Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Feb 1980, p. 4

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v. DovMWKERALL EditTET PTbihoT Ad"ETEiTg METEQET fDTRA EAY T ,E- E C, J., ET ET EESTSPI- EdI TM-1 ,y«N LK, TTE ,E m.1, EE~ EMETE.MET EETTSTTEMMS8TET E.f. T.-ME.-TR; CTETom ETM.EEEEE ERu. TETEET TE. AS- M. E., ed.e.d"bETETTTEET TC TEETEEEEETETT TTTTTE E .gTEEEEEE Im f Pierra Trudeau A - -orlaua uticly oAR,- ad rn about anergy, why dom't hae speil spartatian, and bam found it the outhbisPonecy? oniy method ta anaure the If Pierre Trudeau la saricua residenoaiMiton do ot bacome about transportation, why daamn't itrangiedin thae tdtwo dacadaa. hiespelloutIa pollcy? In Milton, wealaUtuse aur car If Pierre Trudeau ta serans bacause vo have log distances ta about amati business, wby doeen't travel; and many rsildenta reiy he ipeliout ma paiicy? an heatlng ail ta kaep aur bornai If Pierre Trudeau la mrlous wiflf. about governmant spending, why Sa whot dues the Jahn Crasie did't hae do aomething ta the il budget boid aut for the ciizana of yaari hae held power; and vhy ths town? doai't hae speil out lbis poilcy The faderai Coniervative "odY govaromant wauld suppiy fundlng On the other hsnd, va do know of more than $1 billion over the what Pierre Trudeau la saricua next four yeari ta increase the about. Canadien Home Insulation Plan. Ha la sericua about putting It alec vauld suppiy more than $90 friands like Bryce Mackasay ta million over tha naxt four yaars ta cuahy jobs. Ha la sarious about belip Canadiani retrafit btter alioving faraign firma ta burnari ta, utilise haetlng ail mare blatantiy pot Canadiens out cf afficiantly. Faderai facilitiai vork. Ha la mrlous about kiusing vouid ha convertad fromo il ta bis buddiai like Fidai Castroansd naturai gai. Amaei Kosygin on dia cbaak. Miltaniani vould ha aliowad a Ha la not serious about rlatag tva-yaar for taatalling inflation. Ha la not mrons about aoargy canservation aqulpmant. tha aidariy. Ha la oct mrlous This tvo-yaar pravision wauld ba about unampioymant. Ha la ont inaeffact unW l190. srlous about aur amrnd forces. Most imprassilva la dia refun- Ha la flot mrlous about fla"a dabieeanargy tix credit for laver rastraint. Ha la not merlous about and mddie incarna familles. it what people are saying actais dia wouid 'giva Miltanins $80 por country and daaing withd m i aduit and $30 for avary family problammlin afo'iulhtmaner. mamber inder 18 ta help offset ;Don't forg%; 1w ten tem- tharisingceut 01fuei. pis gLàb"n'Màéder vas dia Ai wa rima la vorid fuel pricai min dirai years ago who tald dia (samadiing whicb la inevitabia, ai ruat ai dia country ta go "fuddia twa farmer Libarai Finance duddfleTE Minlatans have aiready attastad In la is alactian, tha giloa and ta> a portion cf dia taxas would ha giamor of dia Red Star ad- dvartad ta astablish a National vartising ftrm cannot eraia dia Energy Bank. fact dia peopleaofi dis country Anothar portion ai dia taxas have a political marnary which vould ha usad ta imprava dia gais bock furtber than May 2, urban public tranportation lm. programi. Need irecio Energy deveiapinsen It la Pierre Trudeau and Red There vould ha rail davelop- Star vho vould attampt to a "e ment ai domaitic cù ispplai ta dia electarate bliava tha ensura Ontario dosnt run short Progressive Consar-vative Party of energy. Thora voeuld ha faderai lanont capable anough ta gavera a initiativai on gasahol; research counftry t tserious3T need5 ia mdnda&valaaetci alternstive new direction. Whan dia Prograssive Con- eerysupply; mdndiahecon- servtivepart too ove the struction ofai$5 billion cil sands Soeva , tiv pa rit a ov e ia Plant vhich vauidproduca $17 goveamat, l thartad~ ~ billion ta acanomlc activlty. land of fiscal rmn d empires Joe Clark snd dia Progressive vliin ampires, built up over th evtieprteav i yiaarai Ub terai opornig ~ frarn diastart tdat naturai gsi dladin fr da comonpariis. Prima vould remain pagged et 85 Part oaisis tadirectiy due ta pr centaOfthecostaifcil. Pierre Trudeau. Neyer trusting In addition, andamut important aayone tamake achangeafordtha ofaili,dthepnlcaao i in Ontario gond, it wai dia Liberal leader willneer exe da5 aeut of wbo changed ministers on an dia Chicago pica or dia average average ai ana evary drua cmoiil mpwodttaCana. mantha for il yesrs. Thse result la Tnss arenEt Promisse. Thos dis men who atared govramant ara provisiSofaitdi Croibie wid gond intentions lika Johin budget whlcb dia Libarals and dia Turmer, Don McDanald, James NDP chose ta kaap fromn Rlchardson, sud Edgar Benson Cnadiens. hadnon option but ta leave. Thea What dma Pierre TrudeauSaiy clair lak ai Liberail boch abote5erg>y' trangdi today la dia lagacy of o-e He a mya diaprice. aiil la gotag cidihefaw dctatonsip taaver up and oneaofdiasa daysie wili operata tnas damocratic syitern ai tell us what it will ha. govaromant. Theapeoapleai Canada cant vait Our future, and td i lanon diat long. exaggeration, dapands on Canada Wa oaad an anargy policy, s changlng aur currint balance ai transportation policy, an ta- debts (one ai dia jokai ai dia tarnation fa taripoicy, a Western World) back ta dii point dafancapollcy, a grain poicy. kwMrposition cao once agmin Petai M is back up its dollars vlit Groas n lact, w neda oiy ic Kationsi Product,nont gois pttcnedm &M. mia"s promises. Sofaraniy anapirtyhimae ~~ ~~ ou ap.ily aid ifa te tahie me te thés la tb John tisa »» * me My me a# pair ilsu te 1»yJapam ad I p wts JIM ROINiSON It te diffîculi for as outsider le graap ail tht bas irnspiret boetws duheHiles Regios CanservatiissAudioriiy asdth ie Mitos HeoseSki Club over die dd racles prograeu asd scbool ai the GIs Eden Sk Hil. fil s e tlu say everysse isvoived ba. boss leftiltb oàummrteste in bts or bar mmdih; and if asydhilg esibgb emmoilon dspleyed belwe.s the two varrlsg f ac- tios a modi ago bas sas turset ltoint- rigbt reseusimeut. t'rsm an ouuiders pint f view. lb. probems bogie prsbshly wbe e Hi.laisen itegiss Cnservatie. Asdiorlty irdarati die Gien Edens Ski Club le chens, lis samne nodioere vmilt bc o.ce.flct wtdih nie ERCA vastedt leapply tlte .si scoot Il rus nar ski direcler Deug Leesing. Calit ithdi. OiesEden SkiClub or die MilonsRellgbts Ski Club. die clsbba tenrictly amsateor. lu s fassily rlietied oarhs prTTviils a aracing prsgram oW training asnd competillonvîi siothr clubs. Fraskly. du bul nt avTry long, or ste.p, su die sictub program bas alsesys boss Try mark a grop oW friensa ains for a fus mllesg. filt E likeabte cocept. Thr, are very few place. Le Central Otario and Soutdi- vestero Ontario wbere a faeully casn go, have a god ime. ted do il for a souderais price. Then we bave HItCA. The audiority lu serioue. as senl ti iltd b, about maklng die Oies Eden Ski Hilla viable ssiity. They bave levoesti a ltlof euoo.y ted Ski schisni btred dia boniskesiditrucler ever, le ordrlteput Glen eon e i.msp. Mr. "seu ws tsinlehave a recogstsod sab n=bot12dclub asdt dat cano dy bo dom n ser ose. mbrella organsatsion. lice HRCA csnes, and il th prebsbly club onifacot inle bobee.mber mai eulv Janusry widha i" orry Wtters etolvo ski club president Obole Osge.ti ast HRCA drecior iDi Warwick. Il bogan vlihlieskid club canciiltng lis Cristmas prsgram ted ibos palles compieioily ont Wf asy assoiation vidi HRCA. Feeleg dioy ver. bes gshunted slde, die ski club strteti a peilie. asnd a laiter campalge cemplaiigabout bes gforceti le pay btgb rates for hbld nervices. ise HRCA. ssawareof thde kart feelngs snte part oethde ski club. leek lb. peibao as a d.cleraiios of war asti ai lis Edacalias Atissry Boardi meeting coanli- gatedthedi.cub fer sot attestietile pressai lis id. o he ry. Il dus proctlmedthed ski club vas usleg propRaoda le, pal HRCA in an ssfavonrsble public li. Bitg me.liy electeti offlcalle vo dopenti os pabliesport, the educalion board enîi itld uti e blid Tise resait oWdite confrontatiola t dm evrysne.bas comeoeut a laser. Tise ski club bas bhoon lt tolecoma bock in, HRICA. Tis abskclub hbasenrestilee Champon asnd leas oily sware dtha diora viD bosso chanca Wf duer ressleg P rains pregram nesot year ai Oie. Eden. il . â jmr f Bu I Its a si BILL SMILEY wonder Ita a vonder dieco areu't more people le pelitîco. AUl it requiron haslcally hsa strass slemack. a diick htdo, andian absoisute loch uf erruplon about givisg avay oduer peupes ssney. Tisre vIS beorosy ose reat losor ile du mi-itor lcto-ibo Candien Peuple. Afier elisi eunts of e.s.goversssesi, dioy bave te psy *0140mifilos for due prvvlegeeofcboaetag boivees t lci tebof torheys. Bd iroatibesi asdthdivNDP do'tbave a bope of formleg a govermmin. Ail duy ces payya h de rote of spoliea. Su va bava a chotea beoen a pssrty duat prsctlaaily pst as inle etarnal hit- ruplcy. due Ukocals. andta Party dut nbovmd an lorretditle saivete le île firsi chansce le govers le moe.thas o decade, du Taries.. Tiesvinosthtng tienperelely uron wlior syten visas vabave lvi chaIes only:thdu oedWore saiduhemetitce. My gsi insttnct abauttdits stuctton te cesoml.and 'eu vre ILit la y ,bsred. Sol li*the duny nyusto e bave, ai tdu Mment.Mdia mmsUI an t tnvn0«on bie tuce, cry, asti kickh bsies"inl faurith s ha voulti lave le do. ds1w e.teu borale, sfio beise ssuyrbed by du soesatsrtog. «0 M pontga siofatheWduTories le due PeOUht as hc"«dibto sere Wb v M*ý tesi to tWnet Usossulvenas rsrds, Men, Pav . ilety lu essottenal. qite stable, Tise tredi leadtha vo are more volaile, pelllicaliy, tdise Balkans. Aller seversi decadon of good,.gruy prime isoter, vbs om cssd c on e le neyer let dobith ethkow whial die rigisi isnd vas dotn es miroce<8. vlit as abmat relgtons f.rvasr. a flecy. flomins. evangelîcai propiset ont of du miti-vent. vissisutiaVsn-andi sol mark oise. Rapily baeutes aucossiertuble vli dhite vabchti r pin, lea gosti noli Casatitas wh ibetird porteba!iaasius Inedalochuchie ai tilde t baov boy te chop ofduebande oftisefrtsodo vbe. duey gsi thbrtl io he t. Mhe Pearsn. Soue-one. blevcitpet inis as-breants a billiasi. arregsnt mssnviithsafloyer in bts btte.-bole asti a floverchilt inle bs kitches. ltvwu as titeastraun as asnissoni. isseoy mas wbnhai never madeduh teaeu earryisgeduchief cheer-leastir. We herame eonus, umd flnMy. om- borraseet We lisentdin te smsudet'IsSandti bs pidrsg.W eai tret pron t du baffle& &us.W p= e. Hneassmetinle bave dithe nschWfsyisg tdu avoNs ito« ai due rigslisose. lbere wasnovbehgoktdnis, oy baoiy venibock is a nosmaly. s fus vboeumewt of is sus pirty di soM vit, s nran*âils asonithmu s ihrlem man. Wed hbaieaof tW dt os e nd ebavbusý. Ws veibsi0WMMue. Mackvnzie King. y e so ucrafty. Joe.. Asenwrte, ve are vitneoso hde Seconti Coeing of Pierre asdtheduSecondi Chance sf Joe.. is irilltence ast i Rs Ord- isarnss. Anti yon casi t tlldum napart. Tise ftrst la trying le bide aU bts filsa by acting 1ke a clam. TIh. secondi n muli- iplylsg is fastis by opesisg btse mu.i isdi are preoleles duhemes. vwiib sur eue.ey. Thvy kave cascelloti onch odior ot. Wbat Id really lideie l a a massive relection of bodi by die Casatitas voter. Everybotiy stayisg bosse os elortban day. Tre. bastiretivomiss est in dio vbole oW Caoada. Ailof deu lr eR i. ilcece. Party. Bai dial couidai bhappen. lTe're tao sîscere, tes rst. We stiDelleolintle so-calisti tiemocratic nynteeu, wviicigivas ye. i vote for ome of tvaor dires suys. Prornoaly, 1 hope uLiberala km, for noveraI roumon. lbey are in complote tilerrsy. Tiey dilitiolteatmaek ihOalion. aescapi Bsa ois Stasflltin lae anti vag. contrets.Tiiey lte nastional deb iseome lsfimousa Tiey nisoeti ittli. polidocal concscinehi forcing mn electloo. TThe Iss vure as duerigisitraGbi viit duainlW» ibdget. WAl uny vent le for an Mmiiraol eergpoiey,ih a lansd of lr4dustanesadelab meutonuM /o years ago Frein the Fris. P. lmlset Mra. Matdiew Kesny dleti yeateda evonise et pneumsnie, after a sbort - John Duches vas le toses isday frem fuseraifWtdu asMnVCaI iy Ex-Warden J. KH Pencech anbosap. paleted a ousiceoW die Paso. i cee- mison. te dJas. 16. Dr. McCrteme.. WofPaierme,hbauoa gazetteti au a sotary pablic in lest woek'a tht Wf officers appoiteet by die Rom Ooversment. Cbardie R. Dilck. vbo bas heapessdisg the panttwlvime.dis vhllÉ ietshoieIl Aabgrove, lafitoday fsr Havana, CuEbe, andoropoins. Tise Womnsn sutiuts basbeon vary succomsfsl Insnecurles due servicesoW Misa Belvo Ibepparti, Toronto, grade.te oW du Nrmai Scke.l oW Domotitc Science, Hum- iltes. andon e. etdie mat péputar asti nuccoafol demenstralere s ookinge.n du steff laday. The.sannuai meetngof WtduCanadiso Proms Asaociationc wusbelti l Tarenltest Thurstiay asnd Friay. 5 lln swsur omiti by H. P. MooreWodu Ahe se Prom. Es-Pronîdeni of dueAssociations,E. A. HarriftheW du iorSWOGazette, asti Willam PasteS oWTisa smpion. Philosobits iy EdtdiSharpa Il in a glariom prlvilag. te dvi, iu melt chdno sidisappoitlmins, tol sus asdti b he 10 cry ibm nscosasry. Every day uof. in ie aprecloon gifl filleti vldi heauty ani vostiers for us a1l, Have yon ooly tesrsedres *ffl vbo dmflrsyupondwai verser vlihyou? Heveyeu ostl hernsti a saImfrous dtos. Whior1nfl MS aerefSwd W011M" pi 1 1 Fisthude Feis. 1E,.79lIulEe Milton Fire Department asked town TETETei to give ilaet T Era fu-tînse ire- figbtar and a pumper. Fira OCtef Jin Coulmsod»Wdiaeflfi«Oter wu es sis if = the tmaet wu tacurry Coliis hexù oule IeéeOtba tgrins Tise piaspu es oniddesi~ i eim155Cd un -TT s* fr Miltan DtritHospitliWas nt I le duiisa bia n iNd& gu hasiil n WO,&the alarUit fe )Y bai sghr uit etiah avies1m » bho&lintise siamlr. iagisMileslleand Mln i d.e stivîncetli hthaflrd rgqdf IbaI Dns teTridents up map l il. May' n e cbm. Maria Rois wu avers i wbar second téronapresliEil Wfthe Clssoner of C.a. morne..FBlet venrecidet ywuMlh Seer vwtlh Bab ilvissoetasecond vin- pweilEhnt, Bob Lawrense wu isuiporer asMi Ksdiy Hsvley, mermlsry T20 years ageo Mot.Are.. Baird aimai GWa Roet har t lis lsaoEd m eid boys ih.misor bhVIEUNTO Gomrge Fletcher M=22 be.ecod for biving l-isn uh vor net-up. Pios eremadeM.eoday fthe auditorium le any pubhlrise"t ln visa dishe ilton Puâlir chEnt Band board tieltmtnary repartsas tise pay. ronm-ymemitnmudtalsn for thae - risent. Trustee irieait pro- posd as50iby 00font hsilmeg illEstmes and nséties for 375 purion. ils-e. svi recruttihavined~ Milton Ros Patternenh(boms Wf proetm firesses) and Glensitriogor. Thuy risca île Cassas, Jsck ilecoaid GOeuan Gd- bort sb ealy ele ris t4e fire HellesnbS sndy 8S ehehvisg troubhé g.lllsg a costuesoffice i leMtas.n.ele n currely bavlsg a bord ldme pralq the sed Ifor ose u i ongiso sbtis bua largSr populatIion, ho a licoonoli Tbe.HRCA, insthe messîlme, bum sea t BRn Marsball hbainem ardéeithtlm start lis ovenasclnd Mski clsb sd bEi~pyfrens ilen ptç' racisg prasram fr dth n e naffl s .If E==ETETeTs or c thtsle éo09 Mille. Helgbli Ski Chah memburs vent lea sey issib ar t eysr. gCuats joinliesviwclub lhay wvl buev.Icone So EU seit he Prise die grant l1tt1.ameuar club viii 5ev. for sui Itents asti tsspmseebneia 1 **bosansamne vilson p scecE4la W 7 we .w T TlTis siUes neennfor 1t7MO le mi bol ever. Fae pespie haviebihtWe*»gsn . y Fras theeabtS iii Inlslesopn it ysrmIas ih ave WMd. eln= i h o,=drTaIla lob ofmomyand can fly tleansihar part of Olive Ridhlt T1tqw, @M* tbe csslnlùm. vesend aitishe boose t du fs*@* r$ Il le safle asytdits ps niso ns riMr. atreM. J iaIher TPUÉ ban beends aitelr for die HRCA. the o Millo eieghts Ski Club. asti aidektra. Il lb. Casidias visber Ossista- wt bas bos a aineson boni forgotes vus hobo hltinsuMillesnasn mais le, 30, lit, lis overyTeicaitidekIr sow lohkis5 leta1t K..P dion. datesopM. Tiuere gUI bo lys Year for as improvent. aflerseos ssd fas- eveisi Performannes. On0 te tih hbn itog vbcb conld A boxscial snd coceort vil ha heMih banpeswoutd bcs alisi Wf die suif St. Gergon Cborrb, LovilteOasMOnday, vbcbsa seperaso HRCA anddthe nid Fets. 17 et8 peu. Ladies, bringyorboxs.n club. Evorybotiy velcome. Sorety boiveen nssv nd set i.frts Studeeta Wf Milles bigb coEol enjny.d s anssfatis ext visiar. bodi Eblas cas flsd skating perly mt di enfirbe asFrisay thboway clar tle bact own a fewpeop aed eveisi lui. Afler dis skslting, refreob cosse tu a meanlsgft cosipsmu. menss er. nerved mid th b ncbol. Cas the ski club bo lncorporaitd seder where dia reothW divnsi as opestInh as umbreauutths i d i id aed con il dancing. consinsue le octet, alter a il Ilbas dos. le Cbair sp. Il viii nu oas ante Isoler amateur aski rachng le ibis ares? FrnkohYotules t lkiEadires-mendu' No sne visas repent oW dits yer's course hnboiter. cbasen d tee cresmn astmosily between tdu lvi pardons. Il telu mklng aithdu .A.C.. Guelph. bsp.d smeiblsi os e boiroed sut as the Tise Homead irboot Club vIù met le barsssy vbleb sboud esisi smoulg 5 u tepublie c abot urndsy, b. lOd. dioe vboejoy tdu fus asti relaxaionsofWaid po. ahlleg, con ho made part ofdiths»i1nki progrmsutheGles EdeSiHil. -~

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