Ttu Canadian Champin, Wed. Editorial rebuttai Ocar sir, do lb. oflnh prsti sotieniro»but lnte rapeoctayouredotlel"Tly hiela o eudfgrSldldm ot. TaUlfe DoWl, in lut eèka 1111g1t te hackparydei. leeflm aanoitlniytmuat et Ala ial ic plice. sn dsallag mliii idvisala qacilcofetIvoi. «"talda Pi !-j*oOC-4t peedigeat htd M oula 4 c4d maru escea a *tmÉ eltitoutet hceaadle kuv isth Wffle o nstwc wo ral esotOe. net >9 ta taw' et tisa fro r tici f«w«lU id e u dolhyeun hantint lu daeant. "meflo, l MnImprtat "du e m . nat au Il Uaon ais y n yp artiele,flOathmdiate sad aeamaMdvpçgap MWd. Itltoe maanaeeaanvea fer MIkult», ilie Pent. evntsally. dioutiait-mue__mt = t ite rbemn anal prtsnbnty pMd into cffact tise rooennsttafte, anu L mada by Cutbow Pidls.elA a" quy. viMot araUtacana- .uf 1 anolestedsy r si ManoMaY 6d olegvenlgla nceutor vn coco- tImm e i nu ILma$g nflnà~nyvyla tiaremt o As it la no, t have poredmanllyat. 055115f e lIteAw hare ciscd motoriste troival down Mary et. la it dot la tiabut intirai of lise boton a and oslt et laa reet a" olanuisitan tbe "flevou" ci a Asidytes iarm M ise raditgroatnnitanobt n OakvMe and a dankrtc" peoadat? Pflgafao.esaLaWhavedonc ratiser Ou*telaisteld lu padatrim t tiso*aimply esudr Mry St. an an orlealad idi molcrlocdtafclend "ce" a? le plorlty .Plu"anrefrain ila tuba., frtrimt- 1lmondes air Mm aoiwbindovesiiq s danla kit ou~atil oye diffusant if You onedaMary UOansd luvaelldocla nleaWs"asdcangt Yp aitd potacisehtu encrt*aeg du panaiceofutIl e euz rii oU aranttla cun tor odiar panoeac. nida 1 tale ina ets albjard play D. Coud armaf«r Mycidesto nd on apparonfy M!ryst 'Otto on OIympics tisWfaemil ltu 0 amntela Ecan dli iéermlomi Olympie Prima Minltar Trusdeau iy Oto J& -CSmnhtlbu bviluuly &dclnot tla I - Pdg~Cn.taarattvaMua.mmuà@saallaCEf du annar OMMa lot Itafie 0, a con oet toni Miaou, for iypetriial reasns mh u e auaceled idti "wauCmp-oftho iu ova, 1t l org elanç lm f«r pulicatIon. Pranlda r, PrimaeMisuitr t. cha, an vol a illet in f otiare.- DmarPrime Mininlar- dMme lovleg aelna Uondurld, Aa frmr 1lmpa s uppteil i, ianmeaiadilIduntendto Idodtuna orill-untane, tdu-CoadoGovren a iiiycoti pëeliasanld setoi mie idinpei.du în m BeaarOlympe Ganes la Heveva. td u milary breanlon et iew. Atigninnoby du Amrsned arce u lcIsa mou. Prime a hiaitar, vesld SSiat tU"lla a andigWu snrmal. netieaapeeanbanigcanaanfar an Il eentravenes ailtlmiandpemcy intarfarenceailatduaparling verldta oad blaMMIy eatrad il du eM lobi ncerned. W a ailramnaiearduTaI- H- ple Iigntaàgeeiutla mlilch vanhIuMla in Iwoin vielh vaa luth duheaviatUnion anoir -a=aydietiy lavlvedIne dil cma, hem- =ara onioa. If mu anld er mai- er, 1tielionpe ouid racole. a feor diW.lo Wuid la Pac got dm1 maore suppot h tri tl d l indo1111 & me#nOly*mpam ala Canadien people ond tdu majurty of M inel ini air ailniquep .a Oympic proposai . ir ia ou n a a a ova fe due peaouf pic aauti.. A= w ot e aonlaradila du antI M po e., id tay b. te" dU hÀ ioyettad Eorcaaunatios. aat ml dba u mun- mIit; phaly deedtciftdu Olympea pou A souinftor tiis primai d h te, iold tb Olympe& inAtbouGramc. Bilion upn illonscidolarsamar =,d otil, ovry tour purs, la ordar aadaquaalesportsacenpleacneha buit forrtdu Olymplco. Wisp nafetita w cor aclllty, but rnae he oubt pau~ta A country tuce uraeéain eabtal. mnlsg dut du Olymptca muldnt ha daitted bypoli" samblus. O meteo amOlympice mre hld la Grme, tdile ielagnice ram a hstorac opintcif vlev. TiiolympicsababccmcudtsmIa P& ot-' lmt femay cmtcp intewrl oIfvoutdraally bhaa abame if tduy becama a di3g oet du pot Thanks .Dur Sr: Ou b"foisathe duMilton Dtrict Hosapital Atmillery Imeuw11M lao e- pm ur apprcltionteuelednt 00ovagl ie~nin tdu Adisry MiltonMspital Auxilan. tianlsaIia'hhadtomna. At NM poana, "Bernardian of pour avarage Uv- ing - mpet. But thsix-yea r-old Si. Bernard dog, thenspecinl pet ot tise iolardi faesily on Lamer Oaselio'e Rd. in Milto la minaing. Tvo veeha ago, lhe animal dinappeared atr lu van led la n punt at e nlghbur' hante. 2The fnmly nsiv ah indme am.aeaaa olotga a The SeLartamlly la nov appealing tlaranidanls of this am e hep themretieve thelr pet. bedfrtuplflyeursnand bu nonatroyed for any lengtioftUme' according ta Glcinta elardi. Site aod ber iimband, Serein, are coovinced tiseano imal vas omien aod reportedteincsebident ta police lstI weeb. But Haltas Itegional Police banc been ucaisie tiss tarit m np any C"nn surronndisg tise mysterioas dlLpp-rn of the gintdoit. «fgiiengt lomn, iheouwd nomeniaveon nay for so maoy dayaiiy imnl," naldlirn. Blri Tb@ etffte a favorite miii iieniinaband and heir13- yerodduheLnda. Works yard back in limbo Yet mw9 osar bicle han luen dw irohe upadi tardtnbWdungdhultn Reglnal worksyard iandiési. Reqgle nCeaiclbulsanakddut a Sla,atocetrnct M eluamedodtantilattar budget dWMttaim Ati . Tisa ud e adinmajorichaugan induhe bascen- trevaufAret roquSW ilest yeenby Publlcaiorin di- ector »Booere. Tise builin v a lu expandcd and part o t tarnedlalaeffice space. Wdo du orchfflect drev up renovaian It van toiai duellva-year-old building ohomad many dsge daticliea ésand it isad lrody sn tn do dter- lrala." Aldieupliabout $etan b ad boen net anîde la lu IM budget lortbdurobuddlng, tdupinasan prenented would bavecont teginnmmore duolOMMi. The result wnu ht jstfbfe ristmasnlt an de- clded tl a"aboenoaction at aU.In taJauarp, bomevar, New police, boss HaIne lteglenal Policet bave oppolted a ncv district commander for Mooday aothdu George- Miller replaces Mannell Tise reignation ut tegloni Councillr Terry Monneil an chiban ofutlainna Solld Wante Management Committee bas bluo "accepfcd, idi dianh." Georgeiono and C nted tla the commttee t td ainl on o b vISl l tce next chaiman to vilo ag aler tdu Killuro tnd rmaure bandllng ni vain dihreugistransfe sations, locineraflon and refusederlvad fuelt plante ,wen lacP=la nlatto comment on the CM Ictions. hi. uneil aid la fatf hs hadbeen "Co- opfed'% bP RelonConseil and tisat tdu Reglas mad "siiome a lauk of cco- Itment rom te b lecusaion ot him realgnation inok place, Mr. itanocl vasnot fil tise Cmmcfil chambera. He la la Davis, Calif., loing at a reftune- returce recotery sstm. lavn iieodquartarn for One District. For 25 of lits44 yanrn, toupeclar MocPhiaue han bea a police offica. For duepentypur hl ua beai dut piaucea due regloual plc ed quartera la Gaklille. Actinsg Impactar Bar- rait la la, atrollinlao course and dieu amum duties as ragions] police iseatiquarteru le "Dade. tenpecinr MacPher- nonsexpieuce lniludea mark la the aslform nec- fias, identfifcation, crlm- inal investigation and in- ternal police in- nestigation. Fer laree peara lava head ot criminal la- vestigatinsu la urI- ingfoni The impecter, a native oftCape Bretn, liV"mila bis vite aud tduce chil- res la Burlingtoi. tedr eecnilcdand Tani Construction Llm- wte v M eialvl la tiieconli-act and Iis vas reccaMda. C OZnilfor approvol tant Wed- A Cetacit t adccded to doer thecontract unef aoRsi thinoperatlng bu dedbatenschedndfor A"ru 3 DesOte tc probfaitoiu of Public Works Chair- mon Pen. Plnce tint tise ftnntle vre rendy al- loeac n th e uget nnd thieratore hmd nofhng te dovlih b i tbudge, Councvotedferlthe defer- rai. AIR ZâgNdmô'ERS! ! AIR CLEANERS ! Eiladdofla u r.,o easnl * lîat idea 10 pou oe N M Io m * igibI' modle. 0or n YoulB.veryCm ot Mnm 8«75 im CTZh EverY men a la oal."Bernard" han beae ni- autpfd, aaldMn elardt. TicY cootinue temakreregulur colin la tise Romane Society aod banc comsedth ie surraasdiog countrp- sidenasmell as call enery neighsour in the vciossy. Tiepe apparenty wandered onerto histfarite tomping grouods a aoeigisioring reidesce an tise morttng ofhlarcis13tIaîdhlMs. Selardl. Nlegubourn deccded la lie hlmlaina nby ruilog and eulled Mm. Bel"rd. Hte anaged la free hlmnelt andttisntinte vantieti necurely tona hydro post. MM,. Belardl urrlved vithin an bouc ta mid tise dog and rope gene. Anyone bavlug any information as tise misiig pet ina"kedlatoilthe famli au7oi. mi S ST. Sn ai*- INVE'NTR Wegre movlng t. Mississauga (Dixie & 401) and MUST clear ail cwrent stock and dluploy items. Large sclection of quallty office furnimhings und accessories. - office chairs -desks - guest chairs -credenzas. - sofas and club chairs -tubles -occessaries -f iling cabinets - Iomps -torage units - prints - helving - wail hangings -corpets - accoustical screens -drapery - office dividers -plants - plant containers -pottery- desk pads 355 IROQUOIESUOE F AD *.S LEOTRO 4'110, s. 2 98 Oft -'i8Mý - 1111 DEIVEYADINSALAIONETAENSCS '1 1 2 0 0/. -M 1 USED CARS IN 1 m m