p Il CflRISTIE&RWOODS REAL ESTATE LIMITED CLOUSTO PLAZA Cosy 3 batiroomi brick, welbult oider st«« ey eN«ih hoMe, ln older part of tomn. Atng 59,000. amJILDFILOTU 1%4 mmcra wa4 vlaw o!facarment. Mtdmg $4#,SD0. Ouner conâldàr tala- ln$ boaco Yefloreff. 5 sera,, got buling site, -Weil acces- tible to 40L. Cou$ Yvm*ha4stl.878-2093 VuIq Uwa e*wtA SIa' W"- I - m u mU4Au" WATeD n 24f meshirataat ra~aa suaa t, sdi lu aro )~4~tt YOM a ms harltufam et 14IAUUNM THIS WEEK'S LEASE 0F FARM PROPERTY Tenders ore lnvted for the lae of a 20.708 hectares 151 acres) farm property consisting of 12.039 agriculture> productive hectres (29.75 acres) atueted on part of Lot 5, Con- cession 6, NS., Town of Milton, Reglonal Municipality of Haton. The properly la locateti on.the aouth-west corner of Britannia Roud and the. Oth Une ln Milton, appmaximatsly .805 1Km (%h mile> wessi of Trafalgar Rond. The prqaprty la avalable forsa four W4 yesr * endeadéi moaetm aaueir4 1960, wtfi e one yesr canceleation clases. The proprerty ma e vW ved from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Thureday, Mrch 27, 1960, when a representative of tdu Ministry of Govemment Services wl ha hn attendance. Watch for "~Open Houes' signe. Tender documenta may ha obtaineti from tirs repreentative orn thla dets or from: Minlatry o> Govemment Services Public Tenders Office Roura Ml-U3A, Macdonaldi Block Ouesn's Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1 N3 Telaphons 41) 96&-1152 Seaed tanders Wl> be received until 3:00 p.m.. Thureday, April 3, 1990, et which time they will b. opened ln public. Tandem wl> ha opens i n Toronto. Pleases quota Fila No. M81 1-16. NOTE: For further information, plasse con- tact Mr. George Winklay, Minltry of Govemment Services, Toronto, Telaplonbe 146 96&-2D40. The higheat or any tender Wl> ot nacesar- y beaeccepted. TO. 399 SGovernment Ontado SeflhlCeS BEST BUVI a Edga of town - open viewl " Attrctivs4 bedroora home a Fireplaca in roc roora a Large landacepeti lot " Large kitchan, breskfat ares, extra Wshroom "Ow.r n oving - Priced for esrly sala ~~ CAMPELLVILLE $11489M PULL FRICS Ralastirnch - 10 acres Bem - 6 Mlie - trang truck Spaclous 3 bedroors home - enau Master, extre a sfrooaii Freplece in rmc rom 2 car garege ~2cI'c~ * Wlth low doran pay- clousa 3 b.1drooM condo. Famlly-size kitchen, r-nvenÏ-nt main f loor leunr room, broodloom& applionce . Hurry, coll DAVE WHITTOCK 637-8245 res. 335- 4319) A.E.LEPAGE (O N TARIO> LTD. MX ¶LÀ- ":G!1EH MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 1980 MILS AWARDS Jenruary attre b sea inalde t relsu aou.t t r a ppr.i.t.d. It laie.sred ln a mrrttr reidattial arasof Miton, rat closeta ahooIa. parka amidashoppiag. $orne of tRir featuresaa ltrda iapla.. inrstttr irdr,,,t. irapla.. ln tbu.ry. R5ir.droatu.arg. saparata aine rmontagu.t farrarat urtru,,.hall ritiropen taircaaa. pat'ty off mnodarelaad kitirar. , uroo.re t. e tc. at. Atirinta "lv$1»,M0. Far ait the deua and t, ie el r5JE., Krr ut Sru. 87-M or e*. 8a78-3572. Jîre Kerr Jlm WaOn Jeckle Verdurmen 878-3672 964.26878-4 Fred Blom Boie Wetaon Jack McCruddon 844-7249 854-9m9 84654187 =A.E L EPAG 111Milton & District O P T R O L IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 878-8101 The name friends recommend Forrthelealaadfour bheaomepgrbath$ fr.adrasttvaerandad.ks Maay mar. aWaWat Bara bmdlat W liMsa.Ph..9111 OUNRat SSCLUDED COUNTRY thltit ttraaqu are.. sttg tilt Marileait .mi erra.d ibuagalowa offera tira dlcriastla irtyer.tira ffla#la graanaita re. adwa myeaetrtIbAtlae w e hMrne, pais andarealt ttraeya tdores sirtpa, turesocirc urt iar. cn vo yloateto taTorotoasor Nail- ton land thre vadot vrilS satat h tlsarin. Akirlat411egos. i.sa reR CINTUNT NMS - OVERLOOIaVULAIKE aitàto alt tsaed lot (lipttty ated)i as mataphlt hret tatteret, Llvirtg Rsasa saur irapleas.goar i aiea i Oirra Raio sa, Pom trly ROeaMati Kh.hsa ta irsatat pirra. 3 5drooma. an@ wlth $una oteaiPirr Baa aglatat Lw"area ena e t 10%h epurcm. A*ih irtday lM'Ms. PlaWa o."asewht.r A.E. LaPAGE (ONTARIO) LTD., REALTOR 3M1 Main Street, Miton 11M4101, Toronto Lino 1418 .9218 i', in du mWU of 87 w" BOB CROSS REAL E5TATI.ed INURANCE LTD. 3287 Mshr 8LW., Rf. .,Mmnt --1] MuLLIl ta tae e a isnplut, prmmatiy dpiet 05.550. es iumaay li PA5.Rdessiforla. i osais Oit as$es caà »«oM XAYNER stf@1-735 FLAMSMOOGH FARM 150 xacr - entrtyaî,.irhom rid, iair ban &drive shed 99 *Crusa-3 5.R. aide Split whrrank bn. 41 arasa- Misrareiasrlrat gataita tend [1 SOLID BRICIL-SOLID GIOT A SPACE IPROBIEM WETRI YOIJR HOBBY? J..r du, ut R er., tt . - r . 58 ALWAYS11UINORY? the, Pl.a. dP.poprrtl -IR (R stritt..da. teis. Sati- att o Rani Est1.1e .M IlonLd 1 ï16 8831 (I T o ina - UP HNA NT A JO V RE OIJ Atringsno riiseWtmueLL R. EL 05fT t76e4008ue 76-5339u78.5339 676-829 *821 CABOT TRAIL ib59,750 * 337McNABB CR. 1666,900 * 624 WOODWARD lui6,900o *104 MacDONALD $os79900 *621 CHURCHILL AVE. *069900 Uniht No. W. *309900 328 WILSON DR. Unit No. 18 *409900 *371 BRONTE ST. Unit No. 83 *41,900 CAMPSELLVILLE * mhACRE <BjIoid Vour Drsam Hosm) * -wmI 7 7-77-M 878-2455 a tLu-o p trust WATERDOWN 089-7344