A Miloe cotrcte« hli1i6h1m hinDOd trom huilding and ellleg nwhoms under the Onaro New Homes Wr- cooies Plan At. C. Edmued Loche, rgleler offtUn plie, mud Gacy De Wldt Cntracter Lld. nl e hoe n o e mil omcld hocaea lfiandiaI tatameneta noce et sthmltted Thenwaccanty plie ldelga»ti pra- tct himonwneoce rou imtle inn houses. Ta hsld in Otah a con- trace mail prove thefIrm hie *oagh monmy ta correct amy dtlilciece frtop 1to eYmc. Mc. Loche sid UnI ia 11cm ohmneIl 'cantetheUnmailec"thonhhie Une power in evake tUn <;ica nmy 1cm sntil pmof fislacal respanlhlllty cao hoehown. wat tohodld I hneatia htle biu Orly $110 thon ne wntt lt hlm go altead. Mr. Loche sid Mr. Loche uahl evcy hulder hie te prove the. &M ieu giM aeti- tia aletc~e Ymcialler - lh.Th itaobbhu- di"lme Mr. Lokemaidd be Mf OiWU contnuete laeh hagnil MXI OU-pie vde a fimimeuBmIlWb MMnI an te tait Un d anS0" nn cntracter iltelychoU lb mS ofi i 1m aM lObttle vr te 1 .. lT e glilbac emp ata DUtofir te- gltcod dicctor nirnum - nuIes-a ainer inlevatlptitn t e UnId. Bld to increase bus fleet fails A bîd 10 heet Up HeIna Board of Edctiones îleet of chol buses tîiled Tharmdiy. Milono Wrdu mme imd three Trutes IvandAm- stroneg tred toadtl$0,MS t0 the bhartl budget su, thil Ino, rither tUne dite school bu, cold ho dded t110 e yr. les coocoenil Un fleet hudd ho e lacged or ailelnat hpt ia haW- thy poiio," mid Aru- strolg 1Hatt atard of Ed- ucatit*on oaah&but i des- ec buse. bMail0c Un board# triaptta nnch le cotnactod 1ta pr- vailecompiies. "Ittd hoe adinemtori th board lit fthafue THIS T-SHIRT ta aellng fadetbFan bot cakeil Ton dozen shirts tr fact bave bout aold. Thie idea ws tbe brain- Storm of Jod Red, store enployee witb Corbetl ïporte in Milton, and tbe sbop bas flot Iooked back ice. Scandai shirts red-hot Sollers Thre a notailig te maing mnmy onaegnd And itldut n emled, Broca Brown, manager ci CteheltSportlain ont isfst ieg a aima lor hW i wthnle UIr ltait T-thirt peeif ng h litae 1limas e1er Un d tWcae1c ta u plhya adyrad.u = = Cc. ro e d -ode- cidil eehedlh it. Bsiness hiseao., riik, Te date, ledom ci the T-hrthave han old. Mr. tBrowne tid ho did il pueay 1r pcit and admitled il han roaght tpille a tew peoet01 thestore. lite=pp r tmhas bhou telling ai welll e planes0 ntodceether 11e, tlnie mt et Une BoyeeStag.- chikhen s charky. Lmal colebritim have t bem invited to help »H i Iu=ý « t. 1 19 botw 00 1 t the » eWti. Owtim 'l P.W»r*ik md hW* -d be-oit "totlhut'Aa*qMoow bmM MU bu bm de- Eu c - s. The Arof the Oý" MW SM mafflm woqgwwmmembdbytW by Ce" M44M . à- au d$putm«stl4 *6 m &Ulm a bSu» It Io pwn CULVCM .01 c".10n" uNd*Y of ad fflv mm» uputam Pii. mou thipue' ,ceumneel___________________ Arnitrog. le a aclrâ «W Acmntraeg mid.'"Tho vIde a npe acvca nhlch axcedi thormr lin haird, hy hilg THESE SEVEN CUES trinth thlrd Mlton pack became montse m ile leteai., hum a fli t-ocrlnayat St. Peter'aspa ate scbol. EeliUare: à hech mark 10 commpc oa dNcotalceo lbSotAdrM nlth Other sorvlcea. ied = =I ~MII I ak Une trmele. Wasstnign ak C% ,AS lRbolsted " lalyRégion Ititan Coil ll IIheUnccipplleg ttincial asked le ipprove Ie 25.5 problems Il faces dm10to ter cen lcei le n ctUnche le provinclel egl oil etaten allocations. letton Chilren's Aid Society. Oppaisl tle Un l- ite cocommteidid creamo, hanavir, nie 1,411,o1e CAS budlget Regiomal Chlet Adulel mest non cleairtUn Coite- efratlve ocicer Ecole cil and tUn Reid tho wned $144,000 Administrion and colt rom Unheoriginal Finae oCmmttOO, bt ol,,t5Olit raquttai it in item ai me ainy ci Ieuleid cif164,00 ondy helpim ng meascnty cml ci $11,000t nieut.l BIastends jam lTe LonvIllaria nie Mr. stoitmld bi- Une ieai tfor dynumlllel ar hlaing niecarlod ofia mavaeeIe jaile n eutineLonvIYefntour em ?nelve-Mlle Ccuik. ega in cemove Ina trou Une crseh chnel. Tht leceial cein fci "w n srin Th-Mndy avedel amlnd adlg pra it e l'ldy Ine=lidhUnreik Miltoen ai Mr. flphem oIcGtphUne amd id.î littai l e tram tUn ccik Acarding tle tUn mnagerfr Ba lllenCon,- nervaion Aoutwity, Une Ies chutÉe mvii dn- ntreaum liter lodgng le flooddtUn grouadllier ci one home.- - Fier arma hoes ere knmed lenwith dyna- mite i lemrUthejimmid. The cek chanei ni ltilly claacad a pm. Friday. CHIP-Ont. phone change Thse Onleclo ofice ci Une canadien floure In- mulallonPrngraîe an- namcei a changi le île local tlephiaiinuhaer Effective Merch 17, lmi, CIIIP-Ontarin May ho ceached at:l4ta-Sit 6Mit nael id sgiait cl hoch hcaite bc le et- templt le h ld tUn totaI Imspact ocitUn l u tdgt winIaei ght pac cent He peleled outI UnI avin wlth hle ree- medid cal ci $164,Mi te CAS budlget nould mtillI ho op 17.6 par Cent ovmc 1M7, tic ehove tUn ti par cent Conetcilnorn hid provinumly agreoil uon. The proioco 1a also urgiog h raglonal imcmene oot top oilhtI par ciel le liai nith Mlitcy i Commanty and Socll Services liM greel guldellnesi. - Mr. Rid &nid tUntifI Une Mleitcy nie oly advocallog elght pr cent, tUnI ,hield aian ipply t1'lite- woln. caBu t .id w»Coas cille or iaMlo h nilo e It îia tlon htdethle afroay rue budg et 20perlmoeru 1979 ae i hipar ho factona 1 eo locaima Une CAS. Other Cotailllnce mlted tUn fiscal polemn of Une CAS are lagely heyomd tUn mcely'm con- trot; and tUnI Une l99 prnpated CAS budlget nue wthle an nigltpar cent ciinlg nlth tUn exception ci the med 10 move int a ew mn wan mnent cntre,iandprvd service focr lti= l lea CA S 10hoplatg in oise heeor mOPP stationonaiNmtht Service Rid ssite leorc leenniai- menl centre. Tarata le Unmlle of latm cia ppy the tiret Canadien haone, Ocloher ice,j whlch is mt t10oopen ln figo ure ha en ADVANtCEDlOMue inthitan. OdLn MPi ALW 1, s' WAI 'q im"-im Who Mos Ki$ !8eý Pmmkam Us Gm ~UoIt rno ITMUCILOAI PuICES Iedsett. E6cu. yds. $590 1ahI~s j9cu. yds. $6900 I ilvuigPrs uHE OM ill FRIDW é APRIL 4- -1980 6/o0M4f/A srlv 11M/Vt (NEyT To MCDONALdS) fmNDCo mD WWWDID ÂIVIM M M ME FOR CeMDRIMWRlJEC MM o5il«W IUR WIIUIAOeTIERCAICR WWW DiM A ~ I 8lbOsPM. RMCI4LDf mi» m IL :7 b-qw dii SOIF ý OAV' AN ,REDIE 11=1=P-R