons. Rtegistration for Ibm baye' part ofthIb lMgne wao lacreasmii dramatcolly-trom 72 lest ynir la 112 Ibisyear-slIb registre- tdons stlllrostieeleg. The boost lenubere counes sounembat ae a surprise because ofthIb retesal et Ibm billes YoIb Soccer Club 10 re-eduit Ibm turne Ibis ynir mider a iterenttformat. Pieeviewsiaen bas onie team reglstermd in barn moqeiessand peemee. Ibme cleb bas bers nerstiatleg mIb Georgetown for lie tirs turne la play la Ibeir laue.. A ierisioe le expected Sunday. Tbm irreai anubers maii people wbo bave ottermi assistance bas batb serpriem andi pleaeei Pleevime presideet Martin Boettcber. "Wbat pleaues me moat lu Ibm otsIuas ot Ibm parente," nusaiomttcber. "Tbey ail teppedtforwaenitaielp. '.We'rm vmriae-d si Ibm henisndi pbln~eg tdue, Ils beller for Ibmm bSaei Iby'l eeded Imeue l 1arnsecor etiat &goegneup. - Boettcbmr sai ekmite m ai registre- tiou fer, just $13 coupared ii mIb$= for Milton and $30 fer Georgeosn, iras esougb incetive tokeep the plaerule Pieevew. Sboehii Georgetowne ut accept dtheties older tmsms, Ibey'i be combaineiets ar- eau bouse iague micb msy lavolve sevra exibitio games. Thuesuber of girls bas remalami about Ibm nime. Tbere milI km tirs istermediate tesnplus single temn lanior, eqelrt sand seiorieotalisg about 60mmmbers. Prectices beve slartmin ithIb gym ot Pine- vimw Sc"solos Saturdays. For more in- tormtios onregistration contact Martie Boettrber at Wi-7013. Boboats drop -Derbys Cbrie Weteb Ibhid goalo e bmeeil double overtlrne allosmdi Belleville Bobcete a 4-3 victery end bodScd S&eetvl Derbys out ofthIbm OtA Jr. BS meril pleyofts-parbapa for Ibm ludtiUre. Welsh supplieda milIbm eroicestrou Ibe Belleville aid, soring tIbmemi tylng goel w1ibh2:35 reranelf Ibmtheconte«ithIb gs-ahosd goal. la trelgbt-tlme overtirn miii Ibm ilalg goal wbbrbmi bhisebIb thc Ibm yuar. Beilville tinelly raptued Ibmeses eter wnmeig tbhe peleg tbnm gaeubfr. dropplas Ibm tourth, filt d ix td coneta la, a rjemuted Streetsvillm. If it vere't fer Ibm vork et Sbwreetell nzSimldar Mike Seeda, irbo eieppad thtm brebeways libmtheecondi perlod, tIbmsors cnild bave bers lspsided la Believlle,'& laver. Bobeate esv muet Windaer for Ibm OKtA Jr. B title. lroelcaily, it rey km Ibm lust yar for Streeteville la Jr. B hockey. Severel tuami bae beau tryleg to organsze ealier Tirs Jr. A loaplaiint eureveinas the Provincial Jr. A League and Streetvilie bae bae me- tloned as s possible ntry. Oher teaus rporiedly laterrstedin l- clediOrlile rsrn Ibm Central Ontario Jr. S. Legue, ButtaIs Jr. Sabres, S. Catherines, OHamilon and Guelpb. ise OHA will decidi early sent mmk oni Ibm taie o ebmno legee. Rainy weather hurts first basebail practices April ibouers dida't islterbuSmisy pleyecs trou sbowiuls qte pmctces ofet bmyesr lestwssbsd fer mt Mrhbnte amiiiCupbsiVm Mo. beawk s bsiItoure. Good turoslfer bodi cus s er ripirtedu I s tetsuas des Up dur pis Mrt ormn uImmsof, tpleyyilatbu MaIbu Conty BeimbellLangue. About two dsss. Mercoese alyes nla thro* ubuff- " e U sut Mino bs l t pun luo ihetu besobail iaeoni et Briles But Pemk. Tire pleeMs ro Unbudsie sd boeu» e gues.eilaser UnftsclouIy, MarchdmantsNut bols wblb es s. edisheuound, ey mut bu si- ferlati by ors playmrs trou, Brampton. Onlysou, Mike Copp, bu iboirean Isterest mind il tIem a it-mid-ou ettit& attrbie uurnlttlsg irnel tola Mrchans. Playens rou lest year irbo hbesil- dicateii Iby sent rsturs lacludi BIcR Clenat wbo moved bock la obmsbomand catcher Dec McCtcbse o bou rtie. Iberere Irie yugcaerice sp. sbicb vill permit cahWyne Manboeii te uwy ofuing ArtTOM sléeiuisere in te ù wbw FM tescosud ebtec sereî lise esm ml niulsepracticu bodi days diii seekedail pum. eai raest. Mmiieie oser la Cbm»pbiuls Mobosbi'fint l* et plepecebu ibsie Pot@" al ubues M a *0 Q Ieg mind - -î om» Catabchr Tm h=OIS. osplapiedIth uerty etfgOMMl.y-e, mupbelut te theIssu for buhei«" via. feAu mé levolvlefi a buse greftt rebsblymIl aied- Hmi Ibm barbsoppen. Os Ibemouusd, SciaIGim iii Dan isouem i reien. lise eam irn laer sbiborCbarlie 'ho." CerriviD ets.d irbuollan ftoor play vIi buheosi. Mohawbs camiet t fotogoethe mmeo mIse woptcbeu and la ou heloebnit for Sbsuii Mohas ekmneto fni e cetcbe, it uay mus sbhorIiopen coech RLck Mbbll il go bsbund teplate, et Ieat rnpsinij, vbbcb irnihd oes. qa Se-rail plaei r ou sgts sembesi nmii Mtcbl'a eely lpess n favocable. &emmiesIlsd lyb teIL Moha IIw Is sii Bissaswu WU. e 0" suviy M sudayet Pdusn CmenwM icaw " &y$* U- mmoffl 1 1. . . mm'l

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