I. ~ v.c' - v~'z~'f -, -~ nyIfttimtoightom ie "Canada'n naturel resaurces ara a Gait g van gft was hung in the Haton Regian Adminstration moustache ram the potrait, before banging i n the anit hold e shared y the whole country",Re buidng. washroom. He recaiteit a tex escapades wilb Mrron Morrow frmner Haltox Reganal Chu rman and Chairman Rfis launnhe t he humorous attack by whom he han known for years, and concisitai by Nattas Hll coanicilior, toit Regionat couac t pn ntng ot Morrose was htting the 40 year oid mile- praising hm for an excellent job bth in Hatan itas Wednesday ata rocepton for hbn bsted by regionai atone tibi year bt hait10hyearn Mf pobtica uniter linn and the Regaon. cSuniandstaff hait. Oshyita Mayor Itarry arreti slitbhae of I1 lit ersme ta ber Prasn.sla r P ter agqid, Hal recalil andservedltwa yaar asaGeorgetownn the few sho serai se$bMorrase ns coutycotiscil, say pe>bwu pie fer oator estonp dvaopmesstof cmüoliir treas Georgetowsns ream, tfies -as nditrecalld diA ,ssD ao8ftIe Pslermo lHaos ttar4ssidadoraopmistated Morrow. attas î& ne"acouscfitor and tien as raginnai ihich pcovokait mach cotrnvrsy wea theamonat He atmpereithUe cliagéfrem iniod corty chaicisan. of thewbblt hcame hoosan.Mayor said il wsa p- sysentte egina goeramen, ohnige@nseeded in ~Raftis ilnted an saine of litaaccornsepamenta dia propriata the preseatiton ws neimadea 11wsmme tbof*r4lyote. sp-h-dn of1t hirisg a insisais devaiopsslat day granins eare autharlzeit ai 11w raglan, sce veiaiag oficer, sMit tie paent gren lieditau tiaHe teit Morrowsasecond greiteit pasnma satise attenta M~*s utgwnd11w sant sylienhad eareit rrow was intavnvof Ste Fp"agansite, "and thse attas of n lgriots. "Hiss tiraipasiansas Anisa M sian aast ttye dal ss m eflte ae restaI uatkliheat. cAthur," said garat refrrisg ta a long-tandng aid Iseplt . fdrissee edil'll orgive hlina rthan,'abotiitiltlon Miayr feud ietweaen taam titusslDnGordon. Former regonsi cousctir Asche Doaesaidha Hse e~forp et Md trgia I "ai t oisaisee"ueMayor of urdaglea Mytaiyr, jstedthatany wan s pg itdhbctaaughth a sanconming tai weheWb e o aYffilWiitis g * nik Ca" ts chirmaseliadumpéditser ait seasge on the gonit Morow's h ngi e Obiportrait'sa ê *a ns e 0 l5 Ie kelstU ve te citiien Mfurântgln ihouid st bave lis pcture ta the jocutar part oM Morrows srepty he danad b ...... o~ty 1 se haseeo aasa h lungndtheraglonaniulding. badl clsen dia cotroversât grass color for tie oi t-ry el1u. Otelasse a R ttta t Couiciior Roy Bot, Georgetaown cauniiar oid building and lamed if on former regtonal couaicilna = 1lau W W âk-teniraail-faca5 ha waa bavtag mUogviega about lita motion ta hang Dnve Conu,seso wssintae audience. mbp5Wi5s"Ou5n diheportrait A ef s agot pretty sickof laoklng ai Hesaki bdhabau nprtvilagai ttahaveatwo careec. "Peapa Wt scie m intiPrtyPPoitiin, 0 hlm an Georgetowna coancitdon t hom if sea shouid Ha lovai flylag ad poitcs, and racallait whas fing w;Zboal t «Ies** ," Merow oielutendild. have fceiaokngiiuslioeaton Boohistd Morrose Opposition tender Jas Carki on 11e campalga trail, De»W sal hàél Mti ia tit asg nCinatt was s ponsuila Inathe green coor on dmhe rglosai dia haenlg taid a lamb ws aaard, just out of FORMER REGIONAL CHAIRMAN Rie Morrow, rigbt, wan on baud an i pictura won andchaliridthe=W£knandreficfta chir buldig.Charlottetosen. Haeoid tan frtitihp wtdiCaptais monate start Os ofig ergetosen Coacilar ite Armsrong poIntait BabHill, shoa ss baprisant. heame an tte- hung et Hlton Regional bondquartera. Mr. Morrow cballenged Regional members to ilsaserleanot~e wats ap~sefroma rmon ot Morraw baiasmostachin the portrait, but ase traineit, wlea Itorrow e ws nt t talta theese afgbî nst Aberta uing ou an an economic weapon witbln Canda. Mr. Morrow ta otitnc , res, use h e fs fàpiting ofim wlilch balisaItlshaved off. He madie a mottan nsramova tIhe aidt i llito look forttehaoml. nhown witb current chairman, Jack Raftin. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION, MILTON, ONTARIO, sm ctivs WEDeqESDAV, MARCH 26, 1980 t'iv e THIRD SECTION - FEATURES Our Jane shoots for sistedîood and -for dinner inflnttwae.JLt andirnry Ud bM byptane Milar t j Thre ara e iera S flytag, n potet-riden - goblbirs, and pnitivlvai no sibioitshedit utsturlay t P No! Tbay doa't shoot lit tarkeys do taey' a ot dtherjet. About once a monta. except during dia sain- mer, dia Guelph Rondnit Gun Club holito s tuckey shoot. Anyontua taka c arnd shot anmen,T saitne wsen idtjui tait on Sindiy. t Tickets ira unit tlirasout dia day; 1.75a for dia prseautsaturkey, steak, or maut, anI $1.25 s for a chlckan. Tierearea 15 tickets alit for eaclib pine, aidthdia hst abte The shootera position t tliamueivaibhbl ait sn guird rail 100 feet bross dia tergat, seacl istas dr cli Mf piper, fnac tachas; ta diamaitar. Eich ta tar a] dm isaiup dthrt itai dia slgtsoM s tI-giageq altinigandilres. Thea as possibte. Eci ahali cntan about l2ta pellets. Bci participant ta gvan a ablii se hueli bashain factory manufactured& tav dter diacofran sengb hooe-inidashele ittag seic cold pt mimyg glve an obvous ado. atge, on everyoo motm mse tdia ame type oM Th disittribution ciM sheila ta ciseiy sethad,t sothat dia campeition ita nfair on. On occas, 1 plaiople have hetin caugli tylng ta gai dia adgeonan opposants hy useIngv bais-mite ashah. k Aiter dia sbats hava beau firaith de trgeta ara rtriaveit, andt nea ons put in tdir pince forc dia nent reay. The sc- ores ara coontieit, nd.taa setaser ta dattarsit ater1 eani reay. Il taeian&bout savon1 volantee rsu a tor-i kay shoot, sanme oM disa niso taie part. Yon mey1 shoot itae as ey reaya au yon wsllita buy tickets fn, but yon must taiei yona et îlot hacanei mne itail att ogt. A gond nmrwsoulit hai &bout 30 hlai, but an misy s n0 casoins-1 tieai hamat. Tiera la al asprise glvan for tha lilgit score, ofdiaeday. statisgtdatthdiersi-at1 cor oft ay a bas i slu crat nloit.ast<ii t wrk.y Mahamh tirkey shotsansottase =eo1e, mes monily, seoesure winers. It msp seern a strange seay to sbpînf on od, butîif yon are gond utit, yon rouit tetynur ment tar a seek, and bave aone fus on OeIL Thea..b art set attendait sgity hoeis ofthdi mont, but Ina the frlendiy cosapetîtiva stesasphara as weil. A tuirayashont la rarey cancateldua ta seafler. Tlisy go on ta ratsnao shlna, alors hantera ta the slli t oaten dont with adverse seonther conditioons. A tonàgl lot. If ail loubhs ay. Jant alght up ait lire, rtght? Watt, if tanot. Yas mont ha quleaotesetait r- er ta gal a targe namber of theuhoserlng pelleta ilirouglithdia pper. Tha shatgums are haavy, andi a oleady arn la neatei tot attean ccurncy. t hait neyer fItreain shalgun haIore, but Sua- itiy's shiont gave me tat oppnabaslty. Yon, it locha easy, but ...s I stsad bhlnd tat rutait guard rail wt he danumhaer "9" pi îtaiton if, abaigan ta builtolonger seemeit easy. I wsntra-ctai tesbaud dia gSin tlghly, and t hait vtaionsnoM my shosalder halng dialoatadit teIt 1 gin's kIi. i noet diah ua huiît agast my ah- stter ait hluttae barrai grips itltysa Mychilefit tgaraseoulit Nase, sita my Iras bandnsair dia trlager, i try ta potthdianase tsny chice Mfswhilte p par ta ttne lt theasghta. 1 wsthe oniy sesma sliaollng tat day, oi ws shing Ina &inter- bond, au wea a turkey. Noe my Itag seu on dia trger ad1laeitia surg ni power halng ta cantrol ouch a seeipa. ise barrai seas lieivy and ditflctdt te, atendy, on 1 dida't badina. gAu Is smd th ig- ait prapirsiteta hasent flytag tram dia farce oM dia abat. My eara pppeit, au the abat fired, but my lait wera an dia grisandi my abauliter fait fine. Thogli t1w rlsglng ta my aira 1 heurt nome say tat 1hadit aiead itt the tergal! i blied oteta sir- prlset, a i itatmas- ldon diault hpid ttatea du taciey. Laaky for me, sc aora e a. iseot wuiaMe orit of dia dast fsear fron lmait It ta nter . The Guelph RMuanit Gun Club bave tarliay shoota achedulait for April 20 oitndMay 25, unit unynne ittrastedin t seaicome. Von dont aven aaed youror ie gua, som«nasselli a lita landonse. U sder eg Rettremant M whehihave sseaeta for bigi teucharu, are i for HattasBoai ucation. The hord retiremeat gai tonchers an a Retrament have hecoine ntumbiing bitc negotisteit nettiement bat hoarnniduitits ne higli seboot tes "Con somesi tali u t etlug Mf 1, pon must bha ut compiniat, unit super- vtaed hy un auat ta compip setilitirearoma taies. The club curraatip lias shoot fa0 membea, andt tatpn oefpnnd. taspidou a ta mertha arganize tarkep shoota. Thre ara ladoor ait ont- door ranges for basit gno, thra la s tip ahonilag ron, n rifle range, archarp unit organizeit hontiag. Thera ta a iluitgaiena hslt halit at the, .nt id- the hunttag seasoa, ad mont la suppliaibt heiahont- Familp club main- haratipo are ivailabia for $30 per year. Interesteit people mep vtait dia club 6 tbone Ina ns charge, but,~llr"ta tisafe tsot h apoi. Yan dont nasi ta ha a meinar ta ashot for, st at, a tarkey,aid thler areascusiohahi ld slr shoota. The price ta rglt, sod a tarkey shont co h an eajoyabie diversion for a *Maanty aftterii. Trustéesours on gmatuity gratuities, sea shoulit ha peaiiag This pear the hord axeetener," oit Arm aaut 20 peurs ugo. sehes hetome nat peur, if sea forge it xiii pop $23000i in ituge. seuges unit super- lbh arln this pear,' urington reireinant gnauuities ta The Hrington trusee annatiosseere taie Hat- itter plUs Trutee Fred Amitage aiemeatany and higli sait the hord iu about . ton higliachoolt fauchera ur fE-akdduigdsuso choot teachars.ful"g ara netuctant ta sur- rit oE t-shet turgdscuss1ion mitlion short o a nIng renter ap lias to re- rgrslonbgth hoursday.lmi- Amituga chargeit that rtiremant gratottias tirement gratoities ha- regardasion, bdetTuai. a vseau atiniiterait proporip this eur. cause taep have enjoye 1 tubitiu t Sperttnitant of fin- retiremeat grauit reulit Truster Etaina Riehin them, for on long unit thep iiauititp. nce Bruce Linitiep sait create an atcome grester unkeit the hord saff for have dierafora hetome ag jruti thde prenant liaililty is t.7 (han dia ose narneit shen o repot on dia prsent estabtiaheit, and easa ick t a r ceto satarp. "iIthe teachar oas xorking. unitftre cint of funting retirement gratiiftes ara tontruct tinif ilit go up sent 'i's a git. It haano retirment gratallies. nt s nagotiahia item ien e yonr. part ot peaionor super- Shealuso anliaitheastaff tasith othar chot hourda. leariy 1,2e0 "Thatu $7 million and unnoations. sit Arn retomment wsp fnIWages are htter ondthdi thora. thats quile a thing f0itagae. tuatiag the item. hourd contendo retire- e sanie a tbioli about," coin- "It malien lita a ittie Teuthars firnt racaiveit ment gratoilias have ! mewha mentait Armitage. baller. Its a very sice retiremen t aratuition outilved thIir usetuinas Etiquette more, If pou seunt ta aacceed toitup if talion more taun teclinicai ulilt unit competemce. It ulsontalions afir sinsunlof smciuilnng ont tant con ha every bit as imprtnt to yonr carear asielit yas do on the jobi, nccoriig ta Lyn Robert- Rbehrtson tonthes atiqualte ta Sheridan Collge tudant. What tartait ot aus abiple course ta basic table minnerihbas axpandai tot the potf seira "Ihava tliestfing on tdia 11cr ta asie cu." Not averyon asthdi collage aaras Rohart- mens conviction tait .altpurlinh tathe top. A racent atitartalint the studofnessapr for siample, rfrett ilIas aneainpia Mf US leu tidlgs halng tauglit uith dischol Rbehrtson bas littia tisea for peopiaevha tainl tilpitte ta only i con- crn oM diasocial artato- crata. Thts solate lisnko," ssaspalatiy. Thisetaosme vnay blghiy toclinicil khome- ligtvlved heansdif yas kaie hase ta haisila yoorsef, yas csa go aiL selire rons McDonaeI ta Mxim.' Thse etiqsietta, course starteit roaintcident osaeidglt alin Robert- son, dia haad Modihetel A"hanad a tuitant sat dom ess a ilite dnn star soatatlie if tha COBMeg "I ot there andt iet- cthi at studont sittina strass tram me ot s steak sita tie n kiven. It wsa horrible. After that i ttroducedait sinl basic table annars andt dia musposne wsu t fantatl." Mot etîquette, she admitteit, la atasplp cnes mon sinise, "Dut un- fortuntaip comin ssm a snat passuaiton ta, evrpone ta eqoni amnoont." Communitp cottages, Roertson saci, ire ..bumpiag" cpeople loto dia midle as, sera they ara gongta have ta socinttm e ita hoth upper unit inser clmsses. "Yon sili ha dia aquivalant oMaofficar la dia miitarp sehen yon baud thesa iiddlea management poitions and pas have ta knos has e ta anitta posrsel,' ulie sait. "Quite a fesepopi,' she sait, "have basic mannnarn but diap Lcl dia oplilslcatlon ta hanitie npecil situation." What for exempe, shouldtyas neyer, avar lorgaltao taie wsen golng ta an Itallieaititng.' Money. Yas'Ii nasi qiite a hit if If's a trailnal cersmnosipand Shinli you sanit Itoseeraintahde home oM your Jeseihemployer sen ha s eiedl If hbas Orthodun., If youra servait chiclian at a dinser, do important diaon ever SHERIDAN <OLLGE'S LynHRoertson etiqueftae ara more important tban ever. pou pick it ap ta ont? tonas. 'hat tata raally Haver. dan ta give pas Ibat ana Has e iell holi pou more bit oM confidence hava e h at letusy go nnyshe i fora yas senit aor untfecotaab. go tuthe funaraibhome? 'tte pottoM mont "Il pou liasetae per- tiqsette, aba sai, ia ta son utiat," Robertson avIt Mffenidng people. sys, 'paus abatit do That ta dia commbon somatalng, elther sentita sansportion. nte, ga ta the fanerai o= Hogath haine or ta thefe wrl." ac yu bâcasse Jat beacYuay aan tajnt it Sherian, ast at UkmtO~as teha= / be.li daent nas diapl t mmller treit Yeun aMetWW .My *àMIdl*ilWesit ta seain Oie s foo." I1 tali kdiat if pou maie lime ta hantie pour- sef epesllhava unit diats slot in buiùms. I scient thlchu yasrea sbanc than ha may tainlithdia ame oM yorcai Dy.,, ,ulitie ait I MeasuiY m -- u . . -Y -- . - uizici4t 5. 1 me wnai